Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 937

Zhou Xiaoming is talking with xiaoxiangzi and Che Xiong. He seldom meets the disciples of famous schools, so he humbly asks the two immortals for advice. Xiaoxiangzi and Che Xiong also like Zhou Xiaoming's steadiness very much. They should learn how to practice, but they all tell one by one if they don't involve the secret of their school.

Xiao Hua saw that the direction of Xianzhou's flight had deviated from Wei Sheng's memory of the red slice. He simply got up and said, "two little friends, I have something to go to the deep of the bloody desert. You wait with me to fly to the bloody desert first and wait in a safe place. I will go to find you when I finish my work."

Xiaoxiangzi and others got up in a hurry and said respectfully, "I know, please be careful!"

"Master..." Zhou Xiaoming said with a bitter face, "it's just a thin piece. Why do you have to root out?"

Xiao Hua looked at Zhou Xiaoming and said with a smile, "do you know your shortcomings?"

Zhou Xiaoming was stunned for a moment, and immediately said with a sad face: "master, I'm worried about master. How can you tell me about my shortcomings? Naturally, he is content with the status quo. This disciple is very tight! "

"Yes Xiao Hua raised his hand and said, "think for yourself, you have a great chance to be bullied in chenxiaohai. You can start early, but you have to wait until I get there. You told me that you have been planning, but what do you really think? "

"Yes, I understand!" Zhou Xiaoming said with a smile, "I'm still too lazy, brother Generally speaking, I don't like to take risks unless I have great confidence... "

"So..." Xiao Hua rushed out of the boat and said with a laugh, "you are just like Xiaoxiang and Che Xiaoyou. They are all fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyla

"Congratulations, master..." Xiaoxiangzi and chexiong yelled in a hurry, while Zhou Xiaoming waved, "master, be careful!"

Xiao Hua went with a smile. In the Biyu sky of chaotianque, laughter is a luxury.

Because the ghost has returned to Liu Yanzhen still did not wake up, and the development of things is beyond the control of youlao!

But Liu Yanzhen was still lying in the blue sky. Her face was not only ruddy, but also exuded a kind of blood red from the inside out. The purple and gold knots around Liu Yanzhen's body have now been opened and turned into mysterious runes. Unfortunately, the runes are not solid, but flow slowly with the blood flowing out of his body. As for the biyou charm between the eyebrows, it has long disappeared. Instead, it is a bloody virtual shadow of Guanyin. The shadow is very weak, but when the shadow flickers slightly, a stream of red like a spring rushes into Liu Yan's eyebrows, and then there is blood pouring out from everywhere, and a pair of blood arms coagulating in her vest!

The stupid Taoist stood beside him anxiously and looked at the blood color. He opened his mouth to say something, but he swallowed it again.

"Cough..." You Lao's figure is more rickets, she light cough two say, "old four, what do you want to say?"

"Not if..." The stupid Taoist hesitated for a moment and said, "let me go to the Buddhist kingdom..."

"Cough..." You Lao thought for a while, coughing here, then said, "it's supposed to go, but But we just joined hands with the Huang family to save Yan Zhen. There was too much news. Although there was no news, but But it will certainly attract their attention. If you go to Buddhism again, then Isn't it the case of Yan Zhen that has been exposed? Don't mention Yan, but if you cross the border casually, they will be suspicious... "

"But we can't see him like this. We can't do anything about him, can we?"

Youlao shook his head and said, "old four, don't worry. Yan is It's our Liu family's air carrier. She'll be fine! "

The stupid Taoist opened his mouth and wanted to refute something. Suddenly, he was a little surprised and looked out of the space. He said strangely, "why is Yan Yu here?"

"Ah?" You old is also greatly surprised a way, "she wakes up so quickly?"

"It's a little incredible!" The stupid Taoist nodded and said, "it seems that she doesn't have the spirit fusion at all!"

Then the stupid Taoist looked at you Lao and asked, "is it Yan Yu's adventure in forgetting Sichuan?"

Youlao shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm also a wandering soul. I've long forgotten about forgetting Sichuan."

Stupid Taoist said with a smile: "Mr. Mou is a flesh..."

Unfortunately, without waiting for the stupid Taoist to finish speaking, you Lao's eyes glared at the stupid Taoist, and sternly scolded: "which eye do you see Mou always entering the forgetting river?"

"Ah?" The stupid Taoist was stunned and blurted out, "isn't it only the blood of the Huang family that can motivate the Jin Zuan Ti Lu pestle? Ruomu always... "

"Shut up You old rage way, "who tell you gold Zuan Ti Lu pestle only Huang family blood can urge?"? Mr. Mou, like me, is a soul who has entered the river of forgetting. Everything in it has been forgotten! Cough... "

Finish saying, you old sharp cough, stupid Taoist said with a smile: "yes, yes, I know."

You Lao glared at the stupid Taoist and said, "let Yan Yu in!"

