Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 903

With the sound of "poof", a pair of hatchets fell straight on Wushang mountain. Chongyunqian was no longer able to carve a stroke. In a hurry, Xiao Hua picked up the hatchets.

"Alas..." Chongyunqian sighed. His voice was slighter than that of a mosquito or a fly. He said, "thank you later, little friend..."

As the voice became misty, the spirit of chongyunqian was about to dissipate. Suddenly, Xiao Hua said, "don't worry, elder. I'll send you to a place. Maybe there's some hope, but I can't promise..."

"Bye Please... " Chongyunqian knew that he was on the verge of the extinction of both gods and spirits. Where did he care? He arched at Xiao Hua, his voice as ethereal as a gossamer.

Xiao Hua raises his hand and catches chongyunqian at the place where the blue water falls. After that, he puts chongyunqian into his body. Looking at the axe in his hand, Xiao Hua says with a bitter smile, "I don't know if this thing can be put into my body!"

"Ah?" Xiao Hua just wanted to try, suddenly found that just income in the body of Xiao Huang actually disappeared!

"Strange, strange..." Xiao Hua has a kind of ghost feeling. His eyes turn quickly, and he wants to write something on the axe. Just at this moment, there is a loud bang. In the vast sky with light and shadow flowing in front of his head, a ten color light bridge breaks out of the sky. The ten color light bridge is full of momentum, and the place where it breaks is so heavy that it fluctuates like waves. The light bridge falls under Xiao Hua. Without waiting for Xiao Hua to make any action, it rolls over Xiao Hua Body back!

But the light bridge rolling, axe violent shaking, or unable to support!

Xiao Hua was overjoyed and didn't dare to be slighted. He quickly grasped the blue light, the axe and the wishful stick.

Xiao Hua's body was easily rolled up by guangqiao when the axe and Ruyi stick were closed. At this time, "boom..." The sound of thunder from the void, crazy hit to the light bridge, but the light bridge such as pitching back, the thunder fell place even a glimmer of light did not fall!

Just as the bridge of light retreated, an ink cloud appeared quietly in the sky. The ink cloud did not come. It looked like a drop of ink dripping from the water surface. The ink cloud turned into a black cloud and twisted. An old man in a black robe slowly walked out of the black cloud.

The old man has a clear face, white hair and looks hale and hearty. However, the old man's body shape, slightly open eyes in a different light, one like a mountain, one like blood, light like the sea!

"Strange..." The old man looked at the light and shadow that had shrunk to the flower like light and shadow on the other side, frowned and said, "how is the other side? This object often appears in recent years! Well, it seems that there is still the breath of listening. Has the inheritance of listening been settled? "

Just speaking of this, "brush" the old man's face is half empty, and the black Buddhist flowers are falling like rain. In the shadow of the flowers, a virtual shadow of a Bodhisattva in a bloody monk's robe, holding a pearl in his left hand and a staff in his right hand is revealed.

The old man did not move. He put his hands together and said, "the Bodhisattva of the Tibetan king, who has no great filial piety and great wish in the south, are you here too?"

This virtual shadow of Bodhisattva turned out to be the Tibetan Bodhisattva of great filial piety and great wish!

"Nanwu great filial piety and great wish to the Tibetan Bodhisattva..." The Bodhisattva, the king of Tibetans, showed his figure. When he saw the old man, he didn't dare to neglect him

"Well..." The old man nodded, looked down at Wushang mountain and said, "are you here for the arms of bloody Guanyin?"

"Yes The Bodhisattva, the king of Tibet, said with a smile, "I feel that the bloody Avalokitesvara's arms have left Wangchuan. I've come to see which Buddhist elder martial brother has received the eternal cause and effect."

"People have gone..." The old man looked at the disappearing flowers and said in a soft voice, "I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed."

"Nanwu great filial piety and great wish to the Tibetan Bodhisattva..." The Bodhisattva of the king of Tibetans still declared the Buddha's name and said, "there is no disappointment, no expectation, no going, no coming! Those who want to go can't be stopped. Those who want to come It will come after all

"As you said, it's a great cause and effect. Why don't you take it? Instead, let them suppress it? " The old man said with great interest, "you are the Tibetan Bodhisattva with great filial piety and great wish. If you accept this cause and effect, your great wish will be fulfilled."

"It's just because I am a Bodhisattva with great filial piety and great wish that I can't accept it!" The Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet said lightly, "the great wish of the little monk is in Tibet, and the cause and effect of the elder martial brother is in the kingdom of Buddhism."

