Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 951

"Is it?" Xiao Hua smiles a little, holding a star card in one hand, and says, "I think it's time for you to let go of your favor. I'll return the star card to you!"

Looking at Xiao Hua's finger movement, there was already a mark on the star card. The corner of Xingling King's mouth twitched slightly. A moment later, he said with a smile: "just, just, don't make these meaningless things, let go of you and me at the same time!"

"All right!" Xiao Hua was not surprised by the choice of the star spirit king. He took the two star cards with his right hand and put his arm out into the air.

The star spirit king also extended his arm and sent it near the star.

"On the count of three, let go!" The star spirit king lightly says.

"Don't worry..." Xiao Hua suddenly said, "aren't you afraid that this star card is fake?"

"Hum..." The king of star spirit snorted coldly and said haughtily, "don't worry, nothing can escape from the king's exploration in the big array of our king's star dome!"

"Star dome array?" Xiao Hua opened his eyes slightly and looked at the king of Xingling. But seeing that the king of Xingling had no outline in his eyes, he sneered.




As the king of Xingling shouts three times, Xiao Hua's right hand loosens and grabs Xiaoyin. But before his big hand falls, the two stars and Xiaoyin disappear at the same time.

"Ha ha..." The king of star spirit laughed, but before he finished laughing, extreme embarrassment appeared on his face. He was angry and said, "Damn, you How could you... "

Xiao Hua slowly retracted his right hand and said slowly: "is it really shocking? What's so strange about that? Even in your body, you can't be omnipotent. You can take back my spirit pet by any means... "

"You You... " This time, the star spirit king was really shocked. He looked at Xiao Hua inconceivably and lost his voice. "How do you know? Could it be that Has the king revealed his flaws? "

"Ha ha, ha ha..." Xiao Hua's reaction surprised the king of star spirit even more. He covered his stomach and pointed to the king of star spirit. "It's really brainless. He said that he was the king of star spirit. I just lied to you casually, but you didn't see it!"

"Damn it The king of Xingling was furious. When he raised his hands, two huge nebular vortices came out of thin air. The two vortices covered nearly thousands of miles from the left. The direction of the vortices was different. Xiao Hua's space seemed to be twisted by two big hands.

"Alas, such means can be revealed in front of me!" Xiao Hua sighed and said, "although you are a separate person and have no face, you have to worry about your own face, don't you?"

"Damn it! Damn it The king of star spirit was furious and waved with both hands.

"Hum..." Xiao Hua's side, the surrounding space collapse, roar!

"Brush..." Xiao Hua was not in a panic. He patted his top door gently. With a bang, the fifty-two fairy babies broke through the air. Then he turned into a familiar star array to protect Xiao Hua and the two children!

As soon as the Dutian star array comes out, the collapsed space is stable. Although the 52 fairy babies are only the middle level strength of the five elements fairy, when the fairy power urges them, the rabbit like light and shadow are flashing in five colors, which is as majestic as a mountain to block the falling Nebula vortex!

"Cough..." Xiao Hua coughed softly and said to Xiao Jin, "come in, too. There's no need to compete with a spirit body!"

"Yes, sir!" When Xiaojin saw that Xiaoyin was all right, the golden light and dragon pattern flashed around him, turned into light and shadow, and escaped into the array.

"Oh, yes..." Looking at Xiaojin falling to Xiaohei's side and standing upright, Xiao Hua seemed to think of something. He touched his right hand at his waist and took out two star cards. He said with a smile, "you should have a look at those two star cards. There are many star cards in the lower Baina bag, just like your separation. I'm afraid there are many fish eyes mixed with beads. You can't take them wrong when you tremble with your index finger!"

With that, Xiao Hua raised his right hand and threw the two star cards out of the array as if he were throwing away rubbish!

"What?" Unbelievable looking as like as two peas, the Star Ling king was in the shape of a huge earthquake. He took the star card in his hand as he raised his hand. He looked and looked at it. He could not tell what difference between the star card and the star card before.

"Damn it! damn!! Damn it This time, there was no need for the king of Xingling to speak out. The whole world was filled with a kind of angry roar, "you dare to bully me!"

"I'm bullying you. What's the matter?" Xiao Hua hands a back, still slowly said, "can you Nai me?"

"Roar, roar..." The sky is full of thunder, the sky is full of stars, hundreds of stars rush out from all parts of the world, and become 365 stars. All the stars roar at the same time, "if I don't kill you now, I won't be shamed by snow!"

"Take care of it by peeing!" Xiao Hua's face was cold, and he said, "you lay out here and ambush with dark hands. What's your face, what's your shame..."

