Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 901

I have said more than once that Liu Qian and Xiao Hua's "huaibi" and "secret" in the first 63 chapters of Xiushen are the most important. It can be said that this is the focus of the whole Xiushen biography (for those who are interested in it, please see my book "Xiushen uncover secrets 25": the cause and effect of the inextricable way of heaven -- on Xiushen's "Bi" and "secret"). The same is true of "seven Spirits remnant and seven Spirits true immortals" at the beginning of the fairyland chapter. This article talks about the three gods and seven Spirits chapter, and the seven Spirits true immortals -- Xiao Hua's deep scheming and powerful true immortal elder who just entered the fairyland, and his whole story.

1、 Three gods and seven Spirits chapter

according to the gratitude and resentment of the second and seventh spirits chapter

1. The ancestors of Zhu family, Zhao family and Yun family of qinlanhua, who are the blood of rosefinch, experienced in the enlightenment mainland. Among them, the ancestors of Zhu family founded Xuanyi Kingdom, and adopted the rotation of the throne because they resisted Mo Qing Kingdom and Ji pan kingdom. The ancestors of Zhu family and Zhao family are married, but the ancestors of Yun family are absent.

2. Because of serious injury, the ancestors of the cloud family had three failures of heaven and man, and returned to Xuanyi with their descendants. The condition of returning to Xuanyi is to deliver the seven spirit fragments to Xuanyi. But the cloud family declined, and even reproduction became a problem in Yunlan's generation. At ordinary times, with a series of factors, Yunlan is not angry and secretly designs to proclaim the throne of a country. [the ancestors of the cloud family are seriously injured. They are suspected to have something to do with the state of Da Kun. If you take out the chapter of the seven spirits, it may be that the evil water flows eastward. The threshold of cultivation in the chapter of seven spirits is probably Yuan Ying's cultivation, while Xuan Yiguo and others think it's chicken ribs because they can't understand the physical body all the time. 】

3. Under the guise of seizing the throne of Xuanyi state, Yun LAN secretly approached Zhu Han, a descendant of Zhu family, and stole the seven spirit fragments. As a result, the layout has long been discovered by the Zhu and Zhao families, and the cloud family has been destroyed. Yunlan is trapped by immortal array outside Xuanyi's capital city, and her body is damaged by Zhu Han's father Zhu Jing. At Yunlan's request, she escapes with Yuanying.

4. At the same time, xuanyiguo, because of his inability to understand the seven Spirits in his physical body, thinks that there is nothing wrong with xuanyiguo. In addition, he discovers that there is a peep under the unknown truth. He wants to pay tribute to the state of Da Kun. He fakes a copy of it, intending to let Yun LAN steal it. I don't want to be replaced by Zhu Han. Zhu GUI, who paid tribute, fell.

5. When Yunlan leaves Xuanyi, the news of Zhugui's death comes. When Zhu Han learned that his brother Wang (Prince of Xuanyi) had died of his own death, he committed suicide. Before he died, he promised that if Yunlan would return to Xuanyi for revenge, he would die with him. His father is afraid that Zhu Han will be soft hearted when he sees Yunlan, so after the fall, Zhu GUI reminds Zhu Han not to forget brother Wang's death and his promise. Yunlan, who left Xuanyi, was hunted down by the state of Da Kun, and he didn't find the seven Spirits chapter. It is suspected that the seven Spirits chapter is still in Xuanyi.

3、 The seven Spirits chapter is followed by cause and effect

1. The state of Da Kun knew that the seven Spirits chapter presented by Xuanyi was false, and killed the tribute Messenger, the prince of Xuanyi. Because the state of Da Kun was similar to the immortal officials of Tianzun mansion, it did not dare to kill Xuanyi. In fact, it was also afraid that the secret of the seven Spirits chapter would be known by the immortal officials of Tianzun mansion.

2. An organization (similar to the royal guards) belonging to the state of Dakun dispatched spies to youjiaxuan Pavilion of Xuanyi, intending to get close to the second prince of Xuanyi, which is Princess Ying (unfortunately, she has long been seen by Xuanyi)

3. The secret of Xuanyi's way of offering the seven spirits is leaked, and the seven spirits are targeted by the forces behind the spirit of Jingfei, so she dispatched Jingfei to fight against Mo Qingguo and Ling The imperial concubine broke into the big prince of Xuanyi country, intending to steal. If she failed, she provoked the war of the Three Kingdoms in the fairyland. After passing Yuhong mountain, imperial concubine Jing discovered a strange phenomenon and reported to her ancestors that she had discovered that the immortal ban had a great origin. She wanted to occupy the nest of magpies, so she designed the sun family of Yuhong mountain to go to Qiling mountain to find the chance of Qiling real immortal.

