Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 950

What's the difference between Xiaohei and Xiaohuang?

"Roar..." In the rosefinch star array, with a roar, Huang's strange golden texture gushed out uncontrollably, and his body's violent growth did not wait for him to listen to his body's appearance, and he burst out a blue light between his mouth.

The blue light shows that thousands of light filaments fall unstoppably in the rosefinch star array, and tens of thousands of spirits are killed. As the blue light falls, scattered stars gush out, "boom..." The rosefinch star array can't condense any more, it will burst open!

It was the Xuanwu star array that trapped Xiaohei. Xiaohei revealed the body of the beast swallowing heaven with a big mouth, "Wu..." Countless twisted filaments of light burst out like rain, but all the spirits covered by the filaments fell into the black mouth!

But Xiaoyin is the most embarrassed. He seems to be escaping from the white tiger star array. After careful observation, the situation is not so simple. However, Xiaoyin is invincible and the star array is penetrated everywhere. The white tiger star array insists on "boom..." A crash!

"Ha ha ha..." Seeing this, Xiao Hua burst out laughing. With a wave of his right hand, he sacrificed the sword Hu. He was urged by the immortal formula, "Wu..." The black-and-white beam mixed with blue burst out, and the "crackle" star array was full of broken starlight, and the starlight of zhulingyuan light was punctured. Tuntian star Marshal just stood in mid air, and before he could see the rout of the star array around him, he just thought that Zhuling Yuanguang had come to his eyes!

"Damn it Tuntian xingshuai seems to feel the power of zhulingyuanguang. With a big scold, he quickly pats the star armour. Twenty eight stars on the "Wuwu" star armour gush out from the star armour and converge on tuntian xingshuai's head to form a small star array.

"Poop, poop..." Zhulingyuanguang stabs into the star array and stops after destroying the Ten Star array. The telescopic zhulingyuanguang is like an exhausted spirit snake!

"Hey, hey..." Swallow star Shuai smile, just about to open his mouth, holding the sword Hu Xiao Hua also "hey hey" sneer, his left hand patted the eyebrow, "brush" immortal mark in the open, green and red two pillars of light rushed out, "boom" hit on the sword Hu, "buzz" sword Hu vibration sound, nose and eye things emerge from the inside, black and white Zhuling yuan light shine!

"Two "Two immortals" "Swallow star Shuai surprised, cried," how How is that possible? "

It's a pity that tuntian xingshuai woke up late. He just screamed and collapsed on his head. The starlight of two bright red eyes slowly went out. At the same time, "puff" was stabbed by zhulingyuan light, which was blocked by the star array before. More than ten star arrays were penetrated instantly. Finally, with a light "brush", zhulingyuan light penetrated into tuntian xingshuai's top door!

"Click" a light ring from swallow star Shuai's body, "boom..." Swallow star Shuai armor, star dim, countless scattered light and shadow from the armor gap like water out!

"Hum..." Xiao Hua raised his hand and pretended to capture him. With a roll of his mind, he put the star Marshal into space. Then he looked around and hummed coldly, "it's just the first stage of the two immortals, and dare to fight against me!"

"Wuwu..." Xiao Hua's voice fell to the ground, and thousands of spirits hidden in the surrounding stars turned into light and shadow, and fled to the distance.

"Roar..." Silver's voice was sharp, and his roar was not powerful, but he still cried, "where to go..."

"Silver brother..." Watching Xiaoyin chase like a meteor, Xiaojin shouts to chase him.

Xiaohei and Xiaohuang smile. They are about to move their bodies. Suddenly, they tremble and look up at the sky. However, after the scattered stars and clouds in the sky, they did not reveal the light of the sky. Instead, suddenly, the wind and clouds surged, and huge star spots rolled over the sky like a rainbow. They not only made a sound like thunder, but also imprisoned the heaven and earth, and fell down like a mountain with a hundred times heavier weight than the previous star array!

"No!" Xiao Hua's face changed greatly. He said urgently, "silver, come back quickly!"

Who knows, Xiao Hua's voice did not fall to the ground, the huge shock of "bang bang", the previously scattered Xingxiu battle array and tens of thousands of spirit bodies suddenly burst into starlight, and their bodies disappeared in the twinkling of an eye!

"This This... " Xiaojin and Xiaoyin are confused. They look at the sky and the earth, and they are at a loss.

"Wu..." Just when they were in a daze, two big hands suddenly appeared on their heads. The big hands were like meteors, and the faint star patterns on them were flowing. When they fell, they could not let little gold and silver struggle, and they had already grasped them!

"Roar..." With a roar, Xiaojin's whole body is full of dragon patterns. When the big hand shakes, Xiaojin's tentacles "brush" on the top of his head and chop at the mouth of the big hand. In a flash of golden light, the big hand was split open. In a flash, Xiao Jin flew out of the big hand. Then he turned around, and several tentacles turned into dragon claws!

