Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 923

At the same time, 52 Xianying looks at Xiao Hua pitifully, as if he had been abandoned by Xiao Hua.

"Cough..." Xiao Hua, the jade die, coughed softly and said, "you immortal friends, don't be impatient for a while. There will be opportunities in the future..."

"Alas..." Fifty two fairy babies sighed and bowed, "thank you for everything."

Having said that, Xiao Hua knows that he can't kill innocent people indiscriminately. It's hard to find more than 50 souls worthy of being sent to Xianying!

"Daoyou..." Yu die Wu suddenly said in a voice, "I have a good way..."

"What can Daoyou do?" Without twelve fairy babies and jade die, Xiao Huaqi looks at the witch in front of his eyes.

"Daoyou is careless!" With a smile, the witch replied, "how did these fairy friends come from?"

"Ouch! I don't think so. " After hearing this, Xiao Hua suddenly realized it. He patted his forehead and said with a smile, "I just want you to condense your body, but I really forget this."

"Talk quickly, Daoyou, talk quickly..." All fairies are in a great hurry.

Xiao Huafen, the jade ultimatum, said: "in the past, I was the body of an immortal baby, and I can't help you. Now I'm reborn, but I've lost my immortal baby. If you want to, you can still practice in my body and share weal and woe with me."

"Great goodness!" All the fairy babies are yuan babies scattered around yuan baby in Xiaohua starry sky. At this time, they can return to the origin. How can they not be happy?

"So..." Xiao Hua was also very happy. He caressed his hand and said, "I'll arrange you now!"

"Daoyou, Daoyou..." Without waiting for Xiao Huafei to come out, the immortal babies cried out one after another, "I'm afraid it's not good to be a Taoist friend immortal baby. I'd better deal with it first!"

Xiao Hua's eyes flashed and looked at all the fairies. He said with a smile, "this spirit protecting needle actually limits the entry of Taoist friends. It's OK not to use it in the future!"

Then Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, took out the spirit protecting needle and the sky tonic stone from all the fairy babies.

Seeing all the fairies collapsed in the air, Xiao Hua quickly got out of the space and patted the top door, "boom..." Qingguang rushes out and gets Xiaohua's mind. Fifty two fairy baby festivals fall into Qingguang, and he still gets Xiaohua's Dantian place.

It's also weird. When the 52 yuan babies didn't fall, there was no difference in Dantian, but when the 52 yuan babies fell, "boom, boom..." Inside the immortal mark in the middle of the eyebrow, there were 77.49 silver beams falling down to cover these yuan babies. Immediately, the immortal power flowing in Xiao Hua's body condensed into 77.49 whirlpools and rushed into the Dantian!

"This..." Looking at the 49 silver pillars of light, Xiao Hua was a little depressed. He clearly had 52 yuan babies. How could he distribute them?

When Xiao Hua's mind moved, an idea fell into Zhu Yuanying.

"Good!" The figure of Zhu Yuanying's head fluttered, and soon he set up a big array in Xiao Hua's Dantian. But he saw that the array was tiger shaped, wasn't it Jiujiang star Fu Wei fire array?

The array has been completed. Forty nine silver rays fall down to cover the array. The silver rays fall evenly through the array and fall into the eyebrows of Yuan babies. These yuan babies have a bright halo around them, and their bodies begin to expand rapidly.

"Hey, hey..." Xiao Hua saw the opportunity and never let go of any place where he could cheat. Seeing the silver light flowing and the immortal power surging, he quickly took out the Star Palace seal from the space and swallowed it into his stomach. However, he saw that the Star Palace seal fell into the center of Jiujiang star Fu tail fire array. "Boom boom" was a series of star movements, and 49 stars broke through the sky and fell!

Xingguang, Yinguang and Xianli rotate in an orderly way within the array, and Yuanying can finally practice normally!

Xiao Hua didn't dare to be contemptuous. He once again urged the skill of stepping on Shenque from the early stage of Yanxian to cooperate with Zhu Yuanying's cultivation.

About half a day later, seeing Zhu Yuanying return to his old career and everything is safe, Xiao Hua entered the space again.

"How?" Yu die Wu is still the same two words, with concern between the eyebrows.

"It's killing two birds with one stone!" The jade die Xiao Hua sighs a way, "poor way how did not think of before?"

"Ha ha, this is the so-called dark under the light!" Yudiewu said with a laugh, "these fairy babies are the original babies of Taoist friends. You just want to let them condense, but you forget their origin."

"Black under the light?" Xiao Hua smiles, raises his hand and grabs it. Blood Guanyin's arms fall into the air. To Xiao Hua's surprise, the colorful flowers with empty arms fly out.

"Why?" Xiao Hua was surprised, because since the colorful flower flew out, it means that it will not be a thing of the underworld. What is it if it is not a thing of the underworld?

"Why?" The jade wizard was as surprised as Xiao Hua. He looked at the two things and said, "what's this?"

"It's a secret..." As Xiao Hua said, he raised his hand and offered a sacrifice to the bloody Guanyin, who was imprisoned in the secret place As soon as the bloody Avalokitesvara comes out, the void trembles again

"Nanwu great mercy Guanyin Bodhisattva..."

