Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 900

"Just, just..." Ya said in another place, "go back. I'll go and visit Shuai Yong of Shichuan and ask what happened in that place. Maybe he of us Will there be some clues? "

"How much I think about it Dream back to you, tone is still light, "if you can find clues, he Is it still him? "

Naturally, Xiao Hua can't be measured by dreams and elegance, but his movements are detected by heaven and man and witches and Taoists. That day, people felt that Xiao Hua's spirit was different, but they were overjoyed. Especially when he found out that the Ruyi stick had disappeared, he was even more elated. He didn't dare to control Xiao Hua's body or touch Xiao Hua's mysterious cloud. He quickly fell into the space and cried: "wudaoyou, wudaoyou..."

The Taoist wizard was sitting in the inner wall of Wushan mountain. How could he hear the call of heaven and man? He rushed into Wushan mountain and pulled the Taoist wizard out, shouting: "the Ruyi stick is missing. The Ruyi stick is missing. Xiao Daoyou's spirit has changed. He's afraid he's coming back!"

"Ah? What? " Yudiewu was also very happy when he heard that. He fell into Xiaohua's body in a flash. After a little visit, he frowned slightly. It's true that the spirit of Xiaohua had a slight jump. However, the slight jump can only show that Xiaohua's spirit in Jiuyou has a dramatic change, which can arouse the remnant spirit of the world. This dramatic change is a good omen or a bad omen!

The sorcerer fell into the space, and his face was a little unnatural. Yudietianren had already found out and said, "what's the matter? Is it someone who is wrong? "

"Daoyou is not wrong..." The witch shook his head and said, "it's just that I can't see through the good and bad fortune of Xiao Daoyou!"

"Six brothers, eight brothers..." Before the heaven and man could speak, yudieji lost his head and whispered, "big How's big brother? "

"What can I do for you?" Yudie heaven and man have no good spirit, see yudie kill one eye way, "difficult not into you can go to nine you to bring big brother back?"

"Whoosh..." Yudieji suddenly shrinks his head back, but in a moment, his head comes out again and says in a low voice, "little What can I do? "

"I don't know yet!" "We only find that the spirit of Xiao Daoyou has changed. Maybe he is in danger, or maybe he wants to come back..."

Speaking of this, "Wuwu..." There are changes in the space, just like the wind blowing, and all the sun stars and the sun stars in the space are dim at the same time!

"No!" Yudiewu's whole body flashed rapidly, and countless green seal characters gushed out of his body uncontrollably. Yudiewu was shocked and said, "Xiao Daoyou is in danger!"

Xiao Hua also did not expect to see the top of Wushang mountain, but also a sudden change. He had just followed chongyunqian to a place, but he felt that the light and shadow before his eyes opened like a magic. Countless white bones wandering souls disappeared like a dark night, and the rocks in front of Wushang mountain suddenly rose up!

As the rocks were pulled out, the foothills also began to rise. The clear sound of "chirp" was like the voice of Jiuyou. Xiao Hua and chongyunqian were very surprised.

"This What is this? " Xiao Hua was so frightened that he looked at chongyunqian, who was also stunned.

Just when Xiao Hua and chongyunqian were surprised, a giant beast came out of Wushang mountain!

However, the whole body shape of the giant tiger head mountain is similar to Wushang mountain. However, there are countless dark and bright patterns around the giant, and some blood light is shown in the dark patterns. Xiao Hua can clearly see that in the blood light, countless ghosts and ghosts scream and wail, and even all kinds of hell in the 18th floor crash into his eyes through the blood light.

A kind of incomparable despair, a kind of fear from the heart, a kind of horror of turning around to escape, instantly envelops Xiao Hua. Don't say that he has a ruyi stick in his hand. Even if he has a hundred Ruyi sticks, he can't resist the terror in his heart. This terror is a little creepy, just like ordinary people seeing ghosts.

"Ah..." As strong as chongyunqian, he can't help but scream. He turns around and runs away. However, he just runs away more than a hundred feet. He hears the roar of the giant beast, and the surrounding space is closed instantly. The unspeakable cold and Desolation will cover Wushang mountain. Chongyunqian's whole body has a bronze luster, but his body can't move!

"It's time to Damn it Chongyunqian escaped a hundred Zhang, but he just arrived at Xiao Hua's side. Xiao Hua watched the tiger's eyes a little dark, and watched the beast's body stepping on Wushang mountain. The mountain top shook violently, and said, "front Master, this What kind of beast is this

"I I don't know! " Chongyunqian's body trembled and his teeth trembled. He didn't dare to turn his head back. He said hoarsely, "no But I I feel that The beast could be It's Ji

"Ji?" Xiao Hua is a fool! He has never heard of the name!

It doesn't matter whether Xiao Hua knows Ji or not. The key is that with the approaching of Ji, Xiao Hua's thin body seems to have been swept by the strong wind, like strands, flying into Ji's mouth!

