Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 879

Feeling warm, Xiao Hua hid in the shed again. After a long time, he didn't feel hungry, and the sun in the sky didn't seem to move and never set.

Xiao Hua felt that he had nothing to do, so he began to observe the disappearance of his body. The disappearance of his body started from a point, like the corrosion of filaments, like fog, gradually eroded bones, and then penetrated the visible skin. However, some small spots congealed by Xiao Hua's pressing hand Jiuquan skill are as solid as bone needles!

"Damn it Xiao Hua suddenly had an idea in his mind. He couldn't help cursing, "I'm just like the fairy baby in the fairyland. If I don't have the reconstruction of the netherworld's Yin Qi, my spirit will be corroded by the Yin Qi. Why am I so unlucky? In the fairyland, the fairy baby arrived... "

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua was stunned, scratched his head and said, "eh, how can I know this? Mo Is it not that I am not a villain full of evil in the fairyland, but a poor fairy baby? "

Feeling that there was no sense of fullness in his stomach, Xiao Hua quickly took the other shore flower and chewed it in his mouth. Then he saw the light rising in the cloud of Yin Qi corrosion, gradually filling the corrosion. It's a pity that no matter how much light silk there is, it can't give birth to small points, and it can't really repair the spirit.

"Alas..." Xiao Hua patted his forehead with his right hand and sighed, "I see. This is the so-called temporary cure, not the root cause."

Xiao Hua's sigh never fell to the ground, "boom..." A bright black light burst out of his right hand like a flame, illuminating the surrounding woods all at once!

"Ah?" Xiao Hua was surprised. He looked at the palm of his right hand strangely. A dark object which was several times bigger than his body was being held in his hand. As soon as the object appeared in oblivion, it immediately gave birth to luster, which made Xiao Hua feel very warm!

"Roar..." However, without waiting for Xiao Hua to take a closer look, the blue black luster fell on the ground of the mountain forest, and immediately there was a roaring sound. Even in the rainstorm, the arms that had never been explored suddenly gave birth to more than ten people, and they grabbed at Xiao Hua's shed!

"Damn it..." Seeing that the arm is long and powerful, the wind suddenly rises, which is far from what he can resist. Xiao Hua is shocked. He scolds, and anxiously picks up something bigger than his body and smashes it at his forehead!

"Brush!" Xiao Hua was shocked again, but seeing the light of the fire darkened, the huge things disappeared again, as if he had stuffed them on his forehead.

The light of the fire disappeared, and the outstretched arm hesitated for a moment, slowly moving underground!

Xiao Hua felt his forehead blankly, thinking of the situation that Chen Xiaoyun had just taken out the serrated teeth from his body, then grinned foolishly and said: "I have something in my body! And it looks warm and useful... "

Xiao Hua wanted to take it out, but he didn't dare. After all, there were so many arms sticking out of the ground that he didn't dare to try.

"Maybe..." Xiao Hua looked around and said in secret, "this shed should be made higher!"

When Xiao Hua looked up, he found that the sun, which had been hanging high in the sky, did not know when to set, but another round of blue moon also sprinkled the moonlight, which was not a bit darker than the sun. It seemed that the night of forgetting Sichuan was almost the same as the day!

"It seems that the day of forgetting Sichuan is much longer than that of fairyland..." Xiao Hua suddenly said in a low voice, "in this way, waiting for a thousand years in the yellow spring is longer than a thousand years! The problem is that the immortals in the fairyland have a long life span, not to mention one thousand years, even two thousand years, there will not be three failures of immortals! "

"Wuwu..." There's another wind whistling, a shadow bouncing like a bullet. Isn't it Chen Xiaoyun?

However, Chen Xiaoyun's eyes swept over Xiao Hua, and his figure kept on walking over the branches above Xiao Hua's head.

"What are you doing here?" Xiao Hua couldn't help asking.

"Did you see the flames just now?" Chen Xiaoyun stopped a little and asked in a loud voice.

Xiao Hua knew that Chen Xiaoyun was talking about the dark things he had just taken out. He couldn't help but open his mouth. However, when the voice came out, he subconsciously replied, "no..."

"Well!" Chen Xiaoyun answered and went to it.

