Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 918

"It's dust-free..." The yudiewu raised his hand to the wanxianlu, opened the page, and showed a worried face. He said, "he has already had a conflict in his heart, and from the point of view of poverty, he is a good observer. This kind of person is the best to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. It's not suitable for Taoists to test physical condensation!"

"Which do you think is right?"

"He Turning to the second page of the book of ten thousand immortals, the witch pointed to the Jiugong immortal named Yanzhan and said.

"He?" Xiao Hua frowned and said, "Yanzhan is a nine palace immortal, but he is hard tempered, rather than bent. I'm afraid he's not good at trying to coagulate."

"Daoyou is wrong!" The witch shook his head and said, "the Taoist friend is definitely a congealed body, but the congealed body of the Taoist friend is the experience of the immortal world that has never been seen before. Those experiences may not be useful in their congealed body. But Yan Zhan feels that there are two advantages... "

"Two other advantages? I'm all ears... "

"First of all, Yan Zhan is a nine palace immortal. His spirit is the best and the most solid among the immortals in the records of ten thousand immortals." Yudie Wufen said, "second, Wuchen also said that their spirits are heavy, and ordinary babies can't bear it. Taoyou's immortal babies have experienced extraordinary experiences, but It's just ordinary dust immortals. It's not necessary for them to bear the spirits of Jiugong immortals. Among them, Wuchen and other crafty golden immortals are more dangerous than Yanzhan. Oh, and thirdly, if Yanzhan fails, Daoyou can send him to reincarnation, which will fulfill his long cherished wish! "

"Oh, yes!" Xiao Hua woke up and said with a laugh, "it's good. I'm neglecting reincarnation. With this bottom line, if I can't, I'll send them into reincarnation. That's it!"

With that, Xiao Hua wrote a record of immortals. The golden light flashed on it. Yan Zhan turned out with a cold face and asked, "as I said, if you kill me, I won't let you succeed."

"Hum..." Xiao Hua gave a cold hum, raised his hand a little, and "brushed" a little gold light into Yan Zhan's eyebrows.

"This What's this? " Yan and Da Leng.

"I'll give you a chance!" Xiao Hua's tone was still light, and he said, "I have a baby body here. There are all kinds of materials used for coagulation. What I just gave you is the secret skill and understanding of coagulation. You can understand it. No matter whether you can coagulate or not, I will release you from the immortal record!"

"If you can't coagulate, I will die. You will let me out naturally!" Yan Zhan said coldly, "if Lao Tzu is frozen, you will be the first one to kill!"

"It's no use saying that now!" Yu die Xiao Hua still sneered and said, "if you have the ability, condense first. After condensing, I'll see what you can do!"

"Bring it, bring it..." Yan Zhan roared and cried, "I'll freeze now. I won't kill you!"

Looking at the witch, Xiao Hua said with a bitter smile, "Daoyou, is this the nine palace immortal you chose?"

"Taoist friends have been deceived!" Jade die sorcery meaning deep long way, "can cultivate to nine palaces immortal, can have a few idiots?"? Moreover, Yan Zhan has been imprisoned in wanxianlu for so many years. Even if his fire nature has not been completely wiped out, he will be mellow. He is so irascible. Isn't he afraid that you will regret it and use the method of arousing generals? "

"I'll go!" Looking at Yanzhan, Xiao Hua said helplessly, "isn't there any upright people in the fairyland?"

"Shuobing is one of them." The Witch of jade die suddenly uttered a sentence.

"How do you know?" Xiao Hua is stunned for a moment. He doesn't remember talking about shuobing with Yu die Wu!

"All your bodies are congealed by poverty!" The jade die sorcerer said with a smile, "this little thing can't be regarded as secret. Can I know it?"

Xiao Huali changed his face and said, "what else do you know?"

"I'm afraid of you!" Seeing Xiao Hua's face change, the witch pretended to be a spirit exciter and shivered. "This is what Taoist friend Huangtong told me, because there are psychic demons in her body, which may involve some soul snatching things..."

"Hey, hey..." Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, said with a smile, "the two Taoist friends have a heart."

In Wan Xian Lu, Yan Zhan is still roaring. However, although he looks angry, his eyes are slightly turning, and he seems to be thinking about something.

Xiao Hua, the yudie wizard, didn't pay attention to it. He whispered something about the congealing body to the yudie wizard. Seeing the time passing by, it was estimated that Yanzhan had almost realized the secret skill. The yudie wizard raised his hand to take out the bag and said, "those immortal babies have already nourished the tonic stone in their bodies. I dare not give them all these souling roots. I just took out one to make trouble, so I'm sorry Tell them to understand the secret of coagulation. "

"Alas..." Xiao Hua's eyes look around, and these immortal babies have a longing in their eyes. This longing is a yearning for freedom, but Xiao Hua knows that when the true immortal spirit comes, these immortal babies are no longer what they used to be. Is this kind of freedom what they want?

