Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 902

"Roar..." In front of Xiao Huang, he was stunned at first, and then his eyes were fierce. He was as full as a mountain. However, the full shape was like a stone column, which was engraved with blood bone patterns. With a roar, he rushed to Xiao Huang!

Where is Xiao Huang afraid of it?

"Oh..." Xiao Huang's mouth blows black air and raises his claws like a unicorn to hit him!

"This This is the truth Listen to me After chongyunqian was worthy of being an archaic immortal, he saw Xiaohuang reveal his true nature and immediately recognized it. He couldn't help but exclaim, "now I live in the world How could there be such a beast? "

At this time, Xiao Huang faced the beast of Ji. He had not been as clever as Xiao Hua before! Besides, Xiao Huang's power in forgetting Sichuan is quite different from that in Yangjian. But see Xiao Huang flying in mid air, a continuous stream of inexplicable blood mixed with subtle purple light and shadow, if the same fine rain and fog shrouded in the near space, blood sea and bones are obvious in the blood light and shadow, while there are flowing springs and Buddha shadow Vatican flowers in the purple light and shadow.

Every time Xiao Huang takes a step, he looks like a unicorn with lotus like blood light under his feet. His body flies through the air, and his long mane flies with the sound of wind and thunder. In addition, there is a flash of green light and shadow in his mane. When you look closely, it turns out that there are some totem inscriptions like ghosts and Jiuquan.

When Xiao Huang waves his claws and pours at Huang Ji, the space is broken, the black air as fine as smoke floats out from the cracks in the space, and the sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling also comes out from the black air. This kind of fierce power is much more powerful than Xiao Hua.

What's the difference between Huang Ji and Huang? His body is like a mountain. He pours at Xiao Huang with unspeakable dignity and dignity. With a roar, the space nearby collapses, and he flies in mid air. Under his feet, white clouds appear like bone mountain. Strange light and shadow came out from the mouth of the dark beast. The light and shadow mixed with black and white, fell in the mid air and made waves. The light and shadow rushed into the black gas emitted by Xiao Huang, and the sound of "boom" was heard all the time.

Seeing the space shaking, Xiao Huang pours into the light and shadow, grabs his paw on the neck of Huang Ji, and "zilala" is a thunderclap, black and white debris falling, seemingly like the collapse of rocks, "roar..." Huang Ji is in pain. His claws sweep like a mountain pillar and hit him on the back. There is a splash of blood color water in the sound of "brush". Xiao Huang's way of power is obviously not better than Huang Ji's, and his body is inclined to fly, but he can't wait for his body to stand firm. With a low roar, Xiao Huang runs out again and bites Huang Ji's hind leg. Under the strong biting, large pieces of black and white muscles and bones are pulled down

"Roar..." He cried out in pain and spewed out white bone like light and shadow in his mouth and nose. The light and shadow turned into a little ghost and rushed to Xiao Huang, and he even shook his tail and hit him like a cold spring, "poof..." The surface of the corpus luteum is bursting with blood, and the mouth and nose are also bleeding

Xiao Hua couldn't intervene in the battle between Xiao Huang and Zhen Ji. In the turbulent place, the rules were crisscrossed, and countless dark blue water and Blood Sea were flying. Xiao Hua was worried that he could do nothing but worry. He squinted for a moment and said, "master, what is Zhen Ji?"

Chongyunqian looked at Xiaohua and said, "if you don't hear about it, people die as ghosts, and ghosts die as ghosts?"

"What?" Xiao Hua was silly and said, "the ghost is dead Isn't all the spirits gone? "

"This..." Chongyunqian hesitated a little, looked at the beast with little Huang Dou, and said, "I don't know if this beast is Ji, but when I was in the world, I had read the ancient records that people die as ghosts, and people are afraid of it. Ghosts are afraid when they die. If the seal script is pasted on the door, everything will be furtive and far away. I'm afraid to see this beast. I don't have the will to fight any more. What is it

"Just, just..." Xiao Hua said helplessly, "even if you don't know, there are so many strange things in forgetting Sichuan. It's nothing to have more than one!"

