Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 909

"Hahaha, hahaha..." Xiao Hua couldn't laugh, but the others laughed so much, "you are really romantic. Even if you go to Wangchuan, you don't forget to make a couple. I admire you!"

Xiao Hua didn't smile. Although Chen Xiaoyun's words didn't arouse his memory, they also made him feel the pain of Acacia Even Xiao Hua could not be eliminated.

"What a pity!" Yudie Huangtong said, "of course, Chen Xiaoyun knows something about Daoyou in forgetting Sichuan, but he is not Daoyou after all. He doesn't know who the woman is or what happened afterwards. Chongyunqian's axe and the dark leaf only wrote about their own affairs, not about the situation of the woman, and even the affairs of the Taoist friends. Daoyou, you have made a mistake. You should write something on this axe, saying that you can't be Daoyou's romantic history! "

"It's strange!" Yudie Wenqu looked at Chen Xiaoyun's soul and said, "since you are going to lose the memory of the underworld when you are out of Sichuan, why can Chen Xiaoyun remember so much?"

"Nanwu Maitreya worships Buddha. Chen Xiaoyun's spirit is strange!" The Buddha said with a smile, "didn't he say it himself? The woman pointed out two special things, and he went directly into Xiao tanyue's eyes through the so-called soul prisoner, and then he was brought into the void by the witch benefactor. He didn't come to contact with the law of the Yang world at all. If you send him out of the space to the fairyland, you must forget everything about Sichuan! "

"It seems that we can't let Chen Xiaoyun go yet!" "If he forgets everything, I'm afraid he can't find his sister-in-law any more."

"What nonsense!" Xiao Hua stares at Yu Ji.

"Chen Xiaoyun's handling should be careful..." Yudie Huangtong reminded, "if his spirit is different, as the woman said, then he must have a very powerful enemy in the fairyland. The Taoist friends either let him stay in the void first, or send him to our space for reincarnation!"

"Chen Xiaoyun..." Xiao Hua thought for a moment and said to Chen Xiaoyun, "I'm your master in forgetting Sichuan. Now I've returned to the fairyland from forgetting Sichuan and brought you back from forgetting Sichuan. I don't know What are your plans now? "

"Master?" Chen Xiaoyun was inexplicably excited. Looking at Xiao Hua, who was very tall, he kowtowed and said, "you are my disciple's master, but I depend on my master's arrangement!"

Yu die Xiao Hua suddenly gives birth to an impulse to beat Chen Xiaoyun. He gives him a choice. How can he push himself?

Xiao Hua took a deep breath and said, "well, Chen Xiaoyun, I can't remember forgetting Sichuan. Of course, I can't remember passing on your skills. Since you call me your master, I can't despise you. Now I have There are two ways, one is to send you into the six paths of samsara, the other is to find a new body to take away, but I don't like to take away others. If I don't have a suitable body, I won't do it. "

Chen Xiaoyun thought a little and said respectfully, "disciple, thank you for your arrangement, but if you can, can you take me home first and let me Let me meet my father? "

"Don't forget!" "If you see your father, you will forget everything you have been in forgetting Sichuan," Xiao Hua reminded

"I will!" Chen Xiaoyun carefully replied.

"All right!" Xiao Hua was also satisfied with Chen Xiaoyun's choice. He thought a little more, took a little from the crystal and sent it to Chen Xiaoyun. He said, "I don't know why this thing is, but I hear you say that I'm practicing magic in forgetting Sichuan. I think it must be the work of this thing. If I can use it, I think you can use it too. Take it as a spirit stone and use it to teach you how to practice it."

"Yes, yes, thank you, master!" Chen Xiaoyun is overjoyed and takes over the respectful kowtow of Ming Jing.

Arrange Chen Xiaoyun, yudie Xiaohua just want to say something to yudie thunder, "Pa Pa Pa Pa" Chen Xiaoyun body burst sound, yudie witch eyes flash, frown way: "Daoyou this spirit stone and Chen Xiaoyun body dark Yin gas conflict ah!"

"It's easy!" Xiao Hua raises her hand a little, and the dark force on the dark side of the space falls like water, which cleans Chen Xiaoyun's complicated dark Qi.

"Thank you, master, thank you..." Chen Xiaoyun, who was scared out of his wits, was overjoyed to see him tide over the difficulties easily.

"Don't pay any attention to him!" Yudie Thunderclap urges a way, "still see I wait for fairyland space!"

"Daoyou..." Fengwu, Huangtong and Wenqu of yudie look at each other. Qi Qi says to Xiaohua, "I don't want to be here to accompany Daoyou because I have other things. I'll talk about them later."

Xiao Hua arched his hand and said with a heartfelt smile, "thank you very much, poor Taoist."

"Ha ha..." Zhu Fenshen replied again, "you and I are all one, and you are polite."

Yudie Huangtong just about to turn around, suddenly his heart moved, said with a smile: "two Taoist friends go first, poor way to stay for a while!"

Yudie Fengwu and yudie Wenqu look at yudie Huangtong, but the two parts still leave the space first.

