Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 891

Liu Yanyu woke up and said in a hurry, "yes, I'll rush over first."

During the three people's conversation, there are many Yin soldiers flying out. These Yin soldiers are either human or animal like, and they are more like mountain spirits and water monsters. These Yin soldiers are gushing out with the water patterns of the earth, and they have gathered into the image of the dark array!

"Kill..." Liu Yanyu thought of Liu Yanzhen, and after hearing Xiao Hua's warning, she angrily scolded him. When she raised her hand, biyou * * had been sacrificed. Biyou * * was in Liu Yanyu's hands, which was more powerful than Xiao Hua before, but she heard "whoosh, whoosh..." In the sound, countless water threads burst out of the air, breaking through the water lines and falling on the eyebrows of the Yin soldiers. The blood colored armor of the Yin soldiers flickered with water light, and they still could not resist the force of the water thread. During the sound, all the Yin soldiers were pierced by the water thread!

When the Yin soldiers are heartbroken, the water thread penetrates the Yin soldiers. The body of the Yin soldiers withers rapidly, and the whole body turns into a bloody light and disappears into the water thread!

"Kill..." When Chen Xiaoyun saw this, he was very brave. He also roared, and the belt shaped weapon was waved out. More than ten fireballs burst out of the air and crashed into the hell array like a meteor In the crackling sound, all the Yin soldiers who touched the fireball were smashed and turned into virtual shadows of several inches and fled in a panic!

"Ha ha ha..." Chen Xiaoyun laughs. He has never been so happy since he came to Wangchuan!

It was Xiao Hua, who didn't care about these Yin soldiers. His figure suddenly moved into the dark array that had never been formed. His eyes were shining blue, and he looked here.

Seeing several water waves gathering on the undulating earth, Xiao Hua did not hesitate to sacrifice a few nails. With the surging water in his body, the nails were hidden on the water waves in the shape of goods!

"Little ones..." Sure enough, as soon as the Disha ghost spirit array was finished, there was a loud voice in the water line, "quickly set up the array for the general, don't..."

With the sound coming out, a dark armored Ming general came riding on the waves. Before the Ming general showed his figure, the Ming beast seemed to notice the same thing. First of all, he was screaming!

"Hum!" Where does Xiao Hua allow this dark general to react? He snorted, raised his hand and said, "whoosh..." A few nails emerge from the water pattern and stab the Ming general like a meteor!

"Ouch..." Ming Jiang's body hasn't been fully exposed, and he has noticed the danger. He screams, and his body pours at the beast. The blood color of "brush" splashes like a flower, and Ming Jiang's body disappears! Xiao Hua's nail "poop poop" into the hell beast!

"Ouch..." The beast screamed, "ah..." Ming Jiang also roared, and then the water lines around collapsed rapidly. I can't see him again!

The hell general fled, and the Yin soldiers all around had already noticed it. Liu Yanyu laughed, and biyou * * urged him. In the "boom" sound, biyou * * increased several times, like a wheel rushing into the hell array!

No more yin soldiers dare to resist, let biyou * * rush out of a road!

"Let's go..." Xiao Hua doesn't want to be in a dilemma with these Yin soldiers. He orders and moves to the front of the temple!

Liu Yanyu has a hatred in her heart, and her subordinates can't keep a friendly face. In a moment, she kills more than a hundred Yin soldiers, and then falls behind Xiao Hua with Chen Xiaoyun.

However, the temple is similar to the temple of the common world, but the temple is built with strange blood colored stones. There is no plaque in front of the temple, but the whole temple seems to have a dark array. Xiao Hua's dark eye skill can't see the situation inside.

Fortunately, there is no gateway to the temple. Xiao Hua leads Liu Yanyu and Chen Xiaoyun straight into the temple. However, when they see the Buddha statues in the temple, they are surprised again!

But I can see that this is an ordinary Buddhist niche, without any incense. A sculpture several feet in size on it is not an ordinary Buddha statue, but a general. But I can see that the general's face is like the bottom of a pot, with red beard under the sea, two white eyebrows, eyes like gold bells, flying beast crown with nine clouds flame, wearing Chain Armor, Dahongpao, white jade belt around his waist, riding a beast with fire eyes and golden eyes, and two Zhanjin axes, A split ghost, hand tear immortal momentum from this general body uncontrollably rush out!

In the face of this fierce general, Xiao Hua and others could not help but retrogress. Fortunately, the general only rushed around the temple niche and was immediately blocked. He circled in the air and fell into the underground of the temple!

"This..." Xiao Hua's eyes widened and said, "which Buddha is this?"

"This is not a Buddha!" Liu Yanyu couldn't stand the momentum of the general and hid behind Xiao Hua. She was also surprised and said, "this This is the ancestral home of the archaic fairies... "

Speaking of this, Liu Yanyu seemed to think of something and shut up in a hurry!

Xiao Hua didn't notice Liu Yanyu's difference. He frowned and said, "archaic fairies? Why do they have niches? "

Said, Xiao Hua eyes regeneration blue light, toward the niche above to see!

