Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 922

While talking, the stone statue Xiaohua comes over with spring water in her mouth. She kneels down and sends the spring water into Youming lotus. Where the spring water falls, Youming lotus trembles slightly, and Xue Xue Xue's body shakes slightly.

"Well, I'm lazy!" With a sigh, Xiao Hua falls into the body of the stone statue Xiaohua, and then turns into a stone statue Xiaohua and turns to fetch water

In this way, Xiao Hua accompanied Xue Xue one day and one night in the shadow of the space. Then he got out of the stone statue and was waiting to fly out.

"Why? This is... " Previously, Xiao Hua only paid attention to Xue Xue and the changes of the dark side of the space. Only at this time did he see the arms of blood Avalokitesvara far away from the sea of blood.

But see blood Guanyin's arms in the middle of the dark blood light condensed out of the outline of Guanyin, in front of the outline of Guanyin's chest, arms embrace the place is a huge flower flashing colorful flame! There are ten petals on the flower, which burn different flames. The fire not only lights up the darkness around, but also brings the blood waves of the netherworld blood sea to the sky. The unspeakable fluctuation and inexplicable breath rush out of the blood waves and fall into the multicolored flame. Strange ghosts appear at the burning place. However, Xiao Hua can see clearly where the eyes fall. After the ghosts, the bloody Guanyin sits cross knee!

"Strange!" Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, fell to the bloody Guanyin's arms and frowned, "these arms should have been carved by chongyunqian on the axe. What are these ten colored flowers? How come I have no impression at all? Well, even Chen Xiaoyun Oh, come to think of it, Chen Xiaoyun said that there are ten colors of brilliance in the abyss of you king. Is it this? "

In other words, Xiao Hua raised his hand and took the colorful flowers in his hand. It's a pity that no matter how Xiao Hua looked at it, he couldn't see anything strange about it.

"Is it from blood Guanyin?" Xiao Hua thought to himself, thinking of the incomplete blood Guanyin.

Xiao Hua didn't know how the arms of blood Guanyin fell into the shadow of the space, so he took a deep look at Xue Xue in the netherworld lotus in the distance, and turned back to get out of the space.

Xiao Hua didn't immediately return to the space, but took out the spirit Jue that Xiangqing had given him and carefully understood the stick technique inside. The spirit Jue was naturally the object of the demon alliance, and the inner stick technique was also used by the demon clan. In the name of the sun, the moon and the stars, the wand is no exception. There are only four moves in the stick technique, which are also four levels. They are called wind annihilation, star shining, moon shadow and sun meteorite. Before, Xiao Hua just tried to wind annihilation a little, and the baby's body didn't dare to use it again. Now, after careful understanding, he finds that this stick method is far from simple.

After simulating the stick technique in his mind, Xiao Hua sacrificed the Ruyi stick. Several drills were fruitless and had no effect at all.

"Damn it Xiao Hua was a little surprised. He couldn't understand how to look at a human image dancing a stick in the demon Jue.

All of a sudden, Xiao Hua seemed to think of something. When he waved his wishful stick with his hands, his body still turned into a mirage, and the shape of Phoenix claws came out from his arms, "Wu..." The strange wind howls, and the huge wind tunnel is born in the void under the wishful stick!

"Ha ha, I see!" Xiao Hua laughed and danced the Ruyi stick. "This stick method is used by the demon clan. Xiao needs to be a phoenix and Wu to really show it, otherwise he can only have his shape but not his strength!"

Knowing the reason, Xiao Hua turned into a phoenix and a Phoenix. Unfortunately, Chenxiang Danfu was too narrow. Xiao Hua had to fly out of Danfu and practice in the star array of the capital. It took a total of 7749 yuan days for Xiao Hua to master the wind annihilation stick technique.

After receiving the wishful stick, Xiao Hua slightly adjusted his breath and felt refreshed. Then he entered the space. As soon as you enter the space, you will see yudietianren and yudiewu talking.

"Hey, hey..." Xiaohua arched his hand and said, "what's the effect of Daoyou in Xumi mountain?"

"Those devil cubs are too cunning!" Yudie heaven and man turned his lips and said, "a certain family can only disturb them for the time being, but can't deal with them. Let's wait for a while!"

"Well, very good!" Xiao Hua nodded to say something else, but heaven and man laughed and said, "if you have leisure, you might as well have a talk in a certain space!"

"Good!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "before I came and went in a hurry, I haven't been to the two Taoist friends' space to have a look!"

"I'll lead the way, Taoist friends, please..." In the eyes of heaven and man, yudie has expectations, and should fly into the high space first.

Xiao Hua then flew in and looked left and right. But he saw that the space was strange. There was no light or fog in it. There were only countless different waves. Xiao Hua frowned. As soon as he was about to speak, he saw that the jade ultimatum was standing there in the shape of heaven and man, smiling triumphantly at the outside of the space.

Xiao Hua was puzzled and said, "Daoyou, this space has not been formed yet. Don't be discouraged. You have to be..."