The old man of forgetting Sichuan calmly looked at the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

All of a sudden, the old man raised his eyebrows and said, "I'm going to leave first. There's a celestial in the fairyland..."

"Nanwu great filial piety and great wish to the Tibetan Bodhisattva..." Without waiting for the old man to finish, the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet bowed and said, "I'd like to send you a present to the old man!"

"Nanwu great filial piety and great wish to the Tibetan Bodhisattva..." The old man also put his hands together and said, "good bye when you are predestined!"

With that, the old man turned away, just like an old farmer working in the field walking through the ridge, slowly along the black cloud silk.

When the figure of the old man disappeared, the eyes of the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet were complicated. Looking at the complicated light in the sun, he whispered: "elder martial brother, I can only help you. Nanwu is merciful, the Buddha of Avalokitesvara..."

As the Bodhisattva, the king of Tibetans, proclaimed the name of Guanyin, his figure became a flying Buddhist flower and gradually disappeared.Xiao Hua is in the bridge of ten colors, and a warm ocean rushes into his mind. It's like soaking in warm water. With the warmth, all of forgetting Sichuan fades away like ink.

Xiao Hua was very anxious. He wanted to engrave something, but his hands and feet couldn't move. A kind of desolation, reluctance and yearning came out of his heart. He looked at the laws of heaven and earth crisscrossing outside the bridge of light, the changes of yin and Yang, and the merciless way of heaven. He couldn't help singing: "the way of heaven For the rest of my life, you will be snowstorm, you will be plain, you will be poor, you will be prosperous, you will be gentle at the bottom of my heart, and you will be the result of my eyes.... "

Although the singing is moving and the missing is sad, the rule is the rule. With the low singing, Xiao Hua's memory is gradually washed away. He is going to forget everything and he is going to lose a deep love. Maybe the love has ended before it started, but it is a pure love after all. Will the law of yin and Yang fade away in front of Xiao Hua and Liu Yanyu's love just like the water of forgetting love? Will Xiao Hua recognize Liu Yanyu in fairyland? No one knows. Let's talk about it later!

Xiao Hua is tired, Xiao Hua is also tired, Xiao Hua sleeps on the bridge of ten colors light!

"Quick, quick..." In the most secluded place, in the nameless space, the wizard takes the other side and shouts to a blood shadow, "if the other side is useful, Xiao Daoyou will come back soon. You and I will go back to the space quickly!"

"Brother six..." Blood shadow is naturally the devil's killer. He was very grateful and said, "yes I misunderstood you. I apologize to you... "

"Go away!" The wizard scolded, "it's my duty to save Xiao Daoyou. Do you have to thank me? Go back quickly, or Xiao Daoyou will change when he comes back! "

"Yes, yes..." Hearing this will affect the return of Xiao Hua's spirit. How dare you neglect the blood shadow of the evil Lord? Follow the wizard to enter the space.

"How, how?" At this time in the space, all the sub bodies are waiting there, each look nervous, see the jade die witch turn, can't help but urgent way.

"Xiao Huang has come back!" Looking at Xiao Huang in the fairyland space, the jade wizard said, "looking at his injury and what he said, Xiao Daoyou should have arrived at the boundary between yin and Yang. Previously, I didn't dare to use the other side for fear of sending the ghost of Xiao Daoyou to Jiuyou. Now, when we are near, we can use the other side to break the barrier between yin and Yang. Of course, the other side was used by Xiao Daoyou to cross the wandering soul, but here is not used to break the boundary I know... "

Yudiewu just said here, the whole space is bright. Above the star dome, Xiao Hua reveals the star halo. Under the star halo, the hand of cause and effect also reveals the river of cause and effect! The way of life and death is more refined, and the long river of cause and effect is more clear.

"Great goodness!" "Xiao Daoyou is back!" he said

All of them dare not leave the space to occupy Xiaohua's body. At this time, on Xiaohua's body, ten colors shine brightly on the nameless space, especially in the mysterious cloud, a light column formed by extraordinary colors penetrates the sky and the earth!

Strange rhythm, inexplicable fluctuations from the column of light, but between the fingers, the column of light quickly condensed, turned into Xiao Hua's image into a mysterious cloud.

"Ouch..." Xiao Hua's familiar voice rang out, but it turned out to be a scream, "pain, I also!"