However, it's not what Xiao Hua thinks to drag along all the time. After all, Xianying's body has already hindered their cultivation. Xianying's accomplishments were similar to Xiao Hua's before, but now Xiao Hua has become an immortal. What about Xianying?

Especially Xianying, who has experienced spatial changes, is a treasure!"Just, just..." Xiao Huayi, the jade ultimatum, gritted his teeth and said, "if you have to endure the pain for a while, you will get eternal success!"

Xiao Hua took the bag and lifted his hand to take out the root of Shuling. However, he saw that the root of Shuling was green and blue, like a tassel, and the veins in it flashed faintly red. When Xiao Hua's eyes were focused on the blood red, the extremely faint breath of Jiuyou came out of the blood red, and even the veins of blood red magnified the exploration, just like the surge of Jiuquan. Less than talent, blood red vein twist, a bamboo like emerald straight and straight out, will rinse the root throughout.

Thinking of the 360 Star shaped land deeds of the mending stone, Xiao Hua could not help but caress his hand and said in secret: "it's a natural thing. It's really good!"

Xiao Hua was just caressing his hand. Suddenly, shulinggen in the air flew towards a group of immortal babies. One of them suddenly gave birth to 365 crystal lights. The crystal light appeared to be attracted by shulinggen.

The jade die sorcerer raised his hand with a smile to imprison the sou Ling root, and said, "you are careless."

"It can be so!" Xiao Hua was even more happy and said with a smile, "just now I was still thinking that each fairy baby's tonic stone is different. I'm afraid that the souling root should also be carefully selected. That's good. We don't have to bother at all!"

Then Xiao Hua took the root of Shuling again and looked at it carefully. But at this time, the faint blood red inside the root of Shuling began to be clear. There were as many as 13200 pieces, and the blood light in these veins was soaring, which was consistent with the flashing of 365 crystal lights in the immortal baby's body.

"This souling root seems to have something to do with blood and spirit..." The jade die wizard suggested, "don't you let Yan Zhan try to use it first?"

Xiao Hua glanced at the bag and said, "there are many roots in it, but you can try it..."

Speaking of the yudie, Xiao Hua said to Yan Zhan, who had stopped roaring on the Wanxian record, "are you ready, master Yan?"

"Hum..." Yan Zhan's eyes flashed a rare anomaly, but he was still stubborn. He hummed coldly, "how are you ready? If you are not ready So what? "

"If you're not well prepared, you'll be satisfied with what your predecessors thought!" Xiao Hua, the jade die, plays the immortal formula, and the purple color on the page of the book of ten thousand immortals gushes out like Hui Xiaofan. Then Xiao Hua raises his hand, and the ghost of Yan Zhan flies out of Hui Xiaofan.

Xiao Hua originally thought that Yanzhan would do the same thing to himself as before. Who knows that when Yanzhan looked around, his eyes suddenly fell on Shuling's root. That kind of excitement surprised even Xiao Hua: "Shuling Shulingjin? You Are you sure you didn't cheat me? "

From "Lao Tzu" to "Lao Fu", Xiao Hua felt the change of Yan Zhan's mentality. However, he asked faintly, "you are just a ghost. How can you see shulinggen?"

Yan Zhan didn't mind Xiao Hua's faint tone, but his body trembled slightly. He explained: "shulinggen is used by Xianying congealing body. I saw its description in an ancient book a long time ago. This It is soaked in the blood sea of the netherworld's nine springs. It can help the immortal baby's spirit solidify. As a soul body, I can see it naturally. Only I just don't know other materials of condensate. You Are you ready? "

In the face of the opportunity to get rid of wanxianlu's suppression, Yan Zhan could not help but be excited even if he was dying. It was obvious that there were mixed feelings in the hearts of Xiao Hua and the witch.

"Another material of conglomerates is called bulianshi..." Xiao Hua said, "you've got the right baby. If you have a good understanding, you can have a try."

"The right fairy baby?" Yan Zhan frowned and asked, "are there many fairy babies?"

"Don't you think you ask too much?" Xiao Hua didn't give Yanzhan any good color.

Yan Zhan hesitated for a moment, and then asked, "fairy baby doesn't have to say, how many gargling tendons do you have there?"

"What do you mean?" Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, sneered, "does Master Yan still have a good friend in wanxianlu?"

"Fart!" Yan Zhan scolded, "the material of shulingjin is similar, but the structure is different. The shulingjin you take may not be suitable for Laozi. Laozi wants to choose a suitable one from your shulingjin."

"You want it, you want it!" Xiao Hua sneered, "do you think shulinggen is easy to get?"

"Love or not!" Yan Zhan scolds low and flies towards shulinggen in a flash.

"Hey, hey..." Xiao Hua, the jade die, smiles, raises his hand a little bit, and "swish" hundreds of souling roots fly out and fall on Yanzhan's head

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Wu Chen is the grass on the wall. Xiao Hua doesn't like it. He doesn't know whether he can succeed in choosing Yan Zhan?