Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 890

Not to mention that Meng and Ya are going to forget Sichuan, but on this day, Xiao Hua has just finished instructing Chen Xiaoyun about his later understanding of huangquan, and has also told Liu Yanyu what to pay attention to about the blue fall of huangquan. They are just about to let Chen Xiaoyun leave, "bang bang Bang..." There is a roar in the distance. Under the yellow sun, there is a golden light. Isn't that the direction of Youwang's cave?

Xiao Hua is also familiar with the golden light. It is the golden light that Xiao Hua saw when he just stepped into oblivion! Seeing the golden light in the sky, Xiao Hua was startled and flew up into the sky.

Sure enough, in the distance, a cluster of golden light such as lotus is in full bloom. The lotus is like a lamp, reflecting the surrounding space. In the golden light, there is a faint blood color coagulating to make the image of Guanyin. Where the golden light falls, large and small ghosts escape from the sky, the earth and the mountains in a panic!

"Blood Guanyin?" Xiao Hua's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a very familiar feeling in his heart.

Liu Yanyu also flew out of the ground. She also gave birth to water clouds and stood beside Xiao Hua. However, when the golden light burst through her body, her face changed color and she called out: "you er..."

Then, with a cry, she ejected a bloody crystal bead. In the crystal bead, the face of the woman Xiao Hua had seen before loomed out.

"Why?" Xiao Hua was surprised and said in a hurry, "is it Is that your sister? "

"Yes, yes..." Liu Yanyu's body trembled with excitement. She grabbed Xiao Hua's arm and said, "I I didn't expect that she She's not gone yet. I Sorry, I I have to save my sister. I I used to... "

"Silly girl!" Xiao Hua laughed. He touched Liu Yanyu's head with his hand and said in a low voice, "don't tell me I'm sorry. I know you still have your sister in your heart. After all, it's your blood relatives. If you don't save her, I'll be surprised! Not only you but also I will go! Even if my soul is broken, I still want to... "

Before Xiao Hua finished, Liu Yanyu quickly covered Xiao Hua's mouth with her hand and said, "you really don't have to go. This is my promise to the family. You You just wait here. If I can come back alive and don't go to other places, I will accompany you forever... "

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua held Liu Yanyu's hand and said with a smile, "of course you have never talked about your family, of course you have never said your name, but you and I have been heart to heart for a long time. I believe that no matter your family or your name is your previous life, you will be mine for the rest of your life, whether plain or stormy. Now, since the matter of your previous life is not over, I will naturally accompany you! Because we've made an appointment to spend the rest of our life together! "

"Two masters..." Chen Xiaoyun also sneaked behind and whispered, "disciples are willing to accompany you, too. That I've been there before. I can show you the way! "

"Thank you, Xiao Yun..." If Liu Yanyu could shed tears, she would have burst into tears. She said to Chen Xiaoyun in a low voice.

Then he looked at Xiao Hua and clenched his hand tightly. He said, "as for you, I have given you the rest of my life. I don't need to thank you."

"Ha ha, that's it. Let's go!" Xiao Hua grabbed Liu Yanyu and said with a laugh, "I'll wait and see what it is

In the meantime, Liu Yanyu tells Xiao Hua about what happened. In fact, Liu Yanyu had already found out Liu Yanzhen's trace when the golden light came into being, and determined that Liu Yanzhen was in this place. However, Liu Yanyu was not sure where Liu Yanyu was. Later, after several times of exploration, Liu Yanyu confirmed that Liu Yanyu was in the cave of you Wang.

Although you Wang Yu calls herself you Wang, her strength has already surpassed that of the rebellious Yin, and she is able to take charge of Sichuan's death. Although poor Liu Yanyu is a disciple of the ancient aristocratic family, her strength is better than that of the ordinary real immortal, and her spirit has also been tempered, when she comes to forgetting Sichuan, she is only better than the ordinary rebellious Yin ghost. She is still much worse than you Wang Yu, who takes charge of Sichuan's death After several times of diving into the abyss, he was found by you Wang, and almost all his spirits were destroyed!

At this time, when she saw Jin Guang, she suddenly realized that it was not the mistake she was looking for, but that Liu Yanyu had something to do with sanguine Avalokitesvara, and that the young man who was suppressed by you Wang was also related to sanguine Avalokitesvara, which made Liu Yanyu's secret skill go wrong.

"What is blood Guanyin?" Liu Yanyu was puzzled and asked Xiao Huadao, "is it the Buddha's southern Avalokitesvara?"

Xiao Hua shook his head and said, "I can't remember. I just feel very familiar with it."

"I knew you were unreliable!" Liu Yanyu turned her lips.

"No way..." Xiao Hua shrugged, helpless way, "who let my previous life full of evil!"

"Besides, I'm going to throw up Liu Yanyu couldn't help retorting, "if you are full of evil, I will be full of evil!"

"Ha ha, that's right!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "how else can we meet?"

