Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 942

Xiao Hua's eyes flashed through the red emulsion, and a strong breath of darkness came to him. Needless to say, this red emulsion was the condensation of fairy soul. Xiao Hua felt extremely angry. He shouted, "you, P!"

then Xiao Hua urged the Star Palace to print into a star shaped shape and turned toward the contours of scorpion. The starry red spot was burned to form a gas, and the soul was flying from inside to outside.

"Wu..." The scorpion outline is naturally unwilling to get caught, a paw waving the sound of the wind whistling, the left red emulsion condensing towards the Star Palace.

"Boom boom..." The Star Palace imprint is extremely powerful, and quickly smashed the red emulsion to hit the scorpion's claws. The outline flashed red light, and the stars of the stars were destroyed, but when the stars of the Star Palace fell down, the paw of a scorpion's paw unexpectedly knocked the Star Palace back.

"Hum..." Seeing that Xinggong seal is hard to achieve, Xiao hualeng raises his hand to a little Xinggong seal. Xinggong seal is stable in the mid air, causing the light column of the moon and stars to bombard the scorpion's outline. While he pinches the key with both hands, and the soul flies out of the middle of the eyebrow. A curse like "Curse" appears quickly. Isn't it just the curse of Xiao Huaxin's recent experience?

"Go Seeing the charm coming out, Xiao Hua gave a low rebuke, and the charm fell to the outline of scorpion.

"Wu..." The outline of the claw that had previously knocked the seal of the Star Palace away flashed the red light big bang charm again.

"Poof..." With a loud sound, the outline of the paw, which was more powerful than the seal of the Star Palace, was broken by the charm, "ow..." The sound of scorpion's pain in Xiao Hua's mind!

"Take my life..." Xiao Hua was overjoyed, and his body escaped into the light again. When he appeared, Xiao Hua was already in front of the outline of the scorpion. Xiao Hua stared at the faint halo above the outline of the scorpion, and zhulingyuanguang offered up, "Wu..." The black-and-white light and shadow mixed with the blue color fell to the outline of the scorpion

But at such a critical moment, Xiao Hua suddenly felt a chill in his heart. A kind of unspeakable shudder came from his mind. The shudder covered his whole body like frost!

"Gaga..." A laugh rang out in his mind. This is the scorpion outline floating in the red emulsion of Xiao Hua's head. It suddenly disappeared. But in a moment, the outline of the Scorpion was revealed in the voice of laughter. "How can you know my magic?"

Xiao Hua is really like falling into the ice cellar. The scorpion's outline is too weird. Until this time, Xiao Hua didn't know how to escape into his mind! Xiao Hua doesn't want to urge Qi Lingyan in a hurry. At the same time, he runs Yuanxing spirit chapter crazily, hoping to protect his slightly weak spirit!

"Oh? Good thing... " Scorpion outline a low call, Xiao Hua can almost imagine scorpion outline salivating appearance!

Xiao Hua just wanted to try to activate the soul sword, and he said "boom..." in his mind The sound of explosion, unspeakable syncope, Xiao Hua know must be scorpion outline attack their spirit!

"Good, good..." Sure enough, the voice of the scorpion's surprise came out, "what a fat spirit..."

"Ah..." Xiao Hua has a splitting headache, and the mysterious cloud seems to be tearing apart. Xiao Hua can't help but scream, but he doesn't wait for his scream to fall to the ground, "ah..." In Xiao Hua's mind, the outline of the scorpion exclaimed, "you How can your spirit be mysterious... "

with the voice of the scorpion outline, a red and black interlaced light and shadow emitted from Xiao Hua's eyebrow heart, and all the red emulsion swept away in the space.

It's a pity that the sound of the outline of the scorpion is just like a real scorpion falling into the sawtooth and strangling out, and there is no sound.

"This This... " Xiao Hua was puzzled, "what's the matter?"

Unfortunately, he didn't wait for Xiao Hua to figure out what he had sent Xiao Hua's mind, suddenly produced a large number of memory fragments, like a tsunami rushing into!

"Damn it..." Xiao Hua thinks that this is the outline of the scorpion. He quickly sits down on his knees and urges the original spirit to condense these memory fragments!

It's just that the memory fragments are so huge that Xiao Hua's spirit can't be absorbed in a short time. When he has to understand what predicament he is facing, Xiao Hua's face changes greatly. He doesn't want to leave his body and fall into space immediately.

Sure enough, "brush..." Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, has just settled in the space station. His whole body is flashing red and shining. The light and shadow are condensed by countless strange charms. The shape of the charm is like a scorpion, similar to the outline Xiao Hua saw.

As soon as Xiao Hua was red, the void was distorted and trembled.

"Oh?" A dull voice, like thunder, comes from the sky. There's no need to tell Xiao Hua, "brush..." Countless columns of stars and moon light fall to cover the red light and shadow. The red light and shadow show innumerable strange images and rush into the sky and fall into Xiao Hua's body.

