Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 913

"Well..." Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, looked around the spirit world and nodded, "the fluctuation in their bodies has stabilized. It seems that they will wake up soon!"

"The spiritual space is different from other spaces." Yudiewu looked around and said, "the law here is like water. There seems to be uncertainty..."

"Yes Xiao Hua said with a smile, "how can it be called the spirit world? Spirit bodies in the spirit world should be able to go to other spaces at any time, and they can adapt well! "

"That is to say..." The witch understood and asked, "after Xiaoguo wakes up, can he return to the fairyland space of Taoist friends?"

"Well, it should be!" Looking at busy old man and Huancao, Xiao Hua replied, "busy old man and Huancao are very kind to the disciples of the celestial space creation sect. How can they leave the celestial space?"

"Let's go..." The jade wizard was relieved and said, "let them have a good rest in the spiritual world space, and help the Taoist friends to complete the most difficult things."

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua laughed and said, "I'm just thinking about how to ask for Taoist friends!"

"Why be polite!" The jade wizard also said with a smile, "the congealing body of Taoist friends is the completion of the poor way. The poor way also has some experience, which should be good for those scattered babies!"

As they speak, Xiao Hua and the wizard arrive at the void. They stand there and watch more than a hundred scattered babies sit cross on their knees. The Star Palace prints and scattered stars float above their heads. Xiao Hua can't help but shed tears in his eyes. In fact, more than 100 scattered babies are the reflection of Xiao Hua's spirit. They will not resist what Xiao Hua asks them to do. If they are ordinary immortals, how can they be willing to let these scattered babies have their own spirit? I'm afraid they will always help them?

But when Xiao Hua looks at these scattered babies' dull eyes, he doesn't want them to be puppets of others. He just wants them to have their own life and cultivation!

"Thank you, Taoist friends, for refining this thing..." Xiao Hua raised his hand and grabbed the seal of the Star Palace. He bowed and said, "thank you for your help."

The scattered babies got up in a hurry and bowed to their bodies like a model, saying, "you're welcome!"

"How do you understand the secret of coagulation?" Yu die Xiao Hua raised his hand to lift the scattered babies and asked with a smile.

"I'm familiar with you, so I'll wait for you to take root!" More than a hundred fairy babies answered.

"Ordinary scattered baby coagulation body is just the top child of Jinxian..." Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, said with a smile, "if you wait for the body to condense, you will have to start from heaven. Therefore, the wizard and Taoist friends also have an understanding here, not if..."

Unfortunately, without waiting for Xiao Hua to finish, all the scattered babies said with a smile: "Wu Daoyou has taught us the experience!"

Xiao Hua was stunned for a moment. He turned to see the wizard. The wizard was a little proud with a smile.

"Daoyou have a heart. Thank you very much!" Xiao Hua sighs in his heart and bows himself to salute.

"You're welcome, Daoyou!" The jade wizard quickly lifted Xiao Hua up and said, "I want to return to space with heaven and man. I know the hardships of Taoist friends from you Taoist friends. Before, you and I were so happy and carefree when we crossed the four continents, and Taoist friends were so embarrassed when they rose to the fairyland! I feel like a knife when I hear that. Since I can help my friends, I will not be stingy! "

"Ah, fairyland..." Xiao Hua sighed, looked up out of the space and said, "there are all kinds of gratitude, resentment, love and hatred. It's really hard to say!"

Ha ha, since it's hard to say enough, there's no need to say more! " The witch laughed and said, "since we meet again, we will cross the fairyland in the future!"

"That's right. I'm in the fairyland and famous for thirty-three days!" Xiao Hua also looked up at the sky and laughed. He raised his right hand and said, "you and I clap high fives!"

"Nature, nature!" The jade wizard also raised his hand to clap high five with Xiao Hua.

At the moment of high fives, after Xiao Hua's rise, the situation of the four continents fell into Xiao Hua's mind one by one!

"Oh Alas Xiao Hua closed his eyes slightly. For a moment, he was surprised and turned to grief. "It's really fate. I wanted to ask about Ziming. After all, Daoyou are the sorcerer father of millions of Mengshan. Unfortunately, Ziming and them still haven't escaped reincarnation..."

"Yes The yudie witch sighed, "I think I'm the father of one million Mengshan witches. Although I often guard the world of ten thousand witches with the disciples of Zaohua sect, I occasionally return to one million Mengshan. It's a pity that Zi Ming is no better than you and me after all... "

For a while, Xiao Hua's heart was full of mixed feelings. Xiao Hua and Ziming didn't know the secret of the yudie wizard. It was false to say that Xiao Hua didn't care about it. Xiao Hua couldn't help sighing again: "Alas..."

Seeing that Xiao Hua was like this, the witch said with a quick smile: "of course, I made some preparations before the fall of Zi Ming, but I don't know if I can get any effect due to my limited means..."

