Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 953

"You You... " As like as two peas, he saw the hard way of Xiao Hua's return, but saw a dark body with a cloak in his body, standing behind himself, and being exactly the same as the ghost king who had killed him before. The ghost king

"Gaga..." Looking at the purplish red handle in his hand, the ghost king didn't reply to Xiao Hua. Instead, he giggled. The purplish red light and shadow on his hand made a big splash, and the handle of the knife suddenly fell down along Xiao Hua's vest!

However, just as the handle of the ghost King's knife was shaking, his whole body suddenly trembled, and he could not help but push the handle. His whole body became empty, and he was ready to escape!

"Roar..." Behind the ghost king, Xiao Huang's voice roared and covered the ghost king with black light!

"You Aren't you already injured? " The ghost King's voice was hoarse and screamed, and a purple thunderbolt came out all over his body. He tried his best to resist the suction of the beast's black light. At this time, the whole heaven and earth had an extreme vibration. The dark which was like a rock around now also broke and dissipated in the thunderbolt!

"Hey, hey..." When the ghost King panics, Xiao Hua smiles again. The immortal body with the purple and red dark spots suddenly gives birth to a green glow. At the glaring place, Xiao Hua's right hand gently probes, and a green tubular light and shadow appear from his hands. Isn't it the wizard's pen?

The ghost king didn't expect Xiao Hua to have the power of a blow, so Yabi was extremely easy to brush a green light in the center of the ghost's eyebrow. The green light like a bud was instantly planted into the ghost's head. Strangely enough, at the glaring part of the green light, the eyebrow center of the ghost King's thousands of ghosts gave birth to the green light at the same time Thousands of ghosts scream in unison, the vitality of the green light seems delicate but extremely tenacious to kill the dead Qi in the ghost head!

"You You... " The ghost King's face was reflected on the heads of thousands of ghosts, and he cried in an incredible voice, "how do you know I'm In the body of the star spirit king? "

"Why should I tell you?" Xiao Hua sneered, "Zhang doesn't like the side branch, what truth and so on is only useful for the winner."

"Don't you want to know why my king is ambushing here?" The ghost spirit king is quite temptation way, "if you answered, this king will only tell you!"

"Well, in that case, Zhang will satisfy you!" Xiao Hua thought for a moment and nodded: "don't forget that I killed you! I asked you how you can drive the power of starlight. Although you didn't answer, how can I not think much when I see the king of starlight? Only when you are one with Xingling king, can your separation drive the power of Xingguang? Presumably, the ambush in Yufei's spirit field is also you and the king of Xingling. No, it's your hand, isn't it? There are stars and the power of the nether world. It's impossible for a single spirit king to lay them down! "

"This..." The ghost king had some words and said, "yes It's my carelessness... "

"And..." Xiao Hua continued, "it's also a failure for you to introduce Zhang into your abdomen. I know that you want to cover up your spirit with the help of the spirit of the star spirit king, but this kind of reckless behavior inevitably makes Zhang suspicious, especially the black existence between the star belts, which makes Zhang think a lot. In fact, Zhang just released his spirit pet, but it's just a kind of trial. First of all, you choose to kill diting beast, and let Zhang understand that you are afraid of diting beast, for fear that he will find you lying next to you, while Zhang pushes the boat with the current to make diting beast pretend to be seriously injured... "

"Alas..." The ghost King sighed and said, "I think the calculation is flawless in your eyes..."

"That's what it's like to do injustice and die of it!" Xiao Hua answered faintly, but in his words, "ah..." I can't help but cry out with a groan that the witch body, which is full of green seal characters, can't insist any more. The purple red blood light burst out from the chest, and the dark blue receded like a tide, and still turned into Xiao Hua's immortal body!

"Hey, hey..." The ghost king also sneered, "you want to use your body as bait. I'm afraid you can't think that our king's hand is so weird. You can't steal chicken to eat rice!"

"I really want to admit that!" Xiao Hua nodded and said, "you are also the strength of Juyuan immortal. Zhang can't go back all over! Well, you can tell Zhang... "

"It's very simple..." The ghost king said with a smile, "Princess Ling!"

"Ling Fei?" Xiao Hua was surprised, "she How can she be so powerful? "

"Ask her yourself!" The ghost king raised his hand, and a ghost flew out with his concubine in his mouth. The ghost king said, "in addition, there is a fox outside the array..."

"Ah?" Xiao Hua was supposed to explore his hand, but after hearing this, he cried, "what else?"

In Xiao Hua's distraction, "Wu..." With the sound of crying and howling, thousands of tiny sickle like virtual shadows flew out of the ghost King's head, condensed into a huge virtual shadow, and split towards Xiao Hua's eyebrows. This virtual shadow has fallen into Xiao Hua's eyes, and the silver light in front of Xiao Hua's body can't stop it!

"Damn it Xiao Hua's soul is flying out of the sky. He has no time to open his eyes, and his soul sword magical power is born.