"This This... " Xiao Hua is really out of the world! He really didn't expect that he had reached the top of Wushang mountain. It was only a short distance to cross Wushang mountain. There were so powerful dark beasts, such strange means, and so on I can't resist it!Xiao Hua was in danger, and the space naturally changed. Yudiewu was shocked. He was just about to get out of the space to explore. However, after listening to yudiesha flying out of the magic, he angrily said, "I know that you all have the means to reach heaven. You can become one without big brother, and you are not afraid of big brother falling down! But I tell you, if big brother falls, I will never live alone! I will go to Jiuyou and kill Jiuyou into a sea of blood... "

In other words, "roar..." In the fairyland space, there is a cry of sadness, which really resounds through the desolation of Jiuyou. Yudietianren and yudiewu are shocked. When they turn around, they see Xiaohuang's crazy biting in the confinement, obviously sensing the danger of Xiaohua! And Xiao Hei beside Xiao Huang, although some movement, but still did not wake up!

It's a pity that what imprisons Xiaohua is the means of yudie Xiaohua, not to mention Xiaohuang, which can't be broken by heaven, man and witch!

"Oh..." But listen to yudie kill a shriek, body shape like electricity rushed to the immortal space, that body shape too place blood thick as the sea, obviously yudie kill to destroy themselves!

"Alas..." All of a sudden, there was another bleak sound like water. The long motionless causal hand suddenly gave birth to a virtual shadow. The virtual shadow was just a finger, which could fall on the immortal prohibition around Xiao Huang. The immortal prohibition was nothing!

"Roar..." Huang out of trouble, but it is still irritable, round straight turn, do not know what to do!

"Gaga..." Yuji laughs, "what a little yellow, and go with me to save big brother..."

"Nine younger brother, don't worry..." Yu die Wu said hastily, "in such a hurry..."

Unfortunately, without waiting for the jade wizard to finish, a cold voice behind him said, "it's too late!"

"Ah?" Yudiewu and yudietianren were shocked again and turned around quickly. But another yudiesi was out of space and occupied Xiaohua's body!

"Damn it "He dares to play magic power in front of Laozi!" the man roared

The jade wizard turned around again and looked at the jade wizard who had just taken Xiao Huang out of Daoxian space. He said with profound meaning: "let him alone! He would rather give up himself to save Xiao Daoyou. He also There must be no mistake

The memory of Xiao Hua, Yuji and Yuji fell into his mind like water. He didn't hesitate at all. He hastened to move his eyebrows to break the blind eye. Looking at Xiaohuang's eyes, he cried and said: "Xiaohuang, brother's life and death are all up to you!"

Xiao Huang is more urgent than the demon killer, "Wu" flies out. Unfortunately, the silver light of breaking the magic eye flickers. Xiao Huang can't enter anyway!

"Brush..." Xiao Huang seems to think of something, eyebrows between the same open, a column of silver light into the eyes of breaking the law, breaking the law eye out of a whirlpool will inhale Xiao Huang!

Xiao Huang's body disappeared, and the devil killer clenched his fists tightly, and tears came out of his eyes again. He cried: "brother, brother, you know what you know under the spring. My brother burned Xiao Huang to you. Oh, I brought it to you. You take it out quickly..."

Where does Xiao Hua know that there's a lot of Xiao Huang in his eyes? He doesn't even know where his eyes are. What's more, in the face of Ji, he has instinctive gall and can't even talk about how to think?

Xiao Hua and Chong Yunqian are both in despair. It's not a question of whether they can resist. It's a hopeless situation!

"Roar..." At this time, Xiao Hua Mei roared in her heart, but she saw a silver light coming through the air. Xiao Huang stepped on the silver light and flew out of Xiao Hua's forehead!

It's not trivial for Xiao Huang to fall into oblivion. Immediately, he was born with a vision, "boom, boom..." Above the sky, the yellow sun shines brightly, the sun tears the blood red clouds, carrying the endless dark Yin Qi into Xiao Huang, goodbye Wushang mountain, the land of forgetting Sichuan, the yellow spring roars, countless blood light and blue water rush into the void and disappear, even the nanaihe bridge shakes in the moment of the yellow spring.

"Wu Wu Wu..." Blood light blue water rushed out, just fell into the small corpus luteum, which was a small body suddenly enlarged, "ow..." Xiao Huang looks up to the sky and roars, shaking the four fields. With this roar, a breath sweeping the world comes out from him!

"Xiao Huang?" Seeing this, Xiao Hua's heartfelt love came into being, which suddenly reminded him of Xiao Huang's name, "don't worry, mother..." Xiao Huang's voice was a little rough, and in the bottom of Xiao Hua's heart he said in a high voice, "my child has come to save you!"

"Roar..." Xiao Huang roared again, and his figure suddenly expanded. With the dark lines gushing out in his body, wisps of gold wire surging like fire, the image of tiger head, unicorn, dog ear, dragon body, lion tail and unicorn foot was revealed!!!

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The beast!

Xiao Huang! Xiao Huang!!

Huang Weiwu!!!

[Wuyin Jiyun] ziyiqie, Yinji. People are afraid of death. Ghosts are afraid when they die. If the seal script is pasted on the door, everything will be furtive and far away.