Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 876

"Damn it Ya's face suddenly turned pale, and she said angrily, "can't you make me angry when you kill my 180000 soldiers? Is that what you and I are talking about? What do you want me to say to shechuan Shuai? "

"Hee hee..." That voice is still faint, chuckles a way, "elder sister, you under the command of Kui í ch ī m è I 魍 w ǎ ng monsters Li ǎ ng black x ū o 辋 B á eight, the number of soldiers is more than millions, only 180000 black x ū soldiers is what? How about my sister sending you 100000 soldiers during that war? "

"Well, it's easy to say!" Ya still sneered, "the one who sent me 200000 soldiers last time, how could it be halved at the end of the day? I couldn't lift my head in front of the photographer that day. Why can't I think that Zixia, who is extremely weak in the sun, is so powerful in the netherworld? "

Talking with Ya is the dream of Ya's two souls in one body!!!

"Haven't you heard of it, sister?" Menghui replied, "there is a poetic cloud in my Terran. I am not a hero in my life, but a hero in my death? My little sister was weak before she died, so she naturally wanted to be a ghost hero after she died. "

"Bullshit!" Ya said angrily, "do you think I haven't heard this verse of your Terran? You call life a hero and death a ghost! "

"No more, no more..." Dream with a smile will be the topic of fork road, "but are some jokes! Oh, by the way, sister, I haven't congratulated you on your training as a general of shechuan! When I meet you later, I'll call you general Shichuan... "

"What can I congratulate you on?" Ya's tone is certainly disdainful, but the corner of her mouth still shows pride and says, "aren't you a general photographer? I should ask you to take a picture of Sichuan general Zixia. "

"Yes, in a twinkling of an eye..." The voice of the dream was a little faint, and said, "you and I are already photographers!"

It's still an unknown place. The same majestic palace emerges from the blue water. Countless Mandala are blooming in the blue water. Wisps of blood light are like snakes swimming in the flowers. The yellow sun in the sky shines in the palace. In the arched courtyard, a woman in purple armor slightly closes her eyes and floats in the air with her hands outstretched.

In the courtyard, there is green water, and in the center of the green water, there is blood red flame burning. The as like as two peas and a bright green light, the thick face, the big eyes, a dimple and a beautiful mole are just like those of Jen!

Isn't it just a dream?

The eyes of the dream reveal confusion, the heart gently said: "think about everything in front of you is like a dream, you and I go to the nether world together, although the origin is small, there is no power support, but did not enter the six samsara. From wandering spirit, GUI Li, Yin soldier and Ming general to Youwang, they have practiced all the way. They are more successful than other Ming people. I don't know how much, especially against Yin. It's said that they are comparable to the ascent of Yang friars. There is no one in ten thousand. You and I can easily break through... "

With the light question of the dream, Ya also answered in her heart, "yes, it's hard for ordinary people to go against Yin. After going against Yin, you and I just set foot in the scene of photographing Sichuan. First, we were the soldiers of photographing Sichuan, and now we are the generals of photographing Sichuan. I think we must be the Shuai of photographing Sichuan It's just around the corner. In our eyes, it's not the moon in the water. "

"Sister..." As soon as the dream's eyes opened, there was extraordinary color in them. The divine color was more brilliant than the sun in the sky. She said, "you and I have been looking for the reason, but there is no answer for a long time. If it were not years ago, when you and I were still going to hell, at a glance, you and I would have thought that you were against heaven!"

"Hee hee, yes!" Speaking of the startled glance, Ya also chuckled and replied, "that day, I thought which King was peeping at me. Who knows you have similar feelings, if so That's about you and me... "

"Especially after that time, your and my cultivation accelerated again..." In the eyes of the dream, the God color is even better, "destroy the thirty-eight underworld generals and set foot in the realm of the king. Only when you become the king of you can you and I have a chance to explore the secret of the nether world. Only then can we know that someone outside the world may have a contract with you and me. His cultivation and improvement can directly help you and me improve our strength. That time, he might have used the celestial weapon to spy on you and me.... "

"Now you and I are in the state of taking pictures of Sichuan..." Ya said, "he It must be a fairy! I wonder, who is he? "

"By the feeling that he has arrived at the forgotten river!" Meng said anxiously, "you Don't you want to see it? "

"Forget the river?" Ya grinned bitterly and asked, "how big is forgetting Sichuan? Do you know where he is? Besides, you went. Do you know which one is him? Even if it's face-to-face, I'm afraid I don't know each other! "

"What do you mean, sister?" Dream is more urgent, "how can we meet each other? Don't you and I already feel him? "

