Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 920

Yan Zhan's congealing body is different from Xiao Hua's congealing body. He first congeals bones, then blood vessels, then meridians, and then slowly fills Mr. Zao's flesh and blood. Although Yanzhan is a nine palace immortal, the immortal's body is so mysterious that he can't do everything with his ability. He can only rely on the secret skill to condense the whole body successfully.

Seeing the success of Yan's battle, the jade wizard and Xiao Hua called out in one voice: "not good!"

The Witch of the jade ultimatum looked at the jade ultimatum, and Xiao Hua said, "Taoist friend, didn't Yan Zhan make any blood vows?"

"No..." Xiao Huaming said with a bitter smile, "I don't think so much when I see these ghosts."

"Let's forget about Yanzhan!" The jade wizard looked at the other immortal babies and said, "other immortals must swear blood, otherwise the secret of Taoist friends is easy to reveal."

Hearing this, Xiao Hua's face was strange. He whispered: "it seems that No more... "

"What do you mean?" The jade ultimatum is too big.

Xiao Hua squinted at the change of Yanzhan's body shape and face. There was a robe on his body. He said in a low voice: "I feel that Yanzhan is not out of my control!"

"Is it OK not to be in space?" The jade die sorcerer eyebrow one Yang urgently asks a way.

"Yes Xiao Hua nodded, "if it's not the role of wanxianlu, then It's the role of the poor Tao in the projection of the spirit in the immortal baby's body. "

Sure enough, Yan Zhan stood still in mid air, with a complicated look on his face. He looked at the yudie, and Xiao Hua said, "it seems that you didn't release my soul completely as promised..."

Xiao Hua shrugged and said, "it's not that the younger generation doesn't want to. I'm afraid that wanxianlu is weird. But the suppressed souls can't escape this kind of control forever, can they?"

"Well, that's it..." Yan Zhan sighed, "that old man's words can't be taken seriously!"

"What's that?" Jade die Xiao Hua Leng asked a way.

"Ha ha..." The jade wizard beside said with a smile, "it's natural to kill the Taoist friends! At this time, Yan Zhan still has a strong and inexplicable backbone, which is really interesting! "

Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, said with a smile, "what's the strength of master Yan now?"

Yan Zhan was bitter and said, "it's just a Louxian ear!"

"The leakage fairy?" Xiao Hua was a little surprised. "How did you fall so badly?"

"That's nothing!" Yan Zhan waved his hand and said, "as long as you give me time to set foot on the real immortal, it's absolutely no problem to attack the Jiugong immortal."

Xiao Hua looked at the picture of Wuji Yandao, which is still floating in the Taoist space, and said with a smile, "there is a road of cultivation for me, which is different from what I did before. I don't know if I want to try it?"

"This..." Yan Zhan hesitated, "don't you want it? After all, my previous skills are enough for me to cultivate jiugongxian! "

"It's just jiugongxian..." Xiao Hua waved his hand and said, "don't you want to be a God?"

"Is it easy for heaven to achieve it?" Yan Zhan laughed bitterly, "if there is no big chance, I'm afraid I can't even cultivate Hunyuan fairy!"

"If you say that you can reach heaven, do you believe me?"

Yan strategy slightly hesitated, nodded: "I believe it."

Xiao Hua is silly. He has prepared many words to persuade Yanzhan. Who knows that Yanzhan is so easy to believe.

"So..." Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, was slightly excited and said, "I'll take a blood oath. I'll tell you about this road."

"What oath of blood?" Yan Zhan asked.

When Xiao Hua got the jade ultimatum, he said the oath of blood. Yan Zhan sneered, "you control the records of ten thousand immortals. I will be suppressed by the records of ten thousand immortals forever. What's the difference between the oath of blood and the oath of blood?"

"Hey, hey..." The jade die Xiao Hua said with a smile, "it's just to find a reason!"

Yanzhan doesn't have any hesitation. He gives the oath of blood. Xiao Hua smiles, raises his hand and points it in Yanzhan's eyebrow. Stepping on Shenque skill is sent to Yanzhan's mind.

"Silk..." Yan Zhan took a breath of cold air and sat down with his knees crossed!

"Go ahead..." The jade die Xiao Hua's Taoist robe threw away and sent Yan Zhan into the Taoist immortal space, saying, "let's see if the road that poor Dao gives you is open to heaven!"

Looking at Yan Zhan's falling into the Taoist immortal space, the word "Tao" fell down one after another. The jade wizard said with a smile: "Yan Zhan is a nine palace immortal. Now he has got the body prepared by Taoist friends. His cultivation must be much faster than that of the disciples of the Zaohua sect!"

Xiao Hua knew that the jade wizard could not see the gold wire in the space, and naturally did not know that Yan Zhan's eyebrows had already condensed the rudiment of Daoyin. He said with a smile, "that's nature. I can bet you that it won't take long for him to engrave Daoyin!"

"Cut..." The witch dismissively said, "the trace of Tao is engraved by Daoyou himself. When is it not caused by Daoyou's mind?"