The jade wizard didn't elaborate on the specific means, and Xiao Hua didn't notice the strange smile on her face, which seemed to be similar to the day when Huangtong arranged the Binghuang palace of Hongxia fairy. Xiao Hua only waved his hand and said, "since it's fallen, reincarnation is no longer Ziming, let's not mention it!" (for the story of Wu Wang Ming and Zi Ming, please refer to the legend of Wu Wang Ming passed down by Xiushen. Zi Ming will still be reincarnated and become Wu Wang Ming's mother. He will be resurrected in Wu Wang Ming's book. Cough, this book hasn't been written yet.)A moment later, Xiao Hua picked his eyebrows and was a little surprised. Looking at the wizard, he said, "eh? I can't imagine the cultivation and experience of Taoist friends So wonderful

"Bullshit!" The witch could not laugh or cry, scolded, "care more about your disciples, don't care about me! And don't listen to the nonsense of the man in heaven... "

"Ha ha, ha ha..." Xiao Hua laughed and said, "they can fight for the human race, they can make such a reputation in the world of ten thousand demons, even if they fall, even if they are physically disabled, so what? It's enough to leave a sad song and a lamentable legend! " (for the story of the world of ten thousand demons, please refer to the legend of the world of ten thousand demons, which is also not written yet.)

"Their legend will naturally be judged by later generations..." Yu die Wu said with a smile, "it's just that ruthlessness, Liu Yi and others have already soared. Taoist friends have to pay attention!"

"There was a strict order in Tianzun's house to arrest all the immortals who ascended from the enlightenment Mainland..." Xiao Hua thought for a moment, and said, "they may be affected, but now that the order has been lifted, they should be all right. But the fairyland is too big, and I don't know where the corresponding path of the ten thousand demon world is. It depends on fate if I can meet them."

"I'm not afraid!" The jade wizard said with a smile, "if the Taoist friends make the business alliance bigger, they will be able to hear the wind!"

"Why?" When Xiao Hua was about to say that again, he suddenly raised his eyebrows and looked at a place. Isn't it the imprisoned Jiang Meihua?

"He's going to wake up!" Yudiewu said thoughtfully, "this is also a good fortune. I heard that he got dragon Qi. Now you and I have great space, and he is also touched with light."

"Ha ha, he is not the only one with deep fortune, and so are Ye Jian, Zhou Xiaoming and Zhao Ting!" Xiao Hua also said with a smile, "but Jiang Meihua is the most dangerous, almost falling. I couldn't wake him up before, but now there is a change in the law of space, so I can touch his spirit! "

"In that case, Daoyou should deal with it first!"

"All right!" Xiao Hua thought for a moment and said, "this is near Youji. If he wants to avoid the Jiang family, it's a good place to hide. I'll see what he thinks first, and then make a decision not too late!"

With that, Xiao Hua thought of another thing, took out the Kunlun mirror and said, "there are also some disciples of Zaohua sect in Kunlun fairyland. Have you ever taught the secret arts?"

"What do you say?" The witch asked with a smile.

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, said with a smile, "it depends on the way Taoist friends protect their calves in the world of ten thousand demons. Lu Shu, they must also be taught."

"Lu Shu, they are all good disciples!" The jade wizard nodded, "when the blue light enters the space, each weapon of Taoist friends has different changes. Kunlun mirror and Haotian mirror are even more important. The inner Kunlun fairyland and Penglai fairyland are more than ten times larger, and the vitality of the fairyland is also more strong. Poor Tao falls into it. They don't ask about the changes of fairyland, but first ask about the safety of their friends, which really moves poor Tao."

"It seems that I have the wisdom to know people!" Yu die Xiao Hua said, took out the root of Shu Ling and handed it to Yu die Wu, saying, "this thing is assigned to Taoist friends. I want to know Jiang Meihua's cause and effect first!"

"Easy to say!" The jade wizard answered and took the Kunlun mirror.

Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, flew down to the void. With a wave of his big hand, a dreamland appeared around him, just like the rolling waves of the dust free sea.

Xiao Hua is transformed into Xiao Hua. He raises his hand and takes out the Haotian mirror. When he raises his hand a little, the clear light comes out. Xiao Hua sends Jiang Meihua into the dreamland.

"This..." Jiang Meihua opened her eyes and saw the blue waves all around her. She didn't feel silly. When he saw Xiao Hua standing with a smile, she suddenly woke up and said, "this Is this Chenxiao sea? "

"Nature is a sea of dust!" Xiaohua said with a smile, "if not for chenxiaohai, how can I find shuobing? If it wasn't for shuobing, how could you find the original tablet of Tibetan God? How can you wake up if you don't have the stele of Tibetan God

"Alas..." Jiang Meihua sighed for a long time. He didn't have time to explore his accomplishments carefully, but he felt that his realm didn't fall in a special way, which was a surprise. But he resisted his excitement, looked at Zuojian and asked, "I'm really troubling you. Where's shuobing?"

Seeing that Jiang Meihua asked shuobing first, it showed that he was not a fickle man. Xiao Hua was very happy and replied: "Shuo fairy went to listen to Tianxue..."

"The child!" Jiang Meihua frowned and said, "I have told him that I will help her in the future..."

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There are many changes in the space. We need to explore the flowers together. Don't worry