Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 954

"It's hard Is there anything else in this grain? " Xiao Hua couldn't help thinking, "condensing this thing can almost condense a spirit body!"

"What else? Another spirit?? Xiao understands... " All of a sudden, Xiao Hua lost his voice and exclaimed. When Zhou Xiaoming used to perform the nebula secret technique, his body was transparent, and then the spots in his body condensed like a nebula, and the stars appeared everywhere on his body. At that time, an important idea flashed through Xiao Hua's mind. At that time, he didn't mean it. At this time, he thought again, isn't he like this?

Xiao Hua's mind suddenly changed and said in secret: "yes, how did Xiao condense his separation before? The meridians gave birth to the immortal, the bones gave birth to the heaven and man, and the viscera gave birth to the Wenqu. Now Xiao has the body, or Maybe it's impossible to condense into a separate body, but Xiao can practice with these parts! It's just like the nebula condensation inside Zhou Xiaoming's body... "

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua's face can't help but show an intriguing smile. He is really looking forward to it. When several places are successful in their cultivation again, what will happen? Will there be a separate body or something interesting!

After all, most of the essence of Qi immortal cultivation lies in the immortal body. How can it be divided into Confucianism, immortality and even evil cultivation? Even Xiao Hua himself, if he soared normally, could not have done so with his original body.

But Xiao Hua is really blessed!

First of all, Xiao Hua's body is unique. It is the body of shimuang. Each of the 13200 particles in Xiao Hua's body has its own universe. It's no exaggeration to call it a small world. Xiao Hua's bones, meridians, blood vessels and so on are all made of such magical particles. Therefore, Xiao Hua can isolate the body, bones, meridians and so on.

Second, Xiao Hua's cultivation method is also unique in the fairyland. Although Xiao Hua has a lesson from the fairyland, he does not dare to practice in the fairyland. His first cultivation method is to break the boundary, kill harmony and absorb all rivers, but he uses the real immortal's method to practice the Qi immortal's cultivation method, which is very fast.

After that, Xiao Hua got the Wuji Yandao map. According to the Wuji Yandao map, Xiao Hua modified his skills. That's why Xiao Hua dares to practice stepping on the Shenque, which is different from all the skills in the immortal world. He doesn't particularly emphasize the cultivation of the immortal body.

After all, the foundation of this skill is the immortal Xuanguang, not the immortal vitality. Those five elements are condensed, and the Yin and yang are closed, which is the appearance of the unity of the elements. It is just the revelation of Xiao Hua's state of understanding, or the constraint of Xiao Hua's rules when he practices in the Taoist and immortal world. Therefore, Xiao Hua's immortal body is separated from each other to practice different skills, which will not affect his practice of stepping on the divine palace.

Third, when Xiao Hua was in the ordinary world, he once split the Yuanshen and practiced their own skills, which was not experienced by ordinary immortals.

Fourth, Xiao Hua was scattered in all walks of life, and there were rare opportunities, as well as the top skills and practices of all walks of life.

Of course, the immortal world is different from the ordinary world. Even if Xiao Hua split the immortal body into different cultivation methods, he had great difficulties. Because of the fundamental difference of individual cultivation, the cultivation methods of other circles may not be applicable in the fairyland.

Let's just talk about the Qingxu formula of Wenqu cultivation. Xiao Hua didn't understand the Qingxu formula. He didn't know what was going on inside. But since it was the cultivation of three flowers to cover the top, he needed the noble spirit. Where did the noble spirit come from? Not to mention the phagocytosis of Moze and the sacrifice of Moxue.

Xiao Hua thought for a long time, and felt that he could not try the cultivation methods of Wen Qu and Mo Zun Sha, but the cultivation methods of Wu Dao Ren, Tian Ren and Lei Ting Zhen Ren.

But when he turned to the spiritual cultivation, he was dumbfounded again. His spiritual cultivation was in the process of Yuan Xing's spiritual cultivation, and he didn't need to move his mind at all. Other people's witches and Taoists had already started when they fell into oblivion.

Now that the spirit is ready, Xiao Hua naturally knows that what he thinks is not a castle in the air, so he tries to practice the yuan Shen cultivation method of real thunder. Real thunder is very strict and doesn't reveal their cultivation method of Chongxuan mountain.

However, Xiao Hua didn't care about the level of cultivation. He just wanted to try how to cultivate Yuanshen, so he found a common way to cultivate Yuanshen in Mo Xiantong.

Xiao Hua simply realized that he isolated the related immortal bodies such as the Niwan palace and made them self-cultivation. It's also weird. Xiao Hua obviously feels that these parts have some independent consciousness. He doesn't need to divide the control of Yuanshen, so he begins to practice according to the method!

"Great goodness!" Xiao Hua can't help caressing his palm. After all, Xiao Hua has been humiliated as a yuan baby since he set foot in the fairyland. Up to now, he has had a lot of hard work. He has not only a body that ordinary immortals can't dream of, but also a way of cultivation that ordinary immortals can't dream of.

Although he didn't know what the road would be like in the end, there was a precedent that the mortal world went hand in hand and entered the fairyland together. Xiao Hua felt that his future was extremely bright.

