Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 881

It was half a day after Xiao Hua woke up. He turned over naturally. As a result, he accidentally fell from the shed again. Xiao Hua still subconsciously urged his body to move. As a result, "brush..." Xiao Hua's whole body water pattern light flash, although he did not fly, but also did not fall as before a mouth gnaw mud!

"Hey, hey..." Xiao Hua is very happy. He knows that there are some magic powers in Fengquan skill, such as flying. However, he is too short of time to practice.

When he thought about it carefully, it was only the skill of half a cup of tea. The water pattern around Xiao Hua surged again, fell at his feet, turned into water vapor, and carried Xiao Hua into the shed!

Looking at the shed, Xiao Hua is really lost. Although Liu Yanyu is a spirit, there is no fragrance in the shed. But when you think about saving a person, she suddenly leaves without saying goodbye. Does anyone have a knot in their heart?

However, Xiao Hua soon understood that Liu Yanyu had come to forget Sichuan to save her relatives. How could she stay in her shed for a long time?

"Now that I have begun to practice zhangjiuquan, I can't leave forgetchuan any more. I'd better step up my practice and hope I can help her!"

Xiao Hua, who is helpless and sentimental, has finally regained his nature of justice. He decided to pay attention, and quickly cut a piece from the dark things and continued to practice in his left hand.

Since there is no need to cut the flesh in this practice, Xiao Hua's body is becoming more and more plump, but what puzzles Xiao Hua is that no matter how he practices, his head is blurred, and only the outline of his facial features is shaped.

"Strange..." Xiao Hua couldn't help thinking to himself, "can't it be true that I was full of evil before I died? When I get to Wangchuan, the way of heaven makes me shameless? "

Among the zhangjiuquan skills, the first three levels of zhangfengquan, zhangyaquan and zhanghuangquan, if they are compared with the human world skills, should be practiced by the ghost practitioners in the world. In those days, the ghost cultivation skills of Pakchoi were included in these three levels. After that, it is the cold spring of the palm, which is really similar to the immortal cultivation in the fairyland. Xiao Hua's spirit had been robbed by thunder and even killed by a real immortal when he ascended. His spirit cultivation of zhangjiuquan skill is more effective, so it won't take long for Xiao Hua to reach the late stage of zhanghuangquan!

"This..." Xiao Hua, who had been practicing hard all along, was surprised by the speed of his skill. He said in his heart, "isn't it Did I practice a fake skill? "

Xiao Hua didn't know that, except that his spirit had a good foundation and forgot the river, his remaining spirit was also stimulated by the wizard and Taoist priest to cultivate the original spirit with Qi Lingyan. How could he not cultivate fast under the mystery of the combination of yin and Yang?

On this day, I saw the last light of the dark things fall into Xiao Hua's body and turn into thousands of blue light. There was a big sound of "brush" on the surface of Xiao Hua's body, and all kinds of water patterns gushed out like spray. At the same time, in the distant blood yellow spring, a wisp of blood light flew up towards Xiao Hua.

"Boom..." As the blood light falls, the water pattern of Xiao Hua's whole body adds a trace of blood color. The water patterns engraved by Zhang Fengquan and Zhang Yaquan were created out of thin air. While Xiao Hua's body surface is turbulent, the water pattern condensed by the yellow spring of his hand is also vast. At this time, Xiao Hua's body has disappeared, leaving only three water waves roaring one after another. The roaring is not only loud, but also fierce. Not to mention that the big hands under the earth dare not stretch out, the flowers on the other side are shivering.

"Wu..." About one incense stick later, three waves of water poured into the sky at the same time and condensed into three human shapes. The human shape emitted a light golden light. With the fall of the human shape, the golden light converged and Xiao Hua's figure revealed.

"Brush!" Three human figures fall into Xiao Hua's head, and the golden light disappears immediately. The triple water lines on Xiao Hua's body surface are also condensed into three mysterious, silk linked textures. When the textures are connected with each other, the golden light falls from Xiao Hua's head again, flows through these textures, and then returns to Xiao Hua's head again.

"Good!" Xiao Hua opened his eyes and caressed his palm. "The three springs skill is complete. I can practice the cold spring."

Xiao Hua's voice just fell to the ground. He raised his eyebrows and looked in a direction. The light in his eyes was as clear as a spring. He said with a smile, "Chen Xiaoyun is here!"

At this time, Xiao Hua did not specially practice the magic power in zhangjiuquan, but he had already produced some magic power. The light in his eyes was similar to the dark eye of Confucianism.

I don't want to die Maybe it's another interpretation of the dark eye.

Xiao Hua has a very good impression of Chen Xiaoyun. If Chen Xiaoyun finds Xiao Hua's magic power and even asks for it, Xiao Hua will not be stingy. Unfortunately, Chen Xiaoyun passes by Xiao Hua like a spirit ape. He just looks at Xiao Hua and waves his hand to Xiao Hua. It's a kind of greeting. He quickly passes by.

"Oh..." Xiao Hua also waved to him and said in secret, "he may have something else passing by here!"

