Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 874

"Roar..." All of a sudden, some Ming Yi came out of the ground under Liu Yanyu. Liu Yanyu could see clearly that the place where Ming Yi came out was not in the yellow spring!

"Damn it..." Seeing Ming Yi's fight, Xiao Huagang scolds him secretly. The figure of the man and the woman in front of him has already floated up and gone to the distance along the huangquan road.

Xiao Hua also rushed to Naihe bridge with his feet. Unfortunately, he was a ghost after all, but he was unable to fly for a moment. He felt out of breath.

"NND, is Lao Tzu so weak?" Xiao Hua can't laugh or cry. "It's all fallen into a wandering soul. Can't fight back?"

Just as he thought, "roar", Xiao Hua's right hand came with a fishy wind, and the roar of the beast shook Xiao Hua's body!

Seeing Ming Yi come out of the ground and hurl himself into the air, Xiao Hua is shocked by the sharp teeth in the mouth of the growing beast. He wants to escape in a hurry, but his figure is still slow. Under the strong wind, Ming Yi has already rushed to his right arm, and an unspeakable tingling pain comes out of his right arm!

Xiao Hua was in a big hurry. His feet slipped in a hurry, and the Big Dipper magic fist was displayed.

But when Xiao Hua's right arm swung and his right hand grabbed at Ming Yi's neck, with a little force, he cleverly swung in front of Ming Yi's head. Unexpectedly, a kite rolled over and wiped Ming Yi's mouth and flew in the air!

"Brush..." Ming Yi naturally didn't expect that Xiao Hua would have such a clever move. His body shape rushed through the huangquan road and fell to the other side!

Ming Yi turns his head and looks at Xiao Hua in a daze. He doesn't know why he pours. However, when he wants to pounce again, a wandering soul floats by his side. So Ming Yi turns around and ignores Xiao Hua. He pours out and bites another wandering soul!

"I I... " Xiao Hua's body slowly fell. He looked down at his hands and stammered, "what did I do when I was alive? Actually... "

Unexpectedly, Xiao Hua didn't have time to think about it, because Ming Yi came again.

Xiao Hua's practice of Beidou magic boxing since he was a child is certainly remembered in his mind. Now, of course, it is like a ghost, and he is familiar with it.

If not for a long time, there are not many wandering souls around Xiao Hua, but there are more Ming Yi around him who want to devour his ghost.

Fortunately, Xiao Hua has been able to face it calmly, and has not been busy because of more Ming Yi attacks.

Unfortunately, after another cup of tea, a few Ming Yi became more than a dozen, and Xiao Hua's strength seemed to be exhausted. It's easy to use four or two kilos, but there must be four or two. Now Xiao Hua is not even able to offer one or two.

"Can't I have a chance to reincarnate?" Xiao Hua was a little sad and said, "was I full of evil before I died?"

"Boom..." In Xiao Hua's critical moment, several light purple swords flew down and killed several Ming Yi instantly.

The other Ming Yi looked at Liu Yanyu, sniffed her nose and mouth, then gave a sad cry, and each of them flashed his wings and dived into the ground to disappear.

"You are very good!" Liu Yanyu flew down and looked at Xiao Hua sitting on the ground and asked, "what's your name?"

"I don't know!" Xiao Hua shook his head.

"Well..." Liu Yanyu looked at Xiao Hua's more blurred appearance, then at his incomplete body and nodded, "your spirit is also incomplete. If it doesn't dissipate, it will be killed! No wonder you can't remember your name. I'm afraid you can't cross the bridge, let alone reincarnate! "

"Ah?" Xiao Hua was so surprised that he cried, "have I been full of evil in my previous life? Now I can't even reincarnate? "

"Hey, hey..." Seeing Xiao Hua's panic, Liu Yanyu said with a smile, "I don't know how you were, but I know you can't reincarnate now."

"Well What about that? " Xiao Hua has now forgotten that he just cried and cried and didn't want to reincarnate.

"I'm here to find a wandering soul..." Liu Yanyu said, "I can't cross the bridge. If you can help me find it, I can consider taking you back to fairyland!"

"Back Back to the fairyland? " Xiao Hua was overjoyed and quickly nodded, "OK, OK!"

"But..." Liu Yanyu didn't forget to add, "you can't find your body when you go back. I can help you get a body, but Cultivation and so on, I can't guarantee. But it's better than being a ghost in forgetchuan... "

"OK, ok..." Xiao Hua nodded hastily.

"Well..." As Liu Yanyu said, she patted a gourd shaped object on her waist, and a green pearl the size of a thumb flew out. Liu Yanyu raised her hand, and the green pearl fell in front of Xiao Hua and said, "you swallow this thing!"

"Good!" Xiao Hua knew that he had no way back, and quickly swallowed it.

In an instant, some coolness rushed into Xiao Hua's mind, and Xiao Hua seemed to understand a lot.

