Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 877

It's a pity that Xiao Hua didn't have to start to understand the first level of Fengquan skill In the distance, the sound of a ghost was heard. As soon as the sound of the ghost was heard, Xiao Hua's whole body immediately produced small ripples, and his heart was extremely shocked.

Although he didn't know what it was, Xiao Hua knew that it must be something that the wandering spirits were naturally afraid of.

Sure enough, when Xiao Hua got up in a hurry, the wandering souls who had been wandering around in a daze had already panicked and fled earlier than Xiao Hua!

"Damn it Xiao Hua scolded and flew with the wandering soul.

"Ouch..." It's only half a cup of tea. After Xiao Hua and other ghosts, a group of ghosts catch up. These ghosts look different from what Xiao Hua saw before. Most of the ghosts in the sun are in the form of spirit, which can't be shaped and can't be seen by the naked eye. However, the ghosts in the underworld are obviously fierce. Some of them are flying in the air, some are running on the ground, some are human, some are bird like.

The tall ghost is in the shape of a human, with a hundred feet. The light and shadow of a flame flicker on the huge skull. The ghost is dark all around, and the strange runes are engraved on the body. There are light and shadow flickering when it runs.

The short ghost is like a cow, but maybe it has a bright green light on the sharp horns of its small head. The ghost also has runes all over its body, but the texture is rough, and the ghost's head is hideous.

Some of the ghosts flying in the air are similar to the angels of the holy light world, but the whole body of the ghost is dark, with long black hair all over it. There are black smoke gushing out between the flashing wings, and the nails on the open hands are sharp.

"Ah..." The ghost obviously runs faster than the wandering soul. When Xiao Hua turns his head to look at it, some bird like ghost flies down in the air. The flying sword has to be sharp enough to pierce into the head of a wandering soul. When Juli falls, the head of the wandering soul does not tear, and the wandering soul screams in pain. The head fell in the air, turned into floating flocculent, and several bird like ghosts scrambled wildly.

The ghost who has no head is still on the run, but it's a pity that it's only a hundred steps away. The tall ghost catches up with it in a big stride. The big hand, which is several feet in size, grabs the arm of the ghost out of thin air. The sound of "stabbing" is like tearing paper and silk. The small half of the ghost's body is taken by the tall ghost, "ha ha ha ha..." The big ghost grinned, opened his mouth and stuffed the wandering soul's arm into his mouth. Although there was no blood flowing out, Xiao Hua's ears turned him pale.

Xiao Hua had never thought that ghosts in the underworld would devour each other so cruelly!

"Wu..." The wind blows up, and a bird like ghost pours down on Xiao Hua's head. The sharp wind roars to Xiao Hua's waistcoat. Xiao Hua knows that his body is thin. If he is hurt by this ghost, his body will be torn to pieces. Let alone return to the world, even wandering in oblivion is a delusion!

Xiao Hua is in a hurry. He raises his hand to fight back. But the ghost is much more powerful than Ming Yi. Xiao Hua's fist doesn't touch the bird like ghost at all. His figure has been rolled over by the huge force.

Seeing that his arm like a flying sword has been inserted into his chest, Xiao Hua's feet involuntarily make a wrong step, and his body shape is twisted. The "brush" misty step is actually used at the critical moment to help Xiao Hua escape.

Since the ethereal step is used, it is easy to do afterwards. Xiao Hua's feet are in disorder, and his body shape is very sharp, avoiding the attack of bird like ghosts. Bird like ghosts chase for a moment, and when they see no result, they will let Xiao Hua go. After all, there are so many wandering souls wandering in forgetting Sichuan!

"Damn it Finally, Xiao Hua escaped the pursuit of ghosts. He was far away from Naihe bridge. He felt exhausted and simply fell on the ground where the flowers were blooming on the other side.

Looking up at the sky, the broad sky looks narrow in the flowers on the other side like dragon claws. Xiao Hua's heart gradually calms down.

He used to pull up a stem and leaf from the ground, bite it on his mouth, then tilt his left leg on his right leg and shake it leisurely.

After such a leisurely meal, Xiao Hua sat up from the ground, and the distant screams stopped long ago. The ghosts that devoured the wandering spirits should be satisfied, and gradually dispersed, and the escaping spirits began to gather again.

Xiao Hua bit the other shore flower in his mouth and thought to himself, "although I don't know if I was full of evil in my previous life, I can't reincarnate now, so I have to consider how to survive here. If I wander like these wandering spirits, I will be devoured by those ghosts sooner or later!"

“…… What I want to do now is to cultivate the skill I just thought of and enhance my strength, and to find a safe and hidden place so that those ghosts can't find it.... "

Suddenly, Xiao Hua looked down at his chest and abdomen. He couldn't help jumping up and swearing, "Damn, even if I'm far away from the yellow spring, how can my body disappear?"