After Chen Xiaoyun left, Xiao Hua didn't dare to venture forward. He allowed three strands of water to swim in an orderly way in his body. He looked at the trees around him and began to sing again For the rest of my life, you will be snowstorm, you will be plain, you will be poor, you will be prosperous, you will be gentle in the bottom of my heart, and you will be the result of my eyes... "

At this point, Xiao Hua seems to turn his head. Suddenly, he sees Liu Yanyu standing in the air not far from the shed. It seems to be where his eyes are. Some water flashes.Embarrassed, Xiao Hua quickly explained, "no I'm sorry, i... "

"Pa pa..." Liu Yanyu caressed her hands and said, "you sing very well. It's really nice..."

"Where, where..." Xiao Hua said in a hurry, "I sing in general, but the woman named Wang Lang sings well?"

"Wang Lang?" Liu Yanyu said strangely, "haven't you forgotten your previous life?"

"Wang Lang is a wandering soul..." Xiao Hua explained again, "she is waiting for an immortal named Dongfang Yushan under the yellow spring..."

After Xiao Hua told the origin of the song, Liu Yanyu sighed, looked at the direction of huangquan and said, "I hope she can really wait for that person!"

"What do you mean?" Xiao Huaqi said, "listen to your tone, you don't hold any hope!"

"Alas Liu Yanyu sighed, "you don't understand, there is only one spirit, but reincarnation can be many times, each reincarnation has an identity, reincarnation is more, who can know who they are?"

"No I don't understand... " Xiao Hua shook his head honestly, "I just hope my previous life..."

Speaking of this, Liu Yanyu opened her mouth and said to Xiao Hua in a different voice: "it's not a villain full of evil!"

"Well, well..." Xiao Hua was embarrassed again and nodded hastily.

"Hee hee..." Liu Yanyu chuckled, "don't worry, you must not be a villain in your previous life. Otherwise... "

At this point, Liu Yanyu nibbled her lips and said, "thank you."

"Don't You're welcome Xiao Hua quickly waved his hand and said, "I can't enter reincarnation any more. Those are nothing! Oh, by the way, you Where's the person you're looking for? "

"Not yet!" Liu Yanyu was a little frustrated.

"Not yet?" Xiao Hua also worried, anxious way, "time is not very long?"

"Not bad!" Liu Yanyu said with a tight face, "I haven't exceeded the limit. I still have a chance."

"Then..." Xiao Hua hesitated. He wanted to say that he was with Liu Yanyu, but he didn't find that Liu Yanyu had come. He was certainly not qualified, so he was shy and didn't dare to say it. Instead, he said, "then don't you hurry?"

"Well, I'll be right there!" Liu Yanyu nodded with a strong smile, "I just see It's different, so I'm afraid I'm curious. Come and have a look. I'll go right away... "

With that, Liu Yanyu moved her body.

Xiao Hua didn't think so much. He knew that if he wanted to help Liu Yanyu, he would seize the time to practice. He watched Liu Yanyu's body disappear and there were no other ghosts around. He sat down with his knees crossed and took out the dark crystal to practice.

It's another 40 or 50 days. Xiao Hua's zhanghanquan is in the later stage of his cultivation. This day, he can see the key to his cultivation. The water lines of the cold spring around Xiao Hua are engraved like a knife, and the strange shadows of the rivers and lakes in the water lines are flashing. Suddenly, Xiao Hua's eyes open, and the water lines around Xiao Hua emit a roaring sound of water into his body!

It was only tens of miles, Xiao Hua's body fell, but Liu Yanyu's body fell on one side of the mountain. The direction was really towards Xiao Hua's coming place, and this time she was more seriously injured than before!

Xiao Hua didn't think much at all. He raised his hand and rowed towards his left arm. That arm had already fallen!

When he had to put his arm into Liu Yanyu's mouth, he watched the blood red light gradually go out, and Xiao Hua's heart was down. He squinted and looked around. His body flew up again and took Liu Yanyu back to the shed.

Liu Yanyu, who had swallowed Xiao Hua's left arm, was much better. She seemed to recover some of her senses, and her confused voice came from her mouth.

When Xiao Hua heard these sounds, he was startled and almost threw Liu Yanyu to the ground!

But listening to Liu Yanyu's voice, she sang softly: "I love you For the rest of my life, you will be snowstorm, you will be plain, you will be poor, you will be prosperous, you will be gentle in the bottom of my heart, and you will be the result of my eyes... "

"Scared the hell out of me!" Xiao Hua patted his chest and said, "I've learned to sing from you

After taking Liu Yanyu back to the shed, Xiao hualuewei checked Liu Yanyu's injury again and frowned. Liu Yanyu's injury was more serious than last time. Xiao Hua practiced the zhangjiuquan skill, and naturally knew some healing methods, but all the healing methods had to arouse the spirit of the nether world. Xiao Hua knew that Liu Yanyu was a living soul, and he didn't dare to use these skills! So after thinking about it, Xiao Hua first cut off her limbs and fed Liu Yanyu to stop her injury. Then she continued to cultivate zhanghanquan and still fed Liu Yanyu with her left hand.

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The female immortals of the ancient aristocratic family also had a soft heart