"Jiji is nothing!" Chongyunqian squinted at Xiao Hua and said, "it's your ghost beast. I can't believe it. It's a wandering soul with the arms of bloody Avalokitesvara. I hope I hope you will become the master of the spring that day. Don't forget me... "

"Before Senior Xiao Hua Leng, strange way, "what do you mean?"

Chongyunqian also had to say that there was a roar in the distance, but when Xiao Huang saw the opportunity, he fell down in front of his head. The thick silver light shot from his forehead and fell straight on his brow With a scream of "bang", the figure of Ji retreated quickly. He was just flying backwards. The silver light had been stabbed out of his body like a sword. With a loud bang, the figure of Ji was broken. Countless white bones and skeletons, blue water and blood light could not be released from his body. These white bones and skeletons disappeared immediately when they fell into Wushang mountain, and the figure of Ji was also slowly annihilated!

When Deji disappears, a golden road appears on Wushang mountain. Clouds are all over the road. Unspeakable blazing heat comes from the road!

"Ah?" Seeing this, chongyunqian almost lost his voice and cried, "how is this possible?"

Then chongyunqian rushed up the road and ran towards the end of the light and shadow!

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua's figure fell on the road, feeling solid on it. He took the stick and said with a laugh, "nothing is impossible! Listening is my child. It's a piece of cake to beat Ji! ""Mother..." Although Xiao Huang won, he was also scarred. However, the scar healed quickly when Xiao Huang shrunk. After that, Xiao Huang still turned into a cute mink. His figure fell into Xiao Hua's hand and whispered, "I miss you..."

"Well behaved, mother miss you too!" Xiao Hua caresses the scar on Xiao Huang's body with his hand, and tears are coming down.

"I'm tired..." Xiao Huang's voice is low, "want to go home to sleep!"

"Well, well!" After hearing this, Xiao Hua immediately put Xiao Huang into his body. Then he looked at chongyunqian's back. The corners of his mouth turned up slightly. He had seen someone who was anxious, and he had never seen someone who was so anxious, but he was returning to the sun. There are Are you in such a hurry?

In fact, not to mention chongyunqian, Xiao Hua, thought that he would be able to revive immediately and see Liu Yanyu.

However, when he quickly ran to chongyunqian behind, looking at everything in front of him, listening to chongyunqian whispering, he was stupid again!

But listening to chongyunqian's lost cry: "I'll tell you, how can there be a way to return to the sun? I feel sad on Wushang mountain, and I'll be a soul orphan from now on!"

Before chongyunqian, on the other side of Wushang mountain, it is clear that the abyss is like a knife. The abyss does not see the bottom. On the opposite side of the abyss, the power of the interface is vast. Countless streamers are shining like lanterns. Countless mortals are living and dying in the streamer. Maybe there are joys and sorrows, maybe there are life and death. They are all out of reach of the sun Nothing to do with it!

"You You... " Xiao Hua's eyes split, and he said angrily, "since Wushang mountain can't lead to the sun, you What are you doing here? Why do you cheat Cheat me? "

"Even if I deceive you!" Chongyunqian said faintly, and raised his hand to take off the ancient bronze armor. It was a majestic body. Now it is incomplete, and the remaining body turns into dust in the golden light. "If I don't cheat you, do you have the strength to get here? If you stay in forgetting Sichuan, do you have any other way than to be killed by the commander of Sichuan, or to be killed by both gods and spirits, or to be changed into Ji? "

"Maybe!" Xiao Hua was speechless for a moment. It was only at this time that he understood why the Yin soldiers of general shechuan didn't come after him. They didn't have to come after him at all!

Losing the hope of returning to Yang, Xiao Huapo is depressed. He looks at the distance deeply and wants to see the appearance of Liu Yanyu from inside. He wanted to sing the same song again, but the lyrics were stuck in his throat, so he couldn't sing it!

Chongyunqian ignored Xiao Hua. Instead, he greedily looked at the distant streamer and said, "as for me, in addition to my delusion, I want to come to Wushang mountain to see if I can return the sun. More importantly, I want to stand on the top of Wushang mountain and see what my mother looks like. Wushang mountain is no way to return to the sun, but standing on Wushang mountain You can see the situation in the sun, forget Sichuan and speak, step on Wushang mountain, no regrets in your heart, that's the truth! "

In other words, in the light and shadow in front of chongyunqian's head, purple imperial concubine's figure was revealed. Obviously, the sound of forgetting Sichuan is true!