"Silk..." When he could see clearly, Xiao Hua took a breath of cool air, but on the altar, 981 filaments of light fell from all over the sky like bright sunlight, condensing into a strange Rune and falling on the sculpture. On the sculpture, obscure waves poured in from all over the void, carrying these flames into the niche. As for what is under the niche, Xiao Hua's dark eye skill can't be seen!

"What's the matter? Master... " Chen Xiaoyun can't see it, and he doesn't know what the Archean fairy is. He hears Xiao Hua take a breath and asks quickly."This sculpture can gather Yang spirit!" Looking under the niche, Xiao Hua said, "maybe To suppress the bloody Avalokitesvara

"The problem is..." Liu Yanyu came back and said anxiously, "what does this have to do with yu'er?"

"Master, do you know this archaic fairy family?" Chen Xiaoyun looked at the fierce sculpture and asked Liu Yanyu.

Liu Yanyu hesitated for a moment, looked at Xiao Hua and said, "do you know the archaic fairies?"

Xiao Hua shook his head as usual: "I don't know, I don't know now!"

"According to the record..." Liu Yanyu explained, "chongjia is an archaic fairy family. Their ancestors taboo the name of shangheixiahu, which is a rare battle general in the world. It's just that the chongjia family was forbidden by heaven. In ancient times, it had already declined. Later, for some unknown reason, there was an ancient aristocratic family to inherit it. After the fall of the emperor, it disappeared. Who knows that I saw the image of the ancestor of the black tiger here! "

"The fall of the emperor?" Xiao Hua was stunned. Just about to ask again, Chen Xiaoyun said in a low voice, "master, can you say it simply?"

"Chongjia is an archaic fairy family, and then it declined. Later, the ancient fairy world called itself chongjia." Liu Yanyu had no choice but to say, "but soon, the chongjia family disappeared in the fairyland!"

"Well!" Xiao Hua nodded and said, "that is to say, there is no statue of the ancestor of chongjia in fairyland

Liu Yanyu was relieved and quickly echoed: "yes, it's too strange!"

At this time, Xiao Hua asked abruptly: "is there any other ancient family inheriting the Archean fairy family?"

"Huang..." Liu Yanyu blurted out, but she just said a word, "hum..." Some light golden light gushed from the ground, Xiao Hua quickly raised his hand, a wisp of water light fell from his hand, turned into a cold spring to protect Liu Yanyu and others!

"Who!" Xiao Hua roared!

"Hey, it's you A familiar voice of Xiao Hua rings out. Isn't it the young man that I saw in the abyss of you Wang Yao that day?

Xiao Hua also responded: "yes, it's you!"

In a word, the golden light broke out of the ground and appeared like a young man in front of Xiao Hua. The young man stared at Xiao Hua and asked, "what are you doing here?"

When Liu Yanyu saw the young man's figure, her face changed. Because the previously unresponsive Bizhu was shining again, Liu Yanyu's figure became more and more obvious!

"Where are you?" Liu Yanzhen stood out from behind Xiao Hua, raised his hand to sacrifice Bizhu, and roared.

"Who is yu'er?" The young man didn't understand, but when he saw the light and shadow reflected in the blue pearl, Liu Yanyu's face revealed, and his face was even more surprised than Liu Yanyu's!

Seeing that the young man was like this, Xiao Hua and Liu Yanyu didn't know what he must know. At the same time, Xiao Hua and Liu Yanyu urged the underworld instrument and cried, "come on, give it to you!"

"Hum..." The young man gave a cold hum, suddenly leaned forward and raised his right hand, "Wu..." Suddenly, a blood red fist came out of thin air and hit Xiao Hua and Liu Yanyu.

Biyou * * met him, bumped into his bloody fist and said, "boom..." With a loud noise, blood red fist was smashed, and Youming * * was also knocked upside down!

"You Are you souls The young man was surprised, but he didn't wait for him to say, "whoosh..." Xiao Huayin's four nails on one side cross the sky and stab the younger generation of the young man. The young man's figure is in a flash, and immediately becomes more than ten imaginary figures, trying to avoid the nails. Who knows, nails also with Xiao Hua raised a finger, illusory ten, each nail into the young man's virtual shadow!

"Ah..." With a scream, the young man seemed to have some blood flowing out of his body. However, with the scream, more than ten empty shadows of the young man burst out into the sky at the same time, and all his bodies gathered into the blood light. With a "whoosh", he rushed into the ground and disappeared!

The blood light rushes into the ground, and the dark array, which is already a perfect match, has been broken. Without any hesitation, Xiao Hua pulls Liu Yanyu and cries: "chase!"

Don't mention Liu Yanyu. Even Chen Xiaoyun saw the opportunity. Each of them was about to rush into the ground, but Liu Yanyu's eyes swept over the vivid sculpture and said, "poof..." A purple spark quietly falls into the air and shoots toward the center of the sculpture's eyebrows. Then Liu Yanyu doesn't look at the Mars either, and follows Xiao Hua and others to rush into the ground and disappear.

They had just disappeared, and there were already Yin soldiers chasing them outside the temple. Without waiting for them to approach, the purple sparks from Liu Yanyu just fell into the center of the sculpture's eyebrows, "boom..." The sound, the spark burst, into a purple flame towards the sculpture body burning!

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