Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 919

"Silk..." Yan Zhan took a breath of cold air and was shocked in his eyes. However, he couldn't bear to think more. In hundreds of souling roots, a souling root suddenly burst into blood, and his head flew down at Yan Zhan.

Yan Zhan was very happy. Just as he was about to move his body, Xiao Hua caressed his hand and said, "wonderful!"

Say, jade die Xiao Hua Dao Pao a brush will wash Ling root block.

"What are you going to do?" Yan Zhan felt like a flower in the mirror, and cried angrily, "are you amusing me?"

Xiao Hua ignores Yanzhan and looks at shulinggen carefully. After a while, he looks at Yanzhan again. Yanzhan shivers. A feeling of being seen through comes from his heart.

"What are you doing?" Yan Zhan suddenly had a very bad feeling.

"It's all right!" Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, said with a smile, "I'll see what you fit with this souling root."

"Did you see that?" Yan Zhan's tone is not without irony. Even if he is a nine palace immortal, he dare not say that he can see through the spirit. How can Xiao Hua?

"I see it!" Xiao Hua nodded.

"Bullshit!" Yan Zhan sneered, "what do you see?"

"Bullshit!" Xiao Hua retorted, "I saw bullshit!"

"Puff..." Yudiewu couldn't help laughing, but Yanzhan didn't know there was another yudiewu beside him.

Just as Yan Zhan was about to get angry, Xiao Hua loosened his hand and said, "boom..." Shulinggen fell out of thin air and ran into the ghost of Yanzhan. As soon as shulinggen fell into the ghost of Yanzhan, 13200 blood veins in it immediately flashed, just like countless tentacles sticking out to catch the ghost of Yanzhan. Where can Yanzhan care to bicker? Quickly stabilize the body, inexplicable xianjue urge, a wisp of blood vein began to order up.

"Damn it Yu die Xiao Hua and Yu die Wu's face slightly changed, and they scolded each other. They looked at each other and said, "is it difficult to merge? Does Shuling root have a secret skill?"

But for a moment, I saw the blood color all over the body of Yan Zhan's ghost. The blood color on the body surface of Yan Zhan's ghost coagulated the mark of the flowers on the other side. The flowers on the other side trembled slightly and were ready to bloom. Xiao Hua, the jade die, showed his movements and quietly led the netherworld force out and fell into these flowers on the other side.

"Boom boom..." The flowers on the other side are blooming one by one, and the ghost of Yanzhan rises suddenly after being urged by the netherworld force. After half a cup of tea, the imprint of the flowers on the other side disappears, and the 13200 blood veins disappear, only the bamboo shape in the middle stays upright and motionless!

"Yanzhan needs immortal vitality!" The jade die sorcerer reminds a way.

"It's not so much immortal vitality..." Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, had some insight and said with a smile, "it's better to say that he needs the immortal Xuanguang. And it's not so much the need for immortal Xuanguang as the need for Shengqi! "

With that, Xiao Hua raised his hand again, and "boom" a pillar of light broke out of the Taoist immortal space to cover the remnant soul of Yanzhan. Sure enough, "Pa Pa Pa" was loud, and the bamboo knots in the remnant soul of Yanzhan were pulled up!

When you stop standing tall and straight, blue light and shadow appear on the soul of Yanzhan. The light and shadow are spiral, rising from the soles of Yanzhan's feet, and ending in the mysterious cloud!

"Master Yan..." The jade die Xiao Hua lightly said, "I didn't expect that the elder still had private goods. What's the secret of integrating the root of souling?"

Xiao Hua raised his hand as he spoke. He thought that Yanzhan would not spit out easily and was ready to snatch it. He didn't know that Yanzhan didn't hesitate, so he recited the secret word by word.

After that, Yan Zhan called out: "it's just a trade. It's the price of your previous coagulation skill! If I were a coagulant, I would still kill you... "

"Hard mouth..." The jade die Wu wry smile, say, "if poor way how can let him coagulate body?"? Just crush it to death! "

"Isn't my heart soft?" The jade die Xiao Hua helpless way, "but this person if sincerely to you, can take out the heart and lung!"

"Do Taoist friends need their heart and lungs?" The witch asked back, "Daoyou has not experienced the fighting in the world of ten thousand demons. I gave it to Daoyou It's just the experience of some poor Taoists. Taoists haven't really realized the difficulties of being alone, the depression of being on the verge of collapse, and the ever-changing war situation Choice

"Oh, maybe!" sighed Xiao Hua, looking up at Daoxian space, where some of the rising disciples of Zaohua sect appeared. But Xiao Hua thought of Liu Yi, Yuanya and others in his mind, and no one knew where they were.

He looked at Yanzhan and asked, "are you ready?"

"Ready!" Yan Zhan didn't have the hesitation of being free from dust. He made a quick decision and said, "you can condense at any time."

"Good..." As Xiao Hua waves, more than a hundred fairy babies appear in front of Yan Zhan.

Yan Zhan's figure could not help shivering and exclaimed: "you Where did you get so many baby puppets? "

"How beautiful?" Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, said coldly, "there are more than so many immortal babies in the whole fairyland who are sacrificed and refined by you every first day."

