Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 930

Zhou Xiaoming's face was dripping blood. He didn't dare to say more. He quickly sat down with his knees crossed, and pushed the astrolabe into his body to fall under Xiao Hua's fingers. He was careful again. At this time, Zhou Xiaoming's method of sacrificing was the method of the immortal tablet in the town of akyamiao palace. But after a moment, the halo began to slowly enter the astrolabe. When he got a stick of incense, the halo around Zhou Xiaoming's body converged and his face was as usual.

As soon as Zhou Xiaoming pats the top door, the disc-shaped magic weapon flies out. He stares at the magic weapon. At this time, the magic weapon is slightly different from the previous one. There are some stars in it. However, except for these, it is no different from the ordinary magic weapon. However, Zhou Xiaoming is afraid to underestimate the magic weapon and asks carefully: "master, this What kind of artifact is this

"Didn't I tell you?" Xiao Hua replied mysteriously, "I don't know myself!"

"Oh..." Zhou Xiaoming was a little confused, but just as he opened his mouth, Xiao Hua said, "of course, if you are strong enough to support it, at least you will be a poor one."

Zhou Xiaoming was so shocked that he almost didn't jump out of the fairy boat. How many fairyland can there be? And In Xiao Hua's words, it's still At least it's a constant silence, so What if at most? Zhou Xiaoming feels that his imagination needs to be replenished!

"OK..." Xiao Huafeng said lightly, "put the magic weapon in your body and keep it warm. What kind of quality it will become depends on your own hard work and chance!"

"Damn By my own hard work and chance? " Zhou Xiaoming felt his head buzzing again, "this This is an immortal tool that can grow up? "

There are thousands of immortal utensils in the fairyland, but none of them can grow. Without it, you can grow It's the most basic feature of the channeling immortal. Zhou Xiaoming never dreamed that he was just a high-level leaky immortal and could get the channeling immortal! It's just that The appearance of this psychic artifact is too bad!

"Don't think about it!" Looking at Zhou Xiaoming's cute stupidity, Xiao Hua said with a smile, "it's not a real psychic artifact, but it's a strange artifact that I occasionally get. Take your time to cultivate it, and you'll know it later!"

"Yes, yes!" Zhou Xiaoming nodded quickly, presented the weapon high and said, "please give me a name!"

"I'll go!" Xiao Hua was stunned for a moment and said in secret, "this state Xiaoming's flattering efforts surpass that of Li Moyi! That fellow didn't expect me to give him the name of Fang Tian Hua Ji! "

However, Xiao Hua soon understood Li Moyi's painstaking efforts. Xiao Hua scratched his ears and scratched his cheeks. What's a good name?

Looking at the halo surging in the astrolabe, Xiao Hua moved in his heart and said with a smile: "if not, it's called Nebula crown! It's both nebulous and lucky. "

Zhou Xiaoming was overjoyed and kowtowed: "thank you for your name, brother I'll take good care of it and use it to cross the fairyland in the future! "

"Across the fairyland, I'm proud of the sky!" Xiao Hua smiles and lifts Zhou Xiaoming up, adding.

"Yes, yes!" Zhou Xiaoming happily put the star cloud crown into his body. He looked around and said carefully, "master, where are Xiao Liu and brother Li?"

Xiao Hua smiles and answers, "lost!"

Xiao Hua didn't think so, but Zhou Xiaoming was shocked and said, "master, what's the matter? What happened? The disciple is unfilial. He hid in the master's immortal space and didn't do anything for him... "

"Nothing!" Xiao Hua answers with a full account of what happened in Zihuan island and Haishi. When Zhou Xiaoming hears that there are two immortals, penalty palace and zhanglv palace, chasing Xiao Hua, he can't help but clench his hands. He can't help but feel angry and excited in his eyes.

Seeing that Zhou Xiaoming was not afraid, Xiao Hua was even more happy. However, Xiao Hua only said that he had fallen into Youji, where he used to mend Tianshi and shulinggen. He didn't elaborate on anything else, and Zhou Xiaoming didn't ask much. He just frowned and said, "master, in the eyes of his disciples, the one who saved Xiao Liu is probably Yuebai, the little seven king you call him. Wang Yuebai is eccentric and has no scruples He is also a disciple of Xieyu palace. He must have a way out. As for brother Li, I'm afraid they are the two disciples of the ancient family. They don't pay attention to the penalty palace, and they are still in the dark. Yuxian may have the idea to save them, but they are too ostentatious to save them in front of the penalty palace immortal officials. "

"Indeed Xiao Hua nodded and said, "I think so too, so I'm not in a hurry!"

Xiao Hua is not worried, but he also has other ideas. Li Moyi and Bai Xiaotu are suspected of reincarnation. Xiao Hua is willing to let them go to see if they are possible.

"What's your plan now?" Zhou Xiaoming asked, "I heard from brother Li that you were going to take him to listen to Tianxue's participation in the selection of the immortals in Taichong."

"My body has changed..." Xiao Hua pondered for a moment and replied, "and his original identity has fallen. Naturally, he can't take part in this election!"

"Don't you go to listen to Tianxue and see brother Li?"

Xiao Hua nodded: "I'm going to listen to Tian Xue now, but I have something else to do besides to see if MOI is listening to Tian Xue!"

"Well..." Zhou Xiaoming said with a smile, "the master doesn't have to say anything about the way of the charm. I'll take a boat to listen to Tianxue now. Time has passed. If Li Ge leaves to listen to Tianxue, it's hard to find him again.""No harm..." Xiao Hua waved his hand and said, "MOI was just a dust fairy before. It's dangerous to go to listen to Tianxue's experience. Now he is a high-level leak fairy, and he will never have any problems with his wit. It's you who started late. I have to open a small kitchen for you!"

Zhou Xiaoming thought about it for a moment and said with a smile: "master, I've got too many chances recently. I need to have a good understanding

Xiao Hua was stunned for a moment. He didn't know what Zhou Xiaoming meant. He waved his hand and said, "I don't have much time. Now I have a rare chance. Although you have many chances, you should work hard and listen to me!"

"Yes, sir!" Zhou Xiaoming nodded hastily.

Then xiaomingpan sat on the immortal boat. Xiao Hua cleared his throat and told his experience of "Curse" a little bit.

Zhou Xiaoming pinches his hands and listens carefully. Although there is no room for Xiao Hua's biography to fall into a dream, it is more magical than his words, and Zhou Xiaoming is infatuated with it.

A few hours later, Zhou Xiaoming entered the final stage, and the stars burst out again, gradually showing the shape of the talisman.

Looking at Zhou Xiaoming's solemn appearance, Xiao Hua frowned and said in secret, "Zhou Xiaoming is different from other disciples. He has lots of opportunities and seems to have a temperament I'm a bit lazy. I'll have to supervise and urge more in the future! "

As he thought about it, he urged the boat to go quickly. Half a day later, the sundial was sticking his head out of the sky. Zhou Xiaoming got up with a roar, saluted respectfully, took over the boat and went to listen to the snow.

Xiao Hua sat up with his knees crossed, and still slowly pushed forward the skill of stepping on the Shenque, so that fifty-two yuan babies in the Dantian could absorb the immortal yuan light and improve their realm.

When Youji was closed, Xiao Hua had already practiced stepping on Shenque from Yanxian high level to deerqi middle level, but in any case, Xiao Hua was in a hurry. Now there are 52 yuan babies waiting to be fed. How dare he be half slighted? This kind of time will consolidate Xiao Hua's foundation, and even the hidden danger of any realm jumping will disappear one by one, which will be of great benefit to his rapid improvement of realm in the future.

In front of the head of the flying boat, I don't know where a steep mountain is. The golden light of the sundial sun is shining on the rocks. The reflected sunlight falls into the air. Occasionally, some tiny pieces of light come out. When the wind blows, the light shivers like flowers, and the clouds and fog rise around, and a few rays of sharp light rise.

"Damn it As soon as the sharp light appeared, a curse sounded from the depth of the cloud. Immediately, a general in star armour stepped out of the fog. The general fell to the place where the sharp light was born. He grabbed it out of thin air and said, "Wu..." With a strange roar, several spirit bodies holding weapons in the cloud flew out in panic.

"Please forgive me, please..." Several spirit bodies lost their weapons, fell on their knees and kowtowed. The general sneered and said, "I have long said that if anyone dares to show his flaws and delay the king's plan, I will never forgive him. You can turn a deaf ear to Lao Tzu's words and show your flaws one after another. "

"My Lord, my lord..." At present, a spirit body kowtowed and said, "listen to me, we have been lying in ambush here for more than a century, and Not yet... "

"Roar..." Before the spirit body finished speaking, the spirit general roared, spewed out starlight between his mouth, and suddenly penetrated the spirit body. Then the starlight kept shaking from left to right, and several spirit bodies were destroyed. "Hoo" spirit will swallow several spirit bodies into his belly, pat his belly around, and yelled, "little ones, you wait to hear, no one dares to despise, no wonder I am cruel!"

Where the sound falls, the clouds rise. I don't know how many spirits are hidden under it, but no one dares to make a sound.

Ling Jiang is very satisfied, and his body still falls into the clouds as a star. Behind him, on the shining rocks, two beautiful female immortals show their bodies. Aren't they Zixuan and Ziqin who were incarnated as imperial concubine Jing and imperial concubine Ling?

But Zixuan said with disdain, "hum, don't you just want to devour the spirit? Still looking for so many reasons, sister, you say we ambush here, how many spirit bodies has he devoured? "

"Hee hee..." The purple Qin beside said with a smile, "elder sister, no matter how much he swallows, it's also the spirit of Juling mountain. What are we doing?"

"It's OK for him to swallow his spirit, but Don't cause the mutiny of these spirits Zixuan frowned and said, "you and I failed in Yuhong mountain. This is the last chance that the Lord gave us. You and I can't lose anything if we help Star Ling Shuai of Juling mountain to capture Zhang Xiaohua!"

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The secret mission of Ling Fei and Jing Fei is to help the Ling General of Ju Ling mountain to kill Xiao Hua!!!