Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 960

"Ha ha..." Huang Yitian said with a smile, "don't worry if you know what's wrong. Don't worry about the master's order. Shan Chong'er is the one who is determined by the Liu family. I will spare no effort. How about Xiao'er? "

"Uncle..." Huang Xiaoxiao had already finished his investigation. He frowned and thought. At this time, he replied, "the spirit of jue'er is too thick, far beyond her immortal body. Moreover, there are some inexplicable things in jue'er's blood. These things are similar to the Buddha light of Buddhism, which also imprison jue'er's blood..."

"How can there be Buddha light?" The wind snow doesn't understand a way, "I also saw in the Butian que, there is no difference in the blood of jue'er!"

"If you can find out, why do you come back to welcome me to tianque?" Huang Xiaoxiao didn't reply very well. He bowed to Huang one day and said, "I can see so much."

"How do you wake up your son?" Huang Yitian said with a smile.

Huang Xiaoxiao thought for a moment and said, "if my uncle could take out the Zijin zhenhun money and suppress the spirit of jue'er, then If you use the skill of soul coagulation again, you will wake you up. As for the blood, you need to use the Qianhuang Dinghai needle! "

"Well!" Huang Yitian answered and said no, then took a picture of the book case in front of him.

"Boom..." There are seven colors of light on the book case breaking out of the air. The light gathers in the air and condenses into an immortal array. The immortal array is like a rooster. With a clear sound of "Ga", the immortal array shakes, and the blue light falls from the inside!

The blue light fell on Liu Yanzhen's body, and Liu Yanzhen's body gradually disappeared. Sure enough, people clearly saw that in Liu Yanzhen's light red blood, some tiny dark red flowers were all over it.

"Not bad!" Huang Yitian nodded and said, "you're very good at exploring the spirit. Actually, I can judge from what the wind and Snow said earlier that there are only a few immortal weapons that can suppress the spirit. Moreover, the spirit can only suppress the spirit, but blocking is better than sparing. Suppressing the spirit also requires the immortal body to merge with the spirit, which requires me to welcome the shuojin mountain of tianque. That's all. I have already exhausted my efforts to explore the lower world of immortals. Little, you can cast the spell! "

Huang Xiaoxiao knew that it was Huang Yitian who gave him the chance and said respectfully: "yes, uncle!"

"Hum..." Feng Xue doesn't know what Huang Yitian thinks. He can't help humming coldly from the bottom of his heart, "want to fight with me?"

Huang Xiaoxiao took the Zijin zhenhun money and Qianhuang Dinghai needle that Huang Yitian sent. A mouthful of immortal Qi blew out, and the two immortal utensils slowly flew into the air.

Huang Xiaoxiao first sprayed a mouthful of blood essence on the soul money of Zijin town. The immortal ware like a copper coin "hummed" and gave out a strong purple gold glow. In a moment, a virtual shadow like listening emerged from the copper coin!

Listening to the low roar of the virtual shadow, the spirits of the immortals are beating.

Huang Xiaoxiao pats the immortal trace. In the mountain like virtual shadow, there is a quiet blue light column falling down to cover the Zijin zhenhun money The copper coin was even more shocked. Huang Xiaoxiao pushed the magic formula into the coin with his hands. As the 9981 magic formula fell into the coin, the shadow was finally clear!

Huang Xiaoxiao didn't dare to neglect. He flew up and grabbed the edge of Zijin zhenhun money with both hands. He roared: "go!"

"Oh..." Listening to Xu Ying roar again, he bit Huang Xiaoxiao's left arm.

"Silk..." Huang Xiaoxiao took a breath of cold air, and saw his left arm wither visible to the naked eye, and his muscles turned into debris, falling in pieces. Finally, there were only white bones!

With Huang Xiaoxiao's left arm turned into white bone, more than 100 blood threads were born around him, and a sharp breath gushed out of him.

Huang Xiaoxiao's left arm was white bone, but his body still fell towards Liu Yanzhen. Seeing that it was only tens of feet, Huang Xiaoxiao roared, "fall!"

That purple gold town soul money straight down to the heart of Liu Yan's eyebrows!

However, just as the Zijin of zhenhun money just touched Liu Yan's eyebrows, the strange cry of "Wu" sounded, and the virtual shadow of blood Guanyin came out, especially the blood arms just blocked zhenhun money!

"Boom..." Although it's a simple touch, Huang Xiaoxiao is like a lightning strike. His figure flies upside down, and the soul money also rises!

"Sure enough..." Huang Yitian, who was next to him, had expected that he would sneer and grab it out of thin air The wind roars, a shape like gold Zuan Ti Lu Chu's brilliance is born, and then Huang Yi day towards the town soul money smash!

"Boom..." Zijin town soul money suddenly whereabouts, and that listen to also roar to the bloody Guanyin!

"Poof..." In the worry of Liu Zhifei and others, the soul money of Zijin town falls into Liu Yanzhen's eyebrow, and a totem of Zijin comes out!

"Why?" Just one day when Huang was about to sacrifice the Qianhuang Dinghai needle, his eyes fell into the blue light, and he exclaimed.

However, in Liu Yan's blood, the crimson Brahma flowers suddenly began to rotate, and with the crimson rotation, a touch of blood gradually emerged, covering the blue light!

