Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 880

It was a few days after that, when Xiao Hua had nothing to do, he learned the skill of holding the nine springs in the shed. When he was free, he went around to explore. He didn't dare to go much. He only measured the distance and looked for it within a few miles.

It's a pity that Xiao Hua is going to be disappointed after all. Although there are no powerful ghosts around him, there is nothing else for him to mend his spirits except the flowers on the other side, which are the fruits the size of his thumb. The fruit tasted green and astringent. Xiao Hua took a bite and spat it out. He never ate more.

Another night, Xiao Hua looked at the purple moon hanging in the air. His heart was like the moon, which set off ripples in the darkness and light. Some long-standing and inexplicable sadness was also like the flame burning his heart. He didn't feel a burst of irritability in his heart, but he was singing "..." In a hurry, you will always be moved. For the rest of your life, I only want you... " The song of the song, also abrupt stop here.

"I have to walk inside again..." Xiao Hua got up and looked deep in the mountain forest. He said in secret, "I stay here, I can only wait for the spirit to dissipate, I can't say there will be some opportunities in it 1"

"boom..." Just then, in the direction that Xiao Hua was facing, under the purple moonlight, golden lights sprang up like flames, as if to light the mountain forest in the distance! Although the voice is small, Xiao Hua can hear it clearly!

"Someone's fighting?" Xiao Hua's eyes widened in surprise, and he said, "forget Sichuan, and What else? "

With these words, Xiao Hua's figure is very natural. He wants to go and have a look. Unfortunately, his feet just left the shed and his figure sank, "poof poof..." The branches of the tree were beaten by Xiao Hua's falling body!

"Alas..." Xiao Hua climbed up the shed again so easily, looked at the flame slowly disappearing in the distance, and sighed, "no matter how evil I am in the world, I'm just a wandering soul in forgetting Sichuan!"

With that, Xiao Hua narrowed his eyes and watched the light disappear in the distance Snow is you, Chunhua is you, summer rain is you, QiuHuang is you, the four seasons are you... "

The song falls in the purple of the dark night. It seems that Xiao Hua is not only a wandering soul with no strength to bind a chicken, but also a sentimental one!

After a piece of incense, Xiao Hua just sings " It's you too... "

"Cilala..." But listen to Xiao Hua's head above, the branches shake, as if something fell, Xiao Hua's eyes caused, a shape like a human form of things hanging off how many dead branches, "poof" fell on Xiao Hua!

"Ouch..." Xiao Hua cried out in a low voice, and quickly climbed out of the human body!

"Ah?" After seeing the figure clearly, Xiao Hua was surprised again. The figure was light purple, and the woman with light and shadow was Liu Yanyu?

At this time, Liu Yanyu was unconscious, and most of the light and shadow of her body had been annihilated, especially in her head, a big hole like a semicircle flashed around the blood flame, in which there were some spots like skeletons, which were eating Liu Yanyu crazily and condensed into the light purple of her head, and within the light purple, strands of gold flowed like blood.

"Damn it..." Although Xiao Hua didn't know why Liu Yanyu was injured, he could see at a glance that if the flame devoured Liu Yanyu's head, her spirit would be annihilated, and the annihilation of the spirit of forgetting Sichuan naturally meant that all the spirits would be annihilated!

"What to do? What shall we do? " Xiao Hua is at a loss. He is sentimental now, but he still has nothing to do with it!

Xiao Hua rubbed his hands, and all kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind. At last, he bit his teeth and said in a low voice, "well, since I can't enter the six paths of reincarnation, I can't return to the world. Now that the spirit is weak day by day, I will disappear sooner or later. So If it doesn't help her! "

With that, Xiao Hua made a stroke on his left hand from the nail, and his left hand fell from Xiao Hua.

"Ouch..." Xiao Hua was a bit bitter and said, "this This nail is quite sharp. I didn't feel any pain... "

Just said, "ah..." Xiao Hua couldn't help but scream. Isn't the instrument of Disha ghost spirit array a good match? The unspeakable pain came from his wrist.

Xiao Hua held back the pain and put his left hand to Liu Yanyu's mouth. Liu Yanyu was in a coma. How could she swallow it? Xiao Hua had to break off Liu Yanyu's Lavender lips and put her left hand into her mouth.

It's also strange. The left hand, like a fruit that melts at the entrance, falls into Liu Yanyu's mouth and turns into a wisp of golden light. It rushes towards Liu Yanyu's whole body, especially her head. The golden light comes out and blocks the spot that looks like a skeleton.

"Pa Pa Pa" some spots burst, blood red flame erosion weakened.

Seeing that it worked, Xiao Hua was overjoyed. Without the outline of the spirit's left hand, he took off his 60% intact right arm and sent it to Liu Yanyu.

Unfortunately, even if the right arm was swallowed by Liu Yanyu, it just blocked the light slightly, and could not really stop it.

"No way!" Xiao Hua looked down at the broken body and frowned, "even if I feed her, I'm afraid I can't save her!"