Xiao Hua repressed his joy and looked at the sickle that absorbed the dark air in the star array. This sickle should be the essence of the dead king. The dark air of the nether world condenses the existence of the spirit of the dead king. Therefore, it is extremely easy for the sickle to absorb the dark air of the nether world. In the short time of Xiao Hua's understanding, the dark air of the star array is absorbed by the sickle.

As soon as Xiao Hua raised his hand, he held the sickle in his hand. Without waiting to explore, thunder broke out all around him and hit the sickle.Xiao Hua rubbed his hands, two green and red halos came out, closed the sickle, and the thunder disappeared.

When Xiao Hua looked closely, the sickle was not complete. It only looked like 70% of the complete sickle. The sickle had purple and red dark lines, which was the same as what he had seen before. Moreover, Xiao Hua's eyes were in the purple and red shadow of the sickle, and the spring like water shadows appeared and disappeared from time to time.

"This thing is really powerful..." Looking at the scythe, Xiao Hua's Vest sweats. In fact, he has long thought that the ghost king would hide behind the star king, and he has made all kinds of plans, but he still can't escape the attack of the ghost king. The reason is this scythe.

After thinking for a moment, Xiao Hua sent the scythe to the dark side of the space, especially to the side of the netherworld bamboo, and let the netherworld Blood Sea elite refine it.

After setting up the sickle, Xiao Hua looks at the golden lock that suppresses the star array in mid air. Although the object is glittering, but the star map engraved on it is not called a star lock.

Xiao Hua didn't sacrifice and refine the star lock, so he had to rely on the Star Palace seal to drive it. When Xiao Hua raised his hand to grasp the Star Palace seal, several stars and moon beams hit the star lock, and the star array was included in the roar of the star lock.

Xiao Hua thought for a moment and took out Sirius Star and swallow star Shuai's star, "whoosh..." Sure enough, the two star cards automatically fall into the star map and become part of it.

Looking at the many lightless stars scattered on the star map, Xiao Hua naturally knows that this is caused by the 50000 star spirit body, but the 50000 star spirit body has been taken away by real thunder. Xiao Hua doesn't know what the star spirit body of real thunder is used for. Just when Xiao Hua hesitates, he suddenly sees that under the seal of the Star Palace, the lightless part of the star map begins to condense new starlight.

Xiao Hua was overjoyed and fell into space with the Star Palace seal and star map. When he got to space, he didn't need the Star Palace seal. When Xiao Hua raised his hand, there was a star moon column falling like a star lock, and the star map gradually showed its mysterious face.

"Good..." Xiao Hua nodded his hand and said, "when the star map is mended, you can know the origin of the star lock. Since this object can condense the king of Xingling who gathers the strength of Yuanxian, its origin is by no means ordinary! "

Then Xiao Hua gets out of the room and calls Xiaojin and Xiaohei back. At this time, Xiaojin follows Xiaohei obediently, just like a child. Xiao Hua is also happy to see it. After a few words of diligence, Xiao Hua takes Xiaojin and Xiaohei back, takes out the fairy overview, and flies to the location of Xiaoming, xiaoxiangzi and chexiong.

Xiao Hua thought that Zhou Xiaoming and others would be very anxious, but when he saw the three people, Xiao Hua almost couldn't laugh or cry. They didn't worry at all.

Even the three sat on a small hill with their knees folded, as if they were exchanging their cultivation experience. Xiaoxiangzi raised his hand to sacrifice a thin jade pendant. There were three colors of rays blooming at the place where the jade pendant flew down. In addition to some handwriting, there were also images.

Xiaoxiangzi also said haughtily, "Che Xianyou has just said something about the sword of the void. I don't dare to hide myself. This is my understanding of condensing Qi to nourish the baby. Just like Che Xianyou said, it's all my understanding. I have nothing to do with my teacher..."

Then xiaoxiangzi began to talk about the bottom of his heart, and according to the bottom of his heart, he opened the immortal trace from time to time.

After listening for a moment, Xiao Hua knew that this was xiaoxiangzi's unique insight, which was very valuable and useful for Zhou Xiaoming's cultivation. Therefore, Xiao Hua did not disturb xiaoxiangzi, so he found a nearby hill to sit down.

When there is nothing left or right, Xiao Hua's mind enters the space and turns into a jade ultimatum to send the imprisoned Lingfei out. Ling Fei's eyes were closed, and there was a red mark between her eyebrows. Xiao Hua took a look at the jade plate, and knew that it was the ghost king who sealed the spirit of Ling Fei, presumably to prevent her from breaking the ban.

Xiao Hua sneered, raised his hand a little, "brush" a light down, "crackle" light firecrackers ring from the head of Ling Fei, with this sound, Ling Fei frowned tightly, mouth and nose issued a groan sound, obviously very painful.

After about half a cup of tea, the light and shadow disappeared, and the sound disappeared. Xiao Hua sighed: "the ghost king is too calculating. He doesn't intend to let me get the memory of Lingfei. If it wasn't for me, the Lingfei would be useless..."

Between sighs, Xiao Hua raises his hand again and points it at the center of Ling Fei's eyebrows. As the dots of fluorescence fall into his fingers, there are more and more colorful lights and shadows in Xiao Hua's eyes, and Xiao Hua's expression becomes more and more wonderful

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From Xianying to Shiguang congealed body, now the body has infinite potential. Come on, Xiao Hua, come on, Tanhua!