Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 957

"My master is most compassionate..." Zhou Xiaoming looked at Xiao Hua and said without hesitation, "doesn't he know that it's a long way to listen to Tianxue? The old man ordered him to go down to the boat. He wanted to use the time to listen to the snow for us to practice and solve our doubts. "

"Master Xiao?" Xiao Xiangzi and Che Xiong looked at Xiao Hua. They couldn't believe it. They asked in a low voice, "yes Is that true? "

Xiao Hua is also surprised to see Zhou Xiaoming. He really has this plan in mind. After all, he has a very good impression of xiaoxiangzi, and he still owes xiaoxiangzi a favor. When can he wait? But on the one hand, he was afraid that xiaoxiangzi was a famous disciple. On the other hand, there was Che Xiong beside him. Xiao Hua also hesitated. Who knew that his thoughts were actually seen by Zhou Xiaoming. He even said that what Zhou Xiaoming had just talked about with xiaoxiangzi and Che Xiong was a kind of trial!

"Not bad!" Xiao Hua nodded with a smile and said, "I didn't mean to, but it's nice to see you and so on, and Xiao Ming has benefited a lot. Even so, I can't let you work in vain! I don't know if it's against the rules of the two little friends

"Thank you, master!" Xiaoxiangzi and chexiong didn't want to get down to their knees and said, "we're lucky to be instructed and cultivated by our predecessors!"

Xiao Xiangzi and Che Xiong are very excited. Judging from Xiao Hua's methods, they are at least five element immortals. Although they are from a famous school, it is absolutely impossible for their teachers to instruct them to practice.

"Get up..." Xiao Hua picked them up and said, "I'll tell you to wait for cultivation. You can take turns in the boat. If you meet the super long teleportation immortal array, you'd better take the teleportation immortal array."

"Yes, yes, sir!" Zhou Xiaoming nodded repeatedly and urged the immortal boat to rush up to the sky.

The red and bloody desert behind the immortal boat is like a cloud falling to the West. It is getting farther and farther away.

Zhanbai moon is already hanging in the sky, and the white moon is shining like China. In a place covered by dense mountains and forests, countless immortals and beasts occupy their caves, whistling or hissing one after another. More intelligent animals lead the moon to fall, and the bright lights flicker over the mountain forest.

In such a night, "whoosh..." A very dim green light in the forest flash, immediately into the thick branches and leaves of the forest, the moon can not be scattered.

For half an hour, in the distance of the mountain forest, a man came on the moon. The man was covered with silver light and could not see his face clearly. He had to fly close and look left and right. It seemed that he was not sure where he was.

After several explorations, the human form immediately opened its mouth and ejected a thumb shaped jade pillar. With a flick of the middle finger of the human form, the jade pillar ejected a colorful glow. Within the glow, a fuzzy fox shape was revealed enchanting. The human form did not dare to let the fox shape stay. It reached out to its forehead and said in a low voice: "go..."

"Yes..." Fox shape crisp promise, in the colorful light Xia inside a few circles, and then shake the tail straight into the body under the rock!

"Damn it As soon as the figure patted his forehead, he could not help but scold. Listen, isn't the voice the black tooth assistant?

The black tooth vice emissary fled into the rock. With the fox flying forward, his face began to smile and even scolded: "these two girls..."

Listen to the sound like a big stone in my heart.

The black tooth assistant made Zhizhi escape for more than a hundred miles. Then he took in the shape of a fox. He looked at a place and said with a smile, "come out!"

"Brush..." This is the dark depths of the earth, suddenly burst out of a ray of three color light and shadow, the light and shadow first like smoke, and then like flowers bloom, female fairy purple celery look nervous fly out from the bud.

"Brother Yue..." See black tooth vice envoy, purple Qin's nervousness went most of son, she cried, tears almost burst out of her eyes.

Looking at Ziqin alone, and nervous here, the black tooth Deputy made a thump in his heart, but without waiting for him to speak, Ziqin had rushed into his arms and cried: "you want to save me!"

"Well..." The black tooth assistant patted Ziqin on the back and nodded, "I see."

"Brother Yue..." Ziqin hid in the arms of the black tooth assistant. Her body still trembled slightly. She said in a low voice, "I I've never been so scared, you You know what? Get together... "

"Shut up Without waiting for Ziqin to finish, the black tooth vice envoy yelled, "that's the task given to you by the Lord. You haven't told me. Even if you fail, you can't reveal half a silk to me!"

