Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 878

"Tired?" Xiao Hua was at a loss. He shook his head and said, "I can't remember the past life clearly, so I don't know if I'm tired or not! I just hope that I won't be full of evil in the future... "

"Again, again..." Liu Yanyu said with a smile, "do you know? You're like a little boy. You're careful and always afraid of making mistakes. What are you afraid of? Are you afraid of the way of heaven? Are you afraid of daozun? I tell you, daozun is just a superior part. He doesn't care about the good and evil of ordinary fairyland immortals. Even if they are full of evil, they will only smile. And here is Yinyang delivery of forgetting Sichuan, daozun even more no matter! It doesn't matter what you do, so why suppress the desire in your heart? "

"No..." Xiao Hua hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said, "maybe you have a point, but I still think that's not good!"

"Why not?" Liu Yanyu asked, "in order to enter the six samsara and devour those wandering souls? Do you still want to be a hypocrite

Xiao Hua's face turned red and his ears turned red. He said in a hurry: "I I don't know. Anyway, I don't think it's good! "

"Ha ha..." Liu Yanyu chuckled and said, "forget it, forget it. I'll tell you this. You can't remember it later. Why do I tell you this? Have you seen the man I'm looking for near naiho bridge? "

"I'm sorry!" Xiao Hua said, "I didn't look for her carefully, but I saw her next to me, and there was no shadow of her!"

Xiao Hua's voice was very low, as if it was his fault not to find Liu Yanzhen.

"Alas..." Liu Yanyu sighed and said, "how could she be in Naihe bridge? If she could be there, she..."

At this point, Liu Yanyu stopped to look at the smoke and shadow in the distance, silent for a long time.

Xiao Hua didn't know what Liu Yanyu was thinking and didn't dare to speak. Suddenly, Liu Yanyu flew up, grabbed Xiao Hua's arm and said, "just let me send you there. If you don't want to devour the wandering soul, sooner or later, you will die. Maybe you can have some chance to go there."

Xiao Hua opened his mouth and wanted to say thank you. Unfortunately, the wind roared in the air and poured into his mouth one after another. He couldn't say a word.

It's also weird. When Xiao Hua was flying, there was always a repulsive force on forgetting Sichuan to stop him. At this time, he was carried by Liu Yanyu to fly, but the repulsive force disappeared.

For half an hour, the smoke and shadow in front of my head showed the outline. The smoke was bamboo blue, and there were strands of blood inside. The shadow was mountain forest, and there were gorgeous flowers blooming on the other side!

Seeing Liu Yanyu's hand loose and Xiao Hua's side fluttering down at the foot of a mountain, Liu Yanyu's voice rang out behind him: "I can only send you here. Let's live and die..."

"I I am already dead Xiao Hua turned his head and looked at the woman with a knife mouth and a bean curd heart.

Xiao Hua's body shape falls, it is hanging on a strange tree, the branches of the branches of the tree and hang broken Xiao Hua, piercing pain let Xiao Hua almost tears.

Xiao Hua sat on the ground and looked around him. At this time, there were many transparent spots on his body, which looked extremely ugly.

"She said that there would be some opportunities here. Could it be that the spirit could be mended?" Looking at the trees around, Xiao Hua thought to himself.

It's a pity that the trees around him never bear fruit, and even leaves are scarce. Except for the flowers on the other side of the ground, Xiao Huazhen can't see anything special.

"Wuwu..." Just as he thought about it, there was wind among the treetops. Xiao Hua shrank his neck and felt a little stunned.

"Should we build a shed?" An inexplicable thought came out of Xiao Hua's mind, which made Xiao Hua jump?

"Strange, I Am I a fairy? " Xiao Hua scratched his head and said with a smile, "will the immortal want to build a shed? Am I really a villain full of evil? "

Xiao Hua looked around, found a stone with sharp edges, and began to build a shed with local materials.

It was about three sticks of incense that Xiao Hua made a lot of branches, but it was far from enough to build a shed. At this time, Xiao Hua was exhausted.

"Oh?" When Xiao Hua was sitting on the ground to rest, a voice sounded from his head, "you are so strange. Why don't you get reincarnated? Why are you hiding here? "

The voice is very familiar. Xiao Hua looks at the young man who saved him before.

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua replied with a smile, "my spirit is incomplete and can't cross the Naihe bridge. I can't be reincarnated. Just when the wind blows, I'm so cold that I want to build a shelter here to avoid the wind?"

"Cold? Build a shed? " The young man was silly and said strangely, "if you are cold, it means that your spirit is thin and is about to dissipate. Just go to eat some wandering souls. Why build a shed here?"

"I..." Xiao Huashan said, "I may have been a villain full of evil in my previous life, so I want to be a good man. I don't want to devour those wandering souls any more."