"Take charge of Jiuquan!" Xiao Hua immediately thought of the cultivation method and said in secret, "since I have decided to sacrifice myself, I will sacrifice myself to the end."

Xiao Hua sat down with his knees crossed. As soon as he was about to activate the skill, his mind moved again. He took out the dark thing that was like a crystal, and used a nail to get a little bit off it.Even if it was a take and take room, it also led a big hand out of the ground, but Xiao Hua immediately held the tiny bit in his left hand and urged Fengquan skill to fight against the dark things!

"Buzz..." Feng Quan's skill is really good. When Xiao Hua urges him, he not only inhales all the green flame into his body, but also gradually produces particles in Xiao Hua's left hand as the flame turns into silk.

Seeing the rebirth visible to the naked eye in his left hand, Xiao Hua was overjoyed.

However, after the compelling fire wire coagulated into particles, it still spread up Xiao Hua's arm. Every time it flowed, a shallow water pattern would condense on the outside of his body. The water pattern was like a rune or a land lease. Although it was vague, the inexplicable breath slowly gathered inside.

If we really follow Zhang Jiuquan's cultivation method, Xiao Hua needs to introduce the dark Yin Qi from all parts of his body. At this critical moment, he may not be distracted to do it, but the cultivation at this time is the same as his practice with the spirit stone. Therefore, Xiao Hua does not need to be distracted at all. The fire thread begins to swim along the meridian direction, which is about a meal's time and has spread all over Xiao Hua's body The pulse is broken.

At this time, Xiao Hua's left hand is also intact!

"Brush!" Without any hesitation, Xiao Hua picked up the nail in his right hand and cut off his left hand and sent it to Liu Yanyu.

The left hand of this condensation is much better than the previous effect, delaying the ferocity of the flame more.

In the next ten days, Xiao Hua concentrated on practicing Fengquan skill, and the speed of condensation of his left hand gradually accelerated. He didn't know how much left hand Liu Yanyu had fed her, so that the big hole in her head could be repaired perfectly. The green water pattern also covered Xiao Hua's whole body. When Xiao Hua was exercising, the water pattern flashed like a surging spring.

At the beginning, although Xiao Hua used his skill to cover the fire of the dark things, when he cut off his left hand, it was inevitable that there would be a breath leak. His arm under the earth would lean out and try to find Xiao Hua. After that, the water pattern around him would be formed, and the breath on the water pattern would make his hands dare not to lean out again.

Seeing that Liu Yanyu's head was in good condition and the light purple light flickered, Xiao Hua let out a long breath. The dark things in his left hand also disappeared, and an indescribable fatigue came out. Xiao Hua could not help leaning against Liu Yanyu and fell asleep before he could take back the nail.

When Xiao Hua fell asleep, the purple light on Liu Yanyu's head began to flash rapidly, about half a cup of tea. Liu Yanyu moaned softly, opened her eyes, looked around and said, "I Where am I? "

"Ah?" Without waiting for Liu Yanyu to see the shed clearly, she immediately finds Xiao Hua with her head on her chest. Liu Yanyu screams and pushes Xiao Hua away. Xiao Hua sleeps deeply and doesn't know what happened!

"Damn it Liu Yanyu scolds her, raises her left hand and hits Xiao Hua on the head. She has never had any intimate relationship with any male immortals in her life. Now her spirit has fallen into oblivion and has direct contact with Xiao Hua's spirit, which is really hard for her to accept.

However, when Liu Yanyu hit Xiao Hua's head with the golden light of her left hand like a hammer, Yu Guang in her eyes saw the nail of Xiao Hua's right hand!

"Why? "Ghost weapon?" Liu Yanyu raised her eyebrows and said, "where did he find the ghost weapon? Why did he fall asleep with the ghost instrument? "

When Xiao Hua fell asleep, Fengquan's skill naturally converged, and the water lines all over his body disappeared. In this way, there was still the faint light of nails in the neat cut of his left hand!

"This..." Liu Yanyu hesitated for a moment. As smart as she was, she immediately understood everything.

Liu Yanyu took in the golden light of her left hand and carefully placed Xiao Hua beside her. She looked at Xiao Hua's fuzzy appearance, then she gave a bitter smile and said in a low voice, "how could your previous life be full of evil?"

With that, Liu Yanyu quickly checked her whole body, frowned slightly, and said in a low voice: "I remember that ghost, whose strength is comparable to that of Shichuan general, should have damaged my spirit. He How did he... "

"Alas..." Liu Yanyu pondered for a moment and sighed, "anyway, he saved me. It's a pity that I can't stay here for a long time. Many wandering souls are imprisoned in the ghost house. It's very likely that she is in it. I have to go to save her as soon as possible... "

With that, Liu Yanyu got up, looked down at Xiao Hua and said in a low voice, "thank you! A wandering soul full of evil in previous life

When it comes to evil, Liu Yanyu chuckles. Then Liu Yanyu urges her body to fly away in a hurry.

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Eager for justice, Zhang Xiaohua, is so impulsive! However, the harvest is also full