Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 938

"Ouch..." Hearing this, you Lao could not help patting his forehead and said, "look at my memory. I don't know how many chapters of my Liu family's Zhuyuan have not been practiced. I have forgotten them."

"Oh, yes!" The stupid Taoist sighed and said, "the cultivation of my ancient family was mainly based on Yuanxing, supplemented by Yuanqi. If the spirit is like Yin without Yang, how can it build Yuanqi universe?"

"From the image of Yan Yu's spirit..." You Lao said with a smile, "it's the perfect starry sky to cultivate the remnant of Zhuyuan. It's a pity that the remnant of Zhuyuan of my Liu family is lost too much!"

"What if it's lost?" The stupid Taoist raised his hand to grasp the starry sky in the transparent flame, and said proudly, "is there a more complete Yuanqi primitive chapter in the fairyland than the remnant chapter of Zhuyuan?"

As the stupid Taoist accepted the magic, the transparent flame turned into an oil lamp.

You Lao raised his hand to accept the oil lamp, and said to Liu Yanyu with a smile: "Yan Yu, you are right. Your spirit has indeed changed, which shows that you went to forget Sichuan to save yu'er. Although it was dangerous for several times, it was a blessing in disguise. It is also a gift from heaven to see that you are deeply in love with yu'er's sisters."

Liu Yanyu got up, still worried, and said, "it really doesn't matter if you have an adventure. I just hope you can wake up as soon as possible Don't you remember me? There are always some strange rhythms in my mind, but when I think about it carefully, I can't see them. It's very strange... "

"Alas You old sighed, "I told you, I and Mou old is also the soul into the forgotten Sichuan, old four can be a witness, one in and one out is just a cup of tea, let alone memory, is what you encounter in the forgotten Sichuan, I don't know!"

"Well, yes!" The stupid Taoist nodded and said, "when you and Mou come back, their spirits are damaged. They can't know what you met in forgetchuan."

"But You Lao said with a smile, "no matter what you meet, it's a good thing. Take your old token and go to Zhuji hall. Please build the original remnant to practice..."

"But..." Liu Yanyu hesitated for a moment and looked at Liu Yanyu. Before Liu Yanyu finished, the stupid Taoist raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "great, second brother and second sister-in-law are back!"

"Hum..." You laoleng hums a way, "they just come back now, if it were not for Yan Yu, long ago..."

You didn't say anything for a long time, not only because she didn't want to say it, but also because a gentle man and a graceful woman flew in in a hurry.

"You Lao, Lao Si..." The elegant man looked like Liu Yanyu. He rushed to Liu Yanyu and said, "what's the matter with you?"

"Father, mother..." Liu Yanyu bowed herself in a hurry.

"How do you take care of her?" The female fairy glared at Liu Yanyu and scolded, "when I left with your father, how did you agree?"

"I know my mistake!" Liu Yanyu knelt down and said, "it's the child's fault..."

"What?" The male fairy was stunned, and his sword eyebrows stood up and said, "you What did you do? "

"Cough..." Youlao coughed twice and said, "Zhifei, Fenghua, you haven't heard the details. Why do you scold Yanyu like this? If Yan Yu had not given up her life, how could she have returned to Yang? "

The male immortal named Zhifei was naturally Liu Zhifei, the father of Liu Yanyu. When he heard this, his face changed greatly and he said, "what? Return to the sun? "

The fairy named Fenghua said in a hurry: "you Lao, what happened? Wang Er also I can't go to Jiuyou! "

"Yan Yu..." You Lao ignored them, took out a keepsake, handed it to Liu Yanyu and said, "you go to get the remnant of Zhuyuan, and understand it yourself first. If you don't understand something, just come to me!"

"What, what?" Liu Zhifei was a little confused and said, "Yan Yu wants to understand the remnant of Zhuyuan?"

"Don't worry about Yan Yu if you don't know..." Fenghua urged, "it's important to be a child!"

"Well, well..." Liu Zhifei nodded and said to Liu Yanyu, "Yanyu, you must seize this great opportunity! The remnant of Zhuyuan But for many generations, no one has the right to understand. "

"Well, yes, father, mother..." Liu Yanyu got up, took the keepsake and flew out after respectfully saluting.

Straight out of biyutian, Liu Yanyu's left hand explored and took biyou out of her sleeve. Her eyes were confused. However, she just looked at it and immediately put it away carefully. She even turned her head to have a look. She believed that it could reveal the mystery of her trip to forgetting Sichuan. She would never ask again.

Of course, Liu Zhifei and others' thoughts are not on Liu Yanyu. After listening to the part of stupid Taoist, he said, "it seems that I blame Yan Yu wrong!" Feng Hua looked at Liu Yan fondly and said, "it can only be regarded as making up for the past! It's also Yan Yu's fault that her spirit falls into forgetting Sichuan... "

The stupid Taoist looked at Fenghua and said in a low voice, "it's useless to blame anyone now. The problem is how to expel the blood color on the boy!"