"Hey, hey..." Yan Zhan said with a rare smile, "I don't know about other immortals, but I've never used Xianying as a tool.""Well, that's good!" The jade die Xiao Hua lightly nods and says, "you pick one?"

"There's no need to choose!" Yan Zhan looked at an immortal baby and said, "Shuling tendon in my spirit..."

"It's better to call it shulinggen!" Yu die Xiao Hua some displeasure way, "although I know that Shuling tendon is Shuling root, how can I hear uncomfortable."

"All right!" Yan Zhan said, "the souling root in my body has found the most suitable baby puppet!"

Yan Zhan raised his hand and pointed to a fairy baby. Sure enough, there were 365 crystal lights in the fairy baby's body, which flashed like stars.

The jade die Xiao Hua's heart reads a move, that fairy baby flies will come out, just fall in front of Yan Zhan.

"Wu..." The strange wind hung up, and even the void that Xiao Hua could control, there was an unspeakable strangeness.

In the strange wind, Yan Zhan shrinks his neck, and the fairy baby shrinks his neck too. Looking at Yan Zhan, he is greedy.

"No!" Yan Zhan suddenly cried, "this This baby puppet has no spirit, but But how do you think he has a spirit? "

"Alas, I would rather they were not baby puppets..." Xiao Hua sighed, "master Yan, you can use the technique of coagulation to have a try!"

"What is the light spot in a baby?" Yan Zhan asked, "it's a tonic stone!" Xiao Hua replied, "it's another rare material of conglomerates."

"You've taken a lot of trouble!" Yan Zhan frowned and said, "what's good for you to coagulate immortal body?"

"No good!" Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, said with a smile, "it's just a trap."

"Hum..." Yan Zhan hummed coldly, "even if it's a trap, how about it?"

After that, Yanzhan pours on Xianying. Before he touches Xianying, the light in Xianying's body is more brilliant, and the bloodstain in Yanzhan's spirit is as bright as a flower.

"I've always wondered where the flesh and blood of Han congeals came from..." "Now it seems that the flesh and blood are hidden in the spirit," said Xiao Hua, looking at the blood trace

"No..." The witch shook his head and said, "it should be said that the imprint of blood is hidden in the spirit!"

While talking, Yanzhan is already in the body of Xianying. Yanzhan is like a ghost. The body of Xianying is like a mixture of water and milk. When the thread of blood in Yanzhan touches the body of Xianying, something magical happens. A little flesh and blood comes out of thin air

"Wu..." At the same time, the baby's body suddenly expanded, as if it had been blown. Xiao Hua raised his hand nervously, but he was blocked by the Witch and said, "don't worry, Taoist friend!"

"Well..." Xiaohua stares at the fusion of Yanzhan and yingti, and answers casually.

It seems that the baby's growth is as thin as paper. However, there are some unspeakable fluctuations in the baby's body. The baby's growth will be organized. Within the baby's body, Yan Zhan is in a good mood. He hastens to urge the embodied art of coagulation to begin to work.

"It's time for Daoyou to do it!" The witch suddenly reminded Xiao Hua, "when there are bones and muscles in Yanzhan's body, it's not easy to take the spirit protecting needle of Taoyou!"

"That's right!" Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, wakes up and quickly raises his hand to grasp the immortal baby. The "whoosh" spirit protecting needle flies out, and the baby's body immediately collapses!

"This..." Yan Zhan was stunned for a moment. He was a little distracted. A light green flame appeared around Yan Zhan's spirit!

"Damn it Yan Zhan low scolds, hastens to accept the mind, ignores the flame, and only urges the skill of coagulation.

However, the flame did not go out because Yan Zhan ignored it. Instead, it became more and more intense, almost enveloping the spirit of Yan Zhan and even the body of the immortal baby. Even the smiling face of heaven and devil appeared in the flame.

"Damn it It's a pity that when Xiao Hua's big hand fell, the flame didn't change and was still rampant.

"Congealing is a move against heaven..." The jade die sorcerer lightly said, "it's normal to have the interference of demons."

If Wuchen is here, he will probably shrink back and beg Xiaohua to put him back in wanxianlu, but Yanzhan doesn't even hum, and continues to push the art of coagulation like a wreck.

Sure enough, after about half a pillar of incense, just after the soul of Yanzhan was extremely thin, suddenly the blood was shining, the soul of blue water gushed out, the fire went out, and the voice of demons screamed incessantly.

"You are very clever!" Xiao Hua gave the wizard a thumbs up and said, "if it's clean, it must have failed at this time!"

"Don't worry, don't worry..." Yu die Wu said with a smile, "you and I still need to wait before we can compete for the full success."

"What's the difference between being here and being successful?" Xiao Hua also smiles, "if you can't condense any more, Yan Zhan It's not worthy to be a jiugongxian. "

Xiao Hua's expectation is right. There is nothing wrong with Yan Zhan's subsequent condensation. A perfect body gradually appears in front of Xiao Hua and the wizard.

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