"You Are you qian'er Looking at Purple imperial concubine's appearance, Xiao Hua also thought of something and exclaimed, "how can you fall into oblivion?"

Knowing that chongyunqian is the qian'er Zihuan island purple princess is looking for, and then associating with what chongyunqian said earlier, some memories rush into his mind, and Xiao Hua has a kind of feeling of enlightening.

"You How do you know my nickname? " Chongyunqian was even more surprised.

"Alas..." Xiao Hua sighed, "don't ask too much. Let me see..."

Say this, Xiao Hua think hard, will purple Huan Island things said seven or eight!

"Mother..." Hearing that purple imperial concubine reluctantly left a ghost and waited for herself on Zihuan Island, chongyunqian knelt down on the ground and lamented, "my child is unfilial, you always left a ghost in the fairyland, you You must be living in forgetting Sichuan. I'm so close that I can't see you

"Master!" Xiao Hua thought of something and quickly reminded him, "you can go back from Wushang mountain!"

"There is no turning back!" Chongyunqian knelt on the ground, greedily looking at Purple Princess's disappearing appearance, whispered, "my body has been used to suppress, but it has been broken by the impact of Yang, and my spirit is on the way to Wushang mountain again It has been incomplete for a long time. I always think it's worth it, but But... "

Chongyunqian didn't know what to say. His voice became more and more low, and Xiao Hua could see it clearly. Chongyunqian's figure began to fade. Xiao Hua is also very sad. If chongyunqian didn't come to Wushang mountain, he might not be able to find the soul of Zifei in forgetting Sichuan. Of course, if chongyunqian didn't come to Wushang mountain, he couldn't know Zifei was forgetting Sichuan. This is a dilemma!

"You..." Chongyunqian suddenly thought of something. He quickly handed the axe to Xiao Hua and said, "if you can If you can return to the sun, you must remember to give it to my mother. You You tell her that I remember them day and night, and that I... "

"I..." Xiao Hua hesitates. He is willing to take chongyunqian's axe. However, the axe is too heavy. It not only carries chongyunqian's hope, but also carries Zifei's concern. Xiao Hua really dares not to take it!

"Dare you jump down?" Seeing that Xiao Hua did not dare, chongyunqian raised his hand to the bottomless abyss and said, "if you cross Wushang mountain, you can get to Yangjian. This is a rumor about forgetting Sichuan, but it may not be unreasonable. Since there is no way here, you can only jump down..."Xiao Hua's eyes brightened, and he walked a few steps to see the abyss. Naturally, the abyss did not see the bottom, except for the clouds and fog. But looking at the clouds and fog, Xiao Hua seemed to have confidence. After all, there was no fire without wind. If some people did not return to the sun, how could there be such a legend?

"Do you want to try?" Xiao Hua had a mind.

"Brush..." When Xiao Hua was thinking about it, some dust floated up and slowly fell into the abyss. Xiao Hua smelled an indescribable stench.

When Xiao Hua looked back, chongyunqian was no longer in shape, but his axe was still in the air.

"Master..." Xiao Hua felt soft and said, "don't worry, if you can return to the world, if If you can still remember your advice, you must... "

"Yes..." Chongyunqian suddenly thought of something and said, "if you go back to the sun, you will forget everything here, and wait..."

As he said this, chongyunqian's right hand axe wrote something on his left hand axe. Although there were only a few numbers, his figure quickly disappeared.

"Master..." Xiao Hua wanted to say something. The wind from Wushang mountain poured into his mouth, and the tears in his eyes would be left. Every word engraved, chongyunqian's body inch by inch disappeared. In a moment, a thin human figure trembled in the wind. Needless to say, it must be chongyunqian's spirit.

With the writing engraved, the spirit also disappeared!

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It's nothing, nothing, nothing

Xiao Huang! Xiao Huang!! Xiao Huang!!!