Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 952

"Wu Wu Wu..." On the earth, there are stars gushing out like magma, rushing into the air and condensing into another king of Xingling. The king of Xingling has thousands of feet, and his whole body is solid. Before the king of Xingling can stand firm, Xiao Hua roars, "another one who doesn't want face, fight..."

"Wu..." The Star Palace seal was hidden in the starlight, but it didn't appear. It had already increased by more than ten times and smashed at the star spirit king. In particular, the Star Palace seal appeared. The star spirit king's body was extremely distorted, as if he was going to be inhaled by the Star Palace seal.

Seeing that the seal of the Star Palace came down, the king of the star spirit was not surprised. He patted the top door lightly and said, "Keng..." A golden sound and a golden light burst into the sky. The golden light immediately blocked the starlight of Xinggong seal, and the golden object hit Xinggong seal like a hammer. With a loud bang, Xinggong seal rolled in the air, and the golden object also flew backward. The golden object was even with Xinggong seal!

What's more, the golden things are stable in the mid air, and the stars are pouring in around "Wuwu". Then the golden light blooms like a flame, and it looks like it's ignited by the fire light!

"This..." Looking at a lock in the golden light, Xiao Hua didn't realize that his eyes were shrinking.

Xiao Hua could see clearly that the surface of the lock head was engraved with gold stars, stars, halos and even bands of stars. However, the lock head was only half of it, and the fracture was very smooth. The traces of the rivers of stars were closely stacked, and the stars all around collided into the rivers of stars, and the tiny stars emitted golden light. In the glittering golden light, the star map on the surface of the lock seems to be alive, and some colorless spots appear from time to time between the stars. Looking at the location of the mark, Xiao Hua seems to have some insight. That should be where Sirius Star and swallow star are!

The king of star spirit stood still, raised his right hand and touched the lock. The star map on the lock broke out and gradually covered the sky. The scattered light and shadow of stars and moon were swept away by the star map. Seeing this, Xiao Hua hastens to activate the Xinggong seal. Unfortunately, the Xinggong seal roars several times, but it can only stir up a few stars. There is no way to shake the foundation of the star map! Seeing this, the king of Xingling looked scornful and said, "Zhang Xiaohua, what do you want from me? I think you know that I'm the same as you. You just need to return the astrolabe to me. I'll let you go immediately!"

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua laughed, he raised his hand a little star palace seal, Star Palace seal fell to the top of his head, waiting for the stars to fall to protect himself, Xiao Hua said, "the face is torn, still want to repair it? King Xingling, do you think I'm a three-year-old

"Just, just..." Seeing this, the king of Xingling knew that Xiao Hua would not enter the urn, so he simply sighed and grabbed with empty hands, "boom..." The four corners of heaven and earth suddenly give birth to an infinite column of stars and moons. The column of stars and moons is like rain on the star map!

"Wu Wu Wu..." Strange sound from the star map, the star map of all things star change, a pangran breath swept the whole space.

In contrast, xinggongyin is a little dim. Xiao Hua urged it several times, but there was not too much starlight. Moreover, the changes of star images on the star map almost attracted xinggongyin to pass!

"I'm afraid it's time to fight!" Xiao Hua clenched his teeth and patted his brow with his backhand, "brush..." The immortal mark opens, and the blue and red pillars of light fall again. However, this time was obviously different from the last time. At the place where the light column fell, there were five, five and twenty-five green and red light bands on Xiao Hua's body surface. These light bands intertwined and melted with each other, and the number of them gradually decreased!

"Two "The middle level of the two Qi fairies?" The king of Xingling originally urged the star map. Seeing Xiao Hua's green and red light disappear one by one, he almost jumped up and said, "this How is that possible? "

The king of star spirit was shocked, and the star map also shook slightly.

But Xiao Hua, still calm hands pinch Jue, saw two wisps of flame in his fingers, "whoosh" Xiao Hua turned his hand, the flame rushed into the Star Palace seal!

"Boom..." When the flame falls, the shadow of Xinggong seal appears. The green and red light band around Xiaohua rushes into the shadow, and with the thunder and shadow gushing out from the immortal trace, it falls into Xinggong seal. A huge palace condensed by starlight is revealed in the shadow, isn't it Yuanyang palace in the core of Xinggong seal?

As soon as the Yuanyang palace came out, strong suction was generated around it again, "boom..." First, a star moon light column fell out of thin air. Most of the star moon column fell into the star map, and a small half fell into Yuanyang palace. Then there were two roars. Two star columns fell again. Four people, that is, most of the Star column fell into the star map. But Xiao Hua was not surprised. He still urged the light column in the immortal trace to fall onto the Star Palace seal!

"You You are not the son of man! " Look at the star spirit king again, but he can't stand it. This is not the fairyland, but the star spirit king's belly. How can the star moon light column be shot down out of thin air without affecting the spirit of the star spirit king? In the roar of Xingling king, he grabs the golden lock with both hands. The golden lock with the star map smashes at Xiao Hua like a cloud. Look at the star map, there are not only bright stars, but also the images of eight trigrams condensed by the river of stars. Moreover, where the star map is covered, countless eight trigrams are condensed. Isn't it the image of Juyuan immortal's all-out attack?

