Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 959

"So it is..." Huang Yitian smiles, looks at Huang Xiaoxiao, and says, "in that case, Xiaoxiao, go to meet the snowstorm for me..."

"Ah?" Huang small big Leng, strange way, "why let the child past?"

"You idiot!" Huang Yitian couldn't help but scold, "I haven't seen Liu Yanyu, but I've seen Liu Yanyu. It's really good. People's wind family gave orders to their master for the sake of wind and snow, but there are too many elders in our Huang family who can explore the spirit. Why did I find him? Isn't it because of you? "

"Hee hee..." Huang Xiaoxiao woke up and quickly bowed, "Uncle Xie!"

"Well, you go..." Huang Yitian said, "they haven't left butianque yet. They probably won't come until a while."

"Well, well..." Huang Xiaoxiao said with a smile, "I'm going to meet you now!"

However, as soon as Huang Xiaoxiao was about to turn around, a messenger on his waist lit up. Huang Xiaoxiao didn't dare to neglect it and picked it up in a hurry, but he heard an angry voice: "Xiaoxiao, are you in yingtianque? Come to Juyong hall quickly? "

Huang Xiaoxiao answered quickly: "fifth uncle, my nephew is in xufa hall. I'll be right there!"

"Juyong hall? Huang Yue Huang Yitian said strangely, "what does he call you to do in such a hurry?"

"Maybe it's a matter of coming to the business alliance..." Huang Xiaoxiao hesitated and replied, "the last time I came back from chenxiaohai City, I brought a lot of things. I also saved a disciple named Li Moyi from the Business League. That disciple didn't dare to bring back yingtianque. He just asked him what he thought. Then he contacted the fifth uncle and asked him to contact Li Moyi..."

Huang Xiaoxiao just said, "Wu..." Light and shadow appeared at the door of xufa hall, and a fat man flew in.

"Fifth uncle?" Huang Xiaoxiao was surprised and said, "what's the matter?"

The fat man glared at Huang Xiaoxiao and didn't pay attention to it. Instead, he bowed to Huang one day respectfully and said, "I've met my uncle..."

"Ha ha..." Huang Yitian raised his hand to pick up the fat man and said with a smile, "Huang Yue, it's not that I don't want to go there, it's that I haven't finished some things with him!"

"It's all right, it's all right!" Huang Yue also said with a smile, "when the child just sent a message to Xiao Xiao, he was in front of the xufa hall, so he came here."

"What's the matter?" Huang Yitian said, "I'm very angry to hear your voice!"

"Oh, uncle!" Huang Yue sighed and said, "you don't know. I've got a big trouble for you..."

"Fifth uncle?" Huang Xiaoxiao was even more alarmed and said, "you always say quickly, what happened?"

Huang Yue took a look at Huang Xiaoxiao and said, "isn't it a continuous stream of business alliances?"

"Hoo..." Hearing this, Huang Xiaoxiao took a long breath, patted his chest and said, "Uncle Wu, don't scare me. First, I didn't reveal the details of my family. Second, I didn't bring the disciples of the Business League to yingtianque. How can I make trouble for Uncle Wu?"

"The problem is..." Huang Yue said with a bitter smile, "I can't find the disciples of the business alliance now. Just now, the disciples who followed Li Moyi sent me an urgent subpoena. Li Moyi is missing and under his monitoring!"

"How is that possible?" Huang Xiaoxiao was a little stunned. He said strangely, "I remember Li Moyi was just a fairy. I told Uncle Wu clearly about his strength..."

"Yes Huang Yue said, "the disciple who was following me had made an appointment with me at the beginning, and had been following me for such a long time. But it's just so strange. I just scolded the disciple and asked him to look for it again. You say, Xiaoxiao, isn't this the trouble you've given me?"

Hearing that Huang Yue didn't say the name of the Huang family disciple, Huang knew that the disciple was Huang Yue's confidant one day, so he said with a smile: "Huang Yue, it's just a stream of business leagues. If you lose it, you lose it..."

"Cough..." Huang Yue coughed softly and said, "Uncle don't know. This business alliance is amazing. Let's not talk about their potential. Just talking about what they brought back this time, uncle Qixing was overjoyed. His old man told the child that he must seize the opportunity to make an alliance with the business alliance and make a good relationship with the business alliance. Later, let them help the Huang family. Well, there are other aristocratic families Bidding or selling goods... "

"No!" Huang Yitian said with a smile, "there are no business leagues. There are other business leagues. You can find another one. Huang Qixing has no vision."

"Ha ha..." Huang Yue also laughed and said, "if it's so simple, will uncle Qi Xing give Xiao Xiao the credit? I'm afraid you don't know the strength of this continuous stream of business alliances. "

"Uncle..." Huang Xiaoxiao hesitated for a moment and said, "you just came back. I haven't told you about the business alliance. I met this business alliance in chenxiaohai..."

After Huang Xiaojun talked about Xiao Hua and Yiyi's business alliance, Huang Yitian was also surprised and said: "a business alliance that can compete with Yuxian, can get the rare things of Buddha Kingdom, demon alliance, heaven and Moze, can take out four kinds of immortals, and can sacrifice and refine little holy lotus seeds?"