To Xiao Hua's surprise, a red scorpion shaped light and shadow burst out, "brush..." He swept the sickle and said, "ah..." In a scream, the virtual shadow of the sickle was split in two, and then thousands of ghosts were broken at the same time. Xiao Huang saw that, with a roar of "roar", the black light's attraction was greatly increased, sweeping away all the black light like a competition!“nnd……” Xiao Hua watched the red light disappear and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. He just said a low curse, and the familiar headache in his mind came out again!

"Alas..." Xiao Hua sighed, nodded and looked, then raised his hand. The half moon shaped sickle that had been cleaved in the body was brought into the shade by him, and the purple and red dark lines that had impacted the body were also washed clean by the netherworld force, which was enough to make the heavy damage of the ordinary immortal slowly heal in the flashing light of the body of light!

Xiao Hua didn't dare to neglect it. When the wound healed, he released his thoughts and carefully explored it. He saw that the healing of the wound was not the same as before. Where the wound was, first there was a glimmer of light, then there were particles invisible to the naked eye, and then there were other inexplicable things around the particles. With more particles, the flesh and blood, meridians and so on also condensed out!

Xiao Hua closed his eyes and said in secret: "if there is no accident, Xiao's body should be so condensed. I really can't imagine that the blue light can also condense."

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua suddenly patted his forehead and realized: "in that case, isn't the art of building spirit the art of repairing Xiao's body?"

However, Xiao Hua had no time to repair his body at this time. All around the space now collapsed. In the high sky, the stars floated down like strips and slowly entered the star card of wanmietiandou. The dark light knots around the earth also turned into wisps of black Qi. These black Qi were forced to dissipate by the immortal spirit beyond the star light.

"Ouch..." When Xiao Hua saw that the black air had dissipated, he suddenly thought of something and quickly sacrificed the sickle shaped ghost weapon, "Wuwu..." Xiao Hua doesn't need to urge anything. Those dissipated black Qi fall towards the scythe ghost.

"Hum..." Xiao Hua looks angrily at the Ling Fei who is in a coma in mid air. The ghost King uses the Ling Fei as bait. Xiao Hua starts with the ghost king, and the ghost who holds the Ling Fei disappears long ago. Xiao Hua puts the Ling Fei into the space with a roll of his mind, and then he moves out of the space covered by the starlight!

Sure enough, beyond the starlight is the sky light. The dark green moonlight of qiuhaoyue shrouds the earth like fog.

Xiao Hua looks at the dense clouds behind him, which will cover thousands of miles. There are not only stars in the clouds, but also many spirits running away madly!

Xiao Hua's purpose is not these spirits. He cares about the fox who is with Lingfei. However, when Xiao Hua uses Yuanhua to explore, where else are there foxes or demons around? It must be that the star array is different, and the fox has already fled!

Xiao Huafei went up into the air, raised his hand, held the half Golden Lock in his hand and patted it with his big hand The star map is more ferocious than the star spirit king!

"Up But Xiao Hua cried: "gather spirit mountain to help spirit body. Listen to me. If you want to save your life, please stop!"

Seeing the star map covered, where dare the timid spirit escape? Don't you stand shivering in the air. Some spirit will be bold, and fled far away, still put Xiao Hua's words as a deaf ear.

Xiao Hua sneered and offered the seal of Xinggong again The light of the Star Palace seal falls into the star map, and then a star array is generated from the star map, which imprisons those fleeing spirits all at once. Without Xiao Hua's urging, the star map rotates slightly, and the star array falls on it, which makes it easy to strangle those fleeing spirits.

Seeing this, those spirit bodies dare not move even more!

"Take it!" Xiao Hua smiles at the corner of his mouth and raises his hand with a Star Palace seal. The Star Palace seal drives the star map. The star map rotates slowly and sweeps away the spirit and spirit within a thousand miles!

"Ha ha!" Xiao Hua almost wanted to look up to the sky and laugh. Although his immortal body was injured by accident, the harvest was really big! Looking at the number of these spirit bodies, I'm afraid I've emptied all the spirit mountain!

After taking in the spirit body, Xiao Hua looks at the sickle that absorbs the dark air of the nether world. He is not in a hurry to remove the star array that envelops the dark air of the nether world. He knows very well that as long as the star array is removed, the dark air of the nether world will disappear. In this way, he will not let the sickle absorb more.

Xiao Hua didn't dare to be careless this time. He looked around to see if he was all right. He released Xiaojin and Xiaohei and made them fly around to inspect. He sat down with his knees crossed, looked at the physical injury, and urged the art of building spirit to repair the physical body.

Sure enough, with the stimulation of Xiao Hua's skill, the wounds can be healed by naked eyes, which is more effective than any secret healing skill. However, during the repair, Xiao Hua was surprised to find that, despite the particles invisible to the naked eye, it took a lot of fairy light to produce the particles.

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The ghost king is too careless. He didn't expect Xiao Hua to be so careful!

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