"No Don't swallow it? " The young man was even more stupid. He blinked his eyes and said, "the wandering souls of forgetting Sichuan all survive in this way. You don't swallow them It can only dissipate! Oh, I see... "

Then the young man stepped on the branch, but after a long time, the young man flew back, carrying a headless wandering soul in his hand, "pa" threw it in front of Xiao Hua and said: "forget you don't have any strength, eat quickly!"The headless wandering soul struggles in front of Xiao Hua. An indescribable breath floats from the wandering soul. This breath carries a strange fragrance, as if Xiao Hua had smelled it on the Naihe bridge before.

"No No... " Xiao Hua swallowed his saliva and shook his head like a rattle. "I don't want to eat it!"

"Ha ha..." The young man laughed, jumped down from the tree and said, "are you afraid? There's nothing to be afraid of, just like eating fruit, really... "

With that, the young man raised his hand to pick up the wandering soul, put it into his mouth and chewed it up. Although the wandering soul had no head, the scream still sounded. The young man took a few mouthfuls, handed the wandering soul to Xiao Hua's mouth, and said, "eat, it won't be cold after eating!"

Xiao Hua swallowed again, shook his head and said, "no

"You are so stubborn!" The young man didn't force Xiao Hua either. He threw the wandering soul on the ground and said, "I don't think your previous life was full of evil, but stubborn!"

"Who knows!" Xiao Hua shrugged, felt his strength restored, and continued to chop the branches.

Looking at Xiao Hua's feeble appearance, the young man said, "how do you want to build a shed?"

When Xiao Hua told him what a shed was, the young man suddenly realized that he took out a sawtooth like object from his body with a wave of his hand. When the object was waved, some light purple Leisi gushed out. Where the sawtooth fell, the branches were cut down one after another. But for a long time, the young man helped Xiao Hua build a shed.

The shed was set up among several branches, which looked very tight, but Xiao Hua still felt the wind when he sat in it.

"How's it going?" Looking at Xiao Hua's trembling appearance, the young man asked anxiously.

"And How are you? " Xiao Hua nodded and answered.

"Oh, yes..." The young man suddenly remembered something, patted his forehead and said, "flowers on the other side!"

Then the young man jumped out of the shed and picked a lot of flowers from the ground. Then he jumped up to the tree and said, "try this!"

"Well!" Xiao Hua nodded and ate a few other shore flowers.

It's amazing that when the flowers from the other side enter his belly, Xiao Hua feels some heat flow. Looking down, some faint gossamer is born in his body. Although it's not enough to repair the lack of his spirit, it's also enough to make him not cold.

"Well, I'm going!" The young man looked up at the distance and said, "if it's cold, just eat some other shore flowers. Maybe you can live a few more days!"

"Thank you very much." Seeing that the young man got up, Xiao Hua quickly bowed and said, "I haven't asked for your name yet..."

"What's your name?" Asked the young man.

"I don't remember!" Xiao Hua said blankly, "didn't you say that before?"

"Hey, hey..." The young man said with a light smile, "you don't say your own name, but ask my name. Don't you think I'm at a loss?"

"All right!" Xiao Hua said with a bitter smile, "don't say it."

"Ha ha..." The young man jumped up from the branch of the tree and went to the other side of the forest like an ape. He said with laughter, "my name is Chen Xiaoyun."

"Chen Xiaoyun?" Xiao Hua also laughed and said, "your name is really good!"

Watching Chen Xiaoyun's back disappear, Xiao Hua is a little sleepy. He doesn't know if he's tired or if he's eating flowers on the other side of the river. He falls asleep in the shed.

I don't know how long after that, some tingling and "Pa Pa Pa" sound made Xiao Hua go on. When Xiao Hua looked up, he saw that the sky had turned dark and some raindrops were falling.

"Damn it..." Seeing the rain, Xiao Hua immediately thought of his arm stretched out from the ground. He subconsciously looked at the shed. Fortunately, the shed was on the branch of a tree, which was quite high from the ground. Even if he had an arm sticking out, he might not be able to get himself.

"But it's raining..." Xiao Hua was worried that the rain would erode his back, but when he saw the flowers on the other side of the river around him, he quickly slipped down from the tree, and crazily dragged a lot of stems and leaves of the flowers on the other side of the river out of the shed.

I had to weave these stems and leaves together, and the heavy rain and strong wind finally came.

Fortunately, the trees Chen Xiaoyun found for Xiao Hua are thick enough, the shed is firm enough, and Xiao Hua's craftsmanship is good. Although many branches and flowers on the other side are scattered in the wind and rain, they also help Xiao Hua block most of the wind and rain. However, once again, Xiao Hua's body was a little thin.

Almost when the sun was shining on him, Xiao Hua shivered. He didn't feel any warmth of the sun.

Xiao Hua didn't dare to neglect. He slipped down from the tree, picked many flowers from the other side, and ate a lot. However, Xiao Hua felt miraculously that he was full, but the silk of the other shore flowers could only repair the deformity of a small body.

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Chen Xiaoyun, do you remember? Magistrate