Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 939

The stupid Taoist looked at you Lao and said to Fenghua, "it's right that the second sister-in-law's heart goes to Fengjia. But did second sister-in-law forget? Yan Yu's marriage is also divined. No one can agree without the consent of the owner of the family! "

"Second uncle thinks too much!" Fenghua had a fever and said, "I'm just worried about you!"

"Yan Yu has begun to comprehend the remnant of Zhuyuan!" You old is cut nail cut railway, "her marriage can't even be controlled by the master, Fenghua, Yan Yu is not the woman who can give up at will!"

"You Lao..." Fenghua was even more embarrassed and said, "Yan Yu and zhen'er are my own children. How can I abandon them at will"

"don't say it!" Liu Zhifei said, "this matter has been out of the scope of our choice. Please come here!"

You Lao also nodded and said: "indeed, I didn't know that the blood color was related to the ancestral image of Fengjia. Since Fengjia was involved, I can only ask the owner to come forward! Fourth, you are here to see yu'er. I'll take second and Fenghua to see the owner of the house! "

"Lao Si, thank you Liu Zhifei looked at the stupid Taoist and said with some apology.

"Go on, second brother!" The stupid Taoist patted Liu Zhifei on the shoulder and said, "here I am!"

Liu Zhifei nodded and blurted out: "in fact, that female immortal of Yin family is really good. You should consider it!"

Stupid Taoist has a black line!

"Husband..." Fenghua watched youlao fly out of biyutian and reminded him, "the second uncle must have a plan. Let's go to see the master quickly."

"Fourth uncle..." As soon as Liu Zhifei and others left, Liu Yanyu flew in. She nervously looked at her back and said in a low voice, "what are my parents doing?"

The stupid Taoist looked at Liu Yanyu and frowned, "don't you want to go to Zhuji hall? Why are you back? "

"I..." Liu Yanyu nibbled her lips and said, "I'm worried about jue'er. If she can't be cured, I don't want to practice!"

The stupid Taoist turned his eyes and said, "silly girl, you'd better go to Zhuji hall. Your mother will betroth you to Fengjia's Fengxue!"

"Ah?" Liu Yanyu was shocked and said, "why! This Does this have anything to do with yu'er? "

Stupid Taoist said the reason of the matter, and finally said: "in order to let you enter the temple of Fengjia, your mother decided to let you marry Fengjia. They went to find the owner of the house!"

"Hoo..." Liu Yanyu was not surprised but pleased. She patted her chest and said, "since you have a cure, it's good!"

"Don't you hate that Blizzard?" The stupid Taoist asked back, "I remember he came before you went to pick him up. You turned him away!"

"Now and then!" Liu Yanyu's eyes were full of sadness, and she said, "since Feng family can cure yu'er, it's not snow, it's an ordinary Xianying, I'd like to get married, too! "

"Oh, you silly girl!" The stupid Taoist sighed and said, "of course, you are the great carrier of our Liu family You should have your own happiness. You don't have to sacrifice everything for your son. "

"Yu'er is my sister!" Liu Yanyu laughed and said, "in your eyes, she's an air carrier, a future and a hope. But in my eyes, she's a baby who's wrestling with my fingers, a baby who's crying and looking for me to hug..."

"OK..." The stupid Taoist said with a smile, "I lied to you just now. Don't say your father can't betroth you to Fengxue. Even the householder won't agree. They are going to contact Fengjia to see how to let jue'er enter Fengjia temple. It has nothing to do with your marriage. Don't think so much about it. Your marriage can't be decided by your mother alone, and you don't have to sacrifice anything about jue'er. Your marriage Maybe you can't help it, but if you have some autonomy, you will be able to achieve some happiness. If you go to Zhuji hall quickly, and can cultivate and build the original fragments, you will be able to grasp the chips of your own happiness! "

"It doesn't matter..." Liu Yanyu's smile was bitter and astringent. "You can't marry anywhere, so why struggle?"

Stupid Taoist was a little impatient. He stamped his feet to persuade him, but his words changed. He said with a strange smile: "Yan Yu, how much do you remember about forgetting Sichuan?"

Liu Yanyu was stunned and said, "why did the fourth uncle ask about it again? I don't seem to remember at all... "

"It's strange!" Stupid way deep taste, long way, "don't say you forget Sichuan line, finally a blessing in disguise, the spirit of strange become organic edge to realize the construction of the original remnant.". Every time your spirit is about to dissipate, you will find that your trip to Sichuan is absolutely wonderful. And the strangest thing is that you and Mou have no deep taboo about forgetting Sichuan after they take you back to Yang with you. I think they must have seen something... "

"He Don't they all forget? " Liu Yanyu was surprised.

The stupid Taoist hesitated for a moment and said, "they go into the oblivion and come out immediately. The situation inside will not disappear too soon. They must have some vague memories..."

