Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 921

"Putong" Lu Shu knelt down without hesitation and kowtowed, "I thank you, master. I never thought that I would have a day to condense my body!"

"Get up, get up!" Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, quickly picked up Lu Shu again and said, "you are my disciple. Naturally, I will wait for you. But now I have two choices. I want to ask you what you think!"

"Go ahead, master!" Lu Shu said respectfully.

"I have some baby puppets here..." Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, sent several immortal babies to Lu Shu and explained, "these baby puppets are very rare. If you use them to coagulate your body, I can almost guarantee that you will set foot in the real immortal. As for whether you can be a golden immortal, it's your own effort. But this body has one shortcoming, that is The flesh may be controlled by me, do you understand? "

Lu Shu didn't even want to say, "I understand that this baby puppet was made by the master. There must be the spirit mark of the master in it. The spirit of the disciple is not equal to the master. If I use this baby puppet to condense, I'm afraid it will be impossible to erase the spirit mark all my life. So even if I condense my body, I will He is also the master's puppet

Xiao Hua was a little embarrassed. Lu Shu was not quite right, but he was not much different.

Lu Shu then said: "thank you for giving me this choice. Although the future of the body is immeasurable, with the spirit mark of the master, the body is not my own, so even if I can't cultivate the true immortal, I am willing to be a complete self."

"Good!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "if that's the case, then prepare to condense!"

"And..." Lu Shu said hastily, "master, I have thought about it. Since I want to condense, then Then choose the external coagulation method that can set foot on Jinxian, and hope master can complete it! "

"Ha ha, that's nature!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "I've done everything I can to deal with it. I'm going to give you a perfect body!"

"Master..." Lu Shu's eyes couldn't help wetting again.

"Don't be so fussy!" Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, urged, "condense quickly. I still have the skill to teach you to wait!"

Lu Shu's congealing body is naturally different from Yan Zhan's. Lu Shu can't warm up Shuling root, so he can't use Yan Zhan's secret technique of refining Shuling root. Lu Shu sat down with his knees crossed and spewed out the stone One of the roots of Shuling flew to the left and there were some strange virtual shadows and waves.

Lu Shu didn't dare to neglect it and hastened to activate the secret art of coagulation. Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, also hastened to bring down the mysterious light of the immortal world. If it was really wonderful, shulinggen touched the tonifying stone, and immediately there were thin blood veins in the mystical light. Among the blood veins, there were veins in the tonifying stone, and the veins gradually formed. A spine in the root of shulinggen broke out and opened the human form.

Lu Shu spent ten times as much time as Yan Zhan. He was exhausted and didn't even bother to move his fingers.

However, Lu Shu knew that this was the best time for the transfer of the spirit. He did not dare to neglect it. He quickly used the technique of the yuan God to place the spirit out of the infant body. However, it didn't matter. He immediately lost himself in the space. No matter what, his spirit could not find the mark just engraved on the body. At this time, the spirit had already come out of the infant body, and there was no trace of it Flying out of the sky, I couldn't help shouting: "master, master..."

"Alas..." At the critical moment, Lu Shu heard Xiao Hua sigh, and then his spirit fell into a place, just as his body fell from the sky. Lu Shu's spirit was shocked, and then he found that he fell into a cold body!

Lu Shu was overjoyed. He didn't dare to lightly urge the skill of coagulation again, let the spirit control the body and stabilize the spirit.

"Daoyou..." Looking at Lu Shu's cultivation, the witch whispered, "I'm afraid it won't work! Lu Shu's aptitude is excellent. Even he can't find out where the new congealed body is. I'm afraid other disciples can't either! "

"Well!" Xiao Hua nodded and said, "this secret skill is dangerous. It's worth a hundred million dollars. Even the real immortal will fall in the current year, not to mention Lu Shu?"

"What about that?" The witch frowned and said, "is it true that every spirit is out of body and has to find a way?"

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua said with a smile, "the left and right are all disciples of our Zaohua sect, so we have Taoist friends!"

"All right!" The witch nodded, "who let them be the disciples of our Zaohua sect?"

Later, Yu Mingzi and Yan Cheng's congealing body were normal. With the help of Yu Diewu, they found the new congealed body and completed the congealing body. But when they got to the fourth immortal baby, something went wrong. Even with the help of Yu Diewu, the immortal baby's spirit could not fall into the body, and his detached spirit could not be stable again. Yu diexiao Hua had no choice but to send him into the space It's too late.

The next ten immortal babies coagulated, only two of them succeeded, and eight of them fell. All of a sudden, Xiao Hua was extremely distressed by the jade ultimatum. He said, "Daoyou, Daoyou, this is not possible. If so, the disciples of Kunlun fairyland nature gate will not survive a few days!"

