Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 945

"Hee hee..." Shen Chu said with a smile, "if you have your secret, can't I have mine? I wanted to tell you, but if you don't tell me, I won't tell you... "

Qingfeng was so anxious that he said, "it's not that I don't want to say, it's I can't say it

"Hee hee" Shen Yu smiles again, embraces Qingfeng's arm and says, "it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. I'll help you first. When you have something to do, you can help me again!"

"And It's better not to... " Qingfeng hesitated for a moment and said, "I don't have a clue. It's estimated that I can't finish it in a moment. You have to wait for me for fear of delaying your work. The two Shenxian friends have helped me a lot. Don't delay their important work... "

"You What do you mean Shen Chen's arm holding Qingfeng was a little stiff, and his face was full of resentment. He almost sobbed, "when you get to Huang Zengtian, will you..." Just want to leave me Are you going to the Shen family? "

"No, no!" In a hurry, Qingfeng waved his hand and said, "I I didn't mean that. I'm just afraid I'll delay the important business of your Shen family! You You can't tell your two grandfathers! "

"So..." Shen Xun pretended to be suddenly, looked at Qingfeng and said shyly, "you Are you worried about me? "

Qingfeng struggled for a moment, spitting out a word: "um..."

"Hee hee..." Shen Chu broke his tears and laughed. He hugged Qingfeng's arm again and said, "you don't have to worry about me. My Shen family also has people in Huang Zengtian. I just need to tell them!"

"Oh?" Qingfeng was stunned and said, "I remember you Shen family can't be in Huang Zengtian..."

At this point, Qingfeng quickly shut up, face some embarrassment, obviously aware of their own faux pas.

Shen Yu's wonderful eyes fixed on Qingfeng, which made Qingfeng feel embarrassed. He could not help muttering: "I I'm just listening to people... "

Shen Yu smiles in his heart. Qingfeng's words didn't surprise her. It was an agreement that the Shen family couldn't open branches and spread leaves in Huang Zengtian a long time ago. Not to mention the ordinary immortal, the ordinary golden immortal may not know it. Qingfeng even knew it, which is enough to show his extraordinary origin.

But Shen Xuan would never ask more questions. She just looked at the breeze and said blankly: "what what? My Shen family is in Huang Zengtian. What can't I do? "

"It's OK, it's ok..." Qingfeng took a long breath and waved his hand. "I'm afraid I heard wrong. Let's go. The interface rules here are in disorder. I'm afraid it's not easy to cast and summon!"

"Well, well..." Shen He nodded, looked around and said, "I haven't been to Huang Zengtian either. Everything is up to you."

Qingfeng laughs and gives birth to Qingyun under her feet. She holds them up and finds a direction at will.

Let's not mention the dispute between Qingfeng and the Shen family. In chaotianque, Fenghua takes out the master's hand order and whispers a few words. The people guarding the array immediately urge to transmit the immortal array. In the whole oval palace, the color of red gold and light purple echo each other, forming a deep space passage.

Fenghua seems to be commonplace. Chongliu Zhifei nods and takes Liu Yanyu into the immortal array first. When Liu Zhifei and stupid Taoist just fall into the immortal array, the purple strips around them roar like a dragon, and the whole transmission immortal array roars. Not only the purple light band begins to flood, but also the pale gold spreads like mist.

When a door like a pavilion comes out, Fenghua is not the first to enter, but to see Liu Zhifei!

"OK..." Liu Zhifei told Bendao to be humane. "What we said before is our guess. We can't do it properly. We'll wait until Fengjia comes back!"

Stupid Taoist said with a smile: "second brother, don't worry, little brother has a good idea!"

Fenghua is surprised to see the stupid Taoist. She wants to know that the surrounding space has begun to twist. Fenghua feels that there are seven colors all around her. Her immortal body is like the pressure of mountains. Of course, it was only half a cup of tea. The beauty faded away and the heavy pressure disappeared. In front of us, there was a hazy light and shadow, and a magnificent mountain and river came into our eyes.

Naturally, Liu Yanyu had been to the Feng family, but she was still attracted by the sight. She couldn't help praising: "my mother, the Butian que of the Feng family is really beautiful. Only such a place can raise such a character as my mother!"

Fenghua said proudly: "that is, the Butian que is composed of tens of thousands of small worlds. Every day you collect the Elite Cultivation of these small worlds. If you want to show them, you can't do it. It's just because your mother knows these benefits that she wants to let you marry into Fengjia..."

Liu Yanyu wanted to please her mother, but she didn't expect Fenghua to talk about marriage again. Her face was very embarrassed.

Fortunately, without waiting for the voice of Fenghua to land, "brush..." In the light and shadow, a colorful waterfall falls from the mountains and rivers, and immediately a clear and soft voice rings out: "little nephew, Feng Xue meets the two uncles of the Liu family..."

Liu Yanyu was just happy for a moment, her lips pouted again, and she snorted secretly. Needless to say, the owner of Feng family knew that Liu Zhifei was coming, so she let Feng Xue please her.

