Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 928

"She's back!" Shen Wu was obviously not interested in the lower bound and said with a smile, "let's see if she can find the retrograde channel!"

"Grandfather, second grandfather..." Shen Jue stepped out of the light, and his face was very ugly. As soon as he saw Shen Wu and Shen Chen flying over, he pouted and said, "boy I can't find the retrograde channel. "

Behind Shen He, more than ten immortals bowed their heads and said nothing. It seemed that they had just been scolded by Shen He under the abyss!

"No harm, no harm..." Shen Wu said with a smile, "I knew that Tu Shanxiu would never submit easily."

"Breeze..." Shen Xun's face was slightly red and he said in a low voice, "I'm disappointed."

"Where, where..." Qingfeng said in a hurry, "it's hard for you. In that case, let Tu Shanxiu look for it by himself."

"You must be careful..." Shen Shen said in a hurry, "these foxes are too cunning!"

"I'll be careful!" Qingfeng nodded and said with a smile to Shen Chen, "Xianyou can release Tu Shanxiu."

"All right!" Shen Chen seemed to have expected that Tu Shanxiu, whose eyes were closed, would fly into the air as soon as his robe was thrown away.

Although Tu Shanxiu was in a coma, there was no rope around him. The seemingly simple convex concave fell into the eyes of the Shen family. They could not help but swallow their saliva.

"Hum..." Shen Shen snorted coldly, and she clearly saw a strange color in Qingfeng's eyes.

"Fairy friend, wake her up!" Qingfeng said with a smile, "there is a small can here, she absolutely can't run."

"Well, well..." Shen Chen nodded his head with a flick of his middle finger. A dark blue flame of "brush" flew out and hit Tu Shanxiu's eyebrow.

"I'm sorry..." Tu Shanxiu didn't open his eyes. The sound of moaning came first. It seemed to ring in the heart of the male immortal. Even the breeze couldn't help itching. Looking at the immortal guards standing in the middle of the sky, they had already felt a little bit confused.

"Alas..." Qingfeng sighed and coughed twice. The sound of "coughing" was like the sound of a bell, which shocked several immortal guards.

"Tu Shanxiu..." Qingfeng looked at TU Shanxiu and said coldly, "you don't have to make any more mysteries. If you don't wake up again, don't blame Xiao Kexin for being cruel and hot!"

Tu Shanxiu didn't open her eyes immediately. A pair of eyes under her eyelids turned slightly. It took a moment to open them. Where her eyes were exposed, a light light rose like mist, and unspeakable resentment rippled from inside.

Without waiting for the breeze to talk about it, Tu Shanxiu looked around. She gently opened her lips and said in a low voice, "I've already arrived at tuoshuyuan..."

"Evil..." Shen can't help but scold, "where is the retrograde passage to Huang Zengtian? Are you lucky to be here? "

"Puff..." Tu Shanxiu chuckled and said, "don't worry, sister. Have you forgotten? Didn't my sister say that? The retrograde passage of Tuo Shuyuan can't be found by my sister... "

"Who is your sister, villain?" Shen Shen scolded, "don't you go to find the retrograde passage soon?"

"I'll go if you want me to?" Tu Shanxiu seemed to see something and said with a smile to Shen He, "it seems that you didn't catch me!"

"Tu Shanxiu!" Qingfeng smiles coldly, raises his hand a little, "brush" Tu Shanxiu's body surface gives birth to a rope like fire, and the rope swims slightly on Tu Shanxiu's body surface!

"Silk..." Seeing this, Shen Chen can't help but take a breath. The immortal weapon that binds Tu Shanxiu is his own. He can't imagine that the breeze can drive him.

Then look at TU Shanxiu, first frown, then clench teeth, forehead with sweat dripping, breeze looking at TU Shanxiu pain, light said, "quick find retrograde channel, otherwise want you to look good!"

"Hum..." Tu Shanxiu hummed coldly and forced himself to fall into the abyss.

The breeze treads on the clouds and then flies down.

Shen Chen's mouth turned and he was just about to fly down when he suddenly thought of something. He quickly spread a message to Shen He and said, "you're OK when you go to Huang Zengtian. I happen to have an important family affair for you, you You can use the power of the breeze to see if you can have a look! "

Shen Chen was stunned for a moment, and quickly stopped his body and said, "please tell me, granddad. I'm worried that nothing will happen in the lower world and make Qingfeng worried..."

Shen Chen said about the summoning, and finally said, "don't worry about it. You should follow Qingfeng Xianyou to help him. When I find out the location of jieyinling pool, or find out the name of the penalty palace Xianli, I will summon you, and then you can tell Qingfeng Xianyou!"

"So Not so good! " Shen Xuan hesitated for a moment and said in a low voice, "this is the secret of my Shen family after all!"

"Hey, hey..." Shen Chen said with a light smile, "this is the secret of my Shen family. Naturally, I can't tell anyone about it..."

Shen He seemed to understand something, and his face was slightly red. But before she could say anything more, a strange sound of "Keng" came out from the abyss, and then the roar of Qingfeng came: "where are you going, villain?"

