Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 872

"This Where is this? " Xiao Hua opens his eyes and looks around in confusion. This is the place where rocks and broken soil are all over the place, and occasionally there are some blood red flowers. Xiao Hua looks around like he wakes up from a dream!

Strangely enough, although Xiao Hua woke up after a coma and even had a splitting headache, he didn't lie on the ground. Instead, he was moving forward slowly.

Behind Xiao Hua, there is a huge mountain range stretching into the clouds. The color of the mountain range is dark red. Xiao Hua can't see whether there are trees on it. However, Xiao Hua can see the sky above the mountain range from his eyes. The fringe like clouds cover the sky at the junction with the sky. The unspeakable solemnity and solemnity come from the peak of the mountain range!

There are hundreds of thousands of miles from the mountains to the place where Xiaohua is fluttering. There are hills all over the land. The hills are big and small, with different shapes. Some are like animal heads, some are like birds, some are like steamed bread, and the blood red flowers are scattered around the hills. The flower is shaped like a lantern, like a dragon's claw, and its root is like taro Kui. It has twelve rings of Youzi. It grows out of whiskers and is not connected in reality. It belongs to Qi phase. The whiskers of the roots around it tremble like thin threads.

To Xiao Hua's surprise, around these hills, there are many people floating away slowly! The reason is to float away, because those people's feet did not completely step on the ground, as if they were floating in the air, but their feet did not step on the ground crossed with walking.

"Mo Is it me Xiao Hua woke up and looked down. Sure enough, Xiao Hua was walking like this.

But what's more strange is that although Xiao Hua didn't step on the ground, there are still clear footprints on the reddish brown ground.

"Am I from the mountains, too?" Xiao Hua suddenly turned back, but he was surprised to find that there was no footprint on the ground behind him, whether it was rock or gravel!

For a moment, Xiao Hua's vest was sweating, and he felt creepy.

"Brush..." Just between Xiao Hua's panic, the top of his head is like the sunrise, a warm sun splashes on the earth!

Xiao Hua looked up and saw that the sky was blood red. Flocculent clouds were not so much clouds as reefs in the blood sea, and the yellow round sun was emerging from the blood sea and reefs.

"Why?" Xiao Hua narrowed his eyes and whispered, "why is the sun so strange? The sky is uncomfortable. Where is it? "

Xiao Hua's soliloquy had just fallen to the ground when he suddenly became excited and lost his voice: "I Who am I? "

With that, Xiao Hua is a natural hand pinching fairy formula, want to produce a mirror exploration, but his fingers even move, not to mention light and shadow, even the wind has never appeared!

"Strange, I What am I doing? " Xiao Hua himself didn't know what he was doing.

Xiao Hua looked down at himself and took a breath of cold air. But his legs, which were still floating in the air, looked transparent, and his strange clothes were almost invisible! As for the upper body, except that the left arm does not exist, others are normal. Although Xiao Hua's left arm doesn't exist, his left hand still has five fingers. Xiao Hua blinks, some of them don't understand what's wrong with him!

Xiao Hua closed his eyes, frowned and thought, but he seemed to remember something, but he seemed to forget everything.

Xiao Hua wants to think again, "brush brush brush..." It seems that some wind, followed by rain slide, "Pa Pa Pa" sound, Dou big raindrops fall randomly.

Xiao Hua felt the rain pouring down on his face, and the unspeakable feeling came out, as if for a long time there was no such chilly feeling.

Xiao Hua wiped the rain that covered his eyes with his hand, and suddenly found that his hand was full of blood.

Xiao Hua's heart trembled, and suddenly his body was shocked, and his hair began to creep.

I saw rocks and broken soil all over the earth, blood slowly penetrated into the crevices, those blood red flowers crazy growth, as for the flowers around more a withered yellow hands from the crevices, like sprouting up!

When Xiao Hua saw the big hand, he suddenly felt that his left foot was cold again. Looking down, he saw that a big hand was grabbing his left foot and pulling off to the ground!

"Damn it Xiao Hua's low scolding made him struggle, but at this time, Xiao Hua seemed to have no strength to bind a chicken. No matter how he struggled, he could not get out of his big hand!

Seeing that his left leg had fallen into the earth, Xiao Hua was so anxious that he quickly picked up an angular stone from the ground and smashed it to the big hand. "Bang bang bang" the big hand looked as if it was skin splitting and some dark green juice splashed out, but the big hand still held Xiao Hua's left leg tightly.

"Huhu..." However, he smashed his big hand with a stone. Xiao Hua was so weak that he gasped for breath. The big hand took the opportunity to drag Xiao Hua's left leg again. But after a few breaths, Xiao Hua's half body fell into the earth.

