Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 943

"It's too weird!" Looking at the dark crystal flashing halo and the red crystal turning, Xiao Hua blurted out, "the fluctuation between these two crystals, can't even be detected?"

With these words, Xiao Hua thought of something again, and quickly took out the fragment that Wei Sheng saw. Sure enough, the light and shadow of "brush" flashed, and the fragment fell into the akacryst and integrated with akacryst.

"Daoyou, please..." Looking at the jade die, Xiao Hua said, "maybe you know why the fluctuation is so strange?"

"You don't know?" Yudietianren suddenly laughed, quite mysterious. "This wave is similar to the wave of a certain divine world, but its essence is not very mature. It's a kind of wave of divine world! If we contact the information given by Daoyou, we can guess... "

"Then..." Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, said something and passed on the whole story to the jade ultimatum. Then he asked, "the outline of this scorpion..."

"Daoyou..." Yudi thought for a moment and said, "of course, you and I have been to Honghuang divine realm, but we only stay in the star realm and never get to the moon god palace. Who knows what the real divine realm is like? You can't say that this scorpion comes from a higher divine realm than the star realm. Taoist friends will think about something similar to Kung Fu, the charm, and the memory stained with red... "

"Maybe it's what Daoyou just said about the quasi divine world?" Xiao Hua added.

"Quasi divine world?" Yudie Tianren narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, "is it similar to the interface of the divine world? Daoyou is a good writer

"Alas..." Xiao Hua sighed and said, "it's a broken memory without root and source. It's like the existence of Yuanshen and some crystal stones. Who knows what's the origin?"

"Who knows!" The man shrugged and asked, "if this crystal is useless, you might as well send it to a space to warm up! And if it's inconvenient for Taoist friends to ask brother Tiandao to pass on those memories to some family, some family will have some leisure! "

"Well, well!" Xiao Hua nodded and said, "thank you, Daoyou."

With a smile, he took two crystal blocks and flew back to the divine space. On the top of the star dome, a large amount of light fell towards the divine space.

Looking at the disappearance of yudie's back, Xiao Hua said to himself, "I didn't know where the two dark crystals had gone before. Now it seems that the two dark crystals may have been included in the spirit when I lost my mind. Now that I'm back, the dark crystals are still coming back, but they are hidden in the spirit, and I can't feel it! Thanks to the crystal, otherwise I'm afraid I'll be taken away by the scorpion

Thinking of the outline of the scorpion, even Xiao Hua could not help shivering. He really couldn't understand how the outline of the scorpion quietly invaded his spirit.

When Xiao Hua's heart and mind returned to their original position, there was also unspeakable pain coming from his mind. However, the pain was not the same as before, so Xiao Hua simply sat down with his knees crossed. He watched his eyes, nose, nose and heart settle down, and tried his best to urge the body to step on the Shenque skill, so that the 52 yuan babies could improve their realm, and at the same time, he also urged the secret skill to condense the Fu arrow!

Even with the protection of tracing light, even with the way of heaven, Xiao Hua led away some memory fragments, and even with Xiao Hua's meditation and concentration, it took more than 50 yuan days for the unspeakable pain to gradually disappear from Xiao Hua's mind.

"Alas..." Xiao Hua opened his eyes and sighed again, "it's really dangerous! If it were not for the mysterious dark crystal, even if Xiao condensed the body of light, it would be hard to avoid making wedding clothes for people! "

After sighing, Xiao Hua explored carefully, but he was smiling again. It is the so-called great terror between life and death, but Xiao Hua gained a lot by wandering between life and death.

Not to mention that casting and refining Fu arrow has made great progress in the period of more than 50 yuan, not to mention that the spirit has grown a lot. Yan Nian is more powerful than ever, but the mind seems to be growing all the time. Thinking about it with Xiao Hua's heel, I know that this is the benefit of swallowing the outline of scorpion!

"No wonder the devil killer likes to swallow it!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "it's good to get something for nothing!"

Just as he thought about it, Xiao Hua's heart moved and his mind entered the space. Sure enough, when the heaven of yudie saw Xiaohua come in, he immediately danced and cried: "congratulations to Daoyou, congratulations to Daoyou..."

"Hey, hey..." Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, replied with a smile, "dare to ask friends, how happy are they?"

"A certain family has been confirmed!" Yudie Tianren said with a smile, "what you handed down to a certain family is a secret skill. This skill is different from what you saw in a previous family, even It's not the same as what you are learning now... "

"Then..." As soon as Xiao Hua was about to speak, he interrupted again and said, "as for the light and shadow, it's the memory of the outline of scorpion that Taoist friend said. Taoist friend, look, it hasn't been fully revealed. I really don't know how many secrets are hidden in that memory!"

