Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 892

"Quick..." The Yin soldiers were so surprised that they cried out their water light and wanted to put out the purple flame.

Unfortunately, as soon as the purple flame burned, it immediately glowed, as if there were flammable objects around, and after being treated with water light, the sound of "zilala" kept on coming out, and the crack sound of "click" kept coming out from the inside of the sculpture. You can see that the surface of the sculpture had spider like cracks, and the bronze luster was coming out from the cracks. What's more, the sparks that burst from the sculpture fell all around. Whenever sparks fell on the Yin soldiers, they all turned into flames and engulfed them. The Yin soldiers screamed and quickly turned into sewage.

Later, the Yin soldiers were shocked. They didn't dare to get too close and exclaimed, "send a message to general Shichuan quickly..."

"Click..." The messenger just left. On the forehead of the sculpture, a piece of fragment about the size of a palm fell. The fragment fell to the ground. The purple flame on it was still burning. Gradually, the black gossamer appeared. On the gossamer, there were countless dark patterns about the size of rice grains. In the burning of the flame, thousands of skeletons and bones were annihilated.

In addition, when Xiao Hua and others enter the dark array, they face the bloody water of the yellow spring. The water lines around Xiao Hua flash immediately, and the big and small spots also produce water light to block the water of the yellow spring.

Frightened, Xiao Hua quickly looks at Liu Yanyu and Chen Xiaoyun. Liu Yanyu is naturally like Xiao Hua, and there are light purple and light gold filaments on her body surface. Her spirit is not eroded by the water of the yellow spring. Chen Xiaoyun can't, but see his body surface gives birth to "zilala" sound, this is engraved thick water lines, in the water of the yellow spring erosion, there are signs of collapse!

"Sacrifice to the underworld quickly..." Xiao Hua hastens to deliver a message. Chen Xiaoyun dares not neglect to sacrifice the fireball. "Boom" sounds again. The water of the yellow spring and the fire of the fireball regenerate.

"Get out of here..." Xiao Hua hastens to urge, but at this time, the dark array on the top of everyone's head is closed, and it will obviously take time to break the array.

Liu Yanyu didn't want to delay here. She spewed out something like a cage from her mouth. She said in a hurry: "you take Xiaoyun first with this thing!"

"What is this?" Xiao Hua took it and asked, "it's called the soul prisoner. It was originally used to collect the soul. I'll lend it to you first!"

"Good!" Xiao Hua raised his hand, and a pale golden halo appeared on the soul prisoner. The place where the halo fell was to cover Chen Xiaoyun.

Chen Xiaoyun is in a hurry to resist, and the aura is greatly relieved. He bows to Xiao Hua and says, "thank you, master!"

Xiao Hua urges the prisoner to accept Chen Xiaoyun. After thinking for a moment, he sends Chen Xiaoyun to the center of his brow and accepts him.

"Go..." Liu Yanyu's eyes were full of purple gold light and dark blue light and shadow, and her eyes looked under the water of the yellow spring.

"Good..." Xiao Hua promised, two people around the body of water light, toward the lower escape.

After about half a cup of tea, the young man's back became more and more clear. At the same time, the buoyancy in the water around him began to stop them from escaping.

"Where to go..." Liu Yanyu's heart was tied to Liu Yanyu. When she saw that she was near, she couldn't wait. With a loud roar, biyou came out.

Biyou * * has great power on the ground, especially in the water of the yellow spring. When biyou * * rotates, it stirs the water of the yellow spring, and countless water patterns follow the light to the young people!

The young man's face changed greatly. It seemed that biyou was more powerful than he thought. In the face of the water lines and waves coming from all directions, he had to stop his body. When he turned around and raised his right arm, the bloody arm that Xiao Hua had seen before burst out!

"Wu..." Even in the water of the yellow spring, the wind is still roaring, and the arm shadow like a heavy mountain hits biyou * *!

"Boom boom..." The arm shadow makes a roaring sound on biyou. The arm film is broken, and the bloody arm shadow fragments fall into the water. Thousands of water lines burst, and white bones and skeletons rush out of the virtual shadow and roar at Liu Yanyu.

Xiao Hua naturally won't let Liu Yanyu be distracted. He sacrificed a nail beside him to kill the skeleton and other things!

Look at the young man's panic waving his arms, body shrinking rapidly, with the water escape to the bottom!

"Hey, hey..." Xiao Hua smiles, grabs his big hand in the water and says, "do you still want to go?"

"Wuwu..." But listen to the strange sound from the young man, Xiao Hua took advantage of the young man and Liu Yanyu fight under the cloth to kill the ghost spirit array suddenly excited, more than ten nails to the young man with lightning power!

"Damn it The young man scolded, bit his teeth, raised his hand and patted him on the top door. With a "Ga" sound of eagle, an iron billed Eagle flew out. The eagle's wings spread, and more than ten green feathers hit the nail like a feather arrow! "Boom boom..." In the middle of the sound, the shadow of more than ten nails was blocked by the iron billed hell hawk. What's more, the iron billed hell hawk pounced on the young man. There were blue lines on his wings, which broke the earth ghost spirit array!