Seeing off the two men, Xiao Hua ignored Huang Tong and nodded to the wizard, saying: "Daoyou, we are in a very serious situation in the fairyland!""That's right!" Yudie thunderbolt nodded solemnly, looked at yudie Tianren beside him, and said, "I have found this kind of anomaly before, but I have some negligence from Tianren Daoyou's words..."

"No!" With the yudie, Xiao Hua and others fell into the fairyland of space. Looking at the depression and decline of the fairyland, they frowned and said, "a certain family, after talking with Taoist friend Lei Ting, also muttered in their heart. They specially explored their cultivation methods. Stepping on the Shenque is basically the cultivation methods of Honghuang fairyland. The cultivation methods of Honghuang fairyland are very tolerant, not to mention the change of the spirit, even the change of the spirit of heaven and earth How can I adapt to it? "

Xiao Hua squinted and thought for a moment. He had got something. He looked at Yu die with a smile and asked, "how do you see it?"

Looking at Xiao Hua, Yu die Lei Ting also narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "from my humble point of view, Kung Fu is a good Kung Fu, and the changes of immortal vitality must be tolerated by Kung Fu, but Now it's the law of the fairyland that has changed. This is fundamental. I'm afraid it's not as simple as tianhumanyou said when it comes to Daoji, a disciple of our Chuanghua sect! "

"Ouch..." As soon as he patted himself on the forehead, he woke up and realized, "what Taoist friends said is that some family didn't think well and delayed our disciples of Zaohua sect. Some family made amends to the two Taoist friends!"

"Ha ha, not necessarily!" Xiao Hua lifted up the jade ultimatum and said with a laugh, "this is a great disaster for the disciples of our Zaohua sect. It's also their luck! Changing the rules is like breaking them and then setting them up, which is very good for their cultivation. "

In other words, Xiao Hua turned to Yu Ji and said with a smile, "could it be that Dao you gave back Lu Hu?"

"Daoyou's nine summers are still in Longyu!" The jade die reminds a way, "the way friend took her chance can end!"

"Ah?" Yu die Xiao Hua is greatly surprised, urgent way, "nine summer when arrived dragon domain?"

"Ask Wu Daoyou..." Yudie heaven and man a pair with their own dry Schadenfreude, smilingly way, "is his old man with nine summer to come!"

Yudie wizard is not angry white yudie heaven and man at a glance, move between the things with yudie Xiaohua said.

"Oh?" Xiaohua raised her eyebrows and said, "can jiuxia divine the chance of Taoist friends in advance? If she comes to the fairyland, it will be a great help to me

"Just can't explain how she got here!" Jade die sorcerer worries a way.

"Let it go!" Xiao Hua had a plan and said with a smile, "when the time is right, it's not too late!"

Then Xiao Hua said to Yu Yi, "I have to apologize to Daoyou about the space in the Dragon kingdom. After all, the Dragon Spirit in the Dragon kingdom is rare. I am greedy and arrange many chances to go out, but I disturb Daoyou's arrangement."

"No harm, no harm..." Yudiehe waved his hand generously and said, "the arrangement of Daoyou is the arrangement of poor Dao. Besides, who is the chance for? I like Xiaojin very much, too... "

After that, Yu Ji took out LV Hu. Xiao Hua looked at Yu Ji and said with a smile, "don't worry. It's your turn to wait until the Buddha kingdom is formed."

"Don't worry, little brother!" Jade die kills not to care of wave hand way, "as long as elder brother is happy, arrange at will!"

"Now..." Xiao Hua looked at the jade ultimatum again, and the Buddha said with a smile, "it's difficult to find the space in the immortal world. We need to eliminate it. I hope the Buddha will be merciful!"

The yudie Buddha woke up and put his hands together and said, "Nanwu Maitreya worships Buddha. Saving one life is better than building a seven level putu. Now it's the lives of tens of thousands of disciples of the Chuanghua sect. How can I refuse?"

"Thank you Buddha!" Yudie thunderbolt hurriedly saluted beside.

The yudie Xiao Hua took the law wat into the fairyland space, and did not rush to release the imprisonment, but raised his hand to sacrifice the perfect Wuji Yandao map, and said to the yudie thunderbolt: "don't you also stay here?"

"Thank you, my friend!" Yudie was overjoyed and quickly bowed to the ground.

Xiao Hua smiles and points up his hand. The thunder of the jade ultimatum gushes gold all over his body, and there is an empty shadow in his body.

Looking at the jade ultimatum thunder fall into the other side of the fairyland, jade ultimatum Xiao Hua raised his hand, "boom..." The confinement on Lvhu disappears, Lvhu vibrates, and countless rays pour out from it, covering the whole fairyland space!

Then, Xiao Hua's hand was shocked, and Wu Ji Yan Tao Tu rushed up into the sky. Xiao Hua chuckled: "all the disciples of Zaohua sect, Master Zhang Jiao and second master Zhang Jiao, let's talk about it..."

Xiao Hua's voice rippling in the fairyland space, sitting in the separate body of the Taoist palace of Zaohua, and the other side of the real thunder separate body, giving birth to golden light at the same time

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Reorganize the fairyland space, change the rules, tens of thousands of disciples pull out is the valiant help!