"This is the way to save one hundred million yuan!" The witch said with a bitter smile, "I'm lucky enough now."

"Wait a moment, Daoyou!" Xiao Hua thought about it for a moment, took the body of the immortal baby who lost his spirit, raised his hand and took out the spirit protecting needle and the mind fixing lock. When he finished reading it carefully, his face turned green and red again."Why?" "What's the problem?" the witch asked in a hurry

"No!" Looking at the spirit protecting needle and the mind fixing lock, Xiao Hua explained, "the spirits of the immortal baby are mostly protected by the mind fixing lock. When the spirits of the immortal baby are transferred, the spirits in the mind fixing lock will naturally be erased, but the body of the infant can't protect the spirits. How can the spirits find the body again? Besides, the spirit protecting needle is integrated with the baby. Even if I take it out by force, I'm afraid it will affect the baby... "

"It's as if the spirit had fallen into reincarnation, isn't it?" Asked the witch.

"From the point of view of these disciples..." Xiao Hua shook his head and said, "in the long run Not necessarily! Their aptitude is not good. Even if they condense, maybe the golden immortal will come to an end. If they enter the reincarnation and reincarnate into the immortal world or Xiaoyu mainland again, they will have a bright future in the future! "

"The problem is..." Yudiewu also shook his head, "that's another new person, who has nothing to do with him in this life."

"Just..." Xiao Hua sighed, "give them another choice. Let's see if they want to coagulate outside the body, or let me draw the spirit protecting needle and the mind fixing lock to coagulate again!"

It's no surprise to Xiao Hua. Of the remaining 50 or so fairy babies, only 20 choose to coagulate on the original body. The other 30 feel that they are the best of heaven and may be successful in vitro coagulation. But the reality is cruel. Only eight of the more than 30 fairy babies succeed, and the other spirits are sent to the shadow of space by Xiao Hua. Although the 23 fairy babies choose to coagulate on the body, there are still some mistakes. Eight fairy babies fail, and the spirits enter the shadow of space.

In this way, the 37 disciples of the 72 Xianying had a chance. The strength and fortune of the 37 disciples were obviously not as good as the 72 disciples. Even though they all chose the ordinary coagulation method, only 18 Xianying succeeded.

"Alas..." Watching the disciples fall one by one, only 36 disciples are left to listen to the Dharma in the immortal world. Yudie Xiaohua and yudie Wu can only sigh about the impermanence of heaven. Their supernatural powers can not guarantee the success of all the disciples, let alone the immortal babies in the immortal world.

After helping Lu Shu and other disciples of the nature and chemistry sect condense their bodies, Xiao Hua can be regarded as understanding a heavy wish. He instructs the wizard to get out of the space.

Of course, only for a moment, Xiao Hua fell into the shadow of space again.

The dark side of the space also changes greatly. The purple moon on the sky is almost round. The continuous continent surrounds the island where the netherworld lotus and netherworld bamboo are located. However, in addition to the sea of netherworld blood around the continent, there are also images of rivers and seas in the continent.

It seems that there are some human forms in the place where these blood and water condense. However, the air over the mainland is turbulent, and there are no human forms except for the mountains and hills and the occasional inexplicable vegetation. However, under the mainland, the former huge tree of Pluto fruit is no longer a simple tree. It should be called Pluto root. This Pluto root is integrated with the dark side of space. Where countless Pluto fruit condenses, there is either light or darkness. There are inexplicable fluctuations in the branches of the tree. The blood in the dark sea moistens the tree. From time to time, some of the power of life and death flickers like a lantern Xiao Hua can't see clearly, but he knows that this is probably the initial reincarnation!

At the bottom of Minggen, there are 19 souls flashing light purple. At the same time, there are thick blood threads connecting with the netherworld bamboo through the space. The fine and orderly runes fall into the soul through these blood threads. The figure of Zhu Xiang in the biggest soul is impressive.

"I'm afraid these 19 souls are the managers of the dark side of the space in the future?" Xiaohua said with a smile, "it's the destiny of heaven. It's not human power! Zhu was a coward before he died, but he turned into a ghost after he died. He should be able to show his revenge in his heart... "

After reading these, Xiao Hua turns into a human figure and falls on the side of the netherworld lotus. She looks at Xue Xue with a kind of attachment. Xue Xue's body shape has gradually condensed. Even the netherworld pattern that Xiao Hua can't see through is born and died in her body all the time. Although she can't see Xue Xue's appearance, the faint outline makes Xiao Hua's eyes burst into tears. This is no longer a simple love, mutual help and life and death are superficial, any words are pale.

"Xue Xue..." Xiao Hua raised his hand on the netherworld lotus and said in a low voice, "I'm waiting for you to come back!"

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When love sublimates to a certain extent, it will have a different meaning!