"He's a soul..." Ya explained, "different from you and me, in his eyes, you and I are just ethereal creatures, while in your eyes and me, he is as strong as the sun. You and I can't distinguish his appearance at all. This It's the separation of yin and Yang, the law of life and death! Unless Unless he's dead... "

"No!" Before he finished, Meng said hysterically, "I'd rather not see him than let him die! Ya, I warn you, if you dare to do anything, I'll let you go! For him I can die with you! "

"Gege..." Ya chuckled, "sister, don't worry. How can I let him die? Think about it. If he is alive, you and I can practice easily. If he is dead, he is the same as you and me. Without the assistance of yin and Yang, you and I can't advance any more. What discomfort can I find for myself? However, my sister, it's not dangerous for him to forget Sichuan in the state of living soul? ""Yes Zixia, who is famous for killing and calmness in the underworld, had panic on her face and said, "sister, I Should I look for it? "

"Silly sister, don't go..." Ya quickly advised, "it's ok if you don't go, but it's worse if you go!"

"Why?" The dream asked.

The corner of Ya's mouth is also smiling. It's beyond her expectation that dream, who has always been planning strategies, should ask this question. She seems to have found the weakness of the dream.

So ya replied, "it's very simple. First, forgetting Sichuan is not under your jurisdiction. If you go there, you will attract the attention of the Zhangquan envoy. Even if the Zhangquan envoy doesn't pay attention, their Zhangquan scholars will stop you. If the strong one in the Zhangquan realm pays attention to you, won't he be in trouble? Second, if you leave your post without permission, you will be photographed. Commander Chuan knows that your contribution to killing my 180000 soldiers will be in vain! Third, since he can help you and me set foot in the scene of taking pictures of Sichuan, he must be a famous and powerful man in the fairyland. He has something to do when he goes to forget Sichuan. If you go, won't you disturb him? If so, what are you going to do? "

"I I... " The dream seldom bit her lips, and some mist came out of her big eyes. She gently opened her lips and whispered, "I want to know him Who is it? I always feel that he carved a knife in my heart, but countless times in my dream, I can't see who he is? A faint voice always rings in my mind, as if he said to me Forget each other in the world... "

Dream of this sentence and no intention to say, ya can't hear clearly, but dream messy heart she has felt.

"Damn it Ya also can't help but be confused and scold in a low voice, "who is he?"

Both Ya and Meng overestimate Xiao Hua's strength. After all, because of the Tongxin mantra, they established a mysterious connection with Xiao Hua. Although Tongxin mantra was eliminated when ya fell, Tongxin mantra was added by the emperor Shitian's Dharma when Xiao Hua was still a mortal The influence of Tongxin mantra is very well known because of the special interface and time of Shangxiao Hua's birth in Honghuang continent Therefore, both Meng and ya think Xiao Hua is an expert and a famous figure in the fairyland.

They can't imagine that Xiao Hua is now a wandering soul! If Meng knew, she would risk her life and death to protect Xiao Hua. Unfortunately, Meng didn't know, Ya didn't know, and Xiao Hua didn't know.

At this time, Xiao Hua watched the woman named Wang Lang step into the yellow spring, but he was also crazy. Although his memory was incomplete, he was envious and said in secret: "if I Would I? I Will I wait in the yellow spring for a thousand years? "

With that, Xiao Hua didn't feel like stepping forward. Unfortunately, he was a ghost. Even if he wanted to enter the yellow spring, he was not qualified! Seeing that he was blocked, Xiao Hua had to stop, but when he stopped, he occasionally looked down and was surprised.

"This This... " Xiao Hua looked at his chest in surprise. It turned out that he was still a complete body. At this time, he was already thin, and even could see through many places!

Looking around, there was no wandering soul too close to the yellow spring. Xiao Hua woke up and flew away in a hurry.

However, it was easy for Xiao Hua to fly first, but when he got to a certain distance, he was blocked by the repulsive force in front of his head.

"Maybe here?" Xiao Hua was lucky and looked around. At this time, there were many wandering souls, but they were not only thin but also incomplete. Even some of them had heads, their eyes were dull.

Xiao Hua hesitated for a moment. He didn't know whether these wandering souls were originally incomplete or incomplete near the yellow spring. Finally, Xiao Hua sat down and waited, just as he had practiced in the sun before.

Familiar feeling from his heart, and then some obscure formula naturally flowing from his mind.

"This What's this? " Poor Xiao Hua even forgot the ghost cultivation method in zhangjiuquan, even he didn't know he could practice!

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Meng and Ya are also in the underworld. Their state is wonderful