Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 910

In the whole fairyland space, all the disciples of Zaohua are suffering. The change of rules is very dangerous. Which one is not on the edge of life and death? Now, hearing what the master said, everyone was overjoyed and forced to endure the suffering. It's a pity that it's not so easy to calm down?

Xiao Hua, the yudie, smiles and says to yudie and yudie, "if you don't have anything to do, you can go to Xumi mountain."

"Ha ha, I understand!" Yudie heaven laugh, a pull yudie kill way, "you accompany a home to go by!"

Looking at the death of yudie Tianren and yudie, yudie Xiaohua fell into his own body and said: "the law of husband changes nothing more than the change of the foundation, and the change of the foundation is based on breaking. I have three thousand roads. Why worry about breaking and no way?"

With the Yu die Xiao Hua's explanation, the fairyland space was reorganized under the law of law Wat, and under the law of order, there were thousands of words in the Wuji Yandao map, which once again affected the gold silk to fall into the eyebrows of the disciples of the Zaohua sect!

"Boom boom..." Countless Taoist characters burst in the eyebrows of the disciples of Zaohua sect, and countless Taoist characters are reborn in their eyebrows. Countless fluctuations ripple in the air with the reorganization of the fairyland space, and gradually merge with the order of the fairyland space!

"Why?" It's strange for the jade wizard to look at the appearance of a list like thing in the fairyland space.

The wizard was just about to fly over, "brush..." With a loud sound, a strange whirlpool suddenly appeared somewhere in the fairyland space. After the whirlpool burst out, luwat's rays gathered towards the whirlpool. And under the whirlpool, the void where Shenhua land space and fairyland space connect, a touch of light, like the dawn, gradually revealed.

"Da Shan..." The jade wizard flew to the whirlpool in a hurry. Before he could stand still, Xiao Hua flew to the whirlpool one step earlier. However, seeing the joy in Xiao Hua's eyes, he caressed his hands and said, "finally, there are disciples in my space!"

With that, Xiao Hua raised his hand and said, "brush..." Light and shadow flash, then lead immortal array, then lead pool, liquid and so on one after another appear!

"Ha ha..." Yu ti's thunder also laughed at this time. The flying general came from the other end of the fairyland and said, "Congratulations, congratulations..."

"Happy together, happy together!" Xiao Hua first returned the gift, then looked at the gradual formation of the feisheng channel, and said with a smile, "I just don't know who is the first disciple of the Zaohua sect to fly to the immortal world?"

Yu Ti thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "most of our disciples are in Yilin mainland, but I don't know about them in Shenhua mainland! I don't know... "

At this point, Yu die thunder's face gave birth to a chat.

It is just to leave, and then left yudie Huangtong face gave birth to a mysterious smile.

Xiao Hua joked: "Daoyou think too much. If Qingqing flies up, he will go to the Tianting space of Wenqu Daoyou!"

"Oh, no!" As soon as he patted himself on the head, his figure disappeared.

"Ha ha!" Xiao Hua laughs and looks at the witch. They get to the list at the same time. But within a moment, the list had already been outlined. In the fairyland space, the trace of rebirth of all disciples' eyebrows fluctuated and fell into it, and the color of light gold gradually revealed.

"Oh..." Xiao Hua nodded his head and said, "if I'm right, this is the golden list of fairyland. All my disciples of fairyland can make a name on this golden list as long as they condense the trace of Tao. Maybe we can see the strength of the disciples!"

"This gold list is not very useful..." Xiao Hua thought for a moment and shook his head slightly. "I need something to control the order of the celestial world, which is similar to the rule of punishing evil and promoting good..."

"Don't worry, Taoist friends..." The witch said with a smile, "sooner or later, you will have to control the space. You can take it as a law of heaven and earth!"

"Ha ha, one day!" Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, laughed and raised his hand on the golden list. "This is not the golden list of nature. It can be used to urge the disciples to practice."

"What a pity!" Yudie Thunderclap some disappointments of turn round a way, "the space of the heaven court is not as good as you and I fairyland space, have not formed to ascend a passage yet!"

"Then..." Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, looked intently at the flight path and said tentatively, "don't you wait any longer?"

"Wait a minute!" Yu die thunder also didn't have any hesitation, nodded a way, "left and right poor way also want to cultivate, green came, on the contrary is distracted!"

As he said this, Yu Ti Lei Ting took out a bag from the Taoist robe and handed it to Xiao Hua, saying, "by the way, this is the sou Ling root you want. My uncle just gave it to me!"

"Alas..." After taking shulinggen, Xiao Hua didn't visit, but sighed, "I tried my best to get this thing before, but now I don't need it. Instead, I have got it. It's really a bit of luck!"

"Taoist friends are different. Other Fairy babies still use them!" Yu die thunder has no good way, "how to say is also poor way to find a lot of hard work!"