With that, Xiao Hua raised his hand and touched his eyebrows. Then Xiao Hua not only opened his eyes to explore the situation in front of him, but also called a low curse to urge his body to escape. Xiao Hua's move didn't matter, "boom, boom..." In the nameless void, there are countless immortal lights. These immortal lights condense into a light column and fall into Xiao Hua's body. At this time, the previously operated skill of stepping on the Shenque is more like a torrent rushing through a lot of realms!

"Ah?" Xiao Hua was shocked. He opened his eyes a little inconceivable. He looked at the light column in front of him and didn't know what happened!

"Well What about Er Qi Xian? This Is this Youji? "

A series of questions poured into Xiao Hua's mind, and immediately the situation of forgetting Sichuan was like the rosy clouds roaring by the wind, which also set off ripples in his mind!

"Xiao Has Xiao fallen Xiao Hua was even more astonished. He looked down at his whole body, then raised his left hand and looked at it. An incredible feeling came out of his heart. Xiao Hua almost wept with joy. He cried, "I I I'm finally frozen! This This It's incredible... "

Xiao Hua can't bear to cry because he's not happy. He's an immortal baby since he set foot in the fairyland. He's just trying to condense a body after so long? Previously, I had several twists and turns in Zihuan Island, but I didn't find shulinggen in the end. Who knew that after a dream trip to forget Sichuan, I had a good body. At this time, Xiao Hua naturally didn't know the physical condition, but But after all, there is a body! It's much harder than the backflow of tieshuhua!

With Xiao Hua's ecstasy, the memory of the Witch and Taoist, the heaven and the devil killing began to show after the memory of forgetting Sichuan was lost. At this time, Xiao Hua did not know the value of forgetting Sichuan's memory!

"Why How can it be Surprised, Xiao Hua raised his hands again, looked at the flesh, meridians and bones inside, and whispered, "my body is Is it the blue light? That powerful blue light should be the foundation of the formation of Youji? "

After whispering, Xiao Hua yelled: "Taoist wizard, I'm not finished with you. It's not your body, is it! You are so rash. It's just an incredible idea of Laozi to coagulate the body with blue light. You You actually use that green light to coagulate your body. You really don't take Laozi's body seriously! ""Oh? "The wizard?" Only at this time did Xiao Hua suddenly wake up again. He covered his mouth with one hand and turned his eyes around. He was shocked and said, "witch Taoist? He is not with heaven and man In mainland China? How can he get to the fairyland and occupy Xiao's body? "

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua can't wait to enter the space, but just before his mind moved, Xiao Hua's eyes moved again, and he said with a smile: "anyway, Xiao has a good fortune. That wizard and Taoist made Xiao condense his body by mistake. What's more, it's still the method of infant external coagulation. The hidden danger of coagulation mark in Xiao's infant body has been eliminated. I'll have to wait for Xiao to look at his body first... "

With that, Xiao Hua released Yannian to explore, and the flesh looks similar to before. But Xiao Hua Yannian swept through the 1320 small dots that condensed the flesh, and always felt that there was something else in this little dot, but he really wanted to let Yannian in. The little dots seemed solid, and Yannian could not penetrate.

"Coagulate the body with green light. The little bit that builds the body is produced by green light..." Xiao Hua carefully recalled the memory left by the wizard Taoist, and thought to himself, "and when the blue light was constructed, whether it was the Wenqu of the rising Confucianism and fairy world, or the Huangtong and Fengwu of the demon League, or even the heaven and man and the wizard Taoist left in the mortal world, all appeared. The blue light extracted the blood essence and bones belonging to Xiao from their bodies, and there were various light spots on the side of their outline, which What are these dots? "

“…… The art of building spirit can't be created out of nothing. It must have the spirit of immortals and so on, and the condensation of the body has the foundation of Taoism... "

“…… It seems that Xiao's body didn't use the spirit of the immortal, but the spirit of the immortal fell a lot. However, the spirit of the immortal was not mentioned in the art of building the spirit. I'm afraid the spirit of the immortal can't be controlled... "

“…… That is to say, the sorcerer and Taoist are just the art of urging to build the spirit. Everything that condenses the body is done by this green light? "

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua stirred up for a moment, and Yannian withdrew from his body like a tide. An incredible idea flashed in his mind like a thunderbolt: "Mo Is it really blue light? Light Is that the root of everything? "

What a mystery!

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Finally returned to the sun, finally coagulated, finally came to the end, Xiao Hua tears run ah!