Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 929

Xiao Hua had a look, and the fifty-two immortal babies in the Dantian still speeded up their cultivation and could not be delayed. Mind into the space to see, Lu Shu and others are also working hard, which have no spare time.

"Just..." Xiao Hua sighs that he is about to get out of the space when he sees Zhou Xiaoming wake up from his final decision. Xiao Hua is overjoyed when he flies to the top of Zhou Xiaoming's head. Just as he is about to take a picture of Zhou Xiaoming out of the space, he suddenly raises his eyebrows and looks at him in surprise. After a long time, Xiao Hua says with a smile, "I can't think of the blue light coming into the body, which not only changes the law of poor space, The body and soul of these disciples of the gate of nature are also affected, which is also a great blessing for them! "

With that, Xiao Hua raised his hand and took Zhou Xiaoming out of the room.

"Master?" Zhou Xiaoming's figure was settled. He looked around and said, "where is Xiao Liu and brother Li?"

"Leave them alone!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "change your appearance first, and tell me about your entry!"

"Ah?" Zhou Xiaoming didn't realize it at first, but when he heard it, he just screamed, "master, disciple Disciple... "

Xiao Hua's eyes were full of meaning. He looked at Zhou Xiaoming and asked, "what's the matter?"

"It's all right, master..." Zhou Xiaoming just took a deep breath, calmed down and replied calmly, "brother Li and Xiao Liu have already told disciples that as long as they follow the master, it's just a piece of cake to improve the realm, which is not surprising at all. Just now, the disciple explored his accomplishments and found that he had reached the high level of the leakage immortal. He made a little fuss and made the master laugh. "

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua laughs, "happy is happy, why cover up?"

"No..." Zhou Xiaoming shook his head. "Even if I'm happy, I won't lose my manners like this. Although I can't compare with my master, I'm also a monk with great opportunities. The progress I've made is far from worthy of my chance!"

"Well!" Xiao Hua praised himself, but he didn't say it. He just nodded and said, "do you have a look at the difference?"

"Wait a moment, master!" Zhou Xiaoming said, sat down with his knees crossed, urged him to explore for a moment, and still got up and said respectfully, "master, the disciples are entering the country quickly..."

"No, no..." Xiao Hua waved his hand and said, "I'm not asking about your accomplishments, but something else!"

"Others?" Zhou xiaomingduan is puzzled.

Looking at Zhou Xiaoming's confusion, Xiao Hua reminded: "look at the body, meridians, etc..."

Suddenly, Zhou Xiaoming looked at Xiao Hua and said shyly, "master, the means of disciple's exploration may be different from those taught by master, master, don't laugh..."

"You silly child!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "if you know more, do you want to be jealous?"

"Hee hee Zhou Xiaoming smiles, sits down with his knees crossed, pats his own top door, and a "boom" of starlight rushes out. The starlight condenses into the shape of stars in the middle of the sky, and then flies upside down. After seeing the starlight crashing into the top door, it does not fall into his body, but turns into water and splashes on Zhou Xiaoming's body.

"Zilala" Zhou Xiaoming's body surface emits silver light and makes a slight abnormal sound. Then Zhou Xiaoming's body surface gradually becomes transparent, and wisps of star light seeps from the top down like a snake. When the star light reaches Zhou Xiaoming's shoulder, the star light spreads to Zhou Xiaoming's body. But for a moment, Zhou Xiaoming's whole body is transparent.

"I'll go!" Watching Zhou Xiaoming perform his secret skill, Xiao Hua is also a little stunned. He also studies the application of starlight, but it doesn't look as profound as Zhou Xiaoming!

"Master..." The starlight passed through the soles of Zhou Xiaoming's feet. Zhou Xiaoming was shocked. He could not help but cry in a trembling voice, "you What do you do for your disciples What did you do? "

What can I do? Naturally, it was the influence of the blue light on Zhou Xiaoming. Xiao Hua won't say this to Zhou Xiaoming, so he said with a smile, "it's nothing. It's just my big chance. By the way, I'll give you a little chance!"

"Yes, yes..." Zhou Xiaoming's transparent face gave birth to a grateful way, "master eat meat, disciples drink soup!"

"Ha ha, that's it!" Xiao Hua laughs, "you started late, so naturally I have to feed you more soup!"

As he spoke, the transparency of Zhou Xiaoming's body began to disappear, and the spots in his body, which were like nebulae, condensed, and the stars appeared everywhere.

"Oh?" Xiao Hua was stunned. It seemed that an extremely important idea flashed away in his mind, but he got nothing when he thought about it carefully.

Xiao Hua has met many people in this situation. He knows that Zhou Xiaoming's secret skill has touched his own idea, but the time is not ripe. That idea can't take shape, so Xiao Hua doesn't care.

"Master!" Zhou Xiaoming returned to normal, immediately fell on his knees, kowtowed and said, "I thank you, master. With master's soup, I will soon be able to get Yan Xian Da Yuan man, and And I feel that from now on, even if I practice hard, I will be able to be a real immortal! "

"Cut..." Xiao Hua is not happy, drink to scold a way, "a true fairy let you satisfied?"? Let's see what I can achieve! "

While speaking, Xiao Hua clapped the top door and let out the medium level pressure of the two immortals.