"Home Does the owner know? " Fenghua took a look at Liu Zhifei and asked stupid Tao.

You old interface way: "as early as in the spirit of the sun after the report home owner! Although he didn't come to the old man's home, he kept telling me at any time... "Fenghua was relieved and said with a smile: "you and my fourth brother have worked hard. I want to thank Zhifei..."

Said, Fenghua Lala Liu Zhifei, Liu Zhifei has been frowning, at this time suddenly, Qi Qichong two people salute. The stupid Taoist didn't accept it, so he dodged. You old man helped him up and said, "don't worry, you son is the great carrier of our family, and also the hope of several ancient families. I can't be with the family leader..."

Without waiting for you to finish, Fenghua suddenly brightened her eyes and said to Liu Zhifei: "husband, I..."

Liu Zhifei was not happy. He brushed his sleeve and said, "lady, after you finish speaking, it's not too late!"

"Yes, yes..." Fenghua also realized that it was inappropriate for her to interrupt. She said with a smile, "you Lao, is It's my fault. You always say first... "

"Ha ha..." Youlao looked at Fenghua and said with a smile, "it doesn't matter. I'm afraid you think of something. Just say it!"

"You Lao..." Fenghua looked really anxious, and she didn't show much humility. She said, "Hello, do you remember the ancestral statues in the temple of butianque in our Feng family?"

You Lao Leng for a moment, frowned and shook his head: "I'm afraid I'm not qualified to enter the temple of Feng family. How can I have seen the ancestral statue of Feng family?"

"I I didn't mean that! " Fenghua understood what he said about Meng Lang, and quickly explained, "I just want to say..."

Liu Zhifei was displeased and said, "speak quickly if you have something to say."

"Husband..." Feng Hua said, "it seems that I've seen the blood color on her body. If I don't expect it, it's similar to the blood color on my father's portrait of Feng family..."

"What do you mean?" Liu Zhifei frowned and said, "the color of the blood is similar to that of your fengjiazu?"

"Yes, yes!" "As like as two peas, I saw the blood of my arms on my ancestors' faces."

"Not bad!" You old also eyes a bright, low shout a way, "is double arms......"

But you old just finish saying, she also realizes not proper, cover up a way: "old body saves a son to come back, she also has blood color arms on the body!"

The stupid Taoist took a look at you and didn't answer. The color of blood gushed from his arms.

"Well, well..." Fenghua didn't realize the meaning behind you Lao's explanation, nodded and said, "that's right! At that time, I was scared to death by the color of blood, because it was strange and could directly penetrate my body and soul. However, according to old Quan, who is the guardian of the temple, it is said that the arms of the ancestral statue had no blood color. On the first day of the year, suddenly there was a burst sound, and then the arms of the ancestral statue were blood color. As for the reason, no one knows! "

"Lady..." Liu Zhifei frowned and said, "do you mean that the blood color on her body has something to do with the blood color of the ancestor of Feng family?"

"Yes, yes!" Feng Hua nodded and said, "cho'er is a fortune teller of the Liu family. She is also the recognized hope of the ancient aristocratic family. But she never shows her mountain and water. No one knows why she became a fortune teller. Now, isn't the color of blood just a sign that yu'er is the reincarnation of our Fengjia ancestors

"She is a fairy!" Liu Zhifei reminded, "how could it be the reincarnation of the ancestors of the Feng family?"

"Don't you know?" Feng Hua chuckled, "my father of Feng family Is that a woman

"Ah?" Don't say that Liu Zhifei was stunned. Even you Lao and stupid Taoist were surprised. "Is the ancestor of Feng family like a woman? This I really don't know! "

"Well, that's all I can say!" Feng Hua nodded and said, "other things are related to the secrets of my Feng family. I'm sorry I can't say more about it..."

"Second sister-in-law, think more about it!" Stupid Taoist light said, "if the wind family ancestors reincarnation, how also have to be born to butianque, how can wrong chaotianque?"

"Hey, hey..." Fenghua said with a little smile, "yes or no, just send her to the temple of my Fengjia, and you will know whether it's true or not!"

"It's not that easy!" Stupid Taoist shook his head, "the temple of the wind family only wind family heirs can enter, how can you enter?"

Fenghua hesitated for a moment, and said: "old spring guards the temple..."

"Alas..." Liu Zhifei sighed and said, "do you remember the snow? He He is his favorite nephew in his later life, but he came to my Liu family to talk about his marriage.... "

"How easy that is!" Fenghua didn't want to answer, "Fengxue really likes Yan Yu, so she agreed to him!"

"No way!" The stupid Taoist and you Lao cried together

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The secret of the ancient family has been revealed, and we can enjoy it. Tanhua is not in good health recently. Sometimes the update is delayed