Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 958

Black tooth Deputy envoy continued leisurely to say: "now that the other party is killed by the enemy, you and others can't finish the task. It has nothing to do with you and others! In this way, in fact, you have completed one or two tasks that the leader didn't say clearly! "

"And Two more? " Purple Qin is really puzzled, said, "if you say that provokes the enmity of two families to calculate one, then another?"

"The other is to test the enemy's strength." "Perhaps the purpose of dealing with the other party It's just to see how powerful the enemy is! "

"But..." Ziqin was happy at first, and then he was a little sad. "But Zixuan and I don't know. Zixuan felt that she was in trouble, so she went to find..."

Without waiting for Ziqin to finish, black tooth vice envoy interrupted her in a hurry and said, "you can't tell others what you've done. You can only tell the Lord. I don't think you have to be afraid of anything."

"Oh, poor Zixuan!" Ziqin sighed, "if she doesn't make her own decision and stay with me, she won't fall there."

"Well, it's all fate!" The black tooth vice envoy sighed and said, "no one can disobey!"

After sighing, both of them were a little sad. The black tooth Deputy envoy looked at Ziqin, wiped away her tears from the corner of her eyes, and said, "come on, you go back with me, and ask the Lord for mercy..."

"Well, well..." Ziqin nodded. Although she thought that the black tooth was right, she could not help shivering at the thought of the Lord.

Black tooth vice envoy took the ban, looked at Ziqin's nervousness and said with a smile: "Oh, by the way, Ziqin, do you know? This time I met a very interesting person, his name is Zhuang bi... "

After listening to Zhuang Bi's anecdotes, Ziqin's laughter is naturally scattered in the white moonlight like a silver bell, but the yingtianque is another situation.

Yingtian que is different from Chaotian Que and Butian que. It is a mountain like space. The shape of the mountain is huge, and the color is red. There is a purple gold plaque on the top of the mountain, which reads "Yingtian Que"!

At this time, in a hall of yingtianque, Huang Xiaoxiao is standing respectfully in the center. In front of his head is a book case. A gray haired old man stands behind the book case, and his right hand lights something on the book case. As the old man's right hand falls, the book cases vibrate, and the light gray light and shadow rises slightly.

Huang Xiaoxiao peeps at the old man and doesn't dare to make a sound. When he has half a cup of tea, the old man raises his hand. The whole book case is full of brilliance. The brilliance falls into Huang Xiaoxiao's eyes. It's a star array like a long river!

"Boom..." The old man's hands suddenly pressed, and the whole book case with Guangyao fell into the basement of the hall. The old man let out a long breath, hooked his left index finger, and a red gourd flew out.

The old man opened his mouth, and the wine in the gourd rushed out and fell into his mouth. "Gudong Gudong" the old man drank a few mouthfuls and asked, "little, why do you want me to see you?"

"One day, Uncle..." Huang Xiaoxiao said with a smile, "I don't know. Please give me some advice!"

The old man named Huang Yitian glanced at Huang Xiaoxiao and said, "what are you laughing at? I'm talking to you seriously

"Yes, uncle!" Huang Xiaoxiao's face was right, and he said respectfully, "little nahan, please ask your uncle to solve his doubts."

"Well!" Huang Yitian nodded, "the last time you followed rong'er's lower boundary to check the ancient fairy prohibition, do you know?"

"The child is incompetent!" Huang Xiaowei was surprised. He knelt down quickly and said, "I can't find out the truth of the destruction of the ancient immortal prohibition. I hope my uncle will punish me!"

"Bullshit!" Huang Yitian scolded, "the master said that you have made up for your mistakes. Why did I punish you?"

"Then..." Huang Xiaoqi said, "what's wrong with my child?"

"There's more than one fairy prohibition there, isn't there?" Huang Yi day light reminds a way, "other?"

Huang Xiaoxiao gave a wry smile and explained: "uncle, it's not that the child doesn't go to explore, it's that the child really doesn't have time to explore. The child's rush to the border with rong'er has already attracted the attention of Tianzun. Moreover, there is chaos in the lower world, Confucians and Buddhists, fighting with each other. I can't find out anything at all! In particular, most of the monks migrate to another interface, where the child has not been. How can the child explore it? "

"Don't hide it from your uncle..." Huang Xiaoxiao peeped at Huang Yitian and said, "if it wasn't for the child who occasionally saw my Huang family's offspring in the lower world, the child didn't even know that the Taoist monk moved to another interface. The time left for the child in the family is really too short, too short!"

Huang Yitian ignored Huang Xiaoxiao and drank a few more drinks. Seeing this, Huang Xiaoxiao tentatively said, "I just don't know what immortal prohibition my uncle said?"

"The cloth of Yin family ancestors..."

Before Huang finished, Huang Xiaoxiao jumped up and cried, "uncle, uncle, you But I've wronged my child. What's the reason for my child to investigate the immortal prohibition of Yan's ancestors? It's like a child... "

"Shut up Huang Yitian stares at Huang Xiaoyi and says, "when you leave Yingtian que, how can I explain to you?"

