Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 940

Liu Yanyu was reminded by a stupid Taoist that she had already realized something. Unfortunately, it was too difficult to uncover the mystery of forgetting Sichuan. Liu Yanyu didn't know how to start, and even Xiao Hua didn't know how to find it.

At this time, Xiao Hua was still in the blood and sweat desert. He got out of the fairy boat and flew more than 100000 Li. Then he stopped and looked at the rolling sand dunes. He said in secret, "if Xiao flies well in the direction, this is where Wei Sheng found the red slice."

Of course, Xiao Hua has no confidence in his sense of direction at all.

Sure enough, when Xiao Hua took out the general view of the immortal, a black line appeared on his forehead, and the deviation was not ten li and eight Li. After Xiao Hua flew to the nearby area according to the general view of the immortal, he let out his idea to have a look. This was the end of the general view of the immortal. Between the sound of "brush", a unicorn like virtual shadow appeared under his feet, which urged the technique of earth escape to the depths of the bloody desert. It was about hundreds of miles away, and the earth was deep There was a huge stone vein in front of Xiao Hua.

"Good, good!" Xiao Hua was surprised and said, "this is where Wei Sheng found the red slice in the belly of the stone vein!"

Then Xiao Hua patted his eyebrows, opened his eyes and looked around. In the eye of the Dharma, everything disappears, leaving only the pale light, some of which are condensed into various yellowish light. In the yellowish light, there are many reddish light particles which are thinner than the blue light. These light particles are scattered around, and they look different. Wei Sheng found out where the red flakes were, and those light grains were obviously less.

Xiao Hua thought for a moment, and took out the red slice. Where the slice fell, more light particles came out from it and spread around, while there were few light particles near the red slice which should have been thicker.

"That is to say..." Xiao Hua closed his eyes, looked at the red slice in his hand and said in secret, "the color of the bloody desert It's related to the red color of this slice, and there may be a bigger slice deep in the bloody desert? "

Looking at the darkness under him, Xiao Hua hesitated: "according to Xiao Xiangzi, this bloody desert is millions of miles in size. Looking for a chip is like looking for a needle in a haystack!"

But a moment later, he was dumbfounded and said to himself, "Xiao just finished reprimanding Zhou Xiaoming. How can he be lazy? If you don't go and have a look, how can you know that you can't find it? What's more, Xiao has asked Xiaoyin to go out to explore... "

With that, Xiao Hua collected the thin pieces and continued to escape towards the deep earth. Besides, he was trying to escape and fly, and at the same time, he was using the technique of controlling elements to explore his situation.

"Mother's mother..." Xiao Yin's voice suddenly came from the bottom of Xiao Hua's heart, "here, quick, quick..."

Xiao Hua was overjoyed. He flew away with the sound of Xiao Yin's voice. However, for more than a thousand miles, Xiao Yin was wandering around on the ground. When he saw Xiao Hua flying, he turned into a streamer and fell into Xiao Hua's palm. He cried: "mother's mother, I didn't find any residual soul, but I have some strange breath, but But it's too much to tell where it came from... "

"Well, very good!" Xiao Hua nodded with a smile. He was worried that Wei Sheng would have something to do to let Xiao Yin go out to explore. He didn't know that Xiao Yin had overfulfilled his task and helped him find the place where red Guangli came from.

After receiving the silver, Xiao Hua fled for more than ten thousand li. Deep in the earth, there began to be a huge buoyancy to prevent Xiao Hua from falling. Xiao Hua stopped and opened his eyes again. It's a pity that the red light particles in the deep earth are rare, but they are still in disorder. There is no way to find a bigger chip. Xiao Hua's eyes turned, his body was flying flat, and he began to look around.

After searching for half an hour, Xiao Hua still got nothing, and his eyes of breaking the false method were astringent and tired, so he had to close them for a while.

"I'm afraid it's hard to find it!" Xiao Hua had some insight, "if it was easy to find, it would have been discovered by other immortals, and would not wait for Xiao to come."

When Xiao Hua was ready to leave, he took out the red slice again.

Red flakes fall in space, not Xiao Hua thought of flying, but quietly floating out, still emitting a faint glow!

"Just, just..." Xiao Hua was a little shy and angry. He held up his hand and was about to fly away when he stopped again. He patted his eyebrows, broke his eyes and cried, "Xiao won't believe it!"

In the eyes of the blatant method, the red flake was the same as before, and had no change. However, when Xiao Hua observed carefully, he found that the light particles from the red flake seemed to have been blown by the breeze and gathered gently towards the top!

"I knew it!" Xiao Hua was overjoyed. He picked up the red slice and flew up obliquely. He said, "if there is a bigger slice, it must have some influence on the light grain!"

However, after flying more than a hundred miles, Xiao Hua didn't find anything. Xiao Hua stopped again, thought about it carefully, and turned around to fly back. Sure enough, after flying for hundreds of miles, the red light particles around gradually thinned out, which looked similar to the situation of the red light particles released from the red slice.