"Those fairy babies..." Xiao Hua took the bag, looked at the void, and sighed, "they are really poor. They have no spirit. Of course, they can condense and It can only be regarded as the division of the poor way... "

"Yes The jade wizard suddenly said, "Daoyou, I see there is a murder weapon named wanxianlu in your space. It seems that there is a soul in it. It's not like...""Oh, yes!" Xiao Hua's eyes lit up and said, "what Taoist friends have said is that the suppression in the records of ten thousand immortals is the soul of real immortals. They don't have immortal bodies. It's just right that these immortal babies have immortal bodies and no soul!"

"And..." Yu die Lei Ting also thought of it and reminded him, "poor martial uncle said, what kind of spirit protecting needle does Xian Ying have? It's better to remove it with secret technique before coagulation, otherwise it's impossible to get Jinxian!"

"Do they have secrets?" Xiao Hua was overjoyed and asked.

"They didn't!" Yudi thunderbolt replied, "they just suggest, and they don't know who has secrets!"

"Even martial uncle Daoyou doesn't know. I'm afraid it's hard to find!" Xiao Hua is worried about the jade die.

The jade die sorcerer looked at them and said strangely, "is this difficult?"

"Of course..." Yudie thunder and yudie Xiaohua answered in one voice, but just said two words, they looked up to the sky and laughed, "ha ha, no, it's impossible if it's someone else, but what can't it be in our space?"

The jade die thunders impatiently way: "the way friend also wants to sacrifice to refine ten thousand immortals to record, this matter later say! Today's plan is to help the disciples of the Chuanghua sect tide over the difficulties first, and then make some leading immortal array and Xiling pool in the fairyland... "

"Yes, it is!" Xiao Hua nodded.

While talking, the light and shadow flash quickly in the passage of flying up, but no one's shadow flies out!

"No!" Yudie thunderbolt frowned, "Daoyou, is there something wrong with the flight channel?"

"Damn it The jade die Xiao Hua suddenly patted his forehead and said, "there is still a lack of the dust of thunder robbing and washing disciples!"

"Big brother..." Yudie Thunderclap can't laugh or cry, "even this you can forget?"

"Sorry, sorry!" Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, looked at the light and shadow intently and said repeatedly, "I think there will be thunder robberies in the flight channel!"

"Daoyou, hurry up!" Yudie thunderbolt urged, "the disciples are suffocating in Shenhua mainland. Oh, by the way, don't rob too much!"

Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, thought in his heart that when he grasped the immortal platform, a thunderbolt fell into his hands, and he had to clap in the flight channel, "boom..." Thunder roaring, 77 49 thunder robbers gradually take shape in the flight channel!

"I'll go!" The jade die thunder can't help but low shout, "Dao you didn't make a mistake? I don't know. Fortunately, after this reminder, there were so many thunder robberies. You Do you still want the disciples of the gate of nature to live? "

With a smile, Xiao Hua pointed to the disciples whose Taoist foundation had been rebuilt in the fairyland space, and the trace between their eyebrows was twinkling. He said, "how can those disciples from Shenhua mainland fly to the fairyland without being robbed by thunder on July 7, 49

"That's true!" Yu Ti murmured, "these disciples have abnormal talent. Their strength here is almost as strong as that of the poor. If the disciples of Shenhua mainland are too weak, they are There's no way to survive in fairyland! "

"According to Xiao Daoyou first!" The jade wizard beside said with a smile, "there will be more disciples in the fairyland after staying here. Let them control the thunder robbery by themselves!"

"Well..." Xiao Hua nodded, "I'll arrange immortal array around the fairyland again!"

"Hey, hey, thank you, my friend!" Yudie thunderbolt has the feeling of standing idly by.

After that, Yu die Xiao Hua set up 981 channels in the fairyland space, and then went to Tianting, Yaomeng and Longyu to set up the same number of channels. Encouraged by the thunder of Yu die, the thunder disaster of these channels was no less than that of fairyland space.

Although there are 49 thunder robberies from Shenhua to Xianjie, there is no shortage of gifted disciples in Shenhua. Just when Xiao Hua, the jade die, finished arranging the connecting channel in the heaven, one of the 81 connecting pools in the Xianjie space suddenly had a movement.

Xiao Hua is so happy that he flies down to the top of the leading pool to wait. He really wants to know who is the first lucky man in Shenhua mainland!

"Brush..." With a burst of thunder, the force of the broken interface rushed out like debris. An arm was incomplete, and a half of the broken human body flew out from the inside. As soon as the human body rushed out, it immediately scolded: "which damned receptionist is this? It's so many thunder robbers. Don't you want me to die? "

"Ah???" This voice is really familiar. Xiao Hua is silly. He rubs his eyes inconceivably and looks at it again. Isn't it Hongxia fairy??

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Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, never dreamed that the first person in Shenhua was Hongxia fairy. What's the matter?