"Nanwu great mercy Guanyin Bodhisattva..."

At the same time, countless tiny blood shadows of Avalokitesvara pour out from the lotus stand of blood colored Avalokitesvara and rush around."This This... " The jade wizard was surprised and couldn't close his mouth. His eyes flashed and he looked at the bloody Avalokitesvara. But he saw a thousand handed and thousand eyed Avalokitesvara standing on the nine grade lotus stand. Although the eyes of avaloksvara were closed, he didn't look peaceful. There was even some sadness and indignation on his slightly upturned mouth. Although the whole body of avaloksvara covered the monk's robe, there were many bloody gold inscriptions on it Flash, all the time.

In the void, this is the arms holding the petals of ten colors, leaving the petals of ten colors to fly to the blood body of Avalokitesvara, as if hesitating, as if timid!

"Daoyou?" The wizard of the jade ultimatum was puzzled. He turned to see Xiao Hua again. At this time, Xiao Hua's body was trembling, and the shape of the jade ultimatum had to show the gold body of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

"Daoyou, what is it?" The jade wizard was more puzzled.

"I have inherited the cause and effect of the former Guanyin Bodhisattva!" Xiao Hua took a deep breath, and the light around him was blue. Sheng Sheng collected the blood light into his body.

"Ju How can there be such a big cause and effect? " The jade die sorcerer exclaimed, "in our space, even the Taoist friends can't control it?"

"Yes Xiao Hua nodded and looked at the bloody Avalokitesvara with profound meaning, saying, "although I don't know what the cause and effect is, I know that the cause and effect is incredible!"

"Alas..." The witch sighed and said, "you are reckless!"

"There's nothing rash about it!" Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, watched that his arms could not fall into the blood colored Guanyin. He raised his hand a little, and blood flowed out of his arms. Then he fell into the blood colored Guanyin with a whoosh. Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, said faintly, "I've been in Changsheng town The cause and effect has been settled! "

The result of cause and effect is different from the result of cause and effect. Yudiewu can also hear it. He is silent.

Look at that pair of bloody arms falling into the body of bloody Avalokitesvara, "brush..." A burst of blood light rose from the thousand hands of bloody Guanyin. It was only at this time that Xiao Hua could see clearly that the thousand hands of bloody Guanyin were virtual shadows, and now only a small part of them were solid!

"From the records of chongyunqian engraved on the axe, it can be seen that this bloody arm was suppressed in forgetting Sichuan, and it was with the help of their chongjia blood. What's special about chongjia blood?" The witch frowned and said, "it's a pity that Daoyou can't remember forgetting Sichuan. You and I can't guess."

"The cause and effect is too big..." Xiao Hua shook his head and said, "it's not just a chongjia who can explain it. The cause and effect are poor. There's always a time when we can find out..."

"Even The reason why even the former Guanyin Bodhisattva fell... " The jade die sorcerer worries the heart way, "the way friend wants to be careful!"

"Well, I know!" Xiao Hua looked at the flowers again. Xiao Hua thought the flowers were from blood Guanyin, but the flowers didn't react to the blood light of blood Guanyin. Obviously, it had nothing to do with blood Guanyin.

Xiao Hua waves his hand to seal the bloody Avalokitesvara. He raises his hand to a little flower, which trembles slightly and sets off a raging flame.

"Daoyou?" The jade wizard suddenly said in a trembling voice, "don't worry, this I feel familiar with it... "

"What?" Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, pointed to the flower and said, "you said this..."

Speaking of this, Xiao Hua suddenly woke up, patted his forehead and said: "yes, yes, this thing may be related to Taoist friends. I think of it, this thing should be related to the original spirit."

With that, Xiao Hua took out the color fragments of the scroll. Sure enough, the scroll just appeared, and the vision suddenly came into being. During the shock of the scroll, a lot of gold filaments gushed out from the gap of the scroll. In an instant, the scroll turned into a golden Zhang Yu que, and the unspeakable breath gushed out from it, and the jade wizard's eyes were full of splendor!

Then look at the golden Zhangyu que. The word "three" in the golden light is complete. There is a light golden light shining in the blank beside it. With the golden light shining, the flame of the ten color flowers soars and burns with the golden light.

Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, said with a smile: "there are three spirits in the body of husband and immortal: one is Taiqing, the Qi of Taiqing and Yanghe; one is Shuangling, the change of Yin Qi; one is Youjing, the mixture of Yin Qi! Now the three gods chapter is broken, and the soul characters of green seal script are scattered in the fairyland. The soul characters are divided into three parts. One of the words is that the candle flower reflects the harmony of Taiqing and Yanghe. If it comes from forgetting Sichuan, it must be another. If it's not the change of Yin Qi, it's the mixture of Yin Qi! "

The jade wizard's eyes flashed green fire and said, "forgetting Sichuan is where Yin and Yang meet. It must be the mixture of yin and Yang!"

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The cause and effect of sanguine Guanyin is really big, waiting to be discussed slowly. I think everyone is wrong about the ten colored flowers