Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 911

"She How did she fly from Shenhua? " Xiao Hua could not help groaning and cried out, "poor I design so many thunder robberies, and I live in I almost Kill the red haze fairy

Xiao Hua suddenly thought of something and looked at yudie Huangtong not far away. However, seeing that yudie Huangtong had a smile on her face, she laughed and said, "ha ha, Daoyou, are you surprised?"

Xiao Hua just wanted to answer the jade ultimatum. The Hongxia fairy under the Zhongfen body had already fallen into the Jieyin spirit pool. While watching the body being repaired with the liquid, the Hongxia fairy said fiercely: "I'm the first in the fairyland this time, but I want to lay out first in the fairyland. There is no black bear this time. I don't believe that Zixia can't be killed..."

"Hum..." As soon as Xiao Hua's head was covered, his whole body fell like a meteorite and fell to the side of jieyinling pool. Then he stabilized his body. Then Xiao Hua rushed up into the sky and yelled at Huang Tong, "you You tell me that What's going on? "

"Brush..." Without waiting for Xiao Hua to fly near, Huang Tong immediately got out of the room. Only uncontrollable laughter resounded in Xiao Hua's ears, "have you forgotten? Daoyou asked me to build Binghuang palace, and also asked me to build Binghuang palace in an absolutely safe place. I went all over the four continents, but I couldn't find a safer place than Shenhua mainland. As for Hongxia fairy and Zixia princess, ha ha, it's Daoyou's family business, and I have nothing to do with you... "

"Hee hee, hee hee..." Yudie Witch and yudie thunder could not help but smile.

"What are you laughing at?" Yudie Xiaohua not angry look at yudie thunder way, "Hongxia fairy can kill Zixia fairy can kill Qingqing!"

"Ouch, ouch..." Yudie thunderbolt suddenly woke up and cried, "Hongxia fairy can fly, Qingqing and Zixia fairy can not fly?"

With that, yudie thunderbolt looked at the other jieyinling pool in a hurry.

"Brush, brush..." Immediately after that, other Jieyin lingchi also had a movement.

"Alas..." Xiao Hua feels that he has a splitting headache. He pinches his eyebrows. He doesn't know how to deal with it like this for nine summers. No matter how many fairies are close to him, how can he live! Especially Hongxia fairy, because she got Mahayana in her cultivation, she resolutely left herself. Now in this fairyland space, she is not only Mahayana's existence!

"Oh, come on!" When Xiao Hua remembers the incident, he immediately leaves a message to Zaohua, asking him to be careful not to let Hongxia fairy see the real appearance.

Immediately, the jade die Xiao Hua is distressed and hastily urges the supernatural power to help Hongxia fairy repair the immortal body.

"Cough..." The jade wizard glanced at the white body of Hongxia fairy. He coughed softly and said, "the Taoist friend is busy first, I'm poor..."

Without waiting for the jade wizard to finish, Xiao Hua, the jade wizard, came to his senses. As soon as he patted his forehead, the red haze fairy's body immediately glowed.

"Ah?" Red haze fairy lost his voice and cried, "can jieyinlingchi still produce body armor? How come I haven't heard of it? "

The witch couldn't see it. He said in a low voice, "don't be too biased, or the red haze fairy will find something..."

"Well, all right!" Xiao Hua sighs and flies up into the sky. He wants to break his head, but he can't think of PS flying from Shenhua: those who like this book, please go to the starting point( https:book.qidian.cominfo1010594608 )Subscribe to support, vote monthly, vote for a recommended vote, collection, reward, thank you for all forms of support!!

Keke, you can imagine what Shenhua mainland looks like by these women!