"Uncle..." Huang Xiaoxiao has already flown back. Standing beside Huang Yitian, he reminds him in a low voice, "it seems that zhen'er has already urged the secret arts. He is refining these foreign bodies. It's not suitable to use kunhuang Dinghai needle at this time."

"Well, well..." Huang Yitian nodded and said with satisfaction, "Xiaoxiao, you reminded me in time. I almost used the Dinghai needle just now. In this way, you can send him to shuojin mountain and stay there to take care of him carefully...""Yes, uncle!" Huang Xiaoxiao was overjoyed. He agreed and said to Liu Zhifei, "Shuo Jinshan is the most important part of our Huang family. Non Huang disciples can't enter. I'm offended!"

"Well, well!" Liu Zhifei saw that Huang Yitian's methods were effective. How could he manage so much? He nodded.

Huang Xiaoxiao agreed, raised his hand, caught Liu Yanzhen, turned around and left. However, after flying thousands of feet, he stopped, looked at Huang Yitian and said, "uncle, if you don't want Yan Yu to follow you to the edge of deshuo Jinshan, you can tell him something about Liu Shishu!"

"Very good!" Huang Yitian nodded and said, "Yan Yu, go with Xiao Xiao!"

"Thank you, uncle!" Liu Yanyu was overjoyed and urged to follow Huang Xiaoxiao out of the hall.

"Damn it Snow watching two people leave, do not feel is low scold, there is a kind of empty feeling.

But he still comforted himself: "it's OK, it's OK, sister Yan Yu gave me all the sleeves..."

Huang Yitian was satisfied and said, "if you know the wrong, you should give it to Xiaoer. Let her coagulate the spirit and immortal body in shuojin mountain, and then you will wake up naturally."

"How sure is uncle?" Fenghua, who had not spoken for a long time, asked with some worry.

"Seventy percent!" Without any hesitation, Huang Yitian replied, "I've met such a situation before, and it will be revealed about 7749 yuan."

"Then..." Fenghua hesitated for a moment, and said in a low voice, "I want to stay at the edge of shuojin mountain and so on. After all, cho'er is the great carrier of the Liu family, and I don't feel at ease!"

"Well, well..." Huang Yitian raised his eyebrows slightly, nodded and said, "if you want to stay, just stay. Don't step into shuojin mountain. It's OK to break the rules of yingtianque."

The name of shuojin mountain is mountain, which is actually a space. However, the space of shuojin mountain is also mountain shape. The mountain, deep in the yingtianque, opens the purple and golden sky and the blue earth.

Liu Yanyu has been waiting with Fenghua beside shuojin mountain for more than 30 days. Liu Zhifei and stupid Taoist priest have turned back to chaotianque. As for Fengxue, as early as the next day when Liu yanxuan entered shuojin mountain, he couldn't bear yellow little white eyes. After pulling Liu Yanyu's sleeve, he left and went back to butianque.

There are more than ten yuan days left before the deadline mentioned by Huang Yitian. Fenghua is more and more anxious. She almost urges Huang Xiaoxiao to visit shuojin mountain on every first day, and every time she says the same thing: "Xiaoxiao, you are the lucky man of our ancient family. Please don't have an accident. Please go and have a look again!"

Liu Yanyu doesn't know what Huang Xiaoxiao thinks, but she can't help but feel sick when she hears the four words of "great luck". She really can't imagine how the four words that she was proud of could be like this! But looking at Huang Xiaoxiao's occasional smile, Liu Yanyu couldn't help but have a fever on her face.

"Aunt Hua..." Fengxue can call Fenghua aunt, and Huang Xiaoxiao can also call Fenghua aunt. How can you get married in ancient families? Huang Xiaoxiao flies out of shuojin mountain and says with a smile, "you can rest assured that everything is OK with you, you see..."

With that, Huang Xiao raised his hand and the Zijin zhenhun money came out.

"Ouch..." Fenghua immediately understood and said with a smile, "that is to say, the spirit of jue'er has been controlled, and there is no need to suppress it?"

"Yes, yes!" Huang Xiaoxiao said with a smile, "zhen'er is really a genius in heaven, worthy of being the great carrier of my ancient family. One day, my uncle thought that it would be about forty-five yuan day before he could take down the town soul money. Who knows that it was only thirty yuan day, and the town soul money would fall by itself!"

"Great, great..." Fenghua couldn't close her mouth with a smile and said, "Xiaoxiao, I don't know how to thank you. I'm really bothering you during this period of time!"

"Where, where!" Huang wrote a short story. He took some fruits from naxu ring and eagerly sent them to Fenghua and Liu Yanyu. He said, "this is the rare fruit I found in the lower world last time. Maybe it can't compare with the fairy fruit in the fairyland, but it's better because of its peculiar taste. You always try it with sister Yanyu..."

"Xiao Xiao, you're very kind!" Elegant and modest.

"Aunt Hua, take it..." Huang Xiaoxiao sent the fruit to Fenghua and flew away. He said, "my nephew will return the artifact to my uncle one day. I'll be back soon!"

Looking at Huang Xiaofei's flight away, Fenghua looked at the fruit and said, "it's just the fruit of the ordinary world. It's also good to use it to make a fool of yourself."

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Fairyland is also jealous, ha ha, strange interesting ah!

Tanhua has always wanted to write a little essay. I don't know if it will work