The iron billed hell hawk blocked Xiao Hua, and Liu Yanyu next to him once again said, "kill..." With a roar, biyou * * attacks the young man again. This time, Liu Yanyu didn't stir up the water lines, and the biyou * * turned into ellipse light and shadow and rushed to the young man's vest!

The young man seems to have some poor skills. His figure stops again and waves his left arm helplessly, but there is blood in his left arm and his arm comes out!Biyou * * hit the bloody arm!

"Boom..." With a loud noise, the bloody arm was smashed to pieces!!

Liu Yanyu was overjoyed and was about to pursue the victory again, but suddenly the young man was surrounded by bronze light and shadow. Her panic was swept away, and she looked a little excited and ecstatic.

Look at the fragments of thousands of bloody arms again, and send out "buzz..." The sound of the bee, like a tired bird homing down!

"Boom boom..." Liu Yanyu big Leng, the whole water of the yellow spring is shaking, as if something strong is born in the underground!

Seeing the sudden change, Xiao Hua was not happy. He quickly gave up the iron billed eagle and flew to Liu Yanyu, shouting: "flash..."

With Xiao Hua's voice landing, "boom..." The falling place of the fragments of the bloody arm, the blood light from the sky, turned into a big hand to grasp Liu Yanyu. This big hand passed by, the water of the yellow spring annihilated, everything turned into nothingness!

"Damn it Seeing that there was no match for Liu Yanyu, where did Xiao Hua not know that Liu Yanyu fell into the young man's calculation? In a flash, he immediately flew to Liu Yanyu. Without waiting for her to say anything, Xiao Hua raised his hand to catch Liu Yanyu and threw her out with all his strength!

Liu Yanyu has just been thrown out, "boom..." Xiao Hua is surrounded by bloody hands. Xiao Hua is imprisoned without any struggle!

"You You... " Liu Yanyu yelled. It was only at this time that she thought that she didn't know Xiao Hua's name!

Liu Yanyu's eyes are red, and she hastens to urge biyou again. Unfortunately, the bloody hand is so fast that her biyou has never fallen, and her hand has retracted!

"Damn it!" Liu Yanyu yelled, and her eyes immediately fell on the young man in the distance. However, without waiting for her eyes to fall to the ground, "boom..." On the right side of the young man's body, an ancient bronze light column is covered out of thin air!

Liu Yanyu was puzzled by the young man's reaction. When he saw the pillar of light for the first time, he panicked again and cried, "no Not good! "

However, when the bronze light column covered the young man, the young man's eyebrows had a strange mark. The mark was shining, and the young man screamed: "how How is that possible? "

With the scream of the young man, the bronze column of light will also take away the young man who is ready to escape!

Liu Yanyu hesitated for a moment, urged biyou to protect herself, and rushed to the direction where the bloody hand disappeared again!

But for a moment, the yellow spring water in front of Liu Yanyu's head suddenly disappeared like the roaring tide. Liu Yanyu's eyes were dark at first, and then bright. When she saw it clearly, she was just shocked.

But this is an almost boundless dark, dark center, a huge statue of Avalokitesvara standing with flowers, this statue of Avalokitesvara is completely different from what Liu Yanyu had seen before. It's not only because the statue of Avalokitesvara is full of blood red, showing an indescribable charm, but also because hundreds of arms protrude out of the statue.

After Liu Yanyu's careful investigation, she was shocked even more.

Because in this statue of Avalokitesvara, except one pair of arms is real, all the others are virtual shadows, even the statue itself is virtual shadow!

However, this is the virtual shadow of the arm, each arm has a spirit. The spirits are either human, animal, or even mountain spirits and water monsters.

Although the statue of Avalokitesvara standing in the void is a virtual shadow, the endless blood flame rushes up to the dark, as if to burn the void. It's a pity that the blood flame just rushes out and is suppressed by two prohibitions!

Above Liu Yanyu's head is a pool of blood red water, in which the powerful power of the nether world is revealed, continuously condensing and restraining, and falling to the side of blood Guanyin; in the direction where the young people were taken before, a round of Bronze Sun was burning, in which the powerful power of life mixed with ancient copper luster was covered on the other side of blood Guanyin like a column. The two different forces complement each other and completely cover the dark space under the law of yin and Yang and the way of balance!

"Not good..." Liu Yanyu can't look at the situation above her head. Her eyes have fallen on one of the arms of bloody Guanyin. The big hand of that arm, Xiao Hua, is just caught in the hand, just falling into the blood light of bloody Guanyin!

However, without waiting for Liu Yanyu to think carefully about how to help Xiao Hua, her eyes swept over Xiao Hua's back, and she couldn't help exclaiming, "you son?"

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Liu Yanyu is here. No wonder Liu Yanyu can't find her!