"This..." Hearing this, Huang Xiaoxiao thought about it for a moment, and immediately fell down on his knees like a cockerel. He said, "explore the truth of the collapse of Xianjin, and look at other Xianjin by the way...""Look, look, you know what's wrong?" Huang Yitian said angrily, "the ancient aristocratic families all know that the Huang family and the Feng family are responsible for the care of the ancient immortal prohibitions left by the lower circles of the immortal realm. They also know that you and rong'er just went there. The Yin family invited the Liu family to come forward this time and invited the Feng family and the Huang family to ask why their ancestors' immortal prohibitions had problems. How could you not find a single message? How could the master answer him "Who are you?"

"Uncle!" Huang Xiaoxiao was aggrieved and said, "didn't you just explore the immortals in the lower world? You know better than I do that the arrangement of the ancient fairy prohibitions is very hidden, and the ordinary people can't explore it. Once something happens, it must be the powerful monks who go in. Don't those friars have strange means, even we immortals can't explore! In particular, in ancient times, the immortal prohibition was hidden in the mortal world, which was covered by the atmosphere of the mortal world. In addition to the close distance, the fluctuation of the collapse of the immortal prohibition was easily absorbed by the aura of heaven and earth. In the first year of our immortal world, the lower boundary is 1200 years. The vicissitudes of a thousand years, even the immortal can't help it! "

"Get up!" Huang Yitian waved his hand and said, "I asked you to come, just to ask about your situation. How can the owner not know where you are waiting?"

"Yes, yes, thank you very much, uncle, thank you all for your master!" Huang Xiaoxiao got up and said carefully, "how does the master deal with the Yin family?"

"What is perfunctory?" Huang Yitian glared at Huang Xiaoxiao and said, "the master has promised the Yin family that the next time they visit the lower boundary, they will go to the sage River to have a look!"

"Sage river?" Huang Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment, and asked, "What immortal prohibition does sage Jiang have in Yin's family? I remember that place was in the territory of Buddhism! "

"Who knows!" Huang Yitian shook his head. "When you go down, it's not too late!"

"What?" Huang Xiaoxiao's face gave birth to bitterness and asked, "how can you let the child go down? How long has it been! Isn't the owner worried that the emperor will come to you? "

"I didn't ask you to go now!" Huang Yitian said, "just let you know. Don't forget next time."

"Yes, I know!" Huang Xiaoxiao can only harden his head and promise.

"Oh, yes..." Huang Yitian was about to wave his hand. As if he thought of something, he asked, "where's the girl you brought back from the world?"

Huang Xiaoxiao replied, "I've used the spirit washing liquid for a long time, but now I'm afraid I've passed on the skill of condensing the spirit in shuojin mountain!"

"Well..." Huang Yitian nodded and said casually, "she didn't enter the fairyland after being robbed by heaven. Her spirit is lacking. It's better to temper her. In fact, Xiao Xiao, I have few children in the Huang family. You should bring more! "

"I don't know something about my uncle!" Huang Xiaoxiao said with a bitter smile, "the Huang family in the world is very small, and their blood is even thinner. Only this girl can still be seen. If you take the upper world with you, the blood of the Huang family in the fairyland will be thinner."

"That's true!" Huang Yitian just asked casually, then waved his hand and said, "you go!"

"Uncle..." Huang Xiaoxiao also quickly asked, "the child brought back the two dragon girls, is it my Huang family blood?"

"No!" Huang Yitian shakes his head.

"Oh Huang Xiaoxiao was a little disappointed and said, "it seems that the child has gone wrong."

"It's not a mistake!" Huang Yitian said with a smile, "they are the blood of the Taigu fairy family. They are close to our Huang family."

"Chongjia?" Huang was a little surprised and said, "is it the ancestor's chongjia who taboo black tiger and black tiger? They didn't decline in ancient times. Although the aristocratic family inherited them later, there was no trace of them after the fall of the emperor. How can they appear in the Chenxiao sea now? "

"How can I know?" Huang Yitian said, "didn't you find it?"

"Well..." Huang Xiaoxiao shrugged and said, "it's like a child didn't say anything."

"Don't worry, their injuries have healed..." Huang Yitian was not very angry and said, "it should be that he has taught the skill to practice in juxia mountain."

"Hee hee, I know!" Huang Xiaoxiao grinned and bowed. Unfortunately, he didn't wait for him to turn around and leave Huang Yitian grabs an arrow flying from the book case that has just fallen into the ground. Yannian sweeps it, but he is stunned. "Fengjia Fengxue brings Liu Zhifei and others from the Liu family. Would you like to ask me to help you see Liu Yanzhen's spirit? When will the affairs of the Liu family come to the attention of the Feng family? "

"Hee hee..." Huang small eyes a turn, some sour said, "Uncle don't know? Feng Xue is very concerned about Yan Yu of the Liu family. He claims that he will win the marriage of the Liu family. Isn't Liu Yanzhen the so-called great carrier of the Liu family? What's wrong with the Liu family's air transporter

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There are many pits in this chapter. How many can you find?

This morning, there was a lot of short messages. After reading them, I found that it was Tanhua's solar calendar birthday