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua laughed and did not explain, "let the dust out, let him condense the flesh behind him, and let Lu Shu and others condense the flesh? It's more dangerous for them to make something out of nothing

Open the immortal record, Wuchen immediately begged for mercy and said, "little friend, please forgive me. I think it's really hard for me to coagulate.""Do you know the battle of the nine palace immortals?" said Xiao Hua

"Yan Zhan?" Wu Chen thought for a moment and shook his head, "I don't know! Why, he's already frozen? "

"What do you think?" Xiao Hua raised his hand a little, and a golden light fell into Wu Chen's eyebrow. It was just a moment. Wu Chen excitedly said, "what's the matter with you? Don't you mean to let Lao Dao coagulate first? Why did you choose a jiugongxian? Are you afraid that the old Taoist magic power is not enough? "

"Don't sell yourself when you get cheap..." Xiaohua said with a smile, "why don't you take a poison oath?"

"What poison oath?" Wu Chen is as big as Yan Zhan. After listening to Xiao Hua's oath, he can't laugh and cry, "little friend, this What's the difference between this and wanxianlu? In that case, why should Lao Dao swear? It's just, it's just, the old Taoist is not congealed! "

"You said it Xiao Hua replied, "since you don't take the road of heaven, it's not easy to force you to do so."

Seeing that Xiao Hua was about to turn the page, Wu Chen quickly called out, "I swear, I swear..."

Listening to Wu Chen's blood vows, the jade wizard suddenly said, "Daoyou, I'm worried about you all of a sudden..."

"Oh, yes!" Xiao Hua also sighed, "Taoist friends are right. In the early days, I only pitied these real immortals for being suppressed in the records of ten thousand immortals. As servants of immortals, I forgot to explore their character. The bodies of these immortals are precious. If we give them to an immortals, wouldn't they be a pearl in secret?"

"That's easy!" Yu die Wu laughs, "Dao you, take Wuchen out of Wanxian record!"

Xiaohua releases Wuchen from wanxianlu according to his words. The wizard reaches out his right hand and puts his finger between Wuchen's eyebrows. Wuchen doesn't notice that Wuchen's finger is falling. Seeing Wuchen's whole body shining with blue light, the wizard laughs: "fortunately, Wuchen's character doesn't appeal to Taoists, but there is no great evil. It should be widely used."

Then the yudie wizard passed on the understanding of Yan Zhan's congealed body to Wuchen. Although Wuchen was a golden immortal, he had no mistake in sacrificing and refining the root of souling or fusing and mending the stone of heaven. Seeing that he had a perfect body, Wuchen could not believe his eyes. He almost didn't want to bow down in front of Xiaohua and said, "I'll see you!"

"You're welcome, Daoyou!" Xiao Huaguo didn't like Wu Chen's sudden respect. He raised Wu Chen up and said, "you should practice first."

"Old slave..." As soon as Wuchen was about to open his mouth, the skill of stepping on Shenque had already fallen into his mind. Although Wuchen was not as good as Yanzhan, he was also a golden immortal. With a little understanding, he was overjoyed. He kowtowed again and was sent to Daoxian space by Xiaohua.

Later, both Gu Yunzi and Baojian made a blood oath, which was a calm coagulation. It's the fairy Li Hui's turn. After visiting her spirit, the witch sneered and said, "this kind of snake and scorpion fairy, Daoyou, don't let her coagulate. It will save Daoyou embarrassment!"

"Well!" Xiao Hua got the message from the Witch and nodded, "don't mention her evil deeds of killing Qi immortals. She only caters to her will and serves me in a way that makes me sick..."

"Next!" The wizard reminds Xiao Hua to turn the page. But Xiao Hua thought for a moment and said, "Daoyou, wanxianlu, if you don't come here first, how about let Lu Shu condense them?"

"All right!" Yu Diewu nodded and said, "let Yan Zhan, Gu Yunzi and others condense. It's just for the accumulation of Lu Shu and other disciples condense. Since it's almost done, it's time to let Lu Shu and them condense!"

"If Lu Shu and other disciples of the school of nature and chemistry want to condense their bodies, they naturally have to choose the method of condensing their bodies outside the body of the baby." Xiao Huafen said, "that kind of way is dangerous. There is no one in a billion. But in this space, with you and me, there will be no difference. What they lack is their own ability."

"One more question..." The jade wizard hesitated for a moment and asked, "previously, the Taoist friend had left more than 100 immortal babies to wanxianlu, but since some of the ghosts still had to be suppressed in wanxianlu, didn't the immortal babies have a surplus? They Is it left to Lu Shu and others? "

"This..." Xiao Hua also hesitated. He never thought about this problem, and he didn't know whether it was feasible. After thinking for a moment, Xiao Hua said, "don't you listen to Lu Shu's own ideas?"

"Very good!" The same is true of the yudie wizard, which is the view of Xiaohua.

After sacrificing the Kunlun mirror, Xiao Hua sent Lu Shu out of the space. Lu Shu immediately bowed to Xiao Hua and said, "I've seen the master!"

"Do you know all kinds of coagulation techniques first?" The jade die Xiao Hua doesn't beat around the Bush and asks directly.

Lu Shu was stunned. He was immediately overjoyed. However, he respectfully said, "master, I'm already proficient!"

"This is shulinggen..." Yu die Xiao Hua took out shulinggen and said, "it's the same material as the tonic stone that let you warm up before..."

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Lu Shu and other immortal babies are about to condense. I don't know what's good or bad? For the lovely Yan Yu