Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 904

Xiao Hua felt that the space around him was shaking. He realized and accumulated all kinds of mysteries. Suddenly, countless mysteries fell into Xiao Hua's mind like a tsunami. He had stepped on the Shenque step by step and accelerated again. All kinds of bottlenecks and realms were really broken through!

Xiao Hua's eyes changed slightly. It was just enjoying such a refreshing and free mind. Xiao Hua felt that he had rushed to the high altitude of the fairyland, and the outline of a Wushan mountain was revealed, which was unattainable. However, Xiao Hua had made a leap day by day, and a kind of uncontrollable wild horse was gradually born. Unfortunately, Xiao Hua had been trapped for a long time, and seemed not aware of this danger

"Lotus..." All of a sudden, an obscure voice sounded from the unknown place, "Tao can be very Tao, name can be very name..."

With the sound revealed, is a dragon head in Wushan green light virtual shadow!

"Tao? The thirteen gods Xiao Hua suddenly woke up, his consciousness suddenly fell, but at the same time, his voice and the outline of the thirteen gods disappeared!

As Xiao Hua's consciousness fell into the flesh, his waistcoat suddenly broke into a cold sweat. He quickly stopped to step on Shenque, but in a moment, his realm reached the middle level of Erqi fairy!

"Damn it, Xiao is careless!" Xiao Hua scolded, and knew that he had suddenly broken through from Yanxian high level to Erqi fairy middle level. Gradually, all kinds of realms of understanding had never been traversed, and it was inevitable that he would lose control. However, just when he wanted to use the skill of stepping on Shenque to have a detailed understanding, there were waves of light in front of his eyes, and many laws of vastness gushed out of the darkness with the rays of the sun, which instantly destroyed Xiao Hua Xiao Hua's body shape is not controlled at all. It seems that it is light and heavy. Xiao Hua is out of the unknown space!

Seeing the blue water around, Xiao Hua didn't know that he was back to the sea of dust?

"Damn it..." Xiao Hua was not able to use the skill. He flew out of the sea in a flash. He swore in secret as he flew. "Xiao is too reckless to use the skill without knowing the situation. There must be some better opportunities for the congealing body. Now it's easy to get rid of it, but these opportunities are gone."

Xiao Hua is a money addict. The biggest opportunity of unknown space is just condensation. Even Wushan Shiguang has been brought into the space by him, and he is still thinking about the small price of sesame.

"Brush..." Xiao Huafei came out of the dust to Xiaohai. It was the red and black sun in the sky. The red and red sun spread all over the sea. At a glance, it looked like a sea of blood!

Xiao Hua shivered and couldn't help but let out Yan Nian. He couldn't help but panic and said, "Mo Is this the yellow spring

"The yellow spring?" This thought flashed, another question arose again, "when have I been to the yellow spring?"

Xiao Huayan couldn't help saying, "boom..." With a loud noise, a sea animal like a bird rushed out of the sea in the distance. The animal was scarred and bloodstained. In particular, a huge transparent hole was left on the head of the sea animal. Through the hole, the red sun looked extremely ferocious.

"Where to go..." The sea beast rushed out of the sea, and under its wings came the water light, but it just escaped for more than a hundred Li. Then an immortal sneered and flew out. Isn't this immortal the dragon with the jade pupil shaped immortal in his hand?

"Who?" Xi Long flies out, and Xiao Hua's Yannian just sweeps. Xi Long stares at the sea beast with a cold snort, and Yannian sweeps back.

Xilong is also a little shy and angry. It's estimated that the pursuit of sea animals has failed for a long time. At this time, Yannian mercilessly counterattacks, "poof poof..." The space within a thousand miles immediately swings and overflows with fish scale space ripples.

"Damn it It's the third time that Xiao Hua has scolded him. It's just a coincidence that he has run out of luck. Moreover, Xiao Hua Yannian is crushed by Xilong Yannian. At first glance, he knows that Xilong is at least Juyuan immortal! Xiao Hua has met several Juyuan immortals since he set foot in the fairyland. As soon as he condenses, he provokes one of them. Xiao Hua hastens to accept Yannian, and his body shape urges him to find a direction to escape.

Xi Long naturally knows that the Yannian he has swept is purely accidental. Seeing that the other party has accepted Yannian to escape, he doesn't intend to care about anything. He is preparing to accept Yannian and continue to pursue the sea animals. However, the afterwave of Yan Nian inadvertently swept through Xiao Hua's body. Xi Long suddenly trembled like a lightning strike. He stood in the air, looking at Xiao Hua's back, and exclaimed, "Xiao Xiao Hua? Youji has been annihilated. The two immortals of zhanglv palace and penalty palace have fallen. He He's still alive? This How is that possible? "

Xilong's mood at this time is really the same as Wei Sheng's in Zihuan island's sea market. If Wei Sheng at that time could endure for a while longer and then arrest Xiao Hua after the sea market is over, it would definitely be another end. However, seeing that he had been chasing Xiao Hua for such a long time, he didn't know how many mists he had gone through and finally found Xiao Hua. Even Wei Sheng wanted to keep a low profile and keep a secret in his heart, but seeing that he would be able to catch Xiao Hua, he really couldn't hide. He is the same as Xi long, and he is even better than Wei Sheng. Xilong, however, was ordered by his grandmaster to enlighten the mainland in search of Xiao Hua from the beginning. At first, he didn't know his grandmaster's purpose. He began to explore helanque and pursued Xuanyi. Then he fell into Xiao Hua's trap in Xuanyi and went back to helanque. After helanque, he was ready to return to his school. Occasionally, he heard about Xiao Hua and arrived at chenxiaohai.