4. Lingfei enters yunmengze and helanque. In order to get information, she seduces Chi Xiaoxia with a fox fairy.

4、 The backhand of the seven spirits is revenge and condensation of flesh.

Qi Ling Zhen Xian fled to Yuanling mountain and should be associated with Yuanling king. After several robberies, he finally got the chance. However, Qi Ling's fortune is not good, and the enlightenment mainland is the most remote and backward place in the fairyland, so it has not found the chance to condense and missed the best time to condense. By the time of discovery, it was too late. Then the seven immortals began to lay out the congeals.

Because of the tranquilizing lock, the spirit protecting needle, and the fact that the seven spirits were coagulated too late, they could not bear the mysterious light of the spirits, which led to obstacles in their cultivation. Therefore, he suspects that the seven Spirits chapter stolen by Zhu jiarang is fake. Yun LAN, who is already angry with Xuan Yiguo, just because daonuo didn't retaliate, but now the congealed body failed and almost fell, so he arranged the congealed body and the backhand of revenge. The successors are as follows:

1. The fall of Yuanling king and the son of Yuanling

since Qiling immortal is friendly with Yuanling king, it is impossible to ignore the son of Yuanling, the son of Yuanling, and the head of Zhuque, the son of Yuanling. Therefore, Yunfeng, the son of Yuanling, is one of Yunlan's successors, and the fall of Yuanling king may be related to Yunlan.

2. Zhu Ding, Zhu Ding is also one of the means of Yun Lan's resurrection. The specific reasons can be seen from the dialogue in the chapters of "truth" and Zhu Ding's expression. In addition, Chi Zhicheng, elder brother of Chi Xiaoxia, used his separation to arrange his backhand. In other words, the spirit of Zhu Ding was moved by Yun LAN and woke up in Huoling holy palace. Yunlan layout Xuanyi Kingdom, deep heart so.

3. "Seven stars fall, seven Spirits appear, aloes give enlightenment shock". This message is also Yunlan's backhand, one of Yunlan's backhand for revenge and even taking away. It's just Xiao Hua who meets people. If it's someone else, it's not so lucky.4. Yun LAN added the real immortal prohibition system to the qilingcanpian's skill, and the key points of the skill were modified. To prepare for the future development of Zhu Ding.

5、 Qi Ling canpian and Xiao Hua

1. Xiao Hua was destined to deal with Qi Ling mountain and Yuan Ling mountain when he rose to the fairyland by nine robberies. After all, Sanying involves spiritual cultivation, so Xiao Hua is destined to have a causal relationship with the seven spirits.

2. Xiao Hua strangely appeared in Xuanyi state. He lost two pieces of immortal utensils in Huoling holy palace, which were distributed by the hidden ancestors of Zhu family.

3. The British imperial concubine, who is full of ghosts, thinks that Xiao Hua is close to the layout of the state of Da Kun, and makes many explorations.

4. If it was not for Xiao Hua, he would come to publicize a country because of his curiosity and chance, while Xiao Hua would come to publicize a country because of his morality and commitment.

Xiao Hua is the master of fortune. The ten color flower of forgetting Sichuan is the last remnant of the three gods chapter, while the seven Spirits chapter is still incomplete. If it is complete, Xiao Hua uses it to cultivate his soul. Of course, the chapter of three gods and seven spirits is just a kind of cultivation method in Xiao Hua's fairy world. Xiao Hua has to find and practice the five yuan cultivation methods of daozun, Daozu and daozhu. Only in this way can the skill of stepping on Shenque be perfected in the future. It is just like Yang Guo, who has created a dejected palm. Only after he has seen it can he walk out of his own way. The so-called success is built on the shoulders of giants.

In a word, Tanhua is good at "seeing the big from the small" and "satirizing the present from the past". The seven Spirits chapter is only the incomplete part of the three gods and seven Spirits chapter, which caused great waves in Xuanyi and Dakun. Xiao Hua's spiritual cultivation skills are from Ye's heaven. If they are exposed, Xiao Hua has little chance to survive. The people who pursue Xiao Hua dare not expose them, but Xiao Hua will not expose them. In this way, they leave time for him to grow up, and let him become the supreme of the fairyland in the crevice, which is similar to Mencius' saying that "therefore, heaven will bring down great responsibilities, so people must first work hard, and this is the charm of Xiushen's biography.

PS: "the way of heaven Xiaohua" Taoyou are going to write a series of "the beginning of the cultivation of gods and immortals" for you, to your liking