"This is it." Xiao Hua is secretly happy and knows that he has found the right direction. He looks at the deep earth again with his eyes.

Oddly enough, he didn't see the red light and shadow in his eyes! On the contrary, it gives out the idea that there is a weak suction in the distance."Hey, hey..." Xiao Hua closed his eyes and continued to escape. He said in secret, "since there is something strange, it's easy to do!"

Once again, he sneaked for thousands of miles, and the great buoyancy was born again. Even if Xiao Hua opened the immortal mark, he could not fly freely even if he urged his whole body to move the immortal force. But at this time, "brush..." The strange appearance of a red light and shadow covered Xiao Hua's body without any sign at all.

When the light and shadow fell, Xiao Hua's immortal force was closed and the immortal trace was confined. Xiao Hua had no time to make any reaction. A force comparable to the power of heaven and earth came out of the deep earth, like a big hand holding Xiao Hua, "whoosh..." Xiao Hua's body turned into a streamer and rushed straight into the seemingly endless darkness!

"Damn it Xiao Hua is out of his wits. He can't imagine that there is such a strange thing in the deep of the bloody desert. His strength of gathering yuan fairy is like a baby in the light and shadow!

"Brush..." Xiao Hua low scold, his eyes countless light and shadow seems to pile up together, a heavy flash, but the suction is too big, Xiao Hua fell into the speed is too fast, Xiao Hua can't see what the light and shadow is!

"Hum..." Suddenly, I don't know whether Xiao Hua's body is shaking or the surrounding space is shaking. The light and shadow in front of Xiao Hua's eyes are all broken and pulled very long. Xiao Hua doesn't know whether his body has stopped or whether the light and shadow also begin to fly. In short, there are large and small red light particles like stars all around, and an indescribable fierce breath gushes from these stars and envelops the left and the near.

Xiao Hua's Yan Nian was imprisoned. He forced himself to turn his eyes, and suddenly found that behind these starlike light particles, a huge red light curtain still appeared on his head like the sky.

"This..." Xiao Hua was shocked and exclaimed, "what is this? Mo Could it be that Xiao never stopped, still Still flying deep into the bloody desert? It's not the deepest place in the enlightenment continent

Sure enough, it was half a cup of tea. Xiao Hua found that the red light curtain had been magnified a lot, and some big and small honeycomb like particles appeared and disappeared in the light curtain.

"Xuanyuan space?" Seeing the honeycomb like particles, Xiao Hua's first reaction was Xuanyuan space, but in a moment, Xiao Hua discarded the idea. How could Xuanyuan space be in the fairyland?

After the appearance of honeycomb like particles, countless suction appeared on the red light curtain, as if all the particles were sticking out their big hands to grasp Xiao Hua. Xiao Hua's body shape suddenly accelerated. Finally, Xiao Hua felt that his immortal body would be torn in pain, accompanied by "Wu..." The strange sound of Xiao Hua, the space between Xiao Hua and the red light curtain disappeared, and Xiao Hua's figure had disappeared into the red!

Immediately, a lot of strange light and shadow passed in front of Xiao Hua's eyes like a nightmare!

"Boom..." When an ocean like space just appeared in front of Xiao Hua's eyes, Xiao Hua fell into it like a huge stone!

"Puff, puff, puff..." Xiao Hua stretched out a lot of bubbles all over his body and kept falling into the ocean until the buoyancy of the sea held him up!

"Damn it..." Xiao Hua's body stopped, and with a low curse, he flew out from the bottom of the sea.

Xiao Hua stood in the middle of the sky, looking around, but he saw that it was a red space, and there were strange waves all around. He could not see the side of the sea under Xiao Hua. The sea was also red, and the water was rough and turbid.

"This Where is this? " The second monk Xiao Hua couldn't figure it out, because the sea water was obviously not a sea of blood, but there was an indescribable spirit coming from it.

Xiao Hua looked for a moment and got nothing. He simply flew in one direction, "boom..." Just after a cup of tea, a huge wave was set off. Xiao Hua's eyes brightened, his hands raised, and a human bone flew out of the water.

The white bone has been corroded, and only the human form can be seen. Xiao Hua looks around for a moment and throws it into the water. At this time, Xiao Hua looked at the sea water in his hand. There were light spots in the sea water. The halo around the light spot was strange. Xiao Hua had never seen it before. When the sea water touched the palm of Xiao Hua's hand, some light and water penetrated into it. However, Xiao Hua's body was first solidified and could not be corroded.

"It seems that Xiao is still wrong!" What did Xiao Hua understand? He said with a bitter smile, "Xiao is not the first immortal to find this place. There may be immortals in front of him, but they It may have fallen here. "

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Fairyland is really strange. A little bloody desert has so many secrets. What is the red space?