Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 873

"No reincarnation, no reincarnation..." Xiao Hua murmured, but his figure could not resist the temptation of blood red in front of him. His feet could not help walking forward. At his feet, some tiny scarlet texture, such as hair, cracks, the veins of the earth, flickered with tiny light and shadow! Xiao Hua can't detect these textures. If you look at the mountains in the distance, these textures are clear. They are just the shapes of the flowers on the other side unfolding with the wind. But if you look at them from a high altitude, you will find that countless flowers on the other side are congealed together It's a smiling skeleton. The throat of the skeleton is a turbulent river. As for the river, it's a quiet light bridge!

Countless textures flicker slightly, and on the luster there are countless faint human shapes converging along the texture. Finally, they begin to follow the direction of the stems and leaves of the flowers on the other side to the throat of the skeleton.

Only half an hour later, Xiao Hua had been in the ranks of many human figures.

Xiao Hua looks around curiously. There are a group of figures floating around. It seems that there are still figures in the distance. However, Xiao Hua can't see clearly. He can only look at the two figures in front of his head and behind him. These two figures look more complete than himself, and even a woman behind him has a feeling of being round. However, Xiao Hua was a little surprised. He couldn't see what the other party was wearing. He didn't seem to wear it, but he didn't feel naked!

Xiao Hua's later figure should be a man. He was a little impatient and talked a lot. At this time, he was gushing and saying, "it's not me who said you. If you die, you deserve it. I don't even know how you die. I'll see how you get revenge after you are reincarnated."

“…… If you look at you, your left arm is missing, and a small part of your head is blurred. Well, if you look at your chest and abdomen, there are some big holes. It's clear that you are killed by your enemy. You are extremely vulnerable to reincarnation and reincarnation. Maybe you can't even get the edge of the fairyland, and you will be sent to the world by the six paths of reincarnation... "

“…… If it's the ordinary world, you will be miserable. You have to work hard to return to the immortal world. But at this time, I can't help it. I'll go to Naihe bridge immediately. After drinking Mengpo soup, I don't remember anything... "

"That..." The figure in front of Xiao Hua's head looked back with surprise on his face and asked, "you How do you know that? "

"Hey, hey..." Xiao Hua's figure speeds up and floats behind him. He pushes Xiao Hua to the side, and Sheng Sheng pushes him behind the woman figure. He laughs and says, "I always have a plan to do things. I've seen this thing carefully before I died."

Xiao Hua closed his eyes, and asked coldly, "brother, is your own fall a good plan?"

"Eat..." The pearly woman in front of her head covered her mouth and laughed.

The man said urgently: "my own fall is just an accident, but I have calculated everything after my death..."

I just said, "hum..." Xiao Hua felt that there was a strong wind rising high above his head, and he didn't wait for him to respond, "boom..." Great strength came from behind him, and it hit him on the ground all of a sudden!

"Who?" The man suddenly heard the wind and turned his head. He saw a woman with light purple spots on her body falling behind him. The woman's body was unstable. She stood up and looked like she was in a hurry and asked, "excuse me, you You are Is it the immortal who fell from the enlightenment continent or the Jiangjiang continent? "

"Yes The man said, "is it hard, aren't you? Which one of you Why did it fall suddenly? Did it just fall? "

"Hoo..." The woman breathed a sigh of relief, patted her chest and said, "OK, OK, finally found..."

"At last, what do you mean? Are you still looking for the six samsara of reincarnation? "

"Why do you talk so much?" The woman was a little displeased. She was about to say another word when a weak voice came from her feet, "elder sister, please Can you move your feet away... "

The woman was startled. She looked down and saw that she had stepped on the ground like a shadow of Xiao Hua.

"Oh, sorry, sorry..." The woman jumped away in a hurry and said with a smile, "I didn't see you..."

Xiao Hua stood up from the ground, looking like a shadow, until he shook his body, "pa" sound, the body was plump up.

"It's OK, it's ok..." Xiao Hua patted his body reflexively, as if playing the dust, and said, "however, you don't have to be so anxious if you want to go to Naihe bridge..."

"I'm not going!" Seeing that Xiao Hua was all right, the woman looked left and right. In a flash, she flew up and flew towards the other human figures in line. The pale golden light and shadow appeared in her eyes as if she were looking for something!

Watching the woman fly away, Xiao Hua was silly and asked, "she How can she fly? "

"I don't know why she can fly!" The man muttered, "she's anxious to be reincarnated!"

"You..." But the woman asked carefully, "did you feel like being struck by lightning when you were just stepped on the ground by her?"