Although Xiao Hua is a wandering soul, he still remembers his habit of not showing his money. After waiting for a while, he didn't see Chen Xiaoyun come back, so he began to find a suitable place to move the shed around.

It has to be said that Xiao Hua is lucky. As soon as he finds a suitable place, Chen Xiaoyun comes back. When he hears that there is an armed attack underground, Xiao Hua wants to move to a higher place. Without saying a word, Chen Xiaoyun helps Xiao Hua move the shed up.

Before leaving, Chen Xiaoyun also told Xiao Hua not to go far, as for why, Chen Xiaoyun did not say.

The Moon Flower in forgetting Sichuan is very cool. Through the flowers on the other side of the river, Xiao Hua feels chilly. Xiao Hua sighs very much, and seems to recall the misery of being an immortal baby in the fairyland. After eating some flowers on the other side of the river, Xiao Hua feels sleepy and sleepy again.

The night was long and dark, and Xiao Hua's dream was long. In his sleep, Xiao Hua seemed to dream about a lot of fairyland.

Xiao Hua wakes up. Before the night is over, Xiao Hua sits cross legged, and the skill of taking charge of Jiuquan comes to his mind. The habitual cultivation made Xiao Hua not willing to waste a little time. He didn't urge the cultivation, but he had a little understanding in his mind.As a wandering soul, Xiao Hua's practice at this time was obviously different from that before, which shocked his spirit. Xiao Hua is addicted to cultivation. He is tired of eating flowers on the other side of the river, sleeps soundly, and wakes up to practice. Time flies.

This day, Xiao Hua realized something. Suddenly, he blinked and lost his voice: "I'll go, the thing in my body Is it a crystalloid? Just like the spirit stone of the world, it can be used for cultivation? "

I want to raise my hand to pat my forehead, but his hand just touched my forehead and stopped. Liu Yanyu made it clear that it is impossible to reincarnate and return to the world by cultivating herself with the netherworld Yin Qi. The nether crystal is the condensation of the netherworld Yin Qi. It must be the same! Since I want to return to the world, this Of course, this crystal can't be used.

"Alas..." Xiao Hua sighed. He was still worried. He put down his hand and went back to reincarnation. This is the purpose of anyone who comes to forget Sichuan!

"Is there anything else in me?" Xiao Hua thought about it. He didn't dare to pat his eyebrows, so he had to imitate Chen Xiaoyun and touch his body.

"Why?" Xiao Hua was trying. He didn't expect that a dark nail was in his hand, but the nail was too heavy for Xiao Hua to move!

"What else?" Xiao Hua is curious. After putting the nail into his body, he touches it again. As a result, he takes out another dark nail. The two nails look similar, but Xiao Hua knows that the two nails are not the same.

"Strange, why is it still a nail?" Xiao Hua Leng, and then he touched nine times in a row, are nails, "my God, is there a nail shop in my body?" Xiao Hua was very depressed. He put the nails into his body and didn't want to take them any more. The nine nails were very heavy. He had no strength.

However, when Xiao Hua was distressed, he suddenly thought of it and said with a smile, "I know. This is the Disha ghost spirit array. There are eighteen nails in all!"

"It looks like..." Xiao Hua even understood, "if I want to set up this earth evil spirit array, I'm afraid I have to practice the skill of holding Jiuquan first! But If I practice the skill of zhangjiuquan, I can only stay in the nether world forever and never return to the world. I I... "

Xiao Hua's abnormal tangle finally threw the idea of cultivation out of the sky and never thought about it again.

The night of forgetting Sichuan is very long. Although the light is similar to that of the day, Xiao Hua always feels desolate. The vigorous flowers on the other side of the river flutter with the wind, which makes Xiao Hua feel more lonely. In the distant horizon, in the gap of the lush mountains, Xiao Hua sees a bloody ribbon flashing, light and shadow rushing to the distance silently. He knows that it is the yellow spring.

I don't know what happened. Xiao Hua thought of Wang Lang, who was waiting for Dongfang Yushan in huangquan. "Is that woman still singing?" Xiao Hua thought to himself, and then he added a little memory and began to sing softly!

“…… Look for the sun where there is no wind... "

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For the rest of my life, thank you

This is a story of Xiao Hua falling into oblivion. It is also the place where a love is born and died. Even oblivion, there are moving feelings.