"Why?" A god like voice sounded in the sky, and with the sound, Xiao Hua hastened to urge Guangdun to save Xiaoyin. But strangely, when Xiao Hua's body was looming, he was shocked to find that there was no light and shadow in the whole world, and he could not urge Guangdun's skill!

"Brush..." Xiao Hua immediately raised his hand to release Tengjiao scissors. Unfortunately, Xiao Hua lost the first chance. When Tengjiao scissors passed the golden light, the big hand that captured Xiaoyin had disappeared again.

"Roar..." Xiaojin noticed that Xiaoyin was missing. He raised his head and roared. His body size increased sharply. In the blink of an eye, he turned into a dragon!"It's strange!" The voice like a god sounded again, and the big hand that captured Xiaojin disappeared like fog.

"Roar..." Xiao Jin roared at the sky, but there was no movement at all.

Xiao Hua appeases Xiao hei and Xiao Huang, who are ready to explode, and says to Xiao Jin, "come back!"

"Yes, sir!" Xiao Jin's voice is a little hoarse, but he is not willing to go against Xiao Hua's will and turn around to fly back.

Xiao Hua let out Yan Nian to explore fruitless, and opened a slit between his eyebrows, "silk..." After seeing it, Xiao Hua took a breath of air, and saw that there was a strange situation all around. The stars were tangled with the huge darkness. If the darkness was regarded as a rock, the stars were the water around the rock. Where were the sun, moon and stars?

"Damn it..." Xiao Hua closed his eyes and thought carefully. "What kind of immortal array is this? When did Xiao fall into this immortal array, and why was he so strange? "

"You should also be the spirit of Juling mountain!" Xiao Hua regretted killing tuntianxing Shuai. He looked around and asked.

"Not bad!" There was nothing hidden in the voice, and he answered, "didn't you say that? The little one is coming, the old one is coming! "

"Xingling king?" Xiao Hua was very surprised. He didn't think that his words had become a proverb, which really attracted the king of Xingling. He frowned and said, "how do you feel that the king of your spirit is really cheap? Any spirit who has lost its immortal strength dares to call himself the king, but I don't know what your strength is!"

"Ha ha..." With a laugh, countless stars converged between heaven and earth. An immortal in a long robe showed his birth form. The king of Xingling looked no different from an ordinary immortal. He was a handsome man with eyes like stars. The robe was covered with star patterns and stars. The king of Xingling said with a smile, "you don't have to try anything. I'll tell you honestly that the king of Yaoxing in Yuanling mountain is a part of the king. ”

"it's not the star spirit king that's cheap, it's the spirit body that's cheap!" Xiao Hua touched his nose and said with a bitter smile, "I really don't know how many parts the spirit body has!"

"Not much, not much..." The king of star Spirit said with a smile, "the star devil battle array is also a part of the king."

Looking at the star spirit king whose strength is unknown, Xiao Hua can't help laughing and crying. He didn't expect that his gratitude and resentment with the star spirit king had been settled a long time ago. No wonder the star spirit king killed himself in this battle!

"Cough..." Xiao Hua coughed softly, pretending not to know what the king of star spirit was pointing at, and said with a smile, "I want to ask you, Sirius general's star card and swallow star Shuai's star card Are they all important? "

"Yes The king nodded and replied, "the important king has to come here in person, the important king has to pull down his face..."

In other words, the right hand of Xingling king was raised, and the small silver sealed by Xingguang appeared in the palm of Xingling king.

"Roar..." Xiaojin roars again, and the huge body of the Dragon shows the powerful power of the dragon.

Xiao Hua is interested in acting, but seeing Xiao Jin's anger, he also knows that he can't deceive the king of star spirit. So Xiao Hua takes out Sirius general's star card and swallow star Shuai's star card, and says with a bitter smile, "you win. These two star cards are here. You let me go!"

"Where's the 50000 star spirit?" Star spirit king doesn't give up, light ask a way.

"Do you know chenxiaohai city?" Xiao Hua asked.

"Damn it The king of star spirit was a little angry. There was a star on the sky like thunder. "How dare you sell the king's star spirit?"

Xiao Hua shrugged and said with a smile, "I can't help it. I'm poor! Besides, it's useless for me to take those spirit bodies. Naturally, I want to sell them. Oh, this is the money crystal for sale. I'll give it back to you as well! "

Then Xiao Hua took out another crystal roll.

The robe around the king of star spirit was trembling and he was obviously patient. Since the king of star spirit was patient, Xiao Hua knew the importance of these two stars to the king of star spirit.

"All right!" The king of star spirit pondered for a moment and said, "let's not talk about the matter of star spirit body for the moment, and we don't need any money crystal. You can only give us two crystal cards!"

"Easy to say!" Xiao Hua smile, crystal volume instant disappeared, and then he slowly way, "do not know how you and I exchange?"

"Hey, hey..." The king of star spirit laughed and said, "naturally, you should hand over the star card first, and then I will give you back your spirit pet!"

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How does Xiao Hua get out of trouble when Xingling king appears?