Although he didn't know what the result of falling into the earth was, an instinct frightened Xiao Hua. He clenched his teeth and tried to raise a stone to hit his big hand.

At this time, "Hu" a shadow flew from the distance, but saw a lavender thunder flash, "click" sound, clenching Xiao Hua's left leg big hand was cut off by the purple light."Who?" At this time, Xiao Hua realized that someone was coming. He looked up quickly, but he saw that this was a young man. The young man was red lipped and white toothed, with a smile on his mouth. He blinked at Xiao Hua and grasped his left arm. Although his big hand was nothing, Xiao Hua still felt that he was caught by the young man. In a moment, the young man jumped from the ground like a spirit ape Jumping forward, Xiao Hua is as light as a fallen leaf in the young man's hands!

Grabbed and jumping by young people, Xiao Hua feels his body floating, but his eyes are more and more heavy, because in the dense hands like sunflower, he sees many people being dragged into the ground, and they can't break free crying.

"Brush..." About half a cup of tea, the young man just ran to a hill, the clouds opened and the rain stopped, and a ray of sunshine covered the earth again.

In the sun, the bloody land dries up rapidly, and big hands wither and fade. Many people dragged into the land struggle to get out of the land

"OK..." The young man released his hand, pointed to the distance and said, "it's ok now. You can reincarnate!"

"What?" Xiao Hua was surprised and asked, "reincarnation? This Is this the hell? I Am I dead? "

The young man looked up and down at Xiao Hua and said with a smile, "yes, you are dead. Otherwise, how could you be here? But it's not the hell here, it's forgetting Sichuan! "

"How could it be?" Xiao Hua shouts, "even if it's not the hell, it's the nether world, isn't it? Where there is sunshine, where there are flowers, where there are Color? "

"Have you ever seen the nether world?" The young man asked, "how do you know that there is no sunshine in Wangchuan? How do you know that there are no flowers in Wangchuan? "

Xiao Hua was stunned for a moment. He looked around at the blood red flowers and the place where the blood red sea was in the distance. He said: "is it not that Are these the other shore flowers

The young man nodded, pointed to the direction Xiao Hua was looking at, and said, "yes, these are the flowers on the other side. You see, there is huangquan road. You will be safe when you get on huangquan road. You only need to follow the flowers on the other side to get to Naihe bridge..."

"I don't want to reincarnate..." Without waiting for the young man to finish, Xiao Hua shook his head and said, "I want to go back!"

"Go back?" The young man sneered and asked, "where do you want to go back? What about the world? "

"Well!" Xiao Hua nodded without thinking.

"Then go back and try..." Said the young man.

Xiao Hua was stunned for a moment, turned around and left. Unfortunately, it's OK to stand there. The direction of huangquan road seems to have some suction, but when Xiao Hua turned to walk, the suction in the direction of huangquan road suddenly increased, especially in the previously empty space, it was like the surge of waves, which blocked Xiao Hua's action. Even the flowers on the other side swayed in the wind, as if shaking their heads at Xiao Hua.

"This..." Xiao Hua has some color change.

"Don't think about it!" The young man patted Xiao Hua on the shoulder and said, "now that you have come, you will be thought of going back. There is only one way forward in front of you! This It's the way of heaven

With that, the young man clapped his hands, grinned and said, "well, I'm leaving. I hope you can reincarnate smoothly and live a good life in the next life. Goodbye!"

Looking at the young man turning away, Xiao Hua suddenly remembered something and said, "what's your name? You How can you go back? "

"Name?" The young man did not turn his head back. He answered sadly, "what do you want to do when you forget Sichuan? I'm just a ghost. What's my name for? And what's the use of knowing my name? You'll soon be reincarnated after drinking Mengpo soup. My name is just a wisp of water in the soup. Don't think about it. I'm just passing by by by chance. I'll take you to huangquan road! Why can I go back? It's just that my soul is stronger... "

"Well Then why don't you reincarnate? " Xiao Hua broke the casserole and asked to the end.

"Ha ha..." The young man had gone far away, he said with a loud laugh, "if I had known, wouldn't I have been reincarnated long ago?"

"Oh, yeah!" Xiao Hua shrugged and nodded blankly.

With that, Xiao Hua seemed to be drifting in the direction that the young man just pointed out. If you look around Xiao Hua, I'm afraid there are thousands of people floating like Xiao Hua. Their direction is huangquan road!

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This young man is very strange. Who is it? What's the fate of Xiao Hua?

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