But in the light waterfall, where the sound is rising, a faint blue light flutters like a dandelion. The blue light seems very far away, but it can be seen in the blink of an eye. In the blue light, a rich and handsome young man steps on the light in plain green clothes. The young man's eyes are smiling and his mouth is slightly cocked. When he sees Liu Yanyu following Fenghua, his eyes are bright and he looks surprised Often.Naturally, the young man was the wind and snow in Fenghua's mouth, but when Liu Yanyu saw the wind and snow, she suddenly felt an indescribable feeling in her heart.

"Strange..." Liu Yanyu couldn't help saying to herself, "my father doesn't like Fengxue. That's because my mother always compares Fengjia with my Liujia. I don't reject Fengxue very much. After all, Fengxue is a genius of Fengjia. Although she is about the same age as me, she is stronger than me. If she is married, it's also a good choice. But what happened today? I saw him Can't help but want to stay away? "

Liu Yanyu thought to herself that Fengxue had come near. Liu Zhifei flew out with a smile and raised her hand to lift Fengxue up. She said, "my nephew is too polite. I'm here for Fengjia this time..."

"Uncle..." Feng Xue's face gave birth to fear, and said, "you're right. I don't think Feng's family and Liu's family have been good friends since ancient times. Just say that Aunt Hua is here, and my uncle can say whatever he wants. I will never refuse what Feng's family can do."

With that, Fengxue took advantage of the situation and said, "I've seen aunt Hua!"

Fenghua likes Fengxue very much. She smiles and holds up Fengxue and says, "Xueer, I haven't seen you for decades. Your Fuyao sword formula seems to be advanced again. Yan Yu, you have to ask Fengxue for advice. Does he seem to have the middle rank of immortals?"

Speaking of the realm, Feng Xue looked proud and said with a smile, "aunt Hua despises my nephew too much. My nephew set foot in the high rank of immortals more than ten years ago."

Hearing that Feng Xue was already a high-level fairy, even the dumb Taoist beside him was surprised.

Without waiting for Fenghua to talk about it, Fengxue turned and looked at Liu Yanyu and said, "however, these are nothing. Everything in the world is better than Yan Yu's smile. I'd rather give up the fairy than ask her to be happy every day..."

When Liu Zhifei and Fenghua talk like this, Fengxue is also brave. He carefully looks at the expressions of Liu Yanyu and Liu Zhifei. Liu Yanyu didn't expect that Fengxue was so straightforward. She quickly bowed her head, her neck was pink, and she was ashamed and angry. Liu Zhifei not only came to ask for help, but also the Feng family didn't send other elders. Naturally, he had other meanings. Besides, he couldn't really scold Feng Xue!

Stupid Taoist cold hum, obviously not happy, but Fenghua "puff" a smile: "Xueer's words are sweet, but this words later, now your sister is in a bad situation, need to enter the temple of Fengjia!"

Hearing Feng Hua's words, Feng Xue quickly straightened her face, bowed to Liu Zhifei again and said, "well, my uncle knows that the temple of our Feng family can't be opened on the first day of non sacrifice, and people with different surnames can't enter without the consent of the elders. However, she was different from others. Although she had a foreign surname, she was also the descendant of aunt Hua. When she entered the temple, she did not disobey the instructions of her ancestors. However, the situation of sister zhen'er is urgent, and the master has other important things to do. It's too late to call all the elders to discuss. Therefore, the master has informed elder Quan to come and take his uncle with him. Because it's urgent, no other elders come to meet me. I hope you'll forgive me... "

"Oh, I see!" Liu Zhifei was relieved, and his dissatisfaction was slightly reduced.

"Then go quickly..." Fenghua urged, "she's the great carrier of our ancient family. Her business can't be delayed!"

"Yes, yes..." Feng Xue nodded and said respectfully, "two uncles, aunt Hua and sister Yan Yu, please follow me!"

When the wind and snow turned around, the whole light waterfall rolled five people into the mountains and rivers in the light and shadow.

If, as Feng Hua said, Liu Yanyu and others passed through the light and shadow, and the mountains and rivers around her changed one after another. Countless labyrinth like spatial faults and phantoms emerged one after another. Even the light and shadow in front of Liu Yanyu's eyes either rotated, twisted or reversed. Strange little worlds shrouded a purple and gold Pavilion in the distance like an immortal array.

Liu Yanyu knew that the pavilion was the butianque of Fengjia. She didn't look carefully. She just lowered her head, because she felt Fengxue's eyes staring at her!

Liu Yanyu felt some humiliation in her heart. This humiliation was not only Fengxue's explicit pursuit, but also Fenghua's obvious disdain in Fengxue's eyes when she said that Liu Yanyu was a great athlete of the ancient aristocratic family. This disdain happened to be discovered when Liu Yanyu occasionally stared at Fengxue!

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The Butian que of Fengjia? Interesting