"Wu..." But Zhou Xiaoming felt the space before him was shaking, and a momentum comparable to the collapse of the sky came. He couldn't help turning pale and exclaimed, "old Master, you Are you all five element immortals"What a five elements fairy Xiao Hua grinned coldly, took the pressure of spirit and put it on the immortal mark. The immortal mark opened, and the green and red light came out!

"Two Two immortals?? How is that possible? " Zhou Xiaoming was completely shocked!

"What's impossible?" Xiao Hua closed the immortal trace and said proudly, "if we don't have the ability to participate in the miracle of creation, how can we call the gate of creation?"

"Fortune gate" Zhou Xiaoming blinked. He was just about to ask what the gate of fortune was, but suddenly he was shocked. His face was filled with ecstasy and he grabbed the tunnel with his head. "Master, you You are already frozen. Congratulations, master... "

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua was in a good mood and helped up Zhou Xiaoming

"I understand!" Zhou Xiaoming accompanied him with a smile and said, "master must have accumulated two Qi immortals for a long time. It's just that he has no physical body to suppress his realm all the time. After master coagulates, his realm will be improved It's out of control. However, master, you have to be careful. After all, understanding and accumulation are different from real promotion. Disciples have suffered this loss in the world... "

"Well, I understand!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "I'm also suppressing the realm at this time. I just want to realize in the realm of the five element immortals. I just want to show you the real realm, but I want to let you know what the real immortals are. Your goal is Jinxian, jiugongxian

"Disciple..." Zhou Xiaoming suddenly choked and said, "I don't know what to say. Happiness comes too suddenly!"

"What kind of happiness is that?" Xiao Hua pinched his chin and thought for a moment. His mind fell into the space. He took out one of the magic weapons that passed through the Yin and Yang, handed it to Zhou Xiaoming and said, "master, I'll give you a little more happiness!"

Zhou Xiaoming hesitated when he looked at the magic weapon sent by Xiao Hua. However, he saw that it was like a disk, and there were some runes engraved on it. He was very familiar with the runes, but they were used by some Dharma arrays in the world. At first sight, the magic weapon was used by the world. What puzzled him most was that there was a gap in the magic weapon, and the whole Dharma array was incomplete.

However, Zhou Xiaoming picked it up quickly and said carefully: "master, this is..."

"Hey, hey..." Xiao Hua said with a smile, "this is my personal magic weapon. I will not give it to my disciples unless I pass it on personally. You can have fun... "

"Well..." What else can Zhou Xiaoming say? Hastily respectful way, "thank you master!"

"Well..." Xiao Hua nodded and said, "I've learned something from the charm. Please sit down and pass on some of your experience..."

"Master..." Looking at the magic weapon in his hand, Zhou Xiaoming said awkwardly, "you Don't you give me the way to refine the magic weapon? "

"Blood sacrifice..." Xiao Hua scratched his head, thought for a moment and said, "that's how Xiao Liu and MOI sacrifice and refine!"

"Yes, sir!" Zhou Xiaoming hesitated for a moment and said carefully, "would you like to refine this magic weapon first?"

Xiao Hua waved his hand and said, "suit yourself..."

If Li Moyi can't tell Xiao Huaming that he will sacrifice and refine if he takes the magic weapon, how can Li Moyi let go of this opportunity of flattering? As for Bai Xiaotu, it is needless to say that he must have collected the magic weapon in a hurry, sat respectfully and waited for Xiao Hua to share the charm. This state Xiaoming is bound between the two people, the end is some meaning!

"Poof..." Xiao Ming spouts as like as two peas, which is very easy to understand. It is very easy for the small animal to be successful in the sacrifice, and it feels the same as the magic weapon of all circles.

Zhou Xiaoming looks at Xiao Hua suspiciously. Xiao Hua still sits with a smile and looks mysterious.

"Master..." Zhou Xiaoming opened his mouth and took away the magic weapon. Then he was quite helpless and said, "the disciples have finished the ritual. Please tell me the way of the spell..."

However, without waiting for Zhou Xiaoming to finish his words, "hum..." Suddenly, there was a roar in his body. A halo of stars came out of his chest and abdomen in a ring. Zhou Xiaoming's face was red. He lost his voice and said, "master..."

"Oh?" Xiao Hua was also surprised. After all, Bai Xiaotu and Li Moyi didn't have such a strange situation when they were sacrificing and refining magic weapons! However, seeing the ring star halo rush out of Zhou Xiaoming's body, he smiles and raises his hand to the top door of Zhou Xiaoming.

"Hum..." The halo rushed to the top door of Xiaoming and solidified the star disk.

"Don't you hurry up and make a new sacrifice?" Xiao Hua gave a low rebuke

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Zhou Xiaoming is also an interesting character, his chance is more than ordinary immortal, I don't know how he will achieve in the future!