"Some, some..." Xiao Hua nodded hastily and said, "it's very useful to be numb and crisp.""Well, that's right!" The woman looked at the way the woman was exploring while flying. She said in a low voice, "she didn't fall. She's looking for people. No, she's looking for wandering souls!"

"Ah?" The man was shocked and exclaimed, "still Can you come to forget Sichuan to find the wandering soul? "

"Yes She said with a smile, "some immortal families and aristocratic families have a secret way to forget Sichuan. If they have an important disciple who falls unexpectedly, they will rush to the disciple's spirit and never cross Naihe bridge to take it away."

"Well With this secret skill, won't their disciples fall and reincarnate? " The man was a little stunned.

The woman said with a smile: "how can it be? This secret skill is very rare. There won't be many immortal families to know it. And it's too expensive for them to do it easily. The most important thing is that the fairyland is so big that there are so many bridges leading to the underworld. It's not easy for them to find the right way to huangquan, and the time for spirits to pass through huangquan is very short. Many times, it's too late for them to perform the secret arts. Even if they do, they can't find it.... "

"No..." Suddenly, the man said, "just now, the woman asked us whether we came from the enlightenment mainland or the Jiangjiang mainland. It seems that she has found a lot of huangquan road. By the way, how did you know so much when you were a disciple of the Xianmen sect in the enlightenment mainland or Pengjiang mainland? "

"Alas..." The woman ignored the man, looked at the place where some strange fragrance came from in the distance, and sighed, "what's the use of what happened in life? Everything is in the past... "

"Boom boom..." Just then, there was a golden light in the rear of Xiao Hua's right hand. The golden light was far away from Xiao Hua, but the fierce golden light flashed a faint image of Buddha in the air. Xiao Hua had a dazzling feeling!

"This is..." Don't say that Xiao Hua was surprised. On the earth, all the wandering souls were surprised to see the direction of the golden light, even the woman who used her secret skills to forget Sichuan to find the spirit of her disciples.

Needless to say, this woman is Liu Yanyu who came to forget Sichuan to look for Liu Yanyu's spirit!

"Could it be that..." Liu Yanyu searched for Liu Yanyu's soul, but she was in a great hurry. She looked up at the place where the golden light soared into the sky and said in secret, "is it the place where the golden light is?"

Thinking of Liu Yanyu, she quickly opens her mouth and spits out a blue pearl, which is no different. Liu Yanyu is disappointed and swallows the Pearl. She looks at the direction of the wandering souls, and her eyebrows are locked: "if you count the time when she has an accident, she has definitely passed the huangquan road. However, you understand that she can't set foot on Naihe bridge because she is not full of spirits. She can only become a lonely ghost and wander in the forgotten river. If I can't find her in time, she will be devoured by other lonely ghosts, or she may set foot on Naihe bridge again after the ghost of you's suppression returns. The question is, where can I go to look for it because of the scale of forgetting Sichuan

"I don't have much time left for me, and I can't get close to Naihe bridge directly. Although forgetting Sichuan is the place where I don't care, if I get the attention of Mengpo or the bridge guard, I have no other way to go but to turn around!"

"Cho'er likes to be lively most. With her temperament, if she sees Jin Guang, she will definitely go to explore. My magic weapon can't explore. Maybe it's too far away..." Liu Yanyu made up her mind and turned to fly to the golden light. However, just as she was flying out of ten thousand feet, she suddenly stopped and looked at the direction of Naihe bridge. She hesitated again. "No way, because she is lack of spirit, her wandering soul must be weak. She is more likely to be lost near Naihe bridge. I can't go there. I need other wandering souls to help me explore..."

"But who can I ask for help?" Liu Yanyu was worried again, "these wandering souls are going to be reincarnated, they will not go back, and their memory is limited..."

"Roar..." Just as Liu Yanyu thought about it, a series of shrill animal roars sounded from the place where the golden light rushed to the sky, but she saw groups of dark animals coming quickly.

"Ming Yi?" Liu Yanyu saw the beast rush out and began to bite the wandering soul nearby. She frowned.

But he was like a jackal, with two small wings on his back and three white bones on his back.

Ming Yi roars and pours into the flying soul. He bites it with his mouth open. The soul screams in pain, and his whole body is mutilated by Ming Yi. Although there was no blood around the wandering soul, the scream was heartbreaking.

Liu Yanyu is a little pale. The scream of the wandering soul in her ears reminds her of yu'er. If she is faced with these Ming Yi There must be no power to fight back!

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Liu Yanyu and Xiao Hua meet in forgetting Sichuan. What a strange fate