When Liu Yanyu flew into Biyu sky, she saw the color of Liu Yanyu's whole body. She was stunned for a moment and said, "you old, what's the matter with you er? You You don't mean that as long as you find back the ghost of cho'er, she Can she wake up? ""Alas..." You old sigh a, shake head a way, "old body also not clear!"

"Fourth uncle..." Liu Yanyu turned to the stupid Taoist.

The stupid Taoist didn't speak, only shook his head slightly.

Liu Yanyu clenched her lips and looked at Liu Yanyu. The love in her eyes flowed like water. Of course, Liu Yanyu was a great carrier and a hope in the family, but she was Liu Yanyu's sister! This kind of affection is absolutely not something else to give up.

"You Lao..." Liu Yanyu's eyes moved away from Liu Yanzhen's body and looked at you Lao. She was quite puzzled and asked, "what did Liu Yanyu encounter in forgetting Sichuan?"

"I don't know!" Youlao shakes his head again and says, "I just saw the soul lights of you and Xiang'er flashing at the same time, and there was a warning from Bizhu. That's why you and Mr. mu of Huang's family came back from forgetting Sichuan. As for what happened to forgetting Sichuan, I'm afraid only you know!"

"But I..." Liu Yanyu frowned and said, "I don't remember anything!"

"Yan Yu..." The stupid Taoist looked at you Lao and naturally knew that there must be something strange in forgetting Sichuan, so he whispered, "even you don't remember. How can you know?"

"But..." Liu Yanyu asked again, "you old man, don't you mean that after you return to the sun, you have to complete the cultivation of the secret skills that you old man taught before you can get out of the pass, and then you can be safe? Why do I... "

"You What's the matter with you? " The old man's heart clapped.

"I don't seem to practice much..." Liu Yanyu stammered, "just I'll finish practicing the secret skill... "

"How could it be?" You old see Liu Yan Yu don't understand a way, "isn't your comprehension wrong?"

"It's good to realize mistakes, I don't know..." Liu Yanyu was at a loss, "but I checked the spirit, and it seemed that it was still more than before..."

"What else?" The stupid Taoist couldn't help asking.

Liu Yanyu simply did not explain. She sat down with her knees crossed and said, "you'll know if you check with the fourth uncle."

Stupid Taoist looked at you Lao, you Lao said with a bitter smile: "don't look at me, my soul went to forget Sichuan, the lamp has dried up!"

As he said this, you raised his left hand and revealed a dark knot like immortal on his middle finger. This knot was formed by the condensation of 9981 black crystals, which is exactly the storage immortal's capacity for thousands of knots. You old blow mouth fairy, let thousand knot black light flash, and then see an oil lamp fly out.

"Old four, you come to cast the Dharma!" With the wave of you's robe, the oil lamp flew down in front of stupid Taoist. Stupid Taoist narrowed his eyes and nodded slightly.

The stupid Taoist patted his eyebrows and "brushed" a bright immortal mark like the sun. He found a golden light column inside. The light column fell into the oil lamp and the oil lamp was lit with a bang!

Later, stupid Taoist hand pinches the immortal formula, one by one enters, stupid Taoist's immortal formula is different from the ordinary immortal, the light purple and the light gold glitter alternately reflects.

After the oil lamp turned into a transparent flame, the stupid Taoist said in a low voice: "Yan Yu, fourth uncle is going to practice the magic!"

"Well!" Liu Yanyu answered and patted her eyebrows with her backhand In the center of Liu Yanyu's eyebrows, a light purple immortal mark like Epiphyllum appeared.

"Silk..." You old vision falls a place, can't help but pour to absorb a cold air, because that light purple Epiphyllum's center, a bit you Bi Ru Xing!

Stupid Taoist naturally saw it, and his face was filled with ecstasy. Then stupid Taoist carefully hit the last immortal formula in the center of Liu Yanyu's eyebrows,.

"Brush..." In the immortal mark of Liu Yanyu's eyebrows, a shadow like Epiphyllum came out and fell directly on the top of the transparent flame!

"Fall..." Stupid Taoist a light rebuke, hands a pressure, as if heavy as the outline of Epiphyllum slowly set on the flame.

"Buzz..." The flame began to roar, and there was a trace of pain on Liu Yanyu's face. However, the transparent flame fell with the Epiphyllum, revealing a starry sky. In addition to the dazzling stars of three gold, seven silver and ten stars, there were thousands of Stardust revolving around the ten stars. Although these stardust were small, they condensed together in the shape of a river of stars. The strangest thing was that they were dark No light, can be condensed into the river of stars, color into quiet blue!

Epiphyllum outline fell to the bottom of the flame, "boom..." The dull sound of the fire turned into nothingness, and the starry sky in the flame bloomed infinite light.

"Good boy, good boy..." You old looking at the star, can't help laughing, mouth praise way.

"Great!" Even the stupid Taoist couldn't help but caress his hands and say, "there are successors in my Liu family's secret arts!"

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Liu Yanyu's situation is not good. How to deal with it? Liu Yanyu is a little different from before