Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 956

The sky is very high, and I don't know where it is. Thick clouds cover the earth. A round of Jiaotu sun is hanging in the sky. The yellow sun is everywhere. There are countless rosefinch shadows flashing. The rosefinch shadows rush into the clouds and straight through the clouds. Only then can we see the vast land covered with hills.

On the earth, on the mountain with a height of one million feet, there are huge inexplicable textures flashing. There are some giant trees on the mountain, but there are strange smiling faces between the swaying branches and leaves of the giant trees, which can't tell whether the smiling face is wood or tree spirit.

"Wu..." Nine days after the wind, it will blow away with thick fog and red clouds, and you will see a chessboard with thousands of miles in length and breadth!

"Boom..." All of a sudden, there was a roar of thunder. A palm with the size of 100 Zhang grabbed it out of the air. The thunder light suddenly came out and condensed again. A thunder ball with the size of 100 Zhang came out of the air! The thunder ball was very strange. Although it was crystal clear inside, it was dark. The big hand's index finger and middle finger twisted the thunder ball and put it on the half empty chessboard.

"Buzz..." The chessboard vibrates slightly, and there are faint dark shadows around the chessboard. These shadows just show up and cracks appear.

"Why?" At this time, a voice rang out from nine days, "Tianji, what are you doing? If you don't want to, why are you so absent-minded? "

With the sound of the sound, the yellow light and shadow on both sides of the chessboard rotate like wheels, and the two silver covered immortals show their bodies. The big hand that just condensed the thunder ball retracts, and the silver light on the body surface retreats like the tide. A young man in a thunder robe laughs with embarrassment and says: "sorry, bu Cang, I've been here for a few days When you understand the five thunder divination technique, you are a little absent-minded... "

Although the young man's voice was embarrassed, his face still didn't show his true appearance. When he spoke, he didn't know how many times his face had changed.

"Hey, hey..." Without waiting for the immortal named Tianji to finish, the immortal on the opposite side also poked out his big hand, which was like an ice sculpture made of snow. The big hand showed the same index finger and middle finger. However, when the two fingers approached, there was a snow color crystal light flashing wildly. Then an ice crystal of the same size of more than 100 Zhang was born in the crystal light, "pa" fell on the chessboard with the ice crystal, and the immortal laughed, "it doesn't matter if you lose your mind If you lose, you can admit it.... "

With the cactus chuckling, the silver light around the cactus also fell like ice flakes. Unfortunately, the appearance of the cactus was like an ice flower, which could not be seen clearly.

"This..." Immortal Tianji was stunned for a moment. He looked at the location of the cactus and said, "you When did you lay such a big picture... "

"Why?" Bu Cang laughed and said, "do you want to admit it?"

"Hum!" Tianji gave a cold hum and replied, "now I want to admit defeat. You may not be too naive!"

With that, thunder came out of his body. The thunder was in five colors and went straight to the sky.

"Cut..." Bu Cang sneered. His figure was still, like an ice sculpture. He said faintly, "divination is also used in the chess way. I'm afraid you are the only shameless person in the fairyland!"

"Click..." With Bu Cang's ridicule, Tianji's left hand came out, and a dark thunder ball had condensed. As his fingers fell, there was a glimmer of light on the huge chessboard.

Looking at leituan fall place, cloth Cang such as ice on the face of a trace of gray, obviously cloth Cang mood is not good.

However, it is here that the unspeakable fluctuation of "brush" emerges out of thin air, which is just the thunder column disturbing the sky.

"Pa..." The thunder regiment of Tianji has not fallen yet, and it burst immediately. In fact, the thunder regiment has touched the chessboard, so "boom..." The huge chessboard is collapsing, the thunder and ice crystals on it are broken one by one, and even the mysterious tortoise under it is annihilated one by one.

"Tianji..." Bu Cang got up and said angrily, "what are you going to do?"

"Damn it Tianji also got up. His face, which was shining with thunder, suddenly congealed a clear and ancient appearance with a high nose. He looked at the place where the fluctuation came and exclaimed, "this Who is this? "

The cloth Cang feeling knows to have different, quickly shout a way: "how?"

"I'm sorry!" Where will the secret say more? Thunder surged around him and said, "I lost this game!"

With that, Tianji raised his hand, took out an immortal tool that looked like a hammer and sent it to bu Cang, saying, "this is..."

Without waiting for him to finish, there was another inexplicable fluctuation of "brush" on his side, and the thunder light came out. Heaven did not dare to hesitate any more, and without saying a word, he flew out and turned into thunder light.