"Hoo..." Xiao Hua was a little relieved, but this tone just exhaled, Xiao Hua's face changed again, his body shape was pulled out of the space by the pain of the body.

"Damn it..." Xiao Hua's mind fell into the body, and the irresistible pain came. Under the impact and trample of countless lights and shadows, Xiao Hua finally fainted!

Although Xiao Hua fainted, and countless lights and shadows were also introduced into the space by Xiao Hua, there were still some lights and shadows that impacted Xiao Hua's spirit. These lights and shadows seemed to be memories, but they were more like scorpion's venomous stings. They pierced into Xiao Hua's spirit!"Brush..." A light and shadow fall out of thin air. The light that hasn't been exposed for a long time protects the spirit of Xiao Hua. Pieces of light and shadow are led by the light and shadow and rush into the light!

In the dark, a blood red space appeared in Xiao Hua's mind, and some vague lights and shadows in the space, such as long-term memories, unfolded one by one

I don't know how long later, Xiao Huayou wakes up. He can't look around, so he quickly puts his hand on his forehead. His headache, which is more painful than his hangover, is pounding his spirit like a spray!

"Damn it Xiao Hua can't help but scold, and wants to urge the Yuanxing spirit chapter. However, after a little investigation, he smiles bitterly, and the secret skill is always in operation, but this secret skill can't reduce the pain of his spirit!

"What to do?" Xiao Hua felt that he had some poor skills, but in a moment, he was shocked. He was in a hurry to explore the secret skills. He had half a cup of tea. Xiao Hua lost his voice and said, "this What's going on? When has Xiao's corpse dog been cast successfully? Now I'm starting to cast Fu arrow? "

"Could it be that Could it be that after the scorpion like outline was engulfed by Xiao somehow, it greatly promoted the cultivation of Yuanxing spirit chapter? "

Thinking of the outline of scorpion, some scattered images came out. Unfortunately, without waiting for Xiao Hua to see the content of the image, it was a pain again!

"Ouch..." Xiao Hua whispered his pain, and he didn't dare to think about it any more. At this time, he saw a huge red light curtain in front of his head, but it was much darker than before, and there was no suction!

"Xiao must have fallen into this light curtain..." Xiao Hua held back the pain, pinched his chin and said in secret, "when the scorpion's outline attacked Xiao, he was engulfed by Xiao, and Xiao got out of it!"

Xiao Hua released Yannian to see how big the red light curtain was, but Yannian fell on it and was imprisoned.

Xiao Hua was about to accept Yannian when he had an idea. He pointed to the Star Palace seal floating around him and said, "boom, boom..." Before the seal of the Star Palace rushes to the light curtain, it causes the light column of the moon and the stars to fall, and smashes on the light curtain like a hammer!

With the vibration of the space, the light curtain shrank. Half an hour later, the light curtain shrank to hundreds of feet. Looking at things about the same size as himself, Xiao Hua had a strange feeling. It was a polygonal crystal, which looked similar to the crystalloid Xiao Hua had previously obtained.

Without saying a word, Xiao Hua released his mind and sent the red crystal into space, while he himself turned into a jade ultimatum, and Xiao Hua fell to the side of the red crystal.

as like as two peas, the red crystal is almost the same as the crystal of the crystal, and the red crystal also has honeycomb particles, and the particles are also cloudy.

However, without waiting for the jade die Xiao Hua's action, "brush" his whole body to regenerate red light and shadow, one by one like a scorpion's charm condenses again, at the same time, some strange messages fall into his mind like a storm.

Xiao Hua, the jade die, was so shocked that he looked up at Xiao Hua. Look at the star dome at this time, all the stars are red, all the stars are like scorpions, wisps of light and shadow are like scorpions in line.

What did Xiao Hua understand? He quickly bowed and said, "thank you for your help!"

"No thanks!" There was a thunderous sound.

"Tao From friends of Taoism Is it Gongfa? " Xiao Hua hesitated and asked tentatively.

"I don't know..." One finger showed, pointing to the tracing light hidden in the sky, and said, "the greater secret is there!"

"Why?" On the void, the voice of heaven and man sounded, "what happened?"

Yudie Tianren said while flying down, strange looking at the sky, looking at the way of heaven Xiao Hua's change.

"Daoyou, please see..." Xiao Hua's heart moved, and he gave the things from Xiao Hua to heaven.

"This..." Yudie's face changed in a short time. He looked very strange.

"And look at something Xiao Hua looked at the red crystal and said seriously, "maybe they can tell me the answer!"

Then Xiao Hua raised his hand, and the dark crystal appeared beside the red crystal. "Boom" was almost at the same time. The dark crystal and the red crystal were shining at the same time, and the obscure waves appeared between the two crystals. Before Xiao Hua could see it clearly, the red crystal suddenly moved and slowly rotated around the dark crystal!

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What did the way of heaven Xiao Hua pass on to the jade ultimatum Xiao Hua and the man of heaven Xiao Hua? We'll break it down late