"Boom boom..." Xiao Hua's words are heartbreaking. Three hundred and sixty-five Xingling kings have been angry for a long time. They hold each other's arms, and countless stars condense. Then all Xingling kings begin to show the image of nebula. The image of nebula is different, but the power is the same. They completely cover Xiao Hua's Dutian star array, which is obviously another big circle star array!The big Zhou star array was obviously born out of the big Zhou star array, but the big Zhou star array was better than the complex, the perfect, and the origin of the star light. The big Zhou star array under the cloth of fifty-two fairy babies was slowly collapsing under the oppression of the big Zhou star array!

"Haha, it's really powerful!" Xiao Hua's eyes are different. He never thought that the king of Xingling could understand the star array in the sky. However, his heart moved. Fifty two fairy babies changed their body shape again. The five colors of light and shadow flickered, and the Jiujiang star Fu tail fire array was quickly deployed!

Although the fairy babies are very tacit, and the array changes quickly, under the pressure of the star array of the big Zhou sky, which is distributed by 365 star spirit kings, the Jiujiang star Fuwei fire array has shrunk by more than 50%!

"Fight!" Seeing the fire formation of Jiujiang star's tail, Xiao Hua's heart moved, the immortal mark between his eyebrows opened, the law of fire changed into fluctuation and fell, and fifty-two immortal babies roared together, and the formation suddenly gave birth to a huge scorpion's tail rushing up into the sky!

Dazhou star array also condenses the seal of nebula all over the world!

"Boom..." With a loud noise, the whole world is shaking, Jiujiang star Fu tail fire will tear the big circle star array, the flames are turbulent, the stars are bright, the whole space is shrouded!

During the great earthquake, the Fuwei fire of Jiujiang star burst, 52 fairy babies scattered, more than 30 fairy babies were seriously injured and wailed, the star array of Dazhou sky collapsed, and 365 star spirit kings were annihilated.

As for Xiao Hua, he was unstable, with black, yellow and gold on his shoulders!

"Damn it Xiao Hua didn't expect that the star array of the 365 star spirit kings was so powerful. His head was confused. He tried his best to stabilize his body and thought about countermeasures. At this time, there was another loud bang. He didn't know where a star came from and hit Xiao Huang like a meteor!

Huang can't dodge and is smashed to the skin, "ow..." He fainted to death with a howl from the audience!

Xiao Hua was in a big hurry. With a big hand, he made Xiaojin, Xiaohei and Xiaohuang income space. Just after Sanxiao disappeared, "bang" was another two meteors flying out, which was exactly where Xiaojin and Xiaohei had fallen before!

"Damn, damn!" Xiao Hua is also angry. He scolds twice and raises his hand to offer the seal of the Star Palace!

"Wu Wu Wu..." As soon as the seal of the Star Palace comes out, there is a strange sound of neighing in the whole space. Originally, the collapsing star light rushes into the seal of the star palace like Wanliu Guizong. Even the remaining 200 star spirit kings are struggling in the running star light, as if they can't control their body shape!

"You You... " Like a thunderclap of thunder, the king of star spirit cried in a trembling voice, "you What kind of artifact is this

"What kind of artifact?" Where will Xiao Hua answer him? He raised his hand to the seal of the Star Palace and cried, "nature is the immortal weapon to kill you!"

The Xinggong print is an arrogant immortal weapon. At this time, in the starry space, it is even more fierce and unusual. With the urging of Xiao Hua, on the sky, thick ribbons of stars fall like streamers, and strands of dark halo exude uncontrollably!

"Whoosh..." In the starlight, the struggling Xingling kings turned into streamers one after another and disappeared, "boom, boom..." The big starlight fell into the seal of the palace of stars, making a great tremor.

Xiao Hua a sneer, low roar way: "go!"

All over the sky, the stars rush to the sky!

"Alas..." In the band of stars, there was a faint sigh, and another immortal with a fluttering skirt came out of his body. Unfortunately, his sigh did not fall to the ground, "boom..." The stars beat him to pieces!

"Boom..." The stars are losing their power, breaking many shackles one after another, rushing into the sky, and finally "boom" is somewhere, setting off a series of smoke like ripples.

"Hum..." Isn't it the sneer of Xingling king that a huge face appears in the ripples? He looked at Xiao Hua with a pair of big eyes comparable to the stars and said, "look at the means of this king!"

Taking advantage of xinggongyin's sacrifice, Xiao Hua has brought all the immortal babies into the lower Dantian. Now when he hears Xingling King sneer, Xiao Hua sneers even more. He raises his hand to touch xinggongyin, and the xinggongyin roars at Xingling king.

"Boom boom..." The star spirit king shows where his face is. Countless stars are torn off by the Star Palace Yinsheng. The star spirit king even tears his face. Where can he have a magic power for Xiao Hua to see?

"Damn it The star spirit king can't help but scold. How can he say that he is also the star spirit king? Now when he comes across the Star Palace seal which is congenitally restrained, he is really subdued!

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Xiao Hua actually fell into the belly of the king of Xingling. It seems that this monkey is determined, but how to get out of trouble can't be solved by a "sister-in-law"!