"Ah?" Without waiting for Xiao Hua to finish, heaven and man almost jumped up and cried, "you How did you get in? Why can't a family see you? "

"Oh, oh..." Xiao Hua woke up and quickly showed his figure in front of heaven and man. He said, "why can't I come in?"

Heaven and man were a little depressed and said, "they can't get in. Some family thought they can't get in either."

"That's it Xiao Hua touched his nose and said with a smile, "I'll tell you that I can't get in.""Good, good!" Heaven laughed, patted Xiao Hua on the shoulder and said, "this is the master's bearing. I like it!"

"Let's go!" Xiaohua, the jade ultimatum, smiles and flies out of the unformed divine space with heaven and man.

"How?" The jade die sorcerer waits outside Wu mountain, some urgently ask a way.

Xiao Hua looked at the heaven and man who had turned into a jade ultimatum, and replied, "heaven and man are noble, and their space can't be entered by the poor."

"Look, look..." Yudie heaven and man are quite cow airway, "a family has said, a family's space only a family can enter!"

"Then..." The yudie wizard did not doubt that he was there. Looking at the yudie, Xiao Hua said, "can Daoyou enter the Wushan space of the poor way?"

"Try it!" Xiaohua, the yudie, flashes into Wushan space with a smile. Wushan space is different from the divine space. The nine green suns and nine green moons are hanging in the sky, but they can't be distinguished. The whole space is full of green light. The light and shadow condense in the mid air, either in the shape of mountains or rivers. The sound of inexplicable hissing comes from the deep space. Xiaohua can't see it at a glance what. On the contrary, the flowing green silk halo in the space flashed, like the green seal script. The unspeakable momentum overflowed from the green seal script and spread to the depth of the space.

Looking at the restored Taoist priest, Xiao Hua said, "Taoist friends, this space seems very mysterious. Those inexplicable rules make me feel palpitating even when I see them!"

The wizard replied with a smile: "yes, otherwise how can Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism join hands to destroy witches?"

In a word, the wizard opened his mouth and said, "Wu..." There was a blue light, which was a green seal script of 7749. It avoided falling in front of Xiao Hua and turned into a thing like armor. The wizard said, "this is the thing that Taoist friends left in the secluded world after their baby body was destroyed. The poor Taoist put it into Wushan space. From the memory of Taoist friends, this thing is called Shengyan armor, but the white bones used by the armor are destroyed. The poor Taoist has nothing to do with it Wushan space has been refined again. Now it is complete. Please take up your defense. "

"Thank you, Daoyou!" Xiao Hua took a look at Sheng Yan's armor, and was very happy. After thanking him, he accepted it and said, "since you have finished your rest, how about you and I still finish the unfinished work?"

"As you wish!" The Taoist wizard with a smile flies out of Wushan space with Xiaohua.

"How?" The jade ultimatum heaven and man quickly welcomed to come over to ask a way.

"Ha ha, you don't have to think about it! Xiao Daoyou can naturally enter the poor space! " The sorcerer still turned into a jade ultimatum. The sorcerer said with a smile, "we can't compare with our friends!"

"Hey, hey, hey..." When the heaven and man of the yudie were proud, they blinked at Xiaohua.

Xiao Hua raised his hand to offer a sacrifice to wanxianlu again. He grabbed wanxianlu and opened it abruptly, "I'll go..." Jade die heaven see ten thousand immortals record, can't help but low cry way, "Dao fairy world still have such arrogant immortal?"

Xiao Hua didn't explain it too much. After a change of heart, he passed on the situation of wanxianlu to yudietianren. Then Xiaohua and yudiewu began to work together to help the suppressed immortals in wanxianlu solidify their bodies.

To Xiao Hua's surprise, through the investigation of the yudie wizard, among the real immortals suppressed in the wanxianlu, only 14 of the 20 golden immortals can be released except for sword holding and dust-free. The other four are either inferior in character or full of evil deeds, while only 10 of the 28 immortals can be released. Only 12 of the 45 immortals can be released release.

After all, the former immortal who was in charge of wanxianlu was not the one who did wrong. When we look at the remaining 18 Confucian immortals, we can release all the others except one who wrote and one who praised immortals.

"These Confucians condensed their bodies, but they could be sent to the heaven space..." Without waiting for Xiao Hua to speak, the witch said, "let them help Zixia and Qingqing..."

"Good, good!" Xiao Hua was overjoyed and said, "you and I can do it!"

It's not particularly difficult for a real immortal to coagulate his body with the body of an immortal baby. Except for the two worst real immortal spirits who are unstable, the others are all perfectly coagulated. Yudi Tianren is still full of interest at first, watching the bodies coagulate out one by one. But after a long time, he is also boring. He rushes to the sky and still harasses the demons in Xumishan.

Seeing that the last eulogizing immortal condensed into his body, the eulogizing immortal bowed his body to thank him. After that, Xiao Hua sent him into the space of heaven. Then he took a long breath and looked at the 52 fairy babies scattered in the air

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There are no perfect things in the world. Although there are 108 real immortals in the records of ten thousand immortals, half of them can't get what they want after all