When Xi Long arrived at Zihuan Island, Zihuan island was already full of Xiao Hua's legends. The magic of the business alliance, the pursuit of the two immortals, and the annihilation of the ghost made Xi Long confused. He really didn't think that a little fairy baby had caused so much trouble!Later, Xilong urges dark cherry to know from the three clan leaders of chenxiaohai that Xiao Hua, Wei Sheng and situ Hong enter the secluded world. Situ Hong falls and Wei Sheng and Xiao Hua are missing. Maybe situ Hong was killed by Wei Sheng, but Wei Sheng couldn't escape from the annihilation of Youji. How could Xiao Hua survive?

So Xilong naturally sent a message to his grandmaster, and he was ready to leave chenxiaohai. But before Xi Long left, he was on a whim and went to deyouji to hunt some sea animals. Just like this, he just flew out of the sea and met Xiao Hua.

At this time, Xilong's mood is extremely complicated. He feels a little chilly, as if he secretly went to see his lover when he was young. His heart is extremely shocked, as if he first joined the school and saw the magic power of the teachers. However, his heart is also extremely surprised, as if he broke through the two immortals and set foot in Juyuan that year!

As soon as Xi Long's mind became hot, he immediately gave up the sea beast and turned to rush at Xiao Hua. He was so excited that he almost raised his head and roared.

But also in the Xi Long flies to move, he is again in the heart a Lin, strong from suppress own excitement, secretly way: "Damn, how can I so impulse?"? Since Xiao Hua can escape from the annihilation of Youji, and And the strength just revealed is good It seems that there are five element immortals in the early stage, right? He How can he practice so fast? He must have a big secret... "

Say, Xi Long received jade pupil fairy tool, will dark cherry sacrifice out, body shape is slightly a flash disappear.

Xiao Hua accepted Yannian and turned around to find a direction to escape. However, he just flew out a few feet. The immortal force in his body began to surge, and there was the power of truth and truth in the void around him. The immortal trace in Xiao Hua Mei's heart opened uncontrollably.

As soon as Xiao Hua's mind turned, he immediately realized that this was a sign of the improvement of the realm. Previously, he hid in an unknown space, and he might not be able to explore the laws of the fairyland. He suddenly came out of it, and also released his ideas. Naturally, the laws of heaven and earth should be responsive.

If Xiao Hua must have sat cross legged before and accepted the baptism of heaven and earth calmly, but he just found that there was master Juyuan next to him. How could he teach others? Not to mention that he hasn't explored carefully after the condensation, who knows if there is any secret that can't be known by others?

"Damn it..." Seeing the surge of immortal power and the swelling of immortal scar, Xiao Hua scolded and turned back helplessly. But it didn't matter. He saw the wounded sea beast flying towards him in the distance, and there was no immortal who just appeared beside the sea beast!

Seeing that Juyuan immortal disappeared, Xiao Hua's brain "hummed..." The sound of fever, an unspeakable shudder from the bottom of his heart, Juyuan fairy was chasing sea animals, at this time disappeared, what can be the reason? Even if juyuanxian didn't chase himself, Xiao Hua couldn't escape easily!

However, just as Xiao Hua was pushing his body, a surprised voice sounded from his head: "Oh? You are so alert. No wonder you can escape several times... "

"Who are you?" Xiao Hua is extremely shocked, but for a moment, juyuanxian even chases him. If he wants to fight back, he doesn't even have a chance to fight back, does he? Xiao Hua couldn't help blurting out and looked at the voice.

However, Xilong's old skill is repeated. He is not in the shape where the sound comes from. Instead, he is in the shape of a green glow, which flies out like cherry blossoms in March

"Damn it..." Xiao Hua used to use magic array, and he was prepared. Seeing the green light, he felt dizzy in his mind. Why didn't he know that Juyuan fairy was despicable and took the lead in attacking himself?

Xiao Hua can't take out the mirage butterfly from the space. He immediately pats his eyebrow, and the uncontrollable immortal trace opens with a "buzz", and the boiling immortal force all over his body is released, and Yannian flies like wings!

Xiao Hua's immortal mark opened, and the mottled five color light marks immediately gushed out. At the same time, dozens of five color light bands were born around Xiao Hua. These light bands were also five colors, and each color should have been ten. But when Xiao Hua's whole body circled rapidly and rushed to the scattered light marks of immortal mark, the fifty light bands turned into 7749. As for which color light band disappeared, Even Xiao Hua didn't know!

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Xiao Hua and Xi Long finally meet. Whose bad luck is it?