Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 912

Yudie was overjoyed and said with a smile, "what do you say? Don't mention three things, that is, ten or eight things! "

"One of them..." Xiao Hua said helplessly, "chance can be given, but it can't be too adverse!"

"Yes, yes!" Yudie thundered, "I'm the most decent, I won't make a fool of myself!"

"Second..." Xiao Hua said, "before I come up with a solution, you and I can't see Princess Zixia and Qingqing, otherwise you and I can't explain!"

Yudie thunder did not answer, but asked: "Hongxia fairy?"

"I can't see the poor way. That's OK." Xiao Hua had a feeling of anger.

"Why are you worried?" The jade die thunder shrugs a way, "poor way just ask, also didn't say don't let you see! Let's talk about the third... "

"Third, third..." Xiao Hua said, "wait till I think about it!"

"Hee hee, that's it!" "Thank you very much," he said

"Alas..." With a sigh, Xiao Hua waves his hand to fly in the fairyland space, imprison the Hongxia fairy behind and send it into the Longyu space. The aftereffect of space formation is very important. Xiao Hua doesn't want Hongxia fairy to miss it.

"Tut tut..." Yudie thunderbolt smash, smash mouth, shrug again, flash back to fairyland space.

"What a headache!" Xiao Hua scratched his head and looked at the three immortals. He said in secret, "three women, one play. Sing slowly in the Dragon kingdom!"

Thinking about the yudie, Xiao Hua unconsciously looks at the demon alliance space. Now the rising channel of the demon alliance space has been formed, and the yudie Xiao Hua has also set up thunder robberies. Surely the black bear can also rise to the demon alliance?

Unfortunately, after waiting for a long time, there was no black bear. Xiao Hua suddenly realized that Hongxia fairy, Zixia Princess and Qingqing were fighting in Shenhua, and black bear was in a dilemma. Now that the three of them were flying up, black bear naturally wanted to hide. How could he come to the demon League now?

Xiao Hua returns to the fairyland space with a bitter smile. Both Yu Ti Lei ting and Yu Ti Wu are standing in the air to explore. Since there are 14 disciples of Zaohua sect flying to the fairyland from Shenhua mainland, the flight path has been formed. Xiao Hua thinks about it. He takes these disciples to the Taoist palace of Zaohua to practice. These disciples can't imagine that there is also a fairyland The master of his own teaching was even more surprised and happy. Everything was arranged by Xiao Hua.

Looking at these ascending disciples sitting on the outskirts of the Zaohua Taoist palace, they realized the skill of stepping on the Shenque that they had just taught. Strands of gold began to appear, and Xiao Hua's face was filled with a smile. Of course, the innate conditions of these ascending disciples were not as excellent as those of the celestial world's Zaohua disciples, but they experienced difficulties in the world, and they just caught up with the change of the celestial world's rules Change, I think the future achievements will not be ordinary!

Looking at the thunder of yudie, Xiao Hua restrained the urge to scold and said, "at this time, the disciples of the celestial world's Zaohua sect are going through a great disaster. They don't have the leisure to arrange for the ascending disciples. Let's stay in peace. They are in charge of these access channels..."

"You don't have to worry about it..." Yu Ti Lei Ting didn't know anything about it, so he blurted out, "I know from the disciples such as Qiao reincarnation, Zhang Jing and Xu Minghao that the nine days Xuannv had already made this arrangement in teaching..."

"Nine days Xuannv?" Jade die sorcerer one Leng, strange way, "this is which Dao friend?"

"Hey, hey..." Yudie thundered and said, "I don't know. It should be similar to the woman who forgets Sichuan. Ask Xiao Daoyou!"

Yudie thunderbolt's face was chatting. In a moment, he told yudie witch the whole story.

Yudiewu was also very strange. He thought about it for a while and suggested: "in the past, Daoyou didn't have a physical body and didn't talk about it. Now that you have a physical body, when you have time, Daoyou need to deduce and see where there are some omissions. The space between you and me is very secret, and there has never been any interface with other spaces. Now suddenly, there is a female immortal. What's the cause and effect

Xiao Hua's face turned purple when a marriage was said. He waved his hand and said, "let's talk about this later. Now the order of the great calamity of Daoxian space has been settled. The poor and the poor are divided into the main roads. The law of repression will change slowly, and all the disciples will be able to survive the calamity."

After a look at Luhu, Xiaohua bows to the Buddha and says, "there is no Maitreya worshiping Buddha in the south. Luhu will stay in Daoxian space for the time being. After the space disaster, how about sending the poor Dao to the Buddhist kingdom in person?"

Hongxia fairy ascended to Daoxian space, Qingqing Princess and Zixia Princess ascended to Tianting space. Yudie Buddha didn't go there. He just stood quietly in the void and waited, obviously for the sake of Lvhu. But at this time, he listened to what yudie Xiao Hua said and thought a little. He put his hands together and said: "there is no Maitreya in the south. Tianting space, demon alliance space and Longyu space have all taken shape, such as Now that the law of space has changed, they will be affected. If tanyue can solve all the space disasters, it will not be too late to send them to the Buddhist kingdom. "

"They're ok..." Looking at the other spaces, Xiao Hua said with a smile, "the rules of their space have changed, but there are not many disciples to cultivate, and the skills they cultivate are not related to the rules. Of course, we may see this later. After all, the flesh of our human race can't compare with them!"