As soon as he thought of this, the sound of "Ao Ao" came from a distance. Xiao Hua looked up and saw that two wandering souls with thin bodies were biting each other. It took about half a cup of tea for one wandering soul to be devoured by another, and the whole body of the winning one was gradually filled.

"Alas..." Xiao Hua understood and sighed, "this wandering soul is the same as the ghost. They all live by swallowing. If I have no skills, I can only survive by swallowing other wandering souls... "

Now that his life is at stake, Xiao Hua doesn't dare to neglect him any more. He takes the flowers on the other side of the river in his hand and runs towards a hill. When he has to look around, he frowns again.There was no place for him to hide. There was some fog and shadow in the distance, and he could not see what it was. Moreover, it was quite far away. Xiao Hua did not feel that he had the strength to go there.

Looking back, on the side of the yellow spring, an endless stream of wandering souls come from the towering mountains and follow the yellow spring road to Naihe bridge. Xiao Hua believes that if he doesn't go, with his own skills, he will be able to easily swallow other ghosts and escape from those ghosts.

But the thought just flashed away. Xiao Hua didn't know whether he was full of evil in his previous life, but at this time he decided not to survive by swallowing other wandering souls!

"Maybe..." Xiao Hua walked down slowly from the hill. The direction was the thick fog and shadow in the distance. A voice in his heart roared, "I will die on the way to survival, but I don't want to live in a shameless predicament."

Xiao Hua's firm step looks very beautiful in the yellow sun, but it's a pity that there is no figure to show his firm step.

The idea is very beautiful, the reality is very bony, this sentence seems to be also suitable for forgetting Sichuan, Xiao Hua just walked half a meal, not only has no strength, is also increasingly thin body. Xiao Hua stopped without hesitation, looked around, found a relatively hidden place, sat down on his knees, and grasped the first level of Fengquan skill of Jiuquan!

The ghost cultivation method is obviously different from the cultivation method of the human immortal. As soon as Xiao Hua was stimulated, his whole body immediately felt the pain of acupuncture. Tens of thousands of light like needles stabbed at Xiao Hua's body surface. Xiao Hua was surprised to think that he had made a mistake. But when he looked at it carefully, he found that the regular arrangement of these lights looked like some runes, which were even more like mountains and rivers!

"Oh, I see!" Xiao Hua closed his eyes, thought deeply, and said in secret, "this Rune looks like the texture of those ghosts before, which is obviously the mark of practicing kung fu..."

Knowing that he didn't make a mistake, Xiao Hua used the skill silently again, and the feeling of needling was hard to express!

"Endure..." Xiao Hua clenched his teeth and felt sweat on his forehead.

All of a sudden, a long voice sounded: "if I were you, I would stop my cultivation and go to other places in forgetchuan to find some treasures to repair the spirit, or find a chance to reincarnate!"

"Ah?" Xiao Hua was so surprised that he quickly accepted the skill and looked up.

Liu Yanyu came slowly. She landed in front of Xiao Hua. Her eyes were already exposed and looked as bright as stars.

"You What do you mean by that? " Xiao Hua hesitated for a moment and asked in a low voice, "why can't we practice this skill?"

"It's very simple..." Liu Yanyu replied faintly, "the skill of Guixiu is to absorb the Yin Qi of the nether world Spirit, once the immortal's soul takes up too much of the netherworld, it will lose the chance of reincarnation. If you're a mortal, you'll practice after you practice. You may have a better future in the nether world. You're an immortal. It's really unwise to practice ghost art instead of reincarnation! "

"But..." Xiao Hua argued, "if I don't practice, my spirit will also be eroded by the netherworld's Yin Qi. I can't reincarnate."

Liu Yanyu laughed, pointed around and said: "so many wandering souls, you can swallow them!"

"Don't those wandering souls have the spirit of the nether world?"

"The spirit of the nether world is the foundation of the spirit..." Liu Yanyu said, "in essence, those wandering souls are spiritual bodies. If you swallow those wandering souls, it will not affect your spiritual foundation."

Xiao Hua was stunned for a moment, shaking his head and saying, "my previous life was full of evil, but now I can't reincarnate. I I don't want to swallow any more... "

"You've told me twice that it's full of evil!" Liu Yanyu said coldly, "it seems that you are very concerned about the good and evil of your previous life."

"Maybe..." Some of Xiao Hua's thoughts couldn't keep up with the rhythm. He hesitated for a moment and said, "the previous life has passed. I don't want to be a man full of evil in my next life..."

"The third time!" Liu Yanyu suddenly laughed and said, "but I don't think that you may have been a villain full of evil in your previous life. You even worry about your own behavior when you die. You can see how much you cherish your feathers. I've seen a lot of you such an immortal. To tell you the truth, I disdained to talk about you when you were alive. Now that you are dead, I can talk to you. You Don't you feel tired? "

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It's a pity that I didn't meet Liu Yanyu again!