"Uncle..." Huang Xiaoxiao corrected, "there are also many things in the Dragon kingdom. There are dozens of immortal wares in the world! By the way, there is immortal wine of the power of law. If it can be used by our Huang family, the strength of our Huang family It's incredible"You know that's incredible?" Huang Yue said, "now that Li MOI is gone, you can find me another disciple from the business alliance!"

"Uncle Wu!" Huang Xiaoxiao couldn't laugh or cry, and said, "my little nephew has given Li Moyi to the fifth uncle. How can I find my little nephew? My nephew is not... "

"I don't care!" Huang Yue is a bit tricky way, "Li Moyi is you find, a stream of business alliance is you recruit, seven star uncle and parents attach great importance to, what do you want me to do?"

"Don't worry, don't worry..." Huang Yitian frowned and said, "is it the wind family who makes ghosts?"

"Should not..." Huang Yue shook his head and said, "just now, the child also thought about this possibility, but before Li Moyi disappeared, there was no change around. And the wind family has handed this matter over to our Huang family. They won't turn back. "

"Xiao Hua, the one who came to the business alliance, fell to Youji. It seems that the hope of looking for the business alliance fell to another disciple..." Huang Yue thought for a moment and said, "that's more powerful than Li MOI. It's their big palm head!"

"Yes, it's called Bai Xiaotu!" Huang Yue nodded, "but I don't know who saved it."

"I feel like either Yuxian or Xieyu palace..." Huang Xiaoxiao explained, "if you really want to find it, who knows who it is! Besides, Li Moyi said that he and Bai Xiaotu didn't know how to get in touch with the inner business alliance. Only Xiao Hua, who had fallen, knew that Xiao Hua had given an immortal tool similar to rhinoceros, but it was not easy to use, and Xiao Hua took it away again... "

Huang one day depressed: "so, even if you find Li Moyi, and that little white soil, can't you contact a stream of business leagues?"

"With Li Moyi, there is hope after all..." Huang Yue can only answer like this.

What else did Huang Yitian have to say? A disciple outside the hall said in a loud voice: "uncle, the Fengs and Lius are visiting..."

"Ouch, ouch..." Huang Yitian woke up, patted his forehead and said, "I've forgotten this. Xiaoxiao, go to meet the guests quickly!"

Huang Xiaoxiao also thought of it and rushed out of the hall.

"Uncle..." Huang Yue quickly bowed, "the boy left."

"Well, you go first!" Huang Yitian waved his hand and said, "this is the matter. I'll let Xiaoxiao go. You can discuss it again!"

"Thank you, uncle!" Huang Yue nodded, just said a word, Huang Xiaoxiao has taken Liu Zhifei and others into the hall.

Huang Yue obviously knows Liu Zhifei and others, stops a little politely, and leaves in a hurry.

"Uncle..." Seeing Huang Yue leave, Huang Xiaoxiao steps forward and presents a keepsake that looks like an arrow. He says, "this is the keepsake of the parents. Let my uncle do his best to help Liu's Fairy recover."

Hearing that Huang Xiaoxiao didn't mention Feng's family, she only said that she would help Liu's family. Naturally, Feng Xue was a little unhappy. He didn't expect that Huang Xiaoxiao would come to meet the guests. The moment she saw Huang Xiaoxiao, Feng Xue felt extremely bad. However, Feng Xue turned her head to see Liu Yanyu, who was paying attention to Liu Yanzhen. The corners of her mouth were slightly tilted. Her sleeves were already pulled, and she was afraid that you would be a little girl Is it a small one?

It's a pity that Feng Xue is happy too early. If he knew Liu Yanyu's sweetness in forgetting Sichuan, he would immediately find Hui Xiaofan to hang on it!

"Well..." Huang Yitian took the order and took it carefully. He first looked at Liu Yanzhen and said to Huang Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao, please help me check the situation of zhen'er first. If you know the wrong, you can tell me everything about her."

"Let's talk about it from Qu Tang." Liu Zhifei hesitated for a moment and said respectfully, "he knows clearly. I just went back to chaotianque."

"OK..." Huang Yitian looked at Bendao's humanity, "Qutang, you say!"

"Here's the thing..." The stupid Taoist named Liu zhe Tang didn't hesitate to tell the whole story until he went to Feng's house. However, he didn't say a word more about Feng's experience. Instead, he looked at Feng Xue and said, "other things, Feng Xue, please tell me!"

Feng Xue nodded and said respectfully, "yes, Uncle..."

Fengxue knows that stupid Taoist gives the things of Fengjia to himself, not to himself, but because stupid Taoist is not sure whether the things of the temple can be said, so Fengxue tells the things of Fengjia temple in a new way. Liu Zhifei and Liu Yanyu don't think it's strange at all. They all nod slightly. Finally, Fengxue says eagerly: "one day, uncle, you see …”

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Li Moyi actually disappeared under the eyelids of others. Do you have psychological preparation?

On Tanhua's birthday, add more to yourself. Well, I'll give Yan Yu more