Purple Qin was startled and hurried to choose the right place: "I I know, I know! "

"Alas..." The black tooth assistant said with a sigh, "Purple Qin, don't blame me for saying that you've been waiting for the wind and the water. You've forgotten the danger of fairyland and the teachings of the Lord. Once the mind is slack, it's easy to make mistakes. Recent events.... "

"Brother Yue..." Ziqin argued, "it's not that I don't care, it's really me You have a weak heart! One Juyuan immortal, more than ten five element immortals, and There are thousands of leaky immortals, just Just like that, Zixuan couldn't return it... "

"Well, well..." The black tooth assistant felt Ziqin's bewilderment, nodded quickly, stroked her black hair with his hand, and comforted her, "I know, don't be afraid, Zixuan may have fallen, haven't you escaped?""Wuwu..." Ziqin burst into tears and said, "brother Yue, I've never been so frightened before. I've experienced life and death when I go to Mexico and Yuhong mountain, but But this time I was really scared from the bottom of my heart

"Alas..." The black tooth Deputy envoy sighed and looked around. After sacrificing the immortal utensils, he spread a voice and said, "don't tell me about you. There are some unspeakable warning signs in my heart. Especially in the last hundred years, many things are beyond the master's control. Accidents happen frequently. I told you that Tu Shanxiu, deputy envoy of Ying Tu, has disappeared. This is absolutely incredible in the past Ah

"What does the LORD say?" Purple Qin also asked.

"I don't know what the Lord means!" Black tooth Deputy envoy shook his head and said, "I've been busy with the affairs of fairies and fairies, and I haven't received a message from the Lord."

"Brother Yue..." Hearing this, Ziqin said in a low voice, "I'm going there with Zixuan. The LORD says clearly that it's the last chance for Zixuan and me. Now Zixuan is missing, he They fell, and I was the only one who saw the opportunity to escape earlier. I... "

After hearing this, the black tooth Deputy envoy said with a smile, "don't worry, I have already reported to the black tooth envoy. I'm willing to take my credit for your punishment. She must have talked to the Lord in advance about the relationship between black tooth envoy and me... "

"Brother Xie Yue..." Purple Qin is very happy, nibble lip to say.

"And..." The black tooth Deputy envoy said, "don't forget that even Juyuan fairy has fallen. What's your sin, a little Yanxian? If what I expected is good, you should be a messenger. Since you have sent all the letters, you still If you succeed in causing a fight and let both sides accept the grudge, you will be meritorious! "

"Is it?" Purple Qin Leng for a while, eyes like a crescent moon, and out of the way.

But immediately, without waiting for the black tooth vice envoy to speak, she shook her head and said, "no, the Lord's task is not only to summon, but also And help others to capture them, and then bring back what the Lord wants! "

"Oh, purple celery!" The Deputy envoy of black teeth said with a smile, "if you think about it carefully, your mission this time is different from Yuhong mountain. You are just the enemy who helps Juyuan fairy. Even Juyuan fairy will be killed. Can you bring him back? It's not that you don't do it, it's beyond your ability. You can rest assured to go with me, as long as you tell me all the details of the matter... "

At this point, the black tooth pair made him suddenly stupefied for a moment, and a kind of suddenly appeared on his face. He lost his voice and said, "I I see. That's what the Lord meant. "

Purple Qin surprised way: "Lord what meaning?"

"This..." The black tooth assistant hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said, "you'd better not know about it! You just remember If you want the Lord to plead guilty, he may not punish you too much if I expect it to be right! "

"For Why? " Purple Qin is a little pleased and asks after him.

"It's just my guess..." The black tooth assistant said with a smile, "it can't be true, and if you know in advance, the Lord may not be happy!"

"Brother Yue..." Ziqin said coquettishly, "you always don't say this or that. I How can I learn a lot? I don't have much to learn. Don't you always worry my brother? "

"Well, you have a point. In that case, I'll share it with you." The black tooth assistant thought for a moment and nodded, "but you have to remember, you can only keep it in mind. Don't tell anyone else half a word!"

"I know, I know!" Purple celery nodded.

"In fact, every time the Lord gives us a task, although he has a clear goal, in fact, the Lord's layout is very big, and what he wants may not be the success of a certain task..." Black tooth Deputy envoy explained, "for example, you and Zixuan have two purposes in this mission. One is to give information to the other party, the other is to help the other party capture the enemy and bring back what the Lord wants."

"Yes Purple Qin nodded, strange way, "is there anything else?"

Instead of answering her, the black tooth assistant envoy continued: "I don't even know why I asked you to go with Zixuan. That is to say, the message is extremely important and someone must go in person. Otherwise, the message may be wrong. You have already done it. As for the second task, I also said that if the other party has the ability to capture the enemy, you can bring back what the Lord needs. "

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I have to say that vice envoy black tooth is also a character, but he never thought that Xiao Hua already knew a lot, and jiuxia was on the edge of fairyland