"Terran?" Buddha Yu Di smiles and says, "are you a human"This..." Xiao Hua's tone is naturally Xiao Hua's tone, but he was stunned by the rhetorical question of the Buddha. Looking at the thunder and the witch, he was a little tongue tied. (note that this is the core of volume two.)

"Nanwu Maitreya worships Buddha..." The yudie Buddha laughs and proclaims the Buddha's name, "since tanyue came back safely and killed the great enemy of the immortal world, is it extremely peaceful now? I congratulate tanyue, and I won't stay here for a long time. Goodbye!"

In addition to yudie heaven and man, all the other people respect yudie Buddha very much. Yudie Xiao Hua, yudie thunder and yudie wizard bow down and say: "congratulations to Buddha!"

"Oh, yes..." When the yudie Buddha went, the yudie witch seemed to have thought of something. He waved his hand and took out the arrow and handed it to Xiao Hua Dao. "When I'm free, I'll sacrifice and refine it well. If you take it, it will be useful in the future!"

Looking at the intact arrow, Xiao Hua reached for it and said with a bitter smile, "I can't imagine that the forbidden weapon is in the hands of the court immortals. Aren't they selling dog meat with sheep's heads?"

"Daoyou is wrong!" "Which immortal doesn't have the means to protect his life? As long as the means are useful, is it taboo or other? Especially in the penalty palace, Zhenlei palace and Tianzun palace, they are well-informed and have more opportunities to contact taboo skills than ordinary immortals. It's strange that they don't use these means! "

"Indeed As soon as Xiao Hua nodded his head, he said, "by the way, the immortal official in charge of the law palace is Wei Sheng. He is the high-level law robbing envoy of the law robbing palace. There are some things in his naxu ring that are useful. I took them away..."

"It's all taken away. Why say it again?" Xiao Hua waved his hand and didn't agree.

"So..." Yudi thunderbolt looked at Daoxian space, hesitated for a moment, and said, "I want to leave too. After all, martial uncles are still in xiaolingtian, so I'm not suitable to stay for a long time."

"Haven't you left xiaolingtian yet?" Xiao Hua was a little surprised.

"Well..." Yudie said with a smile, "it's so easy to get to xiaolingtian's secret place, and this time it's especially suitable for training. How can we not stay more?"

Xiao Hua nodded, took out some little holy lotus seeds and handed them to Yu die. Lei Ting said, "this is the little holy lotus seeds refined by Xiao Guo. It has some effect on the three failures of immortals. Taoist friends take them to honor the elders of the school. They have helped me a lot this time. This is my intention."

"Thank you so much The jade ultimatum thundered with a smile and took it. However, he turned to look at the fairyland space and said, "little fruit, busy old man, they haven't woken up yet. You have to find a way as soon as possible."

"Well, I know!" Xiao Hua nodded his head and said goodbye to Yu die Lei ting. Then he looked at Xiao Guo, Zhi Ma and busy old man lying on the ground with a sad face. They were spirit bodies. They were not as good as Xiao Lei with thick skin and flesh, nor as good as Xiao Jin. They couldn't stand the change of fairyland rules and spirits.

"Just..." Xiao Hua thought about it. With a wave of his hand, he grabbed the old man's body, Xiaoguo and Zhima and sent them to the new light between Shenhua mainland and fairyland space.

"Daoyou..." The jade die sorcerer is greatly surprised, urgent way, "this is to make what?"

"Don't worry, Taoist friends. It's very strange here..." Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, said with a smile, "this is the spiritual world formed when we experienced in the Honghuang divine world with the change of space. We stayed at the top of the Shenhua space before, but I don't know what it is. Later, the space changed again, and I have some insight. This is the spiritual world formed when the spirit gall fell into it before, and there are spirits in it who were abducted by Xiaoyin during the journey of Xingyue palace. However, the spirit world is different from other interfaces. Even if there are spirit bodies, the order is not easy to form. Even if there are dark spirit worlds, they have not been changed... "

Speaking of this, Xiao Hua waved to the Witch and said, "if you have a heart, how about you and I go to have a look?"

"I'm afraid to enter the spiritual world space and make the space strange..." The witch hesitated for a moment and replied.

"Ah? Why do you have such scruples? " Xiao Hua didn't understand, but when the wizard told him about his space situation, Xiao Hua thought for a moment and said with a smile, "no harm! Daoyou and heaven and man should be in this situation for a while. If you want to help Daoyou find the real Wushan space, Daoyou should be the same as other Daoyou! "

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua couldn't help thinking of the mountain shape he saw when he was practicing and the situation of the thirteen gods. However, Xiao Hua didn't tell the witch about such uncertain things.

The spirit world space is similar to the dark spirit world space, except that the spirit world space is water like flocculent from the outside, with bright halos. When you can fall into it, there are also sun, moon and stars, but the previous spirit body, Xiaoguo and busy old man are sleeping, it seems that the spirit world has never been opened!

"Fairyland space, Tianting space, Longyu space, and so on, were all like this before..." Xiao Hua explained, "it's estimated that when other circles are stable, we can use the law wat to shape the spirit world."

The jade die sorcerer understood and said with a smile, "it's all right, as long as they're OK!"

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