"Hey, hey..." Bu Cang took the immortal weapon, sneered, and whispered, "it's not easy to win the game. Hum, don't think I don't know. It must be someone who is using divination to explore the secrets of heaven. It seems that the divination is not inferior to his five thunder divination, otherwise he can't be so panicked... "

What Bu Cang had expected was good, but he was also upset: "Damn, this Who's looking for me? Is it jade gate? Is it the jade gate that has found a God

The sky machine flies thousands of miles to see that there is no abnormality around it. Raise your hand in the air and "brush" a little thunder light. This thunder light suddenly appears, like drilling through the void, folding layers of void faults, and the sky machine body turns into a spiral and rushes into it.He didn't know how many layers of void fault he had crossed, but he didn't have any hesitation at all. He immediately pinched his hands quickly. However, with the immortal formula urging, the thunder around Tianji flashed, and five thunder pillars fell from the void. At first, the thunder pillars hovered around Tianji like a dragon, and finally condensed into five thunder balls gathered around Tianji.

The five thunderballs circled first, and then began to breed the images of green dragon, white tiger, rosefinch, Xuanwu and Qilin! At the end of the day, the image of the five spirits slowly flew out and rushed towards the silver figure pinching the immortal formula. The expression of these virtual shadows was not fear or sorrow.

After the immortal formula was completed, the thunder all over the sky was completely annihilated, and his incredible voice rang out: "Huang Zengtian? How is that possible? "

"Didn't Xi long just send a message? Is everything all right? Is there any doubt in the jade gate? "

"No, I have to ask Xilong. If not, let him stay in Huang Zengtian again..."

But just for a moment, Tianji said angrily: "damn Xilong, don't you return the message?"

"No, how dare Xilong not return my message? If he can't receive it, he can't send it... "

Tianji waited for a moment, but some of them could not help urging the messenger again. This time, the messenger sent a message to Tianji, who was stunned on the spot: "Xi Xilong falls on Huang Zengtian

"Damn, damn, damn!" Tianji was furious and cried out, "if Xilong falls into the hands of Qingyu gate, I will..."

Speaking of this, Tianji rises up and grabs in the void. There is a transmission channel in front of him. Tianji steps into the channel and whispers: "no, I must carefully urge the divination to see what happened!"

Xiao Hua naturally knows that his divination technique has disturbed others, but he didn't expect that Tianji's five thunder divination technique is so powerful. Fortunately, there is a green jade gate to resist. Xiao Hua won't attract Tianji's attention for the moment, but how long can this safety last?

On the edge of the bloody desert, it took several days for Xiao Huajing to mend the covenant. Only after xiaoxiangzi finished talking about it separately, Zhou Xiaoming got up and arched his hand and said, "thank you Xiaoxiang fairy friend for solving his puzzles. There are many places inside that Xiao Ke has been thinking about for a long time..."

"No, no!" Xiaoxiangzi said with a smile, "compared with what your teacher taught, these insights are just the light of fireflies. I'm afraid that Zhou Xianyou is modest. What's more, Zhou Xianyou's earlier statement of the way of talismans really opened my eyes. How can I thank you?"

"The two fairy friends are modest!" Che Xiong also grew up and said, "Che has solved a lot of doubts about cultivation by listening to the two fairy friends sharing their opinions..."

However, without waiting for Che Xiong to finish, Zhou Xiaoming suddenly realized something. He looked at the bloody desert and said, "Oh, Xiao Ke talked with two fairy friends about Dharma, but he forgot my master..."

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua smiles and says, "when you think about it, the cucumber dishes are cold."

"I've met master Xiao..." Xiaoxiangzi and chexiong were overjoyed. They quickly bowed and said, "congratulations on master Xiao's return with a full load."

"Ha ha, it's not a return with a full load!" Xiao Hua raised them up with a smile and replied, "I've been searching for blood and sweat all over the place, but I'm not sure if I can come back empty handed."

Zhou Xiaoming looks at Xiao Hua's eyebrows and smiles, but he laughs secretly. He has not been with Xiao Hua for a long time, but he has heard Li Moyi talk about Xiao Hua's temper for a long time. If he gets nothing, Xiao Hua will never be so happy. So Zhou Xiaoming bows to himself and says, "peace is a blessing. It's good for him to come back safely."

"Peace is not to be said!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "it's just that I lost my way and took some fork roads, which delayed my time."

Zhou Xiaoming took out the fairy boat with a smile and said respectfully, "master, please, let's go to listen to Tianxue now and make up for the delay of master!"

Looking at Xiao Hua getting on the immortal boat, xiaoxiangzi humbly dropped a few words and carefully said: "master, it's still a long way to listen to the snow. If you are worried, you'd better send the immortal array, otherwise it may take several generations to arrive..."

"So far?" Xiao Hua was stunned for a moment. After all, from the perspective of xianguan, it's not far from Tianxue.

"Master, what Xiaoxiang Xianyou said is right!" Che Xiong also said with a smile, "I'm ready with him. I'll go to listen to Tian Xue's route and the immortal array I want to pass."

Zhou Xiaoming looked at xiaoxiangzi and chexiong with a smile and said, "the two Fairy Friends misunderstood my master!"

Xiaoxiangzi and chexiong looked at each other and said in a low voice, "I don't know what you mean. Please teach me."

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Great old man Tianji in Qianji Pavilion, it seems that he will fight Xiao Hua too