"Two masters..." When Chen Xiaoyun saw that the two masters had started to flirt, he couldn't help whispering, "this golden light It's very powerful. Don't be careless, you two. You see, disciple, it's far away. There's a slight change on the body surface... "

Liu Yanyu's eyes fell on Chen Xiaoyun. Sure enough, it was the location of the condensation pattern. There were some golden spots and blood spots, and there were cobweb gossamer around these spots."Ouch..." Liu Yanyu was in a hurry and looked around Xiao Hua. Fortunately, the golden light flashed on Xiao Hua, but no spots appeared. When Liu Yanyu was in a hurry, Xiao Hua naturally looked at Liu Yanyu. When Liu Yanyu and Xiao Hua were together, they often changed the outline of the curve, but now they let the water lines float outside the body surface. The purple and golden light spots were like reefs and rocks coagulating in the water lines. Although the golden light fell on the water lines, there was a tendency to coagulate spots, but there were purple and golden light spots flashing, which had already dispersed the golden light.

"Xiao Yun..." Xiao Hua thought for a moment and said, "you are not strong enough. It's better not to go..."

Without waiting for Xiao Hua to finish, "brush..." In the distance, the golden light like lotus began to disappear like a tide, just like what Xiao Hua had seen before.

"Master..." Chen Xiaoyun said with a smile, "look, this is the underworld. He wants his disciples to follow him!"

"OK..." Xiao Hua also can't say anything more, can promise Chen Xiaoyun to continue to go together, "walk and talk!"

Xiao Hua and Liu Yanyu want to know the origin of Jin Guang from Chen Xiaoyun, but they still think too much of Chen Xiaoyun. Chen Xiaoyun can only tell the approximate time when Jin Guang appeared, but he has never been close to Jin Guang himself.

"Just..." Xiao Hua is disappointed and thinks a little. He already knows what. With Chen Xiaoyun's strength, how can he know bloody Guanyin?

Thousands of miles away, the land of forgetting Sichuan is becoming more and more desolate, even the flowers on the other side are rare, and the mountains are gradually emerging on the land, and the force of repulsion is also like the tide!

"There..." Liu Yanyu had been looking into the distance. At this time, she suddenly pointed out with ecstasy, "it must be that place!"

Xiao Hua narrowed his eyes to see, sure enough, in a not very tall mountain, a temple in the sun is divided into dazzling!

Xiao Hua is a little dazzled. He never thought that there would be a temple in forgetting Sichuan.

Further forward, the earth began to appear wavy ups and downs, which is very ups and downs, it does not seem to be born naturally.

Of course, Liu Yanyu also noticed the difference of the earth. She looked down for a moment, quickly pointed to the earth and cried, "look at those undulating edges..."

Xiao Hua's eyes glowed with green light. After a moment, he saw the undulating edge like a wave, or the toothed blood light coagulated, or the bell shaped white bone revealed, and occasionally the golden light like a wreath appeared. It was strange to see.

Xiao Hua stopped slowly and said in a low voice, "don't hurry. It's strange here..."

Xiao Hua just finished, the voice did not fall to the ground, the undulating edge of the wave, "hum..." The water light and blood shadow began to overflow, and even the earth was shaking slightly. After seeing a breath like a sword rush out, the water light like a yellow spring and clear water began to flood rapidly. In the water light, teams of ghost soldiers with weapons stepped out of the water!

"No!" Chen Xiaoyun turned pale and exclaimed, "master, this This is marshal shechuan's army

"Shechuan Shuai?" Liu Yanyu was also shocked and said, "why didn't you say it earlier?"

"Master..." Chen Xiaoyun cried with a sad face, "I don't know! I've only heard of shechuan Shuai's Yin soldiers. I also know that huangquan is the jurisdiction of shechuan Shuai's Yong. How can I know that There's a Yin soldier here... "

"Shechuan Shuai Yong?" Xiao Hua's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the Yin soldiers pouring out of the group, calmly asked, "what strength is shechuan Shuai?"

"Master..." Chen Xiaoyun hastily explained, "as far as I know, the underworld is similar to the fairyland, and the realm of cultivation is also graded. Among them, the wandering spirit, the ghost, the Yin soldier, and the Ming general are similar to the monks in the ordinary world, and the king of you is against Yin, that is, all immortals. After being against Yin, the realm of taking Sichuan is divided into three grades: soldier, general, and Shuai. His strength may be comparable to that of Liuxian, Yanxian, and Wuxing immortals I don't know. I don't think there are so many ghosts in huangquan... "

"Hum..." Xiao Hua sneered, raised his hand to sacrifice the nail, and said, "it's just the five element immortals. Who's afraid of them?"

"That..." Liu Yanyu said in a low voice in a hurry, "it can't be compared so simply. Although you and I are powerful in Yangjie, we are here It's the tiger that's setting the sun! "

"At this time, is it hard to wait for them to set up the battle?" Xiao Hua smiles

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