Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 944

Huang hesitated for a moment, but also spit out a word, almost let Xiao Hua fall from the sky: "son I don't think mother is ugly! "

But seeing Xiao Hua's face slightly changed, Xiao Huang said in a hurry: "mother is the most handsome in the world! Mother is the most powerful in the world! "

"Well, well..." The onlooker said, "yes, my mother is right. My mother's mother is the best in the world It's the most fragrant

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua is very useful. He raises his hand to touch Xiao Huang's head and laughs. With Xiao Huang's intelligence, how can he not know that he is a man at this time? But he has called himself that since he was a child and is not willing to change his words! Don't say Xiao Huang, even Xiao Yin can't have no idea!

"Hou hou..." Just then, a dragon roars in a forbidden area in the distance. Xiao Hua raises his eyes and sees a nine color dragon rising into the sky. The dragon is shining with gold. Isn't Xiao Jin shaking his head and tail?

"Noisy!" Xiaohei is quite disdainful, highlighting two words.

"Mother..." Seeing this, Xiaoyin quickly cried, "this is Xiaojin, it's It's a child's Wait, little brother

With that, Xiaoyin flies away. Xiaohua doesn't say a word. He just looks at Xiaojin with a smile. It's not surprising. But for a moment, Xiaojin, who has just been swaggering, has shrunk into a ball and carefully follows Xiaoyin.

"Mother..." Xiaoyin flew to the side of Xiaohuang, hugged her two claws, as if she were arched, and said, "he is Xiaojin, stupid Xiaojin!"

Little Jin Leng waved his tentacles, which had the virtual shadow of the dragon's claws. He looked very nervous. After a moment, he called out: "Niang..."

"Hum..." Xiao Huang is very clever in front of Xiao Hua, but he doesn't look like that in front of Xiao Jin. He snorts coldly. Just as he is about to scold, Xiao Jin shakes all over. Countless dragon patterns fall like debris, just like a child's crying voice: "mother, I Can I call you mother? You don't know, I I always envy brother Yin. He has a mother. I have nothing... "

"No, no..." Xiaoyin was angry and flew over from Xiaohuang. She turned her paw into a shadow and hit Xiaojin. She cried, "you dare to rob my mother from me. I won't kill you, I'll kill you, I'll kill you..."

Xiaoyin's paws are really powerful. Unfortunately, they don't even leave a trace on Xiaojin's back. Poor Xiaojin doesn't dare to dodge. He looks at Xiaohua and cries: "master..."

"Alas..." Xiao Hua sighs and thinks that Xiao Jin is also poor. But when he looks at Xiao Huang, he doesn't seem to like Xiao Jin too much. Xiao Hua moves in his heart and turns to Xiao Hei on his right shoulder.

"What for?" Xiaohei was surprised, and her figure flew up.

"Xiaohuang has Xiaoyin. How about you?" Xiaohua bewitched by the jade ultimatum, "why don't you take Xiaojin as your own child? He has been pitifully tight since he was a child. A little thing has been following you all the time... "

"This..." Small black a pair of eyes twinkle starlight, looking at small gold hesitant.

Looking at the play, Xiao Hua quickly said, "don't you see your father soon?"

"Daddy?" Small gold Leng for a while, look to jade die Xiao Hua.

Xiao Huazhen was worried about Xiaojin's intelligence. He thought about it, and Xiaojin's body flew to Xiaohei. Xiaoyin was stunned and immediately understood. He flew to Xiaohei and said, "yes, yes, Xiaojin is the smartest in the world Dragon, he is the most obedient, let him call you dad! OK, ok... "

"Well..." Xiaohei grins and spits out a word!

For Xiao Jin, his tentacles were swinging rapidly, and countless empty shadows of dragons flew out, shouting: "boy I want to see my father. "

"Get up!" Xiao Hei is still sparing words like gold.

"Dad, Dad, Dad..." Xiaojin didn't get up. Instead, she tried to shout more. She really felt like crying with joy.

"Get up!" Xiao Hei roared, and Xiao Jin quickly shut up to see that Xiao Hei did not dare to shout a word more.

"Ha ha, ha ha..." Yu die Xiao Hua laughed, two sleeves a swing four small pockets, said, "with the master out to play!"

Out of space, Xiaohei and Xiaohuang are still standing on Xiao Hua's shoulders. Xiaojin and Xiaoyin are flying happily in front of their heads. Xiaohua looks at them with a smile and slowly flies out of the bloody desert. He doesn't look at the direction carefully, and knows that they are flying towards the edge of the bloody desert.

Not to mention Xiao Hua's rush to find Zhou Xiaoming and others, but also to say that the place where the flames of the enlightenment mainland are surging is the "click" of a thunderbolt on the sky, where a column of black and white light and shadow with the size of thousands of miles hang down from the sky!