Looking at the Red Star dome and the light and shadow flowing into the divine space, Xiao Hua suddenly said, "don't be careless, Taoist friends. These memories may not be true. Maybe many of them are fabricated and fabricated..."

Then Xiao Hua passed the memory fragments from Wei Sheng's mind to the heaven and man of the yudie. The heaven and man of the yudie were stunned for a moment, stamped his feet and said: "some Some family doesn't tell Daoyou, this These scorpions are so playfulWith that, he passed some things to Xiao Hua and rushed into the divine space as a meteor.

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua saw the light and shadow coming from heaven and man, but he laughed. As Xiao Hua said, there are some secret skills in the light and shadow, but they are all fragments. Moreover, there are also a lot of information about the divine world, which seems to be true, but after careful exploration, it seems to be false.

Xiao Hua is just about to get out of space. Xiao Hua's red light and shadow flicker slightly in the starry sky, and some scorpion Charms flash away.

"Silk..." Realizing something, Xiao Hua couldn't help taking a breath and said in secret, "I'm really careless. Whether this skill is true or not, or those memory fragments are true or not, this scorpion charm is really true! Scorpion charms of different sizes have different meanings, and the contents are far more than ordinary runes. Once the spirit contacts the meaning, it can quickly understand the meaning. This It's not owned by fairyland. Is it true that I've been told that Is it higher than fairyland? "

"How can this thing that is higher than the fairyland interface fall into Huang Zengtian's bloody desert?"

"And look at the spirits of the immortals in the red crystal. I don't know how many dust immortals fell into it, but there won't be too many immortals passing through the bloody desert. That is to say, the red crystal is hidden under the ground. I don't know how many times."

"If Wei Sheng didn't stop me, if he didn't set up so many puppets, if he didn't fall, those puppets were out of control, if Wei Sheng's Yuanshen and puppets were stained with hematite fragments, if these puppets had the magic power of aggregation and melting, if they didn't hurt xiaoxiangzi and chexiong, if Xiao happened to pass by, if Xiao was curious, if not Xiao There is a dark crystal How could Xiao know all this? "

Too many mysteries and too many coincidences make Xiao Hua smile bitterly. No wonder the river of cause and effect is red. Unfortunately, the river of cause and effect can't see the source or the end. Even Xiao Hua can't see what is in Hanoi.

But also in the yudie Xiaohua depressed, he eyebrows a Yang, looking at the fairyland space.



But listen to the sound of two low roar, two fierce figures break out of the sky, one is the listen to the beast, one is the majestic swallowing beast.

"Ha ha..." Yu die Xiao Hua smiles, the previous depression is swept away.

Xiao Hua's body falls into the fairyland space,



Xiaohei and Xiaohuang take back their virtual shadow and fall in front of Xiaohua in a flash.

"Good boy, good boy..." The jade die Xiao Hua some tears gush out, two hands caress two small heads, don't know what to say. Two small with Xiao Hua from Shenzhou market to get here, the experience can only be described as dependent on each other.

"Mother's mother..." Xiaoyin also flew to Xiaohua's right hand for a moment. Then she cleverly shrunk to Xiaohuang's side, stretched out her tongue and licked Xiaohuang's ear, and whispered, "mother..."

Who knows, Xiao Huang's big tail sweeps, "Wu" hits Xiao Yin in the air. Then Xiao Huang's big tail shakes Xiao Hua's left shoulder, sticks out his tongue, licks Xiao Hua's ear and whispers: "mother..."

Xiao Hei is not so flattering as Xiao Huang. He flies to Xiao Hua's right shoulder, raises his head and says, "it's clearly Dad..."

"I like, I like..." Without waiting for Xiao Hei to finish, Xiao Huang said, "what's the matter? I just like to call mother! I'm proud of my mother, I'm proud of my mother! Your name is daddy. Why don't you save your mother? "

With that, Xiao Huang's big tail flicked back and forth in the back of Xiao Hua's head and said, "is your mother OK? That time, the child was too sleepy, otherwise he must come back with his mother. Oh, by the way, mother, why are we so big? You have so many disciples

"Ha ha, ha ha..." Listening to the words from Xiaohuang's mouth, Xiaoyin flew to Xiaohuang and wanted to be close, but he didn't dare to be close. Xiaohua laughed, raised his hand, took Xiaoyin in his hand, and said, "even when you are all grown up, how can your mother not make your home big? Otherwise, you will not be able to live... "

"I don't think my family is poor!" Xiaohei cuts the railway

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Xiao hei and Xiao Huang finally wake up. Xiao Huang is still so poo