Seeing the star spirit king's desperate effort to reveal the strength of Juyuan immortal, Xiao Hua laughed: "yes, it's Juyuan immortal, but it didn't disappoint me!"

After that, Xiao Hua pushed with all his strength, and the huge shadow of Yuanyang palace appeared in the seal of Xinggong, which also brought the power of Xingguang to the star map!

The Star Palace seal finally bumps into the star map, "boom..." When the loud sound continued, the eight trigrams of the star map were broken, and the star mark on the king of the star spirit was "Pa Pa Pa", but there was no human form in a moment.The king of Xingling was so good that Xiao Hua was not much better. Some of his strong and abnormal strength fell on him. More than 20 green and red light bands broke one after another, and none of them was intact! Xiao Hua's body surface also wants to burst like a flower, but this burst has just passed, and the body surface gives birth to light again. It seems that he wants to repair Xiao Hua's body.

But in Qingguang's life, Xiao Hua's figure disappears immediately, and then the star spirit king standing in the distance suddenly turns pale and wants to avoid in the distortion of his figure. How do you know that Xiao Hua's figure is revealed, and the Ruyi stick is held out again, and "boom" hits the star map!

The star map is broken under the wishful stick, and the wishful stick breaks through the nebula and directly hits the Golden Lock!

"Hum..." The Golden Lock rolled in the air, and the king of star spirit roared in his ears. He didn't expect that the Ruyi stick was so powerful. The king of star spirit clapped the top door in a hurry, and the golden lock again flashed a star map to hit Xiao Hua.

"That's it!" Xiao Hua's face suddenly became lonely and said, "kill you, a spirit without a face. Xiao feels very boring!"

As he spoke, Xiao Hua's mind rolled, and wanmietiandou was in his hand. The golden light was bright. Xiao Hua took wanmietiandou's hand and quickly turned into bones. Then his arms and body became bones. Isn't it just like heaven and man?

"Destroy..." But he felt that Wan Mie Tian Dou was heavy. Xiao Hua chuckled and turned his right arm to Wan Mie Tian Dou. Wan Mie Tian Dou had covered the golden lock and "brushed..." The golden light falls on the golden lock in the wanmietiandou!

As the star map on the Golden Lock darkened, the stars disappeared, "ah!" A scream came from the king of Xingling. When Xiao Hua looked again, the king of Xingling was not only a hundred feet short, but also too thin.

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua laughs. He guesses that the king of Xingling is a Jinsuo chengling, just like the general of Sirius. As long as he takes the Jinsuo with wanmietiandou, the king of Xingling will die out naturally!

At this time, Xiao Hua had already transformed the image of heaven and man, and his whole body was covered with white bones. Even so, the wanmietiandou was like Pangu's axe, and Xiao Hua could only urge half of it. Xiao Hua didn't dare to neglect it. He recited the method of wanmietiandou's urging, and there was a faint golden light swimming among the white bones.

Wanmietiandou shakes, and there is a golden brush like a flower, "brush..." Through the star map, "Pa Pa Pa" a burst of sound like a firecracker, the missing part of the star map burst, this burst of life, countless cracks rapidly spread to all parts of the star map, the star map is no longer complete!

Look at the sky and the earth, countless thunderbolts flash, hit the sky above, those bands of stars began to break, countless stars into dancing stars fall down, the whole world is collapsing!

Heaven and earth have collapsed. How can the king of Xingling survive?

With absolute shock and deep reluctance on the king's face, the whole human figure also burst and turned into a river of stars, rushing towards the golden lock in the battle of wanmietiandou. In the middle of the figure, there was a lock like shape!

"Hoo..." Xiao Hua took a long breath, the golden light dissipated, and the muscles and muscles on the white bone began to sprout!

“nnd……” Xiao Hua felt that there was no immortal force left in his body, and his physical strength was exhausted. He could not help but scold, "everyone in heaven and man has the power of a blow, and Xiao just urged me to do it..."

Just now, an unparalleled experience came out of his heart. Xiao Hua's face changed greatly, and he quickly urged his body to fly. However, he just flew out of the air, "poof..." Xiao Hua's Vest hurt, and he looked down, but he saw the blood burst out of his chest. A sharp blade like the tip of a sword only protruded out of his heart. The tip of the sword was red, and countless twisted Lavender dark patterns were all over the body. Within the dark patterns, countless small skeletons were seen by the naked eye, and he greedily sucked the blood from his chest.

What scares Xiao Hua most is that countless purple red ghosts around the tip of the sword, like ink, fall into the water and quickly spread around him. Where these purple red ghosts pass, their bodies are annihilated and their bones are melted!

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What is the star spirit king's back hand? Xiao Hua didn't find out. He's going to lose a lot