The light and shadow whirled rapidly, and the black and white in it were alternating like a chessboard, and the light purple thunderbolt between the black and white flickered like a candle. If you look carefully, there is a black and white place with extremely distorted light and shadow. The black and white in the light and shadow have been torn, and the broken colors are mixed together. The light purple thunderbolt around is also messy. I'm afraid the thunderbolt before the light and shadow is from this."Boom..." The light and shadow fell to the extreme, making a sound of shaking. A heavy interface force fell down like a big Lu, and the flames around were suppressed and extinguished, revealing the maroon mountains and sky light.

After the power of the interface is revealed, "click" is a chaotic sound, black and white light and shadow begin to collapse, the black and white inside begin to stretch and fold, but in the blink of an eye, a channel like a step slowly forms and falls from the sky!

The black-and-white channel has just taken shape, and a female immortal's clothes are broken and flying out of it. The female immortal is as beautiful as a flower. Isn't she Shen?

Shen fan flew down and couldn't look around. He immediately scolded: "Damn it..."

Moreover, Shen's figure stagnated slightly, and he had to rush into the passage when he came back, but he didn't wait to fly out of the tunnel There are also five color light spots falling from the inside of the channel. The light spot seems heavy. Every time it falls, there is a sound of thunderbolt, and the space in the channel also has the image of collapse.

Shen didn't dare to break in. He had just offered a piece of immortal, "Wu..." A strange wind blows out from the light spot, and the breeze falls with the wind.

"How's it going?" Shen Chu didn't wait for the breeze to fall. He asked anxiously, "did you find that bitch?"

Although Qingfeng is not as embarrassed as Shen He, his face is also very strange. He has some shame and anger, some guilt, and even some iron green. He gritted his teeth and said, "I can't find it. This This retrograde passage is full of ambush. It must be It must be the ambush that the bitch has done for a long time... "

"No!" Shen Xun didn't doubt that he was there. He looked at the five colored light spots still whistling down and smashing the surrounding space into deformation. He said fiercely, "these foxes are the most cunning. This retrograde passage must be the secret way for them to escape. You and I are so cautious that they finally fall into her calculation."

"But no harm!" Qingfeng said with a smile, "I've broken her scar, and when she escaped, I used She's not going to live long if she's hurt by the fairy weapon! "

"Not necessarily..." Shen Shen gritted his teeth and said, "that bitch is too cunning..."

Just talking about this, Shen Chen looked at the expression on Qingfeng's face and said with a smile: "of course, no matter how cunning that bitch is, it's useless to meet you!"

"Hope I hope so! " Qingfeng said with a bitter smile, "I really didn't expect that she was imprisoned by me, and could lead to the ambush of the retrograde channel..."

In other words, the five color light spots in the channel have begun to reduce, and the falling light and shadow seem to be unable to bear its weight and slowly retract.

"Those foxes are so powerful..." Even Qingfeng was stunned. He shook his head and said, "how can I believe it if I didn't see it with my own eyes?"

Shen didn't answer. He was staring at the shrinking retrograde passage. After the retrograde passage disappeared, she took a long breath and asked, "Qingfeng, this should be Huang Zengtian's Enlightenment continent. You Where are you going? "

"This..." Qingfeng hesitated and replied, "I don't know."

"Alas..." Shen Shen sighed, and some Qi said sadly, "in that case, you You go by yourself, I Don't worry if I don't disturb you

"Where, where..." Seeing Shen's red eyes and tears, Qingfeng shakes her head and says, "you've made a mistake. I I don't mean to hide something from you, but I really don't know what to do, though Although I've got some immortal detectors, I don't know if they can be used! "

"That..." Shen Chu broke his tears into a smile and said, "if it's convenient for you to come to Huang Zengtian, and it's the reason for enlightening the mainland, tell me. Maybe I can help you with something!"

Qingfeng shook his head without hesitation and said, "I can't tell you this."

Shen Yu was obviously disappointed, but she still forced herself to smile, reached for Qingfeng's robe sleeve and said, "in that case, you and I will leave here first and find a quiet place. You can see where we are. I will send a message to the clan, one is to tell them the result, the other is to ask them to arrange disciples to help."

"Well..." Qingfeng's eyes turned, and with Shen He flying up, he said, "just like you said."

Shen didn't notice that Qingfeng's fingers, which were exposed outside the Taoist robe, clung tightly to his sleeve, and his joints were all white!

Qingfeng looks at Shen Wu's fingers and shakes his robe. His sleeve comes out of his fingers and Shen Wu frowns. Just about to say something, Qingfeng says: "by the way, what did your grandfather and second grandfather say to you? If you can, I'll help you, too! "

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It's interesting. Qingfeng seems to have a heart. What's hidden in the sleeve of his Taoist robe?