Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 955

All the memories of Ling Fei fall into Xiao Hua's eyes. Xiao Hua can't help saying in secret: "Oh, the name of Ling Fei is Zixuan, and the name of Jing Fei is Ziqin. The fight between Xuanyi and Mo Qingguo is really their layout."

"What? The Chen family and the sun family in Yuhong mountain They're behind it? Their master's plan is not small! And The original name of Hu Yan was Hu Yue, who was their boss. Hu Yue was also a black tooth envoy! It's a pity that Zixuan has only seen the black tooth envoy, not to mention the Lord, not even the black tooth envoy. "

"Well, the reason why Juling mountain set up an array in the bloody desert to snipe at the poor road is that they cooperated with the king of Xingling..." The jade die Xiao Hua squeezed his chin and said in secret, "I don't know what magic power their master is. They can predict the whereabouts of the poor way! If so, I'm afraid I have to be careful! "

"But I have already killed the king of Xingling and the king of Guiling, and gathered in Lingshan Will there be action? If not, their Lord will not pay attention to the poor, will he

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua's face was relaxed for a moment. Suddenly, he was shocked all over again. He looked at jiuxia, who still absorbed dragon Qi in the Dragon Kingdom, and lost his voice: "no, no, this Is this a simple coincidence? On that day, the witch Taoist said clearly that jiuxia was divining. It was only by chance that the witch Taoist took her with him. Jiuxia didn't know that the sorcerer and Taoist priest would fly into the space of the poor way. Well, even the sorcerer and Taoist priest didn't know that such a thing would happen. "

"As for Zixuan's master, I've never seen him before, but I seem to have ruined his important affairs over and over again. If the black tooth emissary, as he said, is his master telling him to look for opportunities, then So this chance is not the Xiaoyao fairy League and the beautiful Phoenix fairy league he thought. Maybe it's the poor way! As for the cooperation between the Lord and Xingling king, it is more likely that he divined that the poor way is related to jiuxia, which I just sent Zixuan and Ziqin here... "

"No, no It's not that simple. Jiuxia said it well. Only through the surface can we see the essence of things. I'm afraid I only saw the appearance before! Zixuan seems to be going to Xuanyi country, Ziqin is going to Mexico. They seem to cooperate with Juling mountain to start the war between the two countries. But in fact, the Lord has given her a secret task, asking her to find out a secret about Xuanyi country, which should be related to the remnant of the seven spirits. The chapter of the seven spirits is in the hands of the seven spirits, but At the end of the day, isn't the seven spirit chapter in my hands? "

"In addition, Zixuan has been to Yuanling mountain. Her task is to wash the spirit liquid, but the green clothes leakage immortal killed tenggang, which caused chaos in Yuanling mountain. Zixuan didn't even know the purpose of this matter. The Lord gave it to the green clothes leakage immortal alone. It seems that the yuan Lingshan chaos is also an appearance, but the chaos caused the emergence of the fragments of the spirit world. In the end, didn't Lu Hu, who suppressed the fragments of the spirit world, fall into the hands of poor Taoist

"Mo Is it the so-called Lord I've been exploring the whereabouts of the poor road? "

"By the way, by the way, Zixuan had been to helanque before she got to yuanlingshan. She also asked little fox to seduce Chi Xiaoxia. Chi Xiaoxia is a dandy. What's the temptation? Even Chi's riding and shooting were not in the class in Zixuan's eyes. Zixuan's action, if only from the appearance, is absolutely confusing. But But now, Chi Xiaoxia has a close relationship with me! Even Chi Xiaoxia and Xilong, and Xilong's grandmaster, have great cause and effect! The Lord asked Zixuan to visit Chi Xiaoxia Isn't it just to find out where I am? "

"Lord, in I haven't set foot in the fairyland yet. He Does he know so many traces? "

"Nine summers fly up, get space, follow It coincides with the time when the Lord divined the whereabouts of the poor, saying It shows that the divination skill of the Lord is not inferior to that of jiuxia, and the power and origin of the Lord are even more mysterious. It seems that my previous divination was wrong, and the Lord is the biggest enemy! "

“…… In Zixuan's memory, the Lord's killing of the poor is absolutely a matter of hand. The reason why he didn't do it must be that he was waiting for jiuxia to appear! The Lord wants to borrow Xiao to look for jiuxia and plan to hit the target with one hit! "

"In that case, it's hard to say what happened in jiuxia. Zixuan can also know, but how can she not remember it?"

Thinking about it, there was a faint light between Xiao Hua's fingers, like a fishing net. After half a cup of tea, Xiao Hua brightened his eyes and said with a smile: "sure enough, sure enough, there are some vague marks. It seems that things in jiuxia are taboo by the Lord. This memory is deeply hidden by Zixuan. That's good. Zixuan is useful to jiuxia, and keep it!"

After Zixuan was imprisoned, the yudie Xiaohua looked at the enchanting jiuxia, and his heart was filled with unspeakable taste. The image of jiuxia always appeared in Xiaohua's mind from time to time, and jiuxia's help to Xiaohua was also extremely important. Not to mention the divination, but the art of blocking the sky and the sun benefited Xiaohua a lot. Although Xiao Hua's secret arts of Qingqiu mountain were not directly known about jiuxia, without jiuxia, Xiao Hua would never have met Xu Zhi, and could never have been inherited from Qingqiu mountain.

But, thinking about jiuxia, and looking at the Red Fairy beside jiuxia, Xiao Hua said with a bitter smile: "since jiuxia has been married, what do you think about? I'll give her a hand as well as cause and effect! What's more, all kinds of signs have shown that I have attracted the attention of the mysterious Lord. The Lord is afraid of jiuxia, so I naturally have to use the power of jiuxia to fight against him! "Want to understand, yudie Xiaohua ready to get out of space, but at this time, all over the sky star dome, red light flashing slightly, some fluctuations fall into yudie Xiaohua body.

Xiao Hua was stunned for a moment, and immediately said to Gao tianchu, "I understand. Brother Xie Tiandao reminds me that now that I have realized the bottleneck of stepping on Shenque, I'll put it down for a while. I'll make plans after I find a complete chapter of Yuanxing spirit. As for brother Tiandao's five yuan gathering, I think it's too difficult for me. After all, those skills, which were practiced by the ancient immortals or the ancient immortals, have been lost by this time. It's too difficult to find them together. If brother Tiandao thinks that there are some skills in the red outline, you might as well look for them carefully. Maybe he has something to do with the modification of TA Shenque. He must make sure that the modification of TA Shenque can't be seen by others! A seven spirit remnant chapter causes so many troubles and lives. If this divine insight is leaked out, it will not cause chaos in the fairyland? "

"Well..." A dull hum, like thunder, bright stars.

Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, leaves the room with a smile, and his mind still falls into his body. He looks at the three people who are still chatting in the distance, and he still urges them to step on the Shenque to help more than ten immortal babies repair their bodies and continue to practice.

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