"You see?" Looking at a blue light rushing into Xiao Hua's mind, Liu Yanyu asked, "what's the look of the person I'm looking for, and how to find me after I find it?"

"Well, well, I see!" Xiao Hua nodded again, "don't worry, I'll send you a message immediately after I find it! By the way, this What is this thing? ""This is a secret skill of our family..." Liu Yanyu hesitated for a moment and explained, "don't worry, it won't have any influence on your spirit, and what you know will disappear after you leave Wangchuan."

"That's good, that's good!" At this time, except nodding, Xiao Hua seemed to have forgotten everything else. Then he pointed to the direction of Naihe bridge with his finger and said tentatively, "I Can I get through? "

"Well..." Liu Yanyu nodded.

"Well Where do you look for it? " Just as Xiao Hua was about to turn around, he suddenly thought of something and asked softly.

"I'll go over there and have a look..." Liu Yanyu raised her finger and pointed to the direction of the golden light. At this time, the golden light had fallen slowly. On the land of forgetting Sichuan, the scattered Ming Yi disappeared.

"Well Be careful Xiao Hua gave a warning and said, "if you meet any fierce hell beast, hurry to hide!"

"I see. Go quickly!" Liu Yanyu glared at him and said, "were you full of evil before you died? It doesn't look like it

"Who knows, maybe!" Xiao Hua was quite embarrassed. He answered casually and got up and floated to Naihe bridge.

"Oh, I hope it works!" looking at Xiao Hua's staggering appearance, Liu Yanyu didn't hold too much hope in her heart.

Xiao Hua is so staggering on the road of huangquan. At this time, the yellow sun is still hanging in the sky, and the sun is falling. Xiao Hua's back is so lonely and weak, but his shadow is stubborn, which seems to be born.

Liu Yanyu looked at the figure. In her slightly narrowed eyes, the spark of hope increased. However, Xiao Hua's feet were not stable, and her body was staggering. She fell to the ground. Liu Yanyu's image, which was becoming more and more tall, suddenly collapsed. With one hand on her forehead, Liu Yanyu hurriedly urged her figure to fly away.

"Damn, I'm losing my strength!" Xiao Hua got up reluctantly and muttered, "was it because I was so full of evil in my previous life? The way of heaven makes me so weak after death? "

Xiao Hua didn't look back. He didn't hope to be pitied by others. He knew his direction was ahead of him. He could only go back to the world if he had finished others' instructions.

The size of fairyland was beyond Xiao Hua's expectation, and the number of fairyland's fallen immortals was beyond Xiao Hua's expectation. However, for a moment, there were more wandering souls flying on the scattered huangquan Road, which soon drowned Xiao Hua in the stream of people.

The nearer the Naihe bridge, the wider the huangquan road is. It's like Wanliu Guizong. All the wandering souls gather together. There are many strange runes on the road of huangquan, such as streams and bones. When wandering souls pass through the runes, they will flash a faint halo, and the light and shadow will show strange figures in the yellow sun.

At this time, it seems a little busy, but all the wandering souls don't speak any more. They know that this is the last distance of their life. Some of them are sobbing, some of them are laughing, and some of them are beating their feet. Of course, more of them are as sad as Xiao Hua, as if they are recalling their own lives!

Perhaps when they look back on the past, they will not regret for wasting their time, nor will they be ashamed for doing nothing!

Around Xiao Hua is a little remorseful, remorseful of his previous life so that his soul is missing.

But at the same time, his eyes also swept around the wandering soul's face. Liu Yanyu's blue pearl had Liu Yanzhen's appearance, but most of the appearance of the wandering soul was a little fuzzy, and his tears were whirling. How could you tell?

In particular, the flow of people is like a tide. Although everyone is sad, they all flock to the Naihe bridge. Xiao Hua is like a small spray. How can he not stir it out!

Struggling for a moment, Xiao Hua simply gave up and went with the flow to explore everywhere. However, after Xiao Hua gave up, things changed again. Although the fragrance in front of him became more and more fierce, a faint repulsive force came out, which prevented Xiao Hua from following the crowd.

"What's going on?" Xiao Hua began to be puzzled. He stayed so slowly that he was forced out of the group by the crowd. Then he realized, "the woman just said that I can't enter reincarnation, should it be so?"

Xiao Hua was forced out of the stream of people. Only then did he find that there were many wandering souls floating outside the stream of people, that is, around huangquan road. Most of these wandering souls were incomplete and looked like Xiao Hua. Some of them had only their heads or arms floating in the air! The sound of inexplicable crying came from their bodies

"Got it, got it..." Xiao Hua suddenly realized and said in secret, "the wandering soul that the woman is looking for must be here!"

With that, Xiao Hua squeezed out of the stream of people and easily drifted out of huangquan road.

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How can the bridge also pick people? Can't those with incomplete spirit and full of evil pass?