"Well What does that have to do with me? "

"Don't you say that you vaguely remember a melody?" The stupid Taoist guides patiently."Yes..." Liu Yanyu had a strange look in her eyes and said, "when I think of the melody, I have a strange feeling in my heart..."

"How do you feel?" The stupid Taoist was happy when he heard it. What he wanted was this. No matter how Liu Yanyu felt, he would say the same thing.

Sure enough, Liu Yanyu said, "a kind of Heart is like a knife, a kind of Reluctant to part, a kind of light sadness.... "

The stupid Taoist was ready to speak, but he was stunned when he heard this.

"What's the matter?" Seeing that the stupid Taoist didn't speak, Liu Yanyu asked in a hurry.

How could he not know what the feeling in Liu Yanyu's heart meant? No wonder youlao must hide what she saw in Wangchuan!

However, the stupid Taoist looked at Liu Yanyu's crystal clear face, the confusion in his eyes, and the desolation in his eyes. He gritted his teeth and said, "Yan Yu, don't you think you You met... "

It's a pity that the stupid Taoist just said this. In the distance, you Lao's surprised voice came: "Yan Yu? Why are you still here... "

The stupid Taoist couldn't explain, so he said: "Yan Yu, remember, go to Zhuji hall to cultivate the original remnant. Only when you strengthen yourself, can you Only in this way can you uncover the secret of forgetting Sichuan, which is extremely important to you! "

Liu Yanyu's heart trembled. Although she couldn't remember what happened in forgetting Sichuan, she was still thinking about what happened in forgetting Sichuan. Now after listening to the stupid Taoist, how could she not know what happened in forgetting Sichuan!

But Liu Yanyu didn't ask much. She turned around carefully and said, "you Lao, father, mother, I miss you..."

"No need to say more!" Fenghua flies behind you Lao and Liu Zhifei. She looks at Liu Yanzhen, waves her hand and says, "since you're here, come with us to Butian que!"

You old man looked at Liu Yanyu and nodded: "well, I can't leave biyutian now. Take the master's hand and go quickly!"

Looking at Fenghua carefully bringing Liu Yanzhen into the space, the stupid Taoist flew out behind Liu Zhifei and asked in a low voice: "second brother, how can you be so fast? I thought I had to see the owner first. The old man said that he had to take his son with him in person

Liu Zhifei's face was still worried, and he said absently: "the master of the family just talked with Fengjia, Huang's and Yin's about important matters. When he heard that zhen'er needed to go into Fengjia's temple, the master immediately told Fengjia that he didn't agree with her. But when he heard that there was a false shadow of blood Guanyin on her, Yin's was surprised and said that it might have something to do with the important matters they were discussing. Feng's the only way I agree, so the owner immediately gave me a warrant and asked me to go immediately... "

Liu Zhifei was "immediately" and "immediately". The stupid Taoist didn't understand him. He was not a curious person. At this time, he couldn't help being curious. After all, it's not easy to enter the temple of Fengjia!

So the stupid Taoist whispered, "second brother, what's the matter with the Yin family? I remember their Yin family was the most low-key one. "

As they spoke, they were already out of the blue sky and flew to an oval palace in the distance. The palace was red gold and surrounded by Lavender halos.

Liu Zhifei looked at the stupid Taoist and said, "since there are Fengjia and Huangjia, they are some ancient prohibitions. I didn't hear them clearly. I just heard the Yin family talk about Xuanyuan water control flag and Manjusri Bodhisattva..."

"Xuanyuan water control flag?" The stupid Taoist suddenly opened his eyes and exclaimed, "this wonderful thing was taken by the Yin family?"

"Maybe!" Liu Zhifei shook his head slightly. "After the fall of the emperor, the fairyland was in chaos. All the famous fairyland utensils were missing, or lost, or used for suppression, or broken. Since the Yin family asked the Feng family and the Huang family to come and discuss, it must be the Xuanyuan water control flag that was used to suppress the fairyland."

Seeing that the oval palace is near, the stupid Taoist doesn't say much anymore. He turns to look at Liu Yanyu, who is also absent-minded behind Fenghua. The stupid Taoist laughs and knows that her words have played a role. No matter what Liu Yanyu meets in Wangchuan, the stupid Taoist doesn't want to see Liu Yanyu lose the idea of pursuing happiness.

The oval palace is a teleportation immortal array, but this teleportation immortal array is different from the ordinary one. The huge rhombic red gold ball is not in the space of the palace like a star. There are ninety-nine and eighty-one light purple light bands, each of which condenses into nine light knots. Hundreds of lights combine the brilliance of the stars, and the whole teleportation immortal array looks like a starry sky

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Reminded by a stupid Taoist, Liu Yanyu has realized something. Unfortunately, it's too difficult to uncover the mystery of forgetting Sichuan