"Go on!" As soon as Shen Chen's face changed, he quickly called to Shen He, "if the retrograde passage is closed, Huang Zengtian is so big, where can you find the breeze?"Without waiting for Shen Chen to finish, peach red light and shadow appeared all over Shen's body. With a sound of "Wu", Shen rushed into the abyss. She had already explored the abyss clearly. Seeing a curved space crack in the depth of the stone wall, she could not help but scold: "it should be, the original retrograde passage is here..."

Shen Yu rushes into the crack of space and faces two immortal arrays that are like iron ropes. At this time, the immortal arrays are all broken. One of the centers is the autumn leaf like glow. There are some twisted fire snakes in the glow. The fire snakes meander into the darkness, and two human shaped lights and shadows that are only the size of thumbs fly by like meteors!

"Damn it Without thinking about it, Shen Yu rushes into Guangxia with a low curse. It is obvious that Xumi is forbidden in the immortal array. As soon as Shen Yu flies into Guangxia, he becomes twisted and slender

Shen Wu and Shen Chen were startled to see him rush into the fire snake and turn into a tiny human figure. They said in a hurry: "he Er, this This is not a retrograde passage, this is the boundary arc of the demon clan! "

Naturally, Shen can't hear it, because after she flies in, the autumn leaves begin to decay, the light and haze are annihilated, and the two immortal arrays like iron ropes collapse.

"Damn it Shenwu looked around Xianwei and scolded, "what's the matter with you? Can't you even see a Tu Shanxiu?"

"Two ancestors..." The fairy Wei quickly said, "it's not that the child doesn't watch Tu Shanxiu, but that Tu Shanxiu is too cunning. No one thought that she would be in trouble just after she opened the fairy ban, even if the elder Qingfeng ate it..."

"Alas..." Shen Chen looked at the two immortal formations and sighed, "second brother, don't blame them. One of the two immortal formations is a trap, and the other is true. If you and I lure the enemy, we must first attract others' attention, and then sneak attack unprepared. Tu Shanxiu goes in the opposite direction, and naturally even Qingfeng will suffer losses. Fortunately, he has gone after us, so it should be OK!"

"Big brother..." Shen Wu narrowed his eyes and watched the immortal array disappear. He said in a low voice, "I have two worries..."

"Oh?" In a daze, Shen Chen waved to some of the Shen disciples, motioned them to leave, and then said to Shen Wu, "what are you worried about?"

"There are demons and demons in this circle. Non demons can't pass through..." Shen Wu said, "I'm afraid that he will suffer losses!"

"Hey, hey..." Shen Chen said with a smile, "with the breeze fairy friend in front of him, he is absolutely safe!"

"The second one!" Shen Wu hesitated for a moment and said, "I don't think Qingfeng is easy on the surface. He He may be very deep! "

"How could it be?" Shen Chen's big sleeve waved and said with a smile, "my second brother is so thoughtful. Have you ever seen a real immortal who offends the heavenly palace guard when crossing the boundary? If it wasn't for the wind and customs, what kind of airs would the emperor not give him a pass token? "

"This..." Shen Wu hesitated and asked, "what if he doesn't want to go back earlier?"

Shen Chen smiles, does not answer, but asks, "second younger brother is willing to go to Huang Zengtian?"

"Of course not!" Shen Wu blurted out, "where is Huang Zengtian's spirit full of jade? Besides, Huang Zengtian has too many immortals, and their vitality is filthy. "

"So!" Shen Chen said with a smile, "your worry is even more impossible! Which immortal would like to stay in the world of desire? "

"All right, all right..." Shen Wu waved his hand and said, "just take it as if I didn't say anything! It's a pity that Tu Shanxiu escaped. It's troublesome to find the person behind Tu Shanxiu! "

"Hey, hey..." Shen Chen sneered and said, "although Tu Shanxiu has escaped, her subordinates are all in our hands. I'm not afraid she can't ask anything!"

Shen Wu shook his head and said, "not necessarily..."

"Go back first..." Shen Chen followed Shen Wu and turned around to fly out, saying, "pass on the message of the penalty palace to the ancestors. By the way, he also said our arrangement, and asked which leading spirit pools were there, so that he could have a foundation in his heart..."

Not to mention shenchen and Shenwu, but Xiao Hua, he has no idea that Huang Zengtian is his most powerful opponent so far. He just comes out of one immortal array in chenxiaohai and steps into another one to listen to Tianxue.

Seeing the last fairy array flying out, it was the bright sun. Looking at jiaoturi, Xiao Hua sprinkled the fiery yellow sunlight on the sky and the earth. He couldn't help smiling. Now his technique of light escape is successful. Wherever there is light and shadow, he can escape. Isn't the sunshine all over the sky his way to the sky?

However, Xiao Hua didn't use the immortal force to urge Guangdun, but still threw out the immortal boat, sat on his knees, and urged it to rush up into the sky.

After flying thousands of miles, Xiao Hua frowns a little. Li Moyi and Bai Xiaotu used to drive a boat, but he doesn't worry about it. Now he is lonely, which affects his meditation

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The breeze